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Oct 31st, 2015
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  2. 1. Create a new task
  3. 2. Create your first step by hitting the + at the bottom.
  4. 2a. Select Variable from the list that pops up
  5. 2b. Select Variable randomize from the list that pops up
  6. 2c. This is dependent on what you wish the keyword to be, in my case I went with %RANDOM.
  7. 2d. Should've prefaced this sooner, but you'll want to set-up your images like Untitled-1.png, Untitled-2.png. MIN refers to the lowest number you wish to start from, so 1. MAX refers to the highest number you wish to use, so 62.
  8. 3. Time to create your second step, hit the + at the bottom again.
  9. 3a. Select Display Action
  10. 3b. Select Set Wallpaper
  11. 3c. Navigate to where you have the wallpapers saved on your phone (i.e /sdcard/Pictures/Wallpapers/)
  12. 3d. Make sure when doing this that you set the image to be Untitled-%RANDOM.png - This allows the first step (randomize) to input the number it gets into this step, and thus sets a random wallpaper.
  13. 4. Assuming you have creation down now: + > Task > Wait
  14. 4a. Choose whatever amount of time you wish, I use 15 minutes.
  15. 5. + > Task > Goto
  16. 5a. Action Number
  17. 5b. Set number to 1, if it isn't by default
  18. 6. Hit the play button, and there you go. You now have your wallpaper rotation going.
  21. Sometimes you wanna skip a wallpaper, so this comes in handy. Its pretty much the first two tasks above.
  22. 1. + > Variable > Randomize
  23. 1a. Set MIN and MAX Number, as well as keyword
  24. 2. + > Display Action > Set Wallpaper
  25. 2a. Set up the image location just like last time
  26. 3. That is it, hit the play button and you can now manually rotate your wallpaper at random.
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