

Jul 11th, 2015
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  1. <Jiyu> you don't see these things as linear
  2. <Jiyu> they are linear
  3. <Jiyu> that's all
  4. <iro> ok
  5. <Rin>
  6. <Django> i caught up a good amount until my mandatory relogin, i am alright. i just wanted to make it apparent. didnt know if it was software or a problem, in a sense.
  7. <Rin> django
  8. <Django> ty
  9. <Rin> np, lmk if you need before that
  10. <Django> that is perfect
  11. <Rin> k cool :)_
  12. <Rin> btw i don't think 'auto logs' is a thing, probably just 'logs'
  13. <Rin> which would always be automatic
  14. <Rin> but if you do you can use that
  15. <Django> hm i actually think i was further
  16. <Rin> k
  17. <Django> right after the 6mil discussion/during it
  18. <Django> also nice! Jul 11 01: 18:57 <Mika> django....unchained
  19. <Django> heh
  20. <Jiyu> mk, yes, summarizing
  21. <Jiyu> 3 million is symbolmerge start
  22. <Jiyu> 6 million is symbolmerge completion
  23. <Django> dont mind this... but whoa wait...
  24. <Django> its only 7 oclock for you Rin?
  25. <Django> !
  26. <Sy[Isaac]> 9 oclock for me
  27. <Jiyu> 12 million is 'the point where you are too strong to be changed by any number of attacking humans, but strong ENOUGH that you don't feel the need to defend yourself and therefore are open to many things in terms of accepting possibilities'
  28. <Sy[Isaac]> ... am
  29. <Django> hmm
  30. <Rin>
  31. <Jiyu> 24 million is the 'Great Barrier' which is 'becoming at peace with God/The Universe/Whatever' in a way that is hard to word, and so far appears to be the final evolution to become 'enlightened'
  32. <Sy[Isaac]> too strong to be changed by any number of attacking humans <--hmm, so this is one of my aim points
  33. <Rin> i think i cut short the last one when scrolling/hilighting the text
  34. <Sy[Isaac]> the 12 mil
  35. <Rin> anyway that's at the first mention of 6 million
  36. <Marie> I don't hope to play 1 mil years ago was a really cool
  37. <Jiyu> no, Sy, you can technically do THAT from 6
  38. <Jiyu> the second part is what makes 12 important
  39. <Jiyu> a person at 6 million uses their beliefs with the exclusive property
  40. <Jiyu> they believe that their perception is right and that others are wrong in a way that defends their position
  41. <Jiyu> at 12 million you stop doing that part
  42. <Sy[Isaac]> ah
  43. <Jiyu> it can be hard for some people to grasp how you can 'be completely convinced you are right and yet simultaneously acceptant that you may be wrong'
  44. <Rin> it's just past 2am for me :)
  45. <Jiyu> because it's a state of personal quantum superposition
  46. <Jiyu> (this is something one begins to learn at 6 million, so this is Kyuukei's current training point)
  47. <Kyuukei> yes, in terms of numbers, I could power past the point, but I am staying below it for now to master it
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