
rest of the rp

Dec 7th, 2016
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  1. Weather Witch Smirking she shook her head. "I don't know who you are talking about, but if you are talking about that guy on television that swings, you are about an hour away from where he is supposed to be. So I would like to know how and why you know we are here. You are not welcomed. As for the wind... I will tone it down when you leave this place. But I think you can use a little rinsing!" Lifting her hands the sudden sound of rushing water could be heard as a torrential downpour ensued. Lightning still flashing overhead and even a few more well-placed strikes near the woman came crashing into the roof. She wasn't going to hit Kurt, too practiced for that. The woman was given her warning and since she didn't heed it.... "Oh, you look a little wet... let me help dry you off." One hand dropping as a sudden funnel of air came shooting out of her palm. The air swirling and twisting heading straight for the two. She knew Kurt would be alright, but that woman seriously picked the wrong house...[C][delete]
  2. Weather Witch and the wrong people to mess with. The rain came down heavier, and the wind was practically tearing the tiles from the roof. Ororo was careful not to let it go too overboard. There were still children in the school. And hopefully, they knew better than to come out right now. The angry cracks and rumbles now mirroring her rage at the taunting about to be cooked pussy if she kept it up. The conditions of the area were near hurricane force, the rain pelting down almost like bullets, and the wind roaring over the field. If this was a thief then she really should have done her homework better, especially since the news conference was given for all the world to see and who actually lived in the mansion. This woman was about to find out.[E]
  4. Nightcrawler Kurt blink some. Oh great she had jokes but at least she kept to some that he has never heard before as he listen to what she had said. "Really now you dont know how I got up here or behind you. Maybe you should keep your ears open at all times kitten.." He spoke as he was about to show her power to Felicity until Storm seem to kick it up a notch. "Oh great.." He mutter to himself as he watch the women. He was actually watching out for Felicity more then anything as when storm got like this people seem to get hurt more. That when he saw that powerful funnel coming straight at her, combine with the state of the storm Storm made Felicity gear may not work. So Kurt did the only thing that he thought and that was keeping people safe from danger even if that meant going against one of his allies. Running over he grab Felicity arm and teleport her out of harms away to the other side of the roof, she would of course feel a bit weak sense it was her first time teleporting but he let go and -c
  5. Nightcrawler turn to face storm. "Ok that was not ok! You could have harm her or worse killed her then what would people think of us Storm?" He question her as he seem to fold his arms over his chest and waited for her answer. He was right actually even though he did just help out a thief. Keeping people alive seem a bit more higher on the list then letting Storm actually kill someone like that. "We both know Scoot would not want that happening and right after his speech that he gave yesterday." He spoke out to her as he seem to actually standing on Felicity side this time and not on Storms side. "Now how about we tune down the winds and try to talk this out. Please?" He asked her as he gave her a look. He turn his head back to look at Felicity to make sure that she was ok.
  7. .Rogue Anna was walking from her room down to the common room to make sure the television was off. Hearing the sounds crashing overhead she wondered if a storm was brewing. However, when it started to sound a bit hectic that is when she went to the front door. Opening it only to be met with a pounding rain and a sudden blast of wind forcing her back. This wasn't normal. Ear ears twitching trying to pick up any sound, it was impossible over the roar of the wind. With one arm up she pushed through and closed the door behind her so it wouldn't get into the house. Looking around she finally spotted the cause. Storm in the air and Kurt standing next to some woman. "What in tarnation is goin' on here?!" She cried over the wind and rain. Getting closer and hearing Kurt's words, Anna looked up at Ororo and back down at him. Was he talking about the same Storm? She doesn't kill people.
  9. Bobby Drake A man can't enjoy a nice movie night with some ice cream. Luckily enough, Bobby's ice cream wasn't ruined with what was going on. Though now the problem laid at hand, it was about calming Storm down. It was more about who was going to fix some of those tiles on the roof? Already foreseeing a bill unless manually fixed, however this time Bobby can clearly say with a clean slate that he wasn't involved. The male mutant turned to Rouge when approaching it, Bobby holding onto the outer part of the surface of the door. Granted he could go into ice form, but it wasn't perfected and he still left bits and pieces of ice in his wake. Last thing he wanted was someone to slip and crack their back on it." I have no clue! From what it seems, we have a visitor that Kurt brought over or something. I think it's his date." Trying to make the situation lighter than it seemed."I think the girl called her old or something..." Bobby was unsure what was going on, but holding for dear life is what he -c-
  10. Bobby Drake can do and knows how to do best. Raising his voice some, hoping Storm could hear through it."Hey um Storm! I hate to be the barer of bad news, but when Scott get's the bill in..he isn't going to be happy." Last time he tried something, the male had to clean the whole house top to bottom. On the other hand, the male knew Storm had a good grasp on the power to output. Knowing enough was enough."I would make a pun, but the winds of favor are ever changing." -e-
  12. Weather Witch Watching as Kurt took hold of the woman and moved her away. A frown crossed her lips as she lowered her arms. The wind and rain still pelting down over them. She finally let that mask of calm slip for a brief moment. "Did you forget who I am? I don't kill people. If you think I was going to kill her, then you don't know me at all Kurt. Why would you help someone, thief or not, who was trying to get into our school? You said you were going to protect the children instead you help someone that could potentially harm them? What are you thinking?" The anger and hurt on the woman's face was plain as day. One of their own... siding with a miscreant and saying that she of all people was going to kill someone? Kurt will never understand how those words cut through her like a knife. Have they all gone mad? Eyes narrowing as the lightening flashed behind her. That mask of calm suddenly showing itself once more. "I am disappointed in you Kurt."[C][delete]
  13. Weather Witch Is all she said as her hand raised again. For someone that was supposed to be on their side and for the good, he was showing that he would do anything for a pretty woman. This would have to be told to Scott when it was all over. She was about to throw another bolt at her when she disappeared and the faint sound of glass could be heard. "ARE YOU HAPPY NOW KURT!" She quickly followed after flying through the air and just as the glass shattered which set off the security alarm inside the mansion. Suddenly the place would come to life and the children alerted to the intrusion. A multitude of stomping feet could be heard as the voices of the kids, after being trained for drills just for this occasion of someone getting into the mansion, was set into motion. The younger ones being ushered to safety while the older ones took up guard and battle ready. One boy running down the hall toward her, suddenly throwing up his hands and a wall would be in her path.[C][delete]
  14. Weather Witch Though he wasn't strong by any means, he could hold it hopefully long enough for help to arrive. Meanwhile, the security systems were in full swing. Weaponry suddenly appearing and at the ready. The boy shouting out 'Here! The intruder is here!' More sound of running feet as some of the more experienced students began to make their way toward the shouting voice. Meanwhile Ororo as trying to find which window the woman disappeared into. A low growl coming, which was unlike her as she thought, 'When I get my hands on Kurt...' She didn't want to finish the thought. Right now she had to get that woman out of the school.[E]
  16. Nightcrawler OK maybe helping her out wasnt the best idea one bit. Great he just help her get inside the mansion. "Fuck me.." Was all Kurt mumble to himself as he seem to help her out in the long run. Look at Storm he knew that using her powers inside wasnt the greatest idea one bit, so he gave her the look that seem to say I'll go handle her myself. Turning on his own two feet he ran off and rana to the side of the mansion and she used to enter. Getting on all fours he started to stick to the side of the mansion as one of his abilites allow him to do so as he found the mirror that she enter in. He saw her searching for something and all he did was stare at her. He heard the students as he let out a sigh. "Great now I have really get her out of here in one piece.." He spoke to himself as he crawl in after her and look around at the weapons as he sigh some. "Im going to be hated even more. "Hey Kitten if you want to get out alive do you trust me?" He question her as he look at her standing in -c
  17. Nightcrawler the room with her as he look at Felicity know that this was going to be a high risk move. "If you want to get out alive then it would be best to take my hand." He spoke as he held his hand out to her as he look at her as he was risking something big right now. -e
  19. .Rogue One moment they were there next the woman in black was gone. Her ears picking up the crash of glass plainly and her head turned to Kurt and then to Bobby. "GET TO THA STUDENTS! MAKE SURE THEY ARE SAFE!" Anna yelled out as she kicked off at a run. Taking off like bullet, her speed bringing her to the door and in within a second. Door banging open as she practically flew through it. She didn't know who this woman was, but she was going to pay. Stopping when she heard the cry of a little girl, she was torn, but the children were always first priority. Quickly grabbing the girl up in her arms and keeping her snug against her body, Anna quickly made her way to one of the shelter rooms. An older girl was there trying to get them all in and giving soothing words of encouragement. "Here take her. Make sure you protect them. Do not come out till one of us come to get you." The girl nodded and quickly went into the room holding the clinging child. Closing the door behind her, she did her -c-[delete]
  20. .Rogue her best to keep the children with her calm and quiet. Rogue then turned with a snarl. Rolling up her sleeves, once more stalking off to find her a cat to skin and turn into a rug. -e-
  22. Bobby Drake Least the wind stopped so he could regain his footing. Whoever broke in and ruined his ice cream movie night, was going to pay. First, he had to restore some order to the students. Then he shall join Rogue on the hunt, booking it stop a crowd of students from running around and crashing everything. Hands held out in a stopping motion."Whoa! Whoa! Let's calm down everyone. You guys are safe in the mansion, plus you got the x-for-. I mean us watching out for you guys." Wanting to say the X-force so bad ca use of the cool ring it had to it, but refrained from doing so. Seeing some of the older ones calming down and them helping him calm down the younger ones, a sigh was given. Least nothing irreplaceable broke, but man Scott was going to be pissed. Once everything was in check and everyone was safe and sound, it was time to find the person that caused all this Chaos in the first place. Bobby quickly headed in the direction Rogue went to, aiming to catch up."Maaan...-c-
  23. Bobby Drake this person is going to make me actually consider putting in some work in the training room." -e-
  25. Polaris From the moment, the first and only lightning bolt was thrown as a warning shot Lorna found herself inside looking out from the window of her room. It was only one thief, there was no need for her to join the lynch mob, or so that was how she felt about the situation which was why she remained there. She had turned her back only for a moment before things had taken a rather interesting turn, before the other decided to crash through a window and into the mansion itself. She must have had a death wish. She surely must have had a death wish…. Yep, she had a death wish. Despite how easy that would have been she was an X-Man like the rest of them and not some overbearing executioner, although she did inwardly admit that it had a distinct ring to it. Besides black was not her color anyway as suggested by the solid evergreen uniform she wore that included the cape that billowed behind her back as the alarms were set off and [c]
  26. Polaris the children made did as they were instructed. Ms. Dane quickly moved and as the children moved hastily through the hallways she took the top to stop and with the blinking shifted the world around her from matter to the electromagnetic energy and the patterns thereof. From the sound of the glass she knew she was not that far from the intruder and when searching and searching she began looking for anyone she knew to not be of those who lived there. She was familiar with most of the auras that met her eyes, but when that one popped up that coincided with both the distance and sense of unfamiliarity she began to wade through the crowd towards the scream that confirmed her suspicion. Kurt, however, beat her to the finish line in regards to getting to the room first, but that did not stop her from entering behind him. A single hand, her right, stretched forth and movements of it made her powers manifest. [c]
  27. Polaris the forcefield that was generated would have outlined the cat’s figure under normal circumstances and if nothing was to get in the way of that by some chance. If not, her being would have been hoisted upward before she could grip the hand of Kurt, if she even attempted to begin with. Suspension in midair was the intention here, which would buy the necessary time for the others to catch up in this came of cat and mouse, nothing more. However, it was not completed without a punchline of her own when she stated “You are now suspended from all activity, please spare yourself the humiliation,” [e]
  29. Armor Finals. The last hurdle between every student and weeks of paperless, work free joy. A special kind of tension always buzzed through the air when such a time came around. From the most prodigious scholars to the most rampant procrastinators, everyone was set on edge as they approached that final hurdle. Sleepless nights, perishing social hours, paper cuts aplenty. No one was spared from the season of stress. Hisako, of course, had been no exception. Antics aside, she was still one of the institutes more astute students. A quality she (pryde)d herself in. To the point where she almost thanked her sleeping habits (or lack thereof) for giving her the extra hours of study time. Tonight, however, she would find much more to be thankful for, as the sound of thunder and lightning roused her from the calculation tables of her Calculus textbook.
  30. Armor Like her verdant-clad teammate, Hisako had taken the more passive approach the situation. Trusting fully that Storm would have the situation settled before it would escalate to the school-wide panic to come. Of course, she had underestimated the incompetence of a certain blue elf and his lack of control over the… ah, ‘bamf’ between his legs. With the alarm came action, and with that action came the armor-clad asian in her fuzzy Hello Kitty pajama bottoms and Dazzler T-Shirt. She would arrive on the scene only moments after Polaris. Stopping just in time to watch Kurt extend his hand to the sultry intruder in… ok, she didn’t quite understand what he was doing with his hand, but she did understand that, “You should not be here,” she warned Black Cat. Iridescent fist clenching as she assumed a fighting stance.
  32. Felicity Harmon Felicia looked at the man then around the room. "Can't leave empty handed now can I?" She asked with a smirk as she looked him over. "Well Big blue and handsome.. What's the name?" She asked in an alluring tone trying to use her feminine prowess after all men are easier to manipulate with such tactics than those of her own gender. "Let's make a deal shall we? You help me... show me you're trust worthy... then we can talk about that trust thing. fair?" she placed a hand on her hip and offered a quick lick of her lips and a little hip wiggle. "This place has to have something valuable... and that's what I'm here for after all.. You take me to the valuables Then we can get out of here and have that discussion.. fair deal right?" She winked at him Still not dropping her guard.. after all some of her more prominent lovers were also her most difficult nemesis namely one Parker.. "Do we have a deal?" She asked once again as she observed his actions and tried reading his expressions and (c)
  33. Felicity Harmon body language after all reading people is a skill she uses in her every day humdrum life. Awaiting his response she suddenly feels herself being lifted into the air. as a new voice could be heard now one she hadn't heard previously. Being hoisted didn't seem to bother her much cause she still had use of her suits gadgets if need to do so arose. She would sigh. "So.. games? hurting people?" She rolled her eyes. "I'm a thief.. not a cold blooded killer. besides... If I wanted to sneak in somewhere to kill someone.. I wouldn't make a game of it.. I wouldn't have moved the cameras... the tripping of the external defenses... well that was a miscalculation." She muttered.(e)
  35. Nightcrawler Great now Polaris was here this was not going to be great one bit as he seem to be looking grim for the cat bugler as he thought about what he was going to have to do next. He could somewhat go against everything he was taught and at the same time with the old headmaster as told him to do what was right. "Here goes nothing I guess.." He spoke to himself as he turn to face Polaris. "Im sorry about this but sometimes you have to go against everything you where told." He spoke before he raised a leg up and took a shot at her stomach trying to get her off her focus to make the force field that was around Felicity disappear so he could teleport them out of there, if his kick did knock Polaris focus off he would turn around and look at Felicity. Jumping up he caught her bridal style."The name is Kurt..Kurt Wanger." He spoke as he thought about where to go and knew where to go as it was good bit away from all everyone in the mansion. They both turn into a blue cloud and appear a couple of -c
  36. Nightcrawler miles down the road away from the mansion itself as he look at her. "Im sorry but we could not stay when everyone is on high alert like that the only thing that would even be to value to you would be these bag of gems I stole myself from a king in africa." He spoke as he pull out a meduim size pouch that had a good amount of gems in it. "Come we must go while still have a chance before they come and hunt for us like they did for me back in germeny." He spoke as he grab her hand and started to move down the street with her as he knew this was the most balls shit he could have every done in his life and all over a women he just met today. -e
  38. Weather Witch She had to calm the storm and herself. She finally found the window and flew through it. She landed just in time to see Polaris and Armor join in. But what happened next, set her blood to boil. Her temper flared, those emotions running high seeing one of their own... someone they accepted into their family just turn his back on everything they gave him, taught him. A sudden crackle was heard, her eyes glowing brilliant white now, and raw electrical lightening formed within her palms. She didn't get a chance to release it before the traitor and the thief vanished. Breathing heavy and glaring at the spot. The frown turning into a scowl. Scott was going to be told about this, and she knew he wasn't going to be happy. She also had to tell Emma and Jean. This was not going to go well. Taking a deep breath she let it all go. She had children to check on. Looking to Polaris and Armor "You two alright?" It was mostly to Polaris. Her head turning to stare at the spot they had left. Kurt... why?
  40. .Rogue Dang it. When was she going to get to see any action? Anna was practically zipping through the mansion, trying to hunt down this woman. Stopping to help any straggling children get to safty. When she finally found the others, she stopped and stared wondering what happened. "Is ever'one alright?" She asked. The children that had come running at the cries she sent away to help check up on the others. "Make sure ever'one is fine. Get em all back in their rooms. When yer done come back and help meh with tha clean up." There was a lot of damnage due to the panic. A shake of her head, and a low growl "Anyone know who tha was?" The southern woman was a bit confused on everything.. a little clearity would be nice.
  42. Bobby Drake Bobby arrived at the scene but a little bit late as he saw Kurt vanish with the girl. Judging from what was going on and his teammates reactions, it wasn't good at all. Turning to Rouge and gave a soft frown."The kids are safe, and have calmed down a bit. At least the ones you told me to secure. Though..with what has happened, i don't think Scott will allow Kurt back in the mansion again." Kurt was one of his best friends, and with a high chance he might not be able to come back. It sorta hurt Bobby, but the male didn't show it. He pulled antics before, but this was just at the wrong time to pull something like this.
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