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a guest
Dec 6th, 2016
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  1. usage: aws [options] <command> <subcommand> [<subcommand> ...] [parameters]
  2. To see help text, you can run:
  4. aws help
  5. aws <command> help
  6. aws <command> <subcommand> help
  7. aws: error: argument command: Invalid choice, valid choices are:
  9. acm | apigateway
  10. application-autoscaling | autoscaling
  11. budgets | cloudformation
  12. cloudfront | cloudhsm
  13. cloudsearch | cloudsearchdomain
  14. cloudtrail | cloudwatch
  15. codecommit | codepipeline
  16. cognito-identity | cognito-idp
  17. cognito-sync | datapipeline
  18. devicefarm | directconnect
  19. discovery | dms
  20. ds | dynamodb
  21. dynamodbstreams | ec2
  22. ecr | ecs
  23. efs | elasticache
  24. elasticbeanstalk | elastictranscoder
  25. elb | elbv2
  26. emr | es
  27. events | firehose
  28. gamelift | glacier
  29. iam | importexport
  30. inspector | iot
  31. iot-data | kinesis
  32. kinesisanalytics | kms
  33. lambda | logs
  34. machinelearning | marketplacecommerceanalytics
  35. meteringmarketplace | opsworks
  36. rds | redshift
  37. route53 | route53domains
  38. sdb | servicecatalog
  39. ses | sms
  40. snowball | sns
  41. sqs | ssm
  42. storagegateway | sts
  43. support | swf
  44. waf | workspaces
  45. s3api | s3
  46. configure | deploy
  47. configservice | help
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