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a guest
Nov 4th, 2016
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  1. #!/usr/bin/gnuplot
  3. set terminal postscript eps font "Bold,15"
  4. reset
  5. set output './allnew.eps'
  6. set size 2.5,1
  7. set style line 2 lc rgb 'black' lt 1 lw 1
  8. set key inside top center horizontal font "Bold,21" maxcols 10
  9. set ylabel 'Average Response Time (ms)' offset 1 font "Bold, 22"
  10. set xlabel 'Cache Line Size' font "Bold, 22" offset 0,-2.5
  11. set datafile separator ','
  12. set boxwidth 1
  13. set style histogram clustered gap 1
  14. set style data histogram
  15. set style fill pattern 1 border -1
  16. set xtics font 'Arial-Bold, 20'
  17. set ytics font 'Arial-Bold, 20'
  18. set bmargin 7
  19. set yrange [1.3:4]
  21. plot newhistogram "" lt -1 fs pattern 1, './allnew.txt' using 2:xtic(1) title 'LRU' ls 2 lt -1, '' using 3 title ' ACCESS' ls 2, '' using 4 title 'LARC' ls 2, '' using 5 title 'ReCA' ls 2,  \
  22. newhistogram "" lt -1 fs pattern 1, '' using 6:xtic(1) ls 2 lt -1 title '', '' using 7 title '' ls 2 lt -1, '' using 8 title '' ls 2 lt -1, '' using 9 title '' ls 2 lt -1, \
  23. newhistogram "" lt -1 fs pattern 1, '' using 10:xtic(1) ls 2 lt -1 title '', '' using 11 title '' ls 2 lt -1, '' using 12 title '' ls 2 lt -1, '' using 13 title '' ls 2 lt -1,\
  24. newhistogram "" lt -1 fs pattern 1, '' using 14:xtic(1) ls 2 lt -1 title '', '' using 15 title '' ls 2 lt -1, '' using 16 title '' ls 2 lt -1, '' using 17 title '' ls 2 lt -1, \
  25. newhistogram "" lt -1 fs pattern 1, '' using 18:xtic(1) ls 2 lt -1 title '', '' using 19 title '' ls 2 lt -1, '' using 20 title '' ls 2 lt -1, '' using 21 title '' ls 2 lt -1
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