
Spirit of the Century - Hunter

Apr 5th, 2013
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  1. Name: Timothy Diaz
  2. Alias: Hunter
  4. Background:
  5. Born to a single mother as the youngest of four children, Timothy's childhood was one of scant happiness, education, and wealth. He grew up in the inner city, raised more by his older brothers than by his mother, and showed no more than average skill in any field- he was, in fact, entirely unremarkable. To escape a life of meaningless drudgery and/or petty crime he went into the military after being mechanically passed through high school by the system. Several years in the army as a grunt gave him somewhat more focus with his life, a sense of responsibility to others and a certain amount of drive- enough that by the time he was discharged it was with a couple decorations to his name.
  7. That experience let Timothy land a position as a security guard at a hospital, where he worked nights- for the higher pay- and drifted through the days, forming some loose friendships mostly centered on hanging out in bars with other lower-class ex-military types. He might have continued that way forever, had not a supervillain attacked the hospital during his shift for reasons of their own- and taken him, along with dozens of others, as experimental fodder during their raid.
  9. His memories of that time are vague, but at some point his powers manifested and where Timothy had been taken, Hunter emerged months later to find a changed world. The powered- including the villain who had presumably captured him and most of his henchmen- had vanished. Hunter's memories seemed unreal, like a book he'd only skimmed through instead of a life he'd lived, and his face wasn't the one that he knew as his own. Where he would have expected to break down and panic, however, new reflexes and urges stepped in to guide him, to tell him what to do. Skills he'd never before possessed came to his aid, guiding him in word and deed. Things which he knew had been important once felt meaningless, and new things were close to his heart. Casting aside his old name and life, Hunter began to drift along once again- but this time in an entirely new direction...
  12. Novel:
  13. Hunter in... Broken and Exiting! Yanked traumatically from his personal travel dimension into a vast underground complex, our hero is confronted by images both strange and hauntingly familiar. But are they truly part of his heritage- on one side or the other- or is it all a sham? And when the denizens of the deeps turn hostile and his powers remain on the fritz, will our alien-augmented adventurer manage to escape alive?
  16. Skills:
  17. Superb - Alertness
  18. Great - Rapport, Stealth
  19. Good - Resolve, Drive, Deceit
  20. Fair - Investigation, Empathy, Intimidation, Science
  21. Average - Leadership, Guns, Burglary, Engineering, Sleight of Hand
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