
Aske of the Longstride Peoples, Team P-K

May 20th, 2018
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  1. **Name** : Aske of the Longstride Peoples (Az-kay)
  3. **Primary Class**: Troubadour → Strategist
  4. **Secondary Class**: Apothecary → Merchant
  6. **Age** : 20... something?
  8. **Appearance** : [Aske]( is a youngish woman of tall, thin stature with pale skin and hair and blue eyes. She wears clothing only by necessity to protect from the elements, being unable to transform like the rest of her kin, and sees it as a mark of weakness on her part. It usually is found in darker natural tones of browns, blacks, and grays. Her clothes are usually loose in nature but cinched tight with various bands and sashes. Her outfit rarely has pockets and she never wears bags or backpacks, though doesn't seem to have any trouble hiding any number of smaller items in her sleeves, slips, and sashes that adorn her person. She has a small collection of hair decorations or jewelry, which is mostly sentimental value and incorporated into her hood/mask, dark in color but with threads of gold worked throughout. It most notably to her has a pair of carefully carved wooden "ears", or horns depending on when you ask her, which she made when she was younger to help fit in with her tribe better. She usually has some number of insects nearby or on her person, the exact number and species vary depending on what spells she's cast lately, but most often has a large [Goldenglow Moth]( with her, which appears to be a friend or familiar of some sort and is used most often in her healing spells.
  10. **Backstory** : Aske is a young human woman of unknown province who had been found abandoned by a tribe of Deer Ainvi one late winter night in the midst of a snowstorm. As to where she came from or who her original parents might be, no trace could be found in the blowing snows, and her foster tribe could not find it in them to abandon the child. Thus her exact age, and her original name for that matter, are unknown to both her and the tribe. She could be anywhere from 22 to 30, they merely know she's spent 20 winters with the tribe until this point.
  12. Taking her in, she quickly grew to tire of being coddled and left behind when the tribe was on the move, and learned to run long and hard simply to keep up. While not particularly swift, per say, she has taken pride in being quite fleet of foot and having boundless stamina. In addition to pushing herself physically, Aske found she a natural connection to the environment around her, and could be found all through her childhood playing with all manner of bugs and insects, keeping them as pets and companions while on the move. Eventually the tribe shaman realized this was a naturally occurring font of magical expression, and took her under their wing to teach her the ways of healing, potion making, ceremony, and other functions the tribe might need. Though not actually an Ainvi, Aske had fought through her hard childhood and was mentally preparing to step into her place in her tribe to help lead them moving forward.
  14. Until... one night, laying under the stars with but a nearby leafy shrubbery to provide her protection from the elements, she heard... a voice. It sounded like a woman, perhaps, though not one she'd ever heard before, and it whispered her name softly but undeniably from the quiet night. Unable to sleep, she spent the rest of the night looking for the whisper of a woman, along with many nights after that, before coming to the conclusion that she was either going crazy, or being summoned. By who, or what, she was not sure, but the more she listened to the voice that only she could hear, tried to reason with it, try to talk with it, tried to understand it, the clearer it became. She finally decided that the voice, and answers she sought, could not be found roaming the familiar nomadic trails her tribe followed, and took leave of absence with the village elders to pursue said voice. They believe her to be spirit touched, and about to start on a vision quest, which happen rarely with members of their tribe but those who return always turn out to be strong leaders in their tribe. Taking what few possessions she owned and the good wishes of her tribe, she set off, determined to figure out who the mysterious whisper woman was and what promise she held for Aske's future.
  16. **Personality** : Aske is a quiet, reserved woman who simply sees little to no value in "civilization", and does not understand the fascination other humans have with it. To her, nature has given her and her tribe (while she acknowledges she's human, she does not identify with them in the least) everything they might need without being forced to, and believes everything would be better if people quite looking at what they *don't* have and instead focus on what they *do have*, instead. She is fairly tough and fleet of foot, quite self-reliant, and views her human frailties as weakness that she tries her best to gloss over. While not an evil person, she is fairly amoral, and simply doesn't care what happens to most other people that aren't her "tribe". In lieu of her actual tribe of Deer Ainvi, she simply transfers her affection to whatever group she finds herself working with at the time. Don't expect her to get terribly emotional with you over beer, though.
  18. **Powers and Magic** : While technically a Troubadour, and thus a mounted unit, Aske does not have a horse. Instead, she simply runs, able to keep up with the long, loping gait her foster family has in their Deer forms, and tends to run on all fours when she needs to move a long distance. (Note: She still is counted as a mounted unit for all purposes mechanically, beastweapons, etc). She is also a trained healer, caster, and alchemist, able to heal with both spells and brewed concoctions, though her creations are... perhaps a bit more esoteric then other more scholarly trained alchemists. As for her spells, she rarely, if ever, uses a staff or tome or the like, though she does know how to use them (and still equips them as normal on her character sheet). Instead she calls upon the natural forces of nature to simulate spell-like effects, such as using the light of her Goldenglow Moth to help heal, or summon a nest of fire ants to deal fire damage to an enemy, or a swarm of scarabs for dark magic, etc.
  20. **Stats**
  21. *HP*: (16) + (3x2) = 22
  22. *Str*: (0) + (0x2) = 0
  23. *Mag*: (3) + (2) = 5
  24. *Skl*: (6) + (0) = 6
  25. *Spd*: (5) + (0) = 5
  26. *Lck*: (5) + (5) = 10
  27. *Def*: (1) + (2) = 3
  28. *Res*: (5) + (2) = 7
  29. **Growths**
  30. *HP*: (0) + (25x2) = 50
  31. *Str*: (0) + (5x2) = 15
  32. *Mag*: (15) + (40) = 55
  33. *Skl*: (5) + (40) = 45
  34. *Spd*: (15) + (20) = 35
  35. *Lck*: (20) + (20x1.5) = 50
  36. *Def*: (0) + (40) = 40
  37. *Res*: (15) + (40) = 55
  38. **Skills**
  39. **Lvl 1:** Alchemy
  40. **Lvl 5:** Potent Potion
  41. **Lvl 10:** Guiding Light
  42. **Lvl 15:** Venom Riposte
  43. **Promo Lvl 1:** Crystalskin
  44. **Promo Lvl 5:** Wary Fighter
  45. **Promo Lvl 10:** Incense Burner
  46. **Promo Lvl 15:** Armored Stance
  47. **Support Bonus**
  49. Rank | Bonus
  50. ---------|----------
  51. C | Dodge
  52. B | Dodge
  53. A | Hit
  54. A+ | Hit
  55. **Pair Up Bonus**
  57. Rank | Bonus
  58. ---------|----------
  59. C | Luck
  60. B | Luck
  61. A | Skill
  62. A+ | Skill
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