
Jack Fraud

Jul 22nd, 2013
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  1. reploidzerox: Hey
  2. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: heyo
  3. reploidzerox: I'm hearing reports that you're claiming broken angel is dead and getting free items out of it
  4. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: well thats what i heard
  5. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: and i found out after i bought a bills
  6. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: and i found out its not true
  7. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: i wasnt getting free stuff
  8. reploidzerox: Okay, but there is a claim about you using it to get free items
  9. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: no i wasnt
  10. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: frank "a person said she died" and i was trying to buy a bills for her
  11. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: and people were trying to help out and i asked the person i could pay but he said no for free so
  12. reploidzerox: Do you have a copy of the log?
  13. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: from?
  14. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: the trade?
  15. reploidzerox: Yes
  16. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: no i dont i mostly dont keep that stuff
  17. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: and it was said in mic
  18. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: so
  19. reploidzerox: So, he gave it to you because you said angel was dead?
  20. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: yes but i asked to buy it with ref but he said no for free
  21. reploidzerox: You're aware this could consitute as scamming right?
  22. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: well if you havent notice i didnt know she was till 10mins ago
  23. reploidzerox: Okay, but why would you be getting items on her behalf?
  24. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: i was gonna get a bills hat and rename it as Angel
  25. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: and dye it purple for her R.I.P
  26. reploidzerox: Okay, but now that she isn't dead, are you going to give it back?
  27. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: she was a really good friend
  28. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: yeah i am gonna give the person who gave me the free stuff the bills
  29. reploidzerox: Wait, free stuff?
  30. reploidzerox: I thought it was just the bills
  31. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: he gave me some stuff for the bills
  32. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: i bought
  33. reploidzerox: Oh, okay
  34. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: i bought the hat all myself really
  35. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: he gave me the dye
  36. reploidzerox: And he gave you the stuff to get the bills
  37. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: yeah
  38. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: and i am gonna give the stuff back
  39. reploidzerox: I really hope so, because if not, that's technically fraud
  40. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: yeah
  41. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: ik
  42. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: i didnt even ask him for it
  43. reploidzerox: Can you do me a favor?
  44. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: yes sir?
  45. reploidzerox: Can you get a couple screens of your most recent trade history?
  46. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: how?
  47. reploidzerox: Start by going to your steam profile
  48. reploidzerox: Then click on inventory
  49. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: ah got it
  50. reploidzerox: Just get a few screens on it
  51. reploidzerox: Just so we can get this cleared up cleanly
  52. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: ok
  53. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: what do you mean screens?
  54. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: pictures?
  55. reploidzerox: If you hit your print screen button, you can copy them into something like paint and save them as files
  56. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: no i cant
  57. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: idk why but it cant
  58. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: can you look at my inv and see?
  59. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: btw it was only one guy who gave me them
  60. reploidzerox: Only you can look at your own
  61. reploidzerox: That's why I need you to take pics of it
  62. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: ok let me see if i can on my ipod
  63. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: can i just talk to the guy who was giving me the idems
  64. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: ?
  65. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: and send you the logs of the chat?
  66. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: he went off but i will talk to him tommorrow
  67. reploidzerox: If you want, but I'd really like the trade history to make sure you aren't just doing this with a friend to pull the wool over my eyes
  68. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: no i am not i am not like that
  69. reploidzerox: I'm just trying to cover my bases so that you don't loose your position
  70. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: yeah ik
  71. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: i understand
  72. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: i can take care of it and when i talk to him ill message you
  73. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: i would never lie to a senior admin or any staff i love this job and this would be a dumb thing to lie about
  74. reploidzerox: I understand, but it's happened so I just want to make sure. I don't want to be hearing of this a few days from now about a staff member who scammed someone using fraud
  75. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™: yeah i understand
  76. {ŁÑ} ~Jâçk™ is now Online.
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