
2019-08-12 Pronunciation: thought groups, commas

Aug 12th, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
  4. ---
  5. There’s a “unit” of English pronunciation between words and sentences.
  6. 1 individual sounds /i/, /ə/, /ð/, /θ/, etc.
  7. 2 syllables
  8. 3 words
  9. 4 thought groups
  10. 5 sentences
  11. Thought groups are complete phrases that can go together to make a sentence.
  12. ---
  13. We. Do. Not. Speak. Word. By. Word.
  14. (Someone who separates words like this sounds angry.)
  15. ---
  16. Different divisions of thought groups can change the meaning. (Between thought groups there is often a very short pause.)
  18. a) 7-week-long vacations
  19. b) 7 / week-long vacations (The / means we divide thought groups. It’s not punctuation.)
  20. a = vacations that last 7 weeks
  21. b = seven vacations that are each 1 week
  23. twenty-five-year-old newspapers = some newspapers that are from 1994
  24. twenty / five-year-old newspapers = 20 newspapers from 2014
  25. twenty-five / year-old newspapers = 25 newspapers from last year
  26. ---
  27. p. 73 exercise 1A - Do you hear one thought group or two? What are the different meanings?
  29. Please call me Ben. = My full name is Benjamin but I prefer “Ben”.
  30. Please call me, Ben. = I’m talking to Ben, and I would like him to call me.
  31. Please call me. - Ben = You’re reading a note Ben left. He wants you to call him.
  33. Who’s hiring Julia? = Someone is hiring Julia, and I want to know who.
  34. Who’s hiring, Julia? = Someone is hiring, and I’m asking Julia who that is.
  35. Who’s hiring? Julia? = I want to know who’s hiring. I think it might be Julia.
  36. ---
  37. Let’s eat, Grandma! = I’m inviting my grandmother to eat with me.
  38. Let’s eat Grandma! = I’m inviting other family members to eat our grandmother.
  39. ---
  40. Sometimes commas don’t help. You need to hear it to understand.
  42. We invited the rhinoceros, Washington, and Lincoln.
  43. - If this is a list (rhino + Washington + Lincoln), the tone goes up, up, and down.
  44. - If “Washington” is the name if the rhino, it is in a lower tone than the other two.
  46. We invited the rhinoceros, Washington and Lincoln.
  47. - Without the final comma, this is a list written by someone who doesn’t use the Oxford comma.
  49. We invited the rhinos, Washintgon and Lincoln.
  50. - If this is a list (rhinos + Washington + Lincoln), the tone goes up, up, and down.
  51. - If Washington and Lincoln are the name of the rhinos, then they’re both in a lower tone (up-down)
  52. ---
  53. The Oxford (or serial) comma is the comma before “and” or “or” in a list of three or more items.
  54. It’s a “controversial” topic.
  56. - In your writing, just make sure to be consistent.
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