
Dash hurts her wings

Apr 20th, 2016
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  1. >*Knock knock*
  2. >"Come on in."
  3. >You enter the hospital room slowly.
  4. >You look over to the bed and see a very sad looking Dash I'm bed.
  5. >She sits up in bed, briefly meeting you gaze before laying back down.
  6. >Her movements seem slow and aimless, totally opposite of her normal, energetic personality.
  7. >It kills you to see her this depressed.
  8. "Hey Dash, how are you doing?"
  9. >*Sigh* "Same as yesterday. and the day before that..."
  10. >She trails off as she rolls over on her side.
  11. >You cautiously cross the room, then sit at her bed side.
  12. >You slowly pull off her blanket, revealing her heavily bandaged wings.
  13. "How are they feeling?"
  14. >"The dumb things still won't work. The doc said they should heal in a while, but if I pull off a stunt as dumb as that a second time, I'll never fly again."
  15. >She rolls over on her back, and puts on her most exasperated look.
  16. >"But he's just a dumb doctor, right Nonny?" >"What does he know?"
  17. >You chuckle at that, then you put your sympathetic expression back on.
  18. "How long till you can fly again?"
  19. >"A whole month. I don't know if I can take it Anon. What am I going to do?"
  20. >God, the sorrow coming off her voice shatters your heart
  21. "Is there anything I could get you? Make you more comfortable?"
  22. >"An open sky? a new set of wings?"
  23. >She let's out another sigh, and turns to face you.
  24. >"Thanks for being here Nonny, at least I'm not lonely anymore."
  25. >She gives you a hug, one that lasts a litte bit longer then normal.
  26. >You tighten your embrace.
  27. "You know dash, it's ok to be sad. you don't have to be so tough all the time."
  28. >With that, she trembles slightly, and lets out a sob or two.
  29. >OhshitIdidn'tmeanwithmewhatdoido?
  30. >She looks up at you with tears in her eyes.
  31. >"I can't do this anon, I've never been this long with out flying. it's horrible, I wish I were dead."
  32. >Deciding she needs some extra support, you climb into bed with her, holding her close.
  33. >You pet her mane soothingly, trying to calm her down.
  34. >A few minutes later, all the sobs have stopped.
  35. >"I'm sorry Anon, I didn't mean to do this. it's just hard you know?"
  36. "It's alright Dash, I understand."
  37. >She relaxes a bit, almost if some sort of weight were lifted off of her.
  38. >Unfortunately, your watches alarm goes off.
  39. "Crap. Sorry dash, I gotta get to work."
  40. >With hearing that, she looks even sadder then before.
  41. >"Come on Nonny, can't you just stay here?" >"Please? I could really use a friend right now."
  42. >She gives you her cutest face.
  43. >Shit, that's a cute face.
  44. >What was it that Twilight always says? A true friend helps a friend in need?
  45. "I suppose I could take a sick day, I am in a hospital after all."
  46. >She immediately brightens up.
  47. >Damn, this is the happiest she's been scence this all happened.
  48. >It's adorable.
  49. >She nuzzles back into your chest, making a small nest in your shirt.
  50. >"Thanks for being here Nonny."
  51. >You lie your head back and feel the comfy creeping in.
  52. "Of course Dash, wouldn't be anywhere else."
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