
EoC, Experimental app

Dec 14th, 2016
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  1. character name: I-4802 or 182
  2. Character Age:19-20
  4. Character G3nd3r:Female
  6. Species, You human or what?: Experimental Illumina
  8. Character Appearance: She stands at 6'2, 6'3 with her boots on(Or in her suit), she has light red hair that it is cut short into a military cut. She has a muscular body figure(weighing around 150 Lbs atleast), and she has natural dark red lips as well as having some freckles located on her cheeks and on her short nose.
  10. Character Personality: she is aggressive at best when she is not listening to music or something has happen to her music player(Being destroyed for example). She tends or tries to be atleast cooperative with other experimental, and she has a less feminine approach than most. She hates experimentals who has left the renaissance and join the insurgents, she'll usually will capture all types however but her own experimental race illumina, also likes doing something dislikes heavily if she sits around and do nothing.
  12. Character Biography: Her original name was Celine when she was born and her mother died when she was born as well as being quite a large baby as well as her mother needing a C section. Celine was quite the aggressive and hated people who tried to bully her or made fun of her, but she was born with most distinguished muscle structure, so she was naturally stronger than most boys around her school. And she always enjoyed helping her father with his weight training, or exercise.
  13. However an event occurred as her father was accused of treason, that being him aiding an escape insurgent proceed with a successful escape. The officer was about to perform the execution himself but the girl stepped in front of him and begged him to take her instead, as his punishment, she cared for her father too much at the time at least.
  14. Her father was instead put into jail, and that's how she went into the experimental project when the reasoning was accepted and approved, after that was done she had the fog virus injected in through her eyes and than eradicated right after, she had perfect vision before undergoing through this surgery and it took her a bit longer to adjust to the changes, and so they gave her a pair of sunglasses, which had the glass was a bit stronger(like safety glass) but acted as Off duty sunglasses for her, which unlike normal sunglasses covers the lower and upper partial of her eyes(acting more as goggles), also her eye color changed from a light blue and more into violet color, she had the chance in looking at the many rods in her eyes but she had to turn off all the lights in her cell and used a hand held mirror.
  16. generally she was much different than most illumina due to her size, and added strength and training she seem to be the mixture of both strength and speed, however after the experiment as well as before she was put into a memory wipe however due to her personality, seeming to never change regardless of how many times they done it, they choose to keep the memory be reminding her about her father and the crimes he was accused with and that at any time if she abandoned, left or fail to do what task she was given her father will be hunted down and executed. This little reminded always being in her head made her accomplish things and generally wont hold back because of this. As time went on being a experimental and all, She prefers heavy weapons and being assign to roles that is either engineering, piloting(If she would be allowed), demolition or being point man. She uses heavy based weapons such as grenade launchers, and even given extra set of PCD's and a one mustard gas canister, but usually she carries a large turret(Pretty much a mini-gun), her armor was also given an additional plate on the back for more added protection as well as more weight and she had installed some grappling based hooks to allow her to scale down or up buildings. She prefers automatic or burst fired weapons however she can use semi-automatic weapons and can fill in the sniper role, being an expert marksmen however she has a distaste to this as "Sitting down and camping behind lines is a cowardly thing to offense snipers".
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