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Sep 3rd, 2012
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  2. NAME (chapter-world) : TIME IN mm:ss:mili - TIME IN FRAME (game runs at 60 frames/second)
  3. ~Chapter 1~ "Summer
  4. Going Up (1-01) : 00:00:50 - 50 frames
  5. \Two goos are thrown toward the pipe in 4 frames and a tower is build while they are flying. The tower and the two flying goos reach the pipe at the same time, while I take and drag two more goos in the pipe.
  7. Small Divide (1-02) : 00:02:01 - 121 frames
  8. \I just build a bridge and throw the goos to the pipe.
  10. Hang Low (1-03) : 00:03:18 - 198 frames
  11. \I wake up the goos at the bottom by bulding a tower going down, and while they wake up I build another tower to the pipe. Then I just have to throw the goos to the pipe. I throw them so fast they don’t collide with the tower, that’s why they directly go to the pipe.
  13. Impale Sticky (1-04) : 00:05:17 - 317 frames
  14. \I start by building a bridge that I quickly break to create a stick, which is send to the pipe. Then I use a bouncing-glitch which allow me to ignore wall and put the goos directly in the pipe.
  15. Illustration of this glitch :
  17. Ivy Tower (1-05) : 00:01:38 - 98 frames
  18. \Introducing the green goos : you can move them even after they have been placed. So I just remove all of them until I only have a stick and throw it to the pipe… Happens really fast.
  20. Tumbler (1-06) : 00:01:44 - 104 frames
  21. \Again, I just build a stick and send it to the pipe.
  23. Chain (1-07) : 00:04:41 - 281 frames
  24. \I think you can see what happens here : Creation of two sticks, one to the pipe, the other one to wake up the goos at the bottom. Then just throw them everywhere and done :)
  26. Flying Machine (1-08) : 00:05:57 - 357 frames
  27. \I push the barriers with the balloons goos and them just push the structure to the pipe.
  29. Fistys Bog (1-09) : 00:03:45 - 225 frames
  30. \Making a strick. See how here :
  32. Tower Of Goo (1-10) : 00:07:51 - 471 frames
  33. \Making a stick. See how here :
  35. Ode To The Bridge Builder (1-11) : 00:04:04 - 244 frames
  36. \Making a stick. See how here :
  38. Regurgitation Pumping Station (1-12) : 00:13:08 - 788 frames
  39. \Create a stick with the green goos and send it to the sky. Sadly, you need the eyes to end this level, even if they slow the structure down...
  41. ~Chapter 2~ "Fall
  43. Drool (2-01) : 00:07:54 - 474 frames
  44. \I take one drool goo and use it to project 4 sleeping green goos to the top, where they wake up. I then use them to build a stick and send it to the pipe.
  46. Fly Away Little Ones (2-02) : 00:03:49 - 229 frames
  47. \I just push the structure with the balloon goos to the other side to collect enough goo to finish this level, and then in the middle, where the pipe is.
  49. Blustery Day (2-03) : 00:09:23 - 563 frames
  50. \This windmill is glitch, I use that to create a super chain from the beginning of the structure to the pipe.
  52. Welcoming unit (2-04) : 00:09:46 - 586 frames
  53. \I create a 2x3 rectangle to collect a maximum of goos. Meanwhile, I use balloon goos to remove the barrier. Then, I remove two goos from the rectangle (which form a 2x2 square) and send it to the pipe. I use the balloons have a better control of it in the little corridor.
  55. Beauty School (2-05) : 00:09:26 - 566 frames
  56. \I just use the balloon goo to move the Beauty goo to the pipe.
  58. Leap Hole (2-06) : 00:01:12 - 72 frames
  59. \Create a stick. Too fast to be seen but that’s the only thing I did.
  61. Volcanic Percolator Day Spa (2-07) : 00:10:41 – 641 frames
  62. \I project the Ugly Goo to the crusher (at the top), and then use a green goo too push all the… uh… rest to the pipe.
  64. Whistler (2-08) : 00:17:48 – 1068 frames
  65. \The whistle is really hard to manipulate, and no the glitch of early whistle doesn’t work on the wii version of the game.
  67. Beauty And The Electric Tentacle (2-09) : 00:10:12 - 612 frames
  68. \I send the Beauty Goo to the other side by pushing her (or it) to the other side of the level. Then it’s just micro-boosting.
  70. The Red Carpet (2-10) : 00:08:47 - 527 frames
  71. \I use the speed to make a goo go though the spike-wall and bounce back on the wall at extreme speed, which make the spike-wall to fall. Then the Beauty goo is propulsed and while she’s being crushed, I build a tower to the… Fake, I just make a stick and send it to the pipe. Then it’s just micro-boosting.
  73. Genetic Sorting Machine (2-11) : 00:22:46 - 1366 frames
  74. \Micro boosting all the way.
  76. ~Chapter 3~ "Winter
  77. Burning Man (3-01) : 00:02:30 - 150 frames
  78. \Ok, I’m pretty sure 90% of you went here to read the info about this level… Basically, I send a balloon goo in the wall, where it start to bounce infinitely. Once it reached an extremely high speed, it starts to bounce everywhere, ignoring all the walls, slowing down continually. I manipulated it’s behaviour in a way so when it slow enough to “touch” wall again, its first hit is the big-red-face-thing. Then I think you can just admire how well made is the physic motor of this game : when they collide, because the balloon goes so fast, the big red face is propulse extremely high, making the pipe free.
  80. Second Hand Smoke (3-02) : 00:02:37 - 157 frames
  81. \I just build a tower going down to the pipe. The matches don’t have the time to burn that I already finished :p
  83. Super Fuse Challenge Time (3-03) : 00:06:49 - 409 frames
  84. \No special strategy here, I just build a tower to the pipe, waking up the goos on my way. Just a bit of behaviour manipulation but nothing really special.
  86. Misty’s Long Bony Road (3-04) : 00:04:34 - 274 frames
  87. \The skull goos are exactly like the green goos, but they can resist spike too. So I just make a stick and send it to the pipe… Watch this to understand :
  89. The Third Wheel (3-05) : 00:10:25 - 625 frames
  90. \Glitchy wall is glitchy :)
  92. Water Lock (3-06) : 00:05:43 - 343 frames
  93. \I use the sticky-goo twice as a catapult. I think the rest is obvious.
  95. Upper Shaft (3-07) : 00:06:53 - 413 frames
  96. \Again, glitch wall.
  98. You Have To Explode The Head (3-08) : 00:06:16 - 376 frames
  99. \I send a match goo in the direction of the flame, so it starts to burn. Then, while it’s bouncing on the wall of the top left, I take another goo and use it as a propellant. The burning goo reach the bomb, which wakes up and blow the head, freeing the pipe.
  101. Incineration Destination (3-09) : 00:19:15 - 1155 frames
  102. \
  104. Product Launcher (3-10) : 00:54:45 – 3285 frames
  105. \ Micro boosting, again and again :)
  107. ~Chapter 4~ "The Internet Superhighway
  108. Hello, World (4-01) : 00:02:37 – 157 frames
  109. \ My first desynch happened here… out of 6 desynchs x) Anyway, nothing hard, just throw 4 goos to the pipe, which wake up the square-goos which I use to build a tower to the pipe.
  111. Bulletin Board System (4-02) : 00:07:56 - 476 frames
  112. \ Same thing same thing.
  114. Grape Vine Virus (4-03) : 00:18:18 – 1098 frames
  115. \
  117. Graphic Processing Unit (4-04) : 00:13:59 – 839 frames
  118. \
  120. Road Blocks (4-05) : 00:05:07 - 307 frames
  121. \ Those glitchy blocks…
  123. Graceful Failure (4-06) : 00:06:51 - 411 frames
  124. \
  126. Alice And Bob And The Third Party (4-07) : 00:21:18 – 1278 frames
  127. \Worst. Level. To. TAS. EVER. I think it’s pretty obvious what’s happening here.
  129. The Server Farm (4-08) : 00:02:22 - 142 frames
  130. \Building a tower, done.
  132. MOM’s Computer (4-09) : 00:39:54 - 2394 frames
  133. \ She talks way too much, doesn’t she… Wait… She ?
  135. Deliverance (4-10) : no time
  136. \Kaboom ! Rantatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatata ! Boom ! Kadaboom ! Win.
  138. ~Chapter 5~ "Spring
  139. Infesty The Worm (5-01) : 00:21:09 – 1083 frames
  140. \
  142. Horizontal Transportation Innovation Committee (5-02) : 00:07:58 - 403 frames
  143. \
  145. Weather Vane (5-03) : 00:06:33 - 351 frames
  146. \
  148. Observatory Observation Station (5-04) : no time
  149. \ *happy face*
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