
Russians, Animals and Stands

Feb 19th, 2016
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  1. [2016-02-19 03:52:38] <TheSalamander> - Oh shit, was that a car? That was a car. A flaming car. The vehicle was thrown through the air and crashed straight into the side of a building a few dozen feet in the air! -
  2. [2016-02-19 03:54:00] <TheSalamander> - Down by the docks area, what had been a normal day on Hut street went bad in an instant. Down by the end of the road there was a shirtless, wild looking man of tall stature and the strangest skin you'd have ever seen. -
  3. [2016-02-19 03:55:30] <TheSalamander> - It was cracked and scaled, each unnatural opening having fire bellowing out from his core like the inner workings of a volcano. Were that not enough, a thick, crocodile-like tail swung behind him thumping impacts into the ground now and then, enough to shake several yards around. -
  4. [2016-02-19 03:57:18] <TheSalamander> - Whoever this was he was on a fucking rampage. People were luckily quick enough to get out of his way, but it was clear by how he was bashing walls and breaking the street what he'd do to people he'd catch. -
  5. [2016-02-19 03:57:46] <TheSalamander> - In Neon City, the city of heroes, who would step up? -
  6. [2016-02-19 04:01:07] — GregClaskovic was mumbling to himself after a stroll to the docks to hide ones woes away with a fine bottle of smirnoff vodka. He was having a wonderful day, until he smelled the ashy scent of nearby destruction. "Anna..." He got up, mumbling more to himself. But it wasn't her. It was something else completely. He witnessed the creature's rampage from not too far.
  7. [2016-02-19 04:05:10] — Apex was a rather attentive man given his animalistic nature, the product of a series of events that will probably never be expanded upon. He tuned his amazing ears, capable of hearing the highest of frequencies to the dock area. He knew it he had to make it his business to get there. Luckily he already was. The flaming vehicle stood next to him, flaming interrupting his good day with it's flames..
  8. [2016-02-19 04:05:24] <GregClaskovic> "...What." He was trying to get a grasp of the situation. Lizard looking thing, fire, people running away... He suddenly got a hold of himself. "...What the fuck are you?" He shouted over carelessly at the Salamander, still swinging the bottle around, playfully swirling whatever liquid was inside of it.
  9. [2016-02-19 04:09:07] * Lyrroth is now known as Sonny-C
  10. [2016-02-19 04:12:31] — Apex was already on edge by the other animal presence. He took pleasure to this person's aggressive nature nor his moisturized skin. His unseen eyes fixed on the crazy Battletoad, filled with the fiery passion of a million lions in heat.
  11. [2016-02-19 04:13:22] — Sonny-C wasn't on the docks, he was about ten feet away from them, somehow walking on water as if it was road, waves not being a problem to him like many things. Many things except boredom. "God, you think a town full of metas would know how to have fun." He then notice the large monster on fire, the metal man, and the power ranger rip off. "Well look at that"
  12. [2016-02-19 04:14:01] — Sonny-C walked towards the three "Seems we have a party going on here"
  13. [2016-02-19 04:16:21] <TheSalamander> - The response Greg got was something of a war cry. He could speak, probably, but so riled up in the moment that it was quicker to howl off. One of his claw-like hands grabbed onto a parked moped and chucked it at the tall metal man. -
  14. [2016-02-19 04:16:58] <TheSalamander> - Every time that he yelled or exerted himself, fire burst out from the open cracks like an engine being ignited. -
  15. [2016-02-19 04:26:07] <GregClaskovic> The little motorcycle clashed right off of Greg's face, flogging him straight into one of the walls. That hurt. He pushed his neck back, rubbing off any tension in around his shoulders or neck and groaned. "It's a fight you want, ah?" He got up, and charged at the thing like a wild animal. Of course Greg would do something like this.
  16. [2016-02-19 04:27:58] — Apex approached the bruiser slowly on all fours. "You look like lizard but smell like dog." It may have just been him but he could smell sulfur or some kind of exhaust spewing from the animal. He picked up the speed charging toward him, joining Greg's charging club. "Soon you will smell of the dead!"
  17. [2016-02-19 04:33:57] <Sonny-C> "Well, no way I'm charging in myself.『WALKING ON SUNSHINE』however!" He somehow jumped into the air, stopping behind the beast, standing on nothing, somehow eye level [to his back], a purple fist appearing from thin air went to punch the monster
  18. [2016-02-19 04:35:02] → McGoFuckYourself joined (
  19. [2016-02-19 04:37:01] <TheSalamander> - Beset on all sides by several metahumans at once, not to mention very strong ones, this would normally be the point a villain would get totally floored. Not the Salamander. Buckling a bit under the charges and the punch he felt scorching hot to the touch and ungodly sturdy! -
  20. [2016-02-19 04:37:29] <TheSalamander> - In fact, he still managed to hold his ground, feet planted down and breaking concrete to refuse to budge. -
  21. [2016-02-19 04:37:52] <TheSalamander> - "YES- YES PERFECT ! " -
  22. [2016-02-19 04:38:41] <TheSalamander> - They had a few seconds to react, but the fires inside of the cracked monster of a man looked like they were going to burst -
  23. [2016-02-19 04:40:17] — Apex took the opportunity to pounce, his claw poised for causing a fatality.
  24. [2016-02-19 04:44:32] — Sonny-C had the fist vanish as quickly as it came, then jumped back, somehow still on air, holding his hand to the side as if it was burned
  25. [2016-02-19 04:44:32] — GregClaskovic didn't take the glowing for an indication to run. As soon as he could, he started throwing hard jabs straight into the Salamander. Greg wasn't in the shape or form to realize danger right in front of him.
  26. [2016-02-19 04:46:37] <TheSalamander> - Sonny was the only one who might've had a clue what was about to happen. A shock-wave and rush of fire went out at all sides of the raging monstrosity, strong enough to blow most back. -
  27. [2016-02-19 04:47:21] <TheSalamander> - It was lucky they were on the tougher side of things -
  28. [2016-02-19 04:53:24] — Apex was blown the opposite direction of his attack, he was not the most sturdy, crashing into the floor, singed and smoking. But that wasn't enough to tame him. He slowly got up, growling ferociously. "I will take the utmost pleasure in breaking you, prey."
  29. [2016-02-19 04:57:36] — GregClaskovic was knocked back. Fiercely. The moment he got back up and saw that there was a red-hot line coursing from arm to arm across his body, he had enough. Greg buffed up into his Second Gear, and ran straight back into the Salamander, giving him a nice ol' russian knuckle sandwich.
  30. [2016-02-19 04:59:29] — Sonny-C was blown back a few feet, still on air. He went for a roundhouse kick, a different foot appearing where his metal shoe should be, right into the back of the beasts head
  31. [2016-02-19 05:02:24] <TheSalamander> - Turning to his side, the Salamander reached to grab something to smack Greg back down with. The only thing near was a fire hydrant. That moment of consideration was enough to get him slammed twice over, thrown into the side of a convenience store. -
  32. [2016-02-19 05:02:54] <TheSalamander> - "Rrrrrrghh... RrrRRRGAH!" -
  33. [2016-02-19 05:03:42] <TheSalamander> - The interior of the store was filled with fire as he pulled himself back up, looking more invigorated than before. This was a TOUGH son of a bitch. -
  34. [2016-02-19 05:06:49] — Apex dug his feet into the ground, rearing his head, and tapped into the raw power of a rhino as he made a sprint towards the flaming lizard.
  35. [2016-02-19 05:14:12] — Sonny-C watched the beast. "This must be the work of an enemy『Stand』!"
  36. [2016-02-19 05:14:16] <Sonny-C> "Or just a really strong lizard man"
  37. [2016-02-19 05:15:44] — GregClaskovic seemed a little out of breath. Kind of a while since he had to use his Second Gear. Jesus. He wasn't in good shape.
  38. [2016-02-19 05:20:20] <TheSalamander> - You know who was in good shape? The Salamander. The most frightening thing may have been he didn't look the slightest bit changed since they started this fight. No energy seemed to have been lost. That fire was burning hard. -
  39. [2016-02-19 05:20:59] <TheSalamander> - When Apex charged at him, the Salamander swung his arms down to try and catch his charge, looking to slam him straight into the ground. -
  40. [2016-02-19 05:23:52] — Apex was quick on his feet and drove his feet into the ground. "Do not think yourself clever, Lizard Man!" He readyied every fiber of his body to catch the attack to match the Salamander, muscle for muscle.
  41. [2016-02-19 05:24:39] — Sonny-C picks up a few rocks, tossing them into the air, as they came back down, the purple being punched them, sending them flying at the creature..and Apex seeing how close he was. oops
  42. [2016-02-19 05:29:47] → Wells joined (
  43. [2016-02-19 05:29:51] ⇐ Apex quit ( Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 44.0.2/20160210153822]
  44. [2016-02-19 05:30:01] * Wells is now known as Apex
  45. [2016-02-19 05:41:39] <Sonny-C> "Say, large metal man, you have any ideas?"
  46. [2016-02-19 05:43:02] — GregClaskovic suddenly jumped on the two fighting, his sheer weight and the speed at which he fell would've more than likely done a lot of damage on those who stand near, let alone those who were under his fall.
  47. [2016-02-19 05:46:31] <TheSalamander> - Apex was able to halt the Salamander, but it didn't feel like it would last that long. The strength and energy was practically endless, if he wouldn't smash in an instant he would outlast. Luckily, intervention from outside made that not an issue for the moment. -
  48. [2016-02-19 05:47:30] <TheSalamander> - The crash of Greg into him just about buried the beast in the concrete and dirt. For a moment, he was stunned. -
  49. [2016-02-19 05:48:49] — Apex who was under the scaled fiend felt the brunt of just about everything. His inhuman roars were lost under the bara boulders.
  50. [2016-02-19 05:52:55] — Sonny-C cried tears of joy and laughter at Apex
  51. [2016-02-19 05:58:55] <GregClaskovic> "Agh, shit..." He rolled over into the pile of rubble from the store and shrunk down into his normal self, coughing and hacking. I think he pulled a hamstring or something. "Is... Is the lizard man dead?" He couldn't exactly see while trying to stand up. He shouldn't try to do these kind of things just after a drunken stroll.
  52. [2016-02-19 06:00:20] <TheSalamander> - There was quiet, for a bit -
  53. [2016-02-19 06:00:27] <TheSalamander> - It wasn't a long bit. -
  54. [2016-02-19 06:00:36] <TheSalamander> - "RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH" -
  55. [2016-02-19 06:00:50] <GregClaskovic> "...fuck."
  56. [2016-02-19 06:01:12] <Sonny-C> "What does it take to kill this thing?"
  57. [2016-02-19 06:01:29] <TheSalamander> - If Apex was still on top of the monster, he would soon be blasted off. Out from the bottom of that crater he was in came a pillar of concentrated fire reaching up 30 feet into the air. -
  58. [2016-02-19 06:02:41] <TheSalamander> - The Salamander wasn't just still alive. The cracks had spread around him and the blaze was consistent around him. He was /pissed/ -
  59. [2016-02-19 06:06:08] — Apex had become one with the earth. His silhouette tattoed on the planet's surface. He would prove to have a lot in common with the lizard as they both survived. It took him a few seconds to gather the wordd to express just how livid he had become.
  60. [2016-02-19 06:07:12] <Sonny-C> "Oh, look at that. Its alive"
  61. [2016-02-19 06:09:00] — Apex opened his mouth and bellowed out a roar that would put down those with weak constitutions and climbed out of the pit.
  62. [2016-02-19 06:21:18] <Sonny-C> "...Wait...Wait! How in the hell did I forget that?!" He turns to Sally "Hey, fire fucker! How bout you try me on for size?!"
  63. [2016-02-19 06:23:06] <TheSalamander> - A goddamn /ball/ of fire was hurled at Sonny before the enraged abomination started rushing towards him. -
  64. [2016-02-19 06:25:12] <Sonny-C> "Oh shit!" He ran away from the ball, near the docks where this started, dodging the sphere and staying in place, then running forward, He was playing chicken with this beast
  65. [2016-02-19 06:28:14] — Apex smiled at the annoying boy's cleverness and trailed behind the Salamander.
  66. [2016-02-19 06:32:41] — GregClaskovic made his way out of the rubbles of the store, cracking some spots in his neck to loosen the tenseness. "I'm getting too old for this." He saw The Salamander charge at Sonny furiously. He was probably the last one to know what was going on, but he felt like he had to do something. He followed the others and waited for anything to be done or set in stone.
  67. [2016-02-19 06:34:22] <TheSalamander> - The Salamander would spit out fire again and again trying to burn Sonny, not thinking about where exactly he was going like a bull that was chasing a red cloth. -
  68. [2016-02-19 06:36:28] — Sonny-C waited at the last possible moment, the moved slightly to the left, letting the Fire Salamander pass him
  69. [2016-02-19 06:38:39] <TheSalamander> - As easy as it seemed to just lead him all the way over to fall, his reflexes were on point. Sonny's trick was rewarded, unfortunately, with a slap that sent him into the water. -
  70. [2016-02-19 06:38:56] <TheSalamander> - To Greg and Apex, though, this was a clear opportunity. -
  71. [2016-02-19 06:40:53] — Apex jumped gracefully into the sky amd dived after them both. It occured to him that things wouldn't be easy so quickly as Salamanders are amphibious.
  72. [2016-02-19 06:48:51] — GregClaskovic was ready to knock anyone anywhere. But he had to be careful. He was specifically aiming for the Lizard... But was afraid everyone would get close again.
  73. [2016-02-19 06:53:46] — Sonny-C wasn't going to interfere, he did his part and got his excitement, he just hope the idea works
  74. [2016-02-19 06:56:54] — Sonny-C lands on the water "That took some out of me, I wonder if there is a Mcguffies around here" He walked off, leaving the metal man and power ranger to finish the job...or die. He was too hungry to care
  75. [2016-02-19 06:57:33] — Apex didn't give a fuck. He grabbed the monster from behind and pushed them both into the water. "May the best animal swim, volcano man!"
  76. [2016-02-19 07:00:53] <TheSalamander> - If given a few seconds more Apex would have been goddamn incinerated by an angry monstrosity. But, falling into the water, the flames reacted as flames often do when submerged. It went out entirely. -
  77. [2016-02-19 07:01:34] <TheSalamander> - Now, his core was still trying to burn and there was steam coming out from the water from the intense heat, but thrashing and yelling, Apex could feel him getting /weaker/ -
  78. [2016-02-19 07:01:45] ⇐ Sonny-C quit (cgiirc@B911BB8B.57499B11.1D6B5F76.IP): Quit: joking aside, its been awhile since I've woke up past 10, but things can change really quickly. Like Guffy's relationship status after Eri sees his real f
  79. [2016-02-19 07:04:01] — GregClaskovic just stood there posed in a punching position looking down at the sizzling lavalizard. He thought to himself for a while. "Oh yeah. Fire. Water... I, I should've thought of that... Do, do you need help?" He looked down clumsily at Apex.
  80. [2016-02-19 07:06:54] — Apex was enjoyed the sizzle of a fallen victim but only when cooking. He grabbed the felon by the neck and swam to the surface before he could draw his last breath. "You have earned your life prey." He looked toward Greg. "We have won, comrade."
  81. [2016-02-19 07:08:46] <TheSalamander> - The Salamander didn't have any fight in him left by the time they got to the surface of the water. Still alive and breathing, but the fire he had was doused out for now. -
  82. [2016-02-19 07:11:45] <GregClaskovic> "So uh. What now."
  83. [2016-02-19 07:14:02] — Apex swam to the docks where he tossed the animal to the side, salty. The ocean will do that to a guy. He looks to Greg. "You may eat him. But spare his life..." He looked to the wet man. "And I will do you in myself, next time." He walked off.
  84. [2016-02-19 07:14:42] <TheSalamander> - Back in the street, police and firemen were already coming to assess and contain the damages by this /thing/ -
  85. [2016-02-19 07:18:46] — GregClaskovic looked down at the salamander and sighed to himself. "I'll just drop you off at a zoo or a prison or something." He threw him, or it, over his shoulder and walked out of the docks to have witness of lights and sirens go off nearby. "... Nevermind. I'll just leave you here." He let the creature down slowly and walked off, going off to do whatever.
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