

Apr 1st, 2016
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  1. The Knight has performed admirably in both the Solaris Arenas as well as on the battlefields. In the arena, the Knight’s most widely discussed bout was during an Unlimited free-for-all, where Mitchell Roebuck made use of the tunnels of Ishiyama to isolate several of the lighter combatants and pick them to pieces using his Knight Prime, until Roebuck was one of the last five participants. Biding his time, and waiting for the other Mechs, assaults all, to be worn down, Roebuck stalked the remaining competitors, until Sergei Yashuda’s Berserker was the last man standing. Roebuck charged in and attacked with his mech’s Vibroblade, using his shield and its arm to absorb a blow that would have carved his Knight in half. The resulting strike pulverized Yashuda’s cockpit and earned Roebuck the top prize of 25 million C-bills.
  3. The Knight’s battlefield performance is equally impressive, where in a notable instance, Clan Wolf MechWarrior Chandra outfought three BattleMechs, a pair of Mjolnirs and one Hatchetman, to provide time for her Star Commander to blunt a Lyran counterstrike and withdraw back to Wolf Empire lines during the invasion of Tharkad. Chandra herself did not escape, as she became cornered during the city fighting. Elemental scouts reported that her mech was pummeled to pieces by an Atlas after the Knight’s vibroblade became embedded in the Atlas’ torso. A number of incidents like this points to the Knight being best suited to a bodyguard role outside of the Arena.
  5. Mitchell Roebuck: One of the biggest promoters of the Knight, Roebuck carried the title of “Lightweight Champion of Solaris” for three years running in his Knight Terror from the Deep. While Roebuck only participated in the Unlimited circuit for a single year, it cemented his status as one of the flashiest pilots to grace Solaris VII. Sadly, Roebuck’s career was derailed when his private box was struck by a stray round from a BattleMech during an exhibition match, destroying the box, killing most of the guests and severing both of Roebuck’s legs. Mitchell Roebuck disappeared virtually overnight, and with it a chunk of the popularity of the Knight on Solaris.
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