

May 8th, 2013
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  1. War [08|May 12:46 PM]: sup
  2. Nannak [08|May 01:12 PM]: How's it going?
  3. War [08|May 01:13 PM]: fine i suppose what about you
  4. Nannak [08|May 01:13 PM]: I would say the same thing
  5. War [08|May 01:29 PM]: the new wolfenstein game looks like shit
  6. Nannak [08|May 01:45 PM]: Nazis take over everything you know.
  7. Nannak [08|May 01:45 PM]: Well how does it look like shit War?
  8. War [08|May 02:07 PM]: they need to let that franchise die, it is one of those things that doesnt age well
  9. Nannak [08|May 02:07 PM]: Well I heard that id is still having trouble with Doom 4
  10. War [08|May 02:08 PM]: the first one and return were good because they were revolutionary, the last modern one they did was terrible, and this will probably be the same thing
  11. Nannak [08|May 02:08 PM]: Yet I'm surprised that Wolfenstein sees the light of the day instead
  12. War [08|May 02:08 PM]: im sure theres a reason for it
  13. War [08|May 02:09 PM]: meetro last light in under a week, cant wait
  14. Nannak [08|May 02:09 PM]: It's very possible that id might shut down so Carmack can go test rockets
  15. War [08|May 02:09 PM]: metro*
  16. Nannak [08|May 02:10 PM]: Although Wolfenstein isn't even developed by id though it's developed by Machinegames and published by Bethesda (since Bethesda now holds the rights to both Wolfenstein and Doom or basically every id title there is)
  17. Nannak [08|May 02:10 PM]: eversince they bought out id
  18. War [08|May 02:11 PM]: its not the developer thats the issue, its really just the idea, wolfenstein did not play like a modern shooter, but now theyre trying to make it play like one
  19. War [08|May 02:12 PM]: even then though, nazis are getting kind of old
  20. Nannak [08|May 02:12 PM]: Well yeah Nazis are pretty much done to death
  21. Nannak [08|May 02:12 PM]: they basically became stable cardboard cut out villians
  22. War [08|May 02:12 PM]: i liked infinite so much because of how different things were
  23. Nannak [08|May 02:12 PM]: *staple
  24. War [08|May 02:13 PM]: exactly
  25. Nannak [08|May 02:13 PM]: Well like every FPS game needs to be a "modern shooter"
  26. Nannak [08|May 02:14 PM]: that's the part I disagree with actually
  27. War [08|May 02:15 PM]: theres room for any type of game in today's society, there are still plenty of big hipfire dominant fps games still being made
  28. Nannak [08|May 02:15 PM]: Although Infinte did suffered what makes everything wrong with modern shooters like the two weapon limits and such
  29. War [08|May 02:15 PM]: personally i thought it enhanced the experience, limits like that dont really matter much imo
  30. Nannak [08|May 02:15 PM]: I like the carry all weapons at once so I get variety of choices
  31. War [08|May 02:16 PM]: especially considering you can buy any ammo in vending machines
  32. Nannak [08|May 02:16 PM]: No it doesn't "enhances the experiances" but more like it hinders the gameplay in order to make it "realistic"
  33. Nannak [08|May 02:17 PM]: and makes the game more frustating
  34. Nannak [08|May 02:17 PM]: Since I actually played it and I did enjoy the 2 weapon limit at all
  35. Nannak [08|May 02:17 PM]: *I did not enjoyt
  36. Nannak [08|May 02:17 PM]: I mean
  37. War [08|May 02:17 PM]: thered be absolutely no challenge if you could carry every gun, combat would become an annoying add-on like in bio1 where you ski battles when possible just to continue the mission
  38. [08|May 02:18 PM]: Nannak facepalm
  39. Nannak [08|May 02:18 PM]: Try playing the older games and come back to me
  40. War [08|May 02:18 PM]: how is carrying 2 guns frustrating lol
  41. War [08|May 02:19 PM]: you act like i havent played older games which is hilarious
  42. Nannak [08|May 02:19 PM]: Because you have to run back pick that weapon or if you enter into a new fight you may not have the right weapons with you
  43. War [08|May 02:19 PM]: bioshock is a game about experimentation in case you missed the memo, if everybody could carry every gun, then nobody would experiment
  44. War [08|May 02:20 PM]: the only time you actually require a specific weapon is in the very limited amount of sniper scenerios in the game, and they ALWAYS have a box of snipers sitting right next to the player's entrance
  45. War [08|May 02:20 PM]: there were like 2 of those situations in the entire game
  46. War [08|May 02:21 PM]: as for running back, why the hell would you run backwards to grab a weapon when there are guns around every corner not even including enemy drops
  47. Nannak [08|May 02:21 PM]: I think you have no idea what gameplay is
  48. War [08|May 02:22 PM]: says the guy that clearly cant even play the game right lol
  49. War [08|May 02:22 PM]: like i said before, experimentation, the problem with infinite is that they never force it onto the player, the game never holds your hand and says "do something new every fight" and as a result people play the game and stick to a familiar tactic
  50. War [08|May 02:23 PM]: hell, the first time i went through the game, i only used the possession and shock vigors, and as a result combat felt repeititve
  51. War [08|May 02:23 PM]: on my second playthrough i used more weapons and vigors, and as a result the game became much more enjoyable
  52. Nannak [08|May 02:24 PM]: I think your missing the point that it doesn't make the game fun
  53. War [08|May 02:24 PM]: if you go on the official forums or the steam forums, you can even see people going through the entire game with just a shotgun or machine gun because they are afraid to experiment
  54. Nannak [08|May 02:25 PM]: I think the main problem with your just product of your modern FPS generation
  55. War [08|May 02:25 PM]: i think you are missing the point, a weapon limit encourages experimentation, you cant always just pull a rocket launcher out of your ass for every fight, sometimes youll have to use a shotgun or a pistol, etc.
  56. War [08|May 02:25 PM]: here we go again
  57. Nannak [08|May 02:26 PM]: To hell with "experimentation" I just want to have gampley
  58. War [08|May 02:26 PM]: forget the fact that ive been gaming since i was 2 or 3 years old, might as well also forget the fact that ive played cs1.6 for over 7 years competitively
  59. Nannak [08|May 02:26 PM]: *gameplay
  60. War [08|May 02:27 PM]: and there we go, you missed the point of the gameplay the devs were trying to emphasize. if they let you hold every weapon, the combat would be bland and thered be no point in even using half of the weapons, therefore theyd be doing additional work for something most players wouldnt utilize
  61. War [08|May 02:28 PM]: additionally itd get to the point where players will think "oh great, another fight, let me just fire a rocket, reload, repeat... oh great, another's boring."
  62. War [08|May 02:28 PM]: idk if you played dishonored but its the same idea there
  63. Nannak [08|May 02:29 PM]: Well just incase if you knew, older FPS games like Doom, Wolfenstein, etc didn't have reloading
  64. Nannak [08|May 02:30 PM]: that was all invented by Marathon
  65. War [08|May 02:30 PM]: common knowledge bud
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