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archlinux elemashine pkglist

a guest
Jan 21st, 2012
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  1. acpi
  2. acpid
  3. alsa-firmware
  4. alsa-oss
  5. alsa-utils
  6. amarok
  7. aspell-ru
  8. autoconf
  9. automake
  10. bash
  11. bash-completion
  12. bluefish
  13. bluez
  14. bluez-firmware
  15. bluez-hcidump
  16. bzip2
  17. cmake
  18. coreutils
  19. cronie
  20. cryptsetup
  21. device-mapper
  22. dhcpcd
  23. diffutils
  24. digikam
  25. e2fsprogs
  26. fakeroot
  27. file
  28. filesystem
  29. filezilla
  30. findutils
  31. firefox
  32. firefox-i18n-ru
  33. flashplugin
  34. flex
  35. gawk
  36. gcc-libs
  37. gettext
  38. gimp
  39. glibc
  40. grep
  41. grub
  42. gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg
  43. gstreamer0.10-good
  44. gtk-chtheme
  45. gtk-kde4
  46. gtk-theme-switch2
  47. gzip
  48. hedgewars
  49. heirloom-mailx
  50. inetutils
  51. initscripts
  52. inkscape
  53. iputils
  54. irrlicht
  55. jfsutils
  56. kde-l10n-ru
  57. kdebase-dolphin
  58. kdebase-konsole
  59. kdebase-plasma
  60. kdegraphics-gwenview
  61. kdegraphics-kamera
  62. kdegraphics-ksnapshot
  63. kdemultimedia-kmix
  64. kdenetwork-kget
  65. kdenetwork-kopete
  66. kdeplasma-addons-applets-pastebin
  67. kdeplasma-addons-applets-weather
  68. kdeplasma-applets-networkmanagement
  69. kdeutils-ark
  70. kdeutils-kcalc
  71. kdevelop
  72. kdevelop-php
  73. less
  74. libreoffice-ru
  75. licenses
  76. links
  77. linux
  78. logrotate
  79. lvm2
  80. lxappearance
  81. make
  82. man-db
  83. man-pages
  84. mdadm
  85. mesa-demos
  86. nano
  87. ndiswrapper
  88. ntfs-3g
  89. openssh
  90. oxygen-gtk3
  91. pacman
  92. patch
  93. pciutils
  94. pcmciautils
  95. perl
  96. pkg-config
  97. ppp
  98. procps
  99. psmisc
  100. qtcurve-kde4
  101. reiserfsprogs
  102. sed
  103. shadow
  104. skype
  105. smplayer
  106. sudo
  107. sysfsutils
  108. syslog-ng
  109. sysvinit
  110. tar
  111. texinfo
  112. thunderbird
  113. ttf-dejavu
  114. ttf-ubuntu-font-family
  115. udev
  116. unzip
  117. usbutils
  118. util-linux
  119. vi
  120. wget
  121. which
  122. wpa_supplicant
  123. wpa_supplicant_gui
  124. xf86-input-acecad
  125. xf86-input-aiptek
  126. xf86-input-evdev
  127. xf86-input-joystick
  128. xf86-input-keyboard
  129. xf86-input-mouse
  130. xf86-input-synaptics
  131. xf86-input-vmmouse
  132. xf86-input-void
  133. xf86-video-ati
  134. xf86-video-v4l
  135. xf86-video-vesa
  136. xfsprogs
  137. xorg-bdftopcf
  138. xorg-docs
  139. xorg-font-util
  140. xorg-fonts-100dpi
  141. xorg-fonts-75dpi
  142. xorg-fonts-encodings
  143. xorg-luit
  144. xorg-mkfontdir
  145. xorg-server
  146. xorg-server-utils
  147. xorg-utils
  148. xorg-xinit
  149. xterm
  150. yaourt
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