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Mar 14th, 2017
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  1. Changelog
  3. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  4. March 14:
  5. Fixes:
  6. Ninoop should no longer be invisible on the second encounter
  7. A couple of Pokémon have had their cries updated/changed
  8. The hint where you need to go after beating Memes Inc is now easier to get
  9. A bug with Lil' Bro's battle on the Karma Boat has been fixed
  10. Aftermath no longer crashes the game if the attacker already fainted (by recoil, destiny bond, etc)
  11. False Swipe now works properly
  12. Fixed a rare bug where the Blacksmith Manor event wouldn't activate
  13. Certain moves, like Geomancy have now been replaced by different moves
  14. Minor text fixes
  15. After much complaint, Pokémon obedience levels have been tweaked to the following:
  16. 0 badges = up to lv. 15
  17. 1 badge = up to lv. 20
  18. 2 badges = up to lv. 30
  19. 3 badges = up to lv. 40
  20. 4 badges = up to lv. 60
  21. 8 badges = all will obey
  23. Additions:
  24. An Itemfinder is now obtainable in one of the rooms you previously couldn't go into in Animango City
  25. Oreon is now obtainable in the wild (1% encounter rate on Route 22)
  26. The ball swapping service in Animango is now available
  27. A Tor Doll is now obtainable somewhere on Route 25
  28. An Up-Grade is now obtainable somewhere in Memes Inc
  29. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  30. March 3rd:
  31. Fixes:
  32. A couple of bugs related to buying Pokémon at the Game Corner has been fixed
  33. Fixed the player getting stuck on Route 6 if they went down the waterfall
  34. Minor map fixes
  35. Minor text fixes
  37. Additions:
  38. The Weeaboo shop now has a fitting theme
  39. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  40. February 28th:
  41. Fixes:
  42. Various tile corrections
  43. Holy Duty now works as intended
  44. Kanye's Gym is now slightly easier
  45. Some dex descriptions have been fixed
  46. The Safari Zone is now fully playable
  47. Karma's Sub HQ theme has been updated
  48. The Crashed UFO puzzle is now solvable
  49. Pikotton is now Fairy like it should be
  50. Various Pokémon sprite and stat updates
  51. Route 5 now has proper Surf encounter data
  52. Fixed Kekkoh mons breeding to random Pokémon
  53. Fixed a visual bug with Keksandra's OW sprite
  54. Main character's flying OW sprites have been added
  55. Obedience level for 0-1 badges has been raised to 15
  56. Black Sludge, Rocky Helmet and Life Orb now work as intended
  57. Jewipede should now properly disappear after the second battle
  58. Berry trees on Route 11 were previously bugged but are now fixed
  59. Minor text fixes
  60. Minor map fixes
  62. Additions:
  63. Burial Tower is now harder to traverse the first time around
  64. An event on top of Blacksmith Manor is now accessible after beating Polk's Gym
  65. A woman at the top of Burial Tower will reward you for showing her an Unjoy
  66. A rare Pokémon on Route 15 is now obtainable in the water
  67. Jewipede and other legendaries now have a fitting battle theme
  68. A ledge has been added in Snoop's Gym for easy backtracking
  69. A DDT Spray vendor now resides at Outcast Island
  70. The Pokédex now correctly shows wild Pokémon locations
  71. Pokédex A to Z mode now works
  72. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  73. February 23rd:
  74. Bugfixes:
  75. Eggs no longer crash when summarized
  76. Regenerator should work properly now
  77. Some volume balancing to certain tracks
  78. Futaba Chambers no longer freezes the game
  79. Euphoreal evolves at lv. 29 like it should
  80. Pokemon picture at the center in Singles Island now goes away if you have a full party
  81. The jews at the Game Corner will now gladly accept your coins
  82. Minor sprite error on Armando has been fixed
  83. Chezetta no longer has Gooey, as it is broken
  84. A Pokemon in wonder trade has been fixed
  85. Some overworld NPCs have now been given their proper sprite
  86. Swimmers in the routes west of Outcast Island no longer get stuck
  87. A tree at Route 8 that caused the player to get stuck has been removed
  88. Far Doll and Tor Doll should now evolve the proper Pokemon
  89. Random NPCs with Viol's OW sprite in the Burial Tower have been removed
  90. Small tile errors on Route 22 and on the Ruse Cruise have been fixed
  91. Inbitween, Nutjobber and Pokfusa is now Fairy type, like they should be
  92. Pokemon with Effect Spore no longer crash the game
  93. Substitue and Leftovers now work like they should
  94. Clear Smog should no longer randomly crash the game
  95. The Pokemon Center at Route 4 now has people upstairs
  96. The girl in Beehive gives you Attract instead of Thief, which you already have
  97. Keksandra properly gives you Surf after battling her in Esfores City
  98. Some bugs in the Mexican quest have been fixed
  99. You can no longer wake up Cacademon without the Poop Flute
  100. Metal Coat now evolves Ayylamo and Chompest like it should (If you already received metal coat you need to trade it for the new "version" of it in Animango's Pokemon Center. There will be a Neckbeard there who gives it to you if you have the old "version" of it in your bag)
  101. Minor text fixes
  102. Minor map changes
  103. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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