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Mar 29th, 2013
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  1. -SURVIVE-
  3. A soft pitter-patter of rain lightly echos across the moonlit street, water droplets illuminated by the soft glow of street lights. The harmony is interrupted as a the humming of an automobile rolls past, slowly fading away back into the silence. Though the night is warm, you and your little sister are freezing in the damp cardboard box, the sides marked with a hastily scribbled, "FREE". Both of you are huddling together, trying to conserve whatever heat you have left, too scared to even begin to think about how you're going to survive.
  5. Your ears, more developed than hers, pick up the 'tap-tap-tap' of a foreign creature lightly moving across the wet sidewalk. The steps are getting louder as you realize, stomach plummeting, that it's headed in your direction. You look to your sister for help, but she's too cold and weak to do anything but shiver, water dripping down her black-tipped ears.
  7. You calculate that the creature is only a few steps away from you when you instinctively rip yourself from her arms and shrink into the darkest corner of the box. In the darkness, you're unable to decipher the emotion on the human's face as he gently lifts her from the box.
  9. "Oh my! What an adorable little Pichu!" he remarks. Though confused, she welcomes the new heat source and clutches his hand tightly. "Who abandoned you, little guy? A trainer with too many mouths to feed?"
  11. You can't tell what he's saying except for the word 'Pichu', but his tone sounds gentle enough that you stay backed into the box.
  13. The man chuckles as your sister blinks and looks upon her captor, curiously sniffing his white sleeve.
  15. "Why, you're so cute I could just pinch your little-"
  17. A blue spark, the likes of which you've never seen before, illuminates the immediate area, followed by a stunned silence.
  19. You can practically feel the panic emanating from her when the man speaks up. "Hm! That's quite an impressive amount of voltage for your size!" He turns around, holding her tightly to his breast.
  20. "Don't worry, little guy. I'll take good care of you." And then you hear the tap-tap-tap again, softening with each step until the rain swallows up the sound and the nighttime harmony was restored once again.
  22. At this point you clamber out of the soggy piece of cardboard, taking refuge under a heavy flap.
  24. What in the world was that blue spark the human evoked from your sister? Electricity, right? You try to recall what he did - pinch her cheeks? You move your paws up to your own, feeling the thick pouches. Bracing yourself, you tightly pinch them. Nothing happens.
  26. No electricity, you realize. No powers. Even in your inexperienced, young stage, you know every Pokemon is supposed to have some special ability.
  27. The blue spark must have been just that.
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