
(nsfw) Love Letters 2

Jul 22nd, 2013
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  1. These two songs play a huge role in this story.
  2. The first one moreso. Use whichever one suits your fancy more.
  6. >I couldn't have been more content.
  7. >Swapping love letters with the stallion of any mare's dreams.
  8. >But I got him first.
  9. >He kept answering every time I sent a new one.
  10. >It was so hard not to tell him everything about myself like I wanted to.
  11. >But he would ask the nicest little questions.
  12. >What's my favorite food.
  13. >Garden burgers.
  14. >What colors do I like.
  15. >Blue now.
  16. >What plays do I like going to.
  17. >I like The Wonderful Wizard of Hoss.
  18. >What did I dress up as on Nightmare Night last year.
  19. >I actually went as Van Hoofsing, the vampony hunter from this comic I like.
  20. >I think Big Mac thought that was really cute for some reason.
  21. >The next letter I got after that one actually had the newest edition of the comic.
  22. >I blushed through all 90 of the color pages...
  23. >Because I knew he bought it for me.
  24. >There was much pillow hugging that night.
  25. >Part of me was beginning to think that it was too much to be true though.
  26. >He looked so eager every time I came with my deliveries.
  27. >That handsome face would light up with enthusiasm when there was a pink envelope.
  28. >The turn-around for his reply was never too long.
  29. >Every day that I didn't get to deliver him another pink envelope, he would frown but thank me for what I was delivering.
  30. >Even if it wasn't a pink envelope.
  31. >At least I got to see him more often.
  32. >Standing there with his brush-tail swishing every once in a while as he patiently waits.
  33. >I got better about not blushing every time he even crossed my mind.
  34. >But when I saw him waiting so eagerly like that.
  35. >It made me feel like a silly little filly.
  36. >I could never let him wait for a day or so.
  37. >Seeing him look disappointed made my heart want to curl up and die.
  38. >The days were starting to get colder, so I had to be careful while I was flying.
  39. >Jeez, I almost giggled like a girl when I saw Big Mac all wrapped up in his scarf and hat.
  40. >He had mentioned once that he didn't really like the cold.
  41. >My lips quivered some as I tried to keep a straight face.
  42. >"H-h-h-howdy, S-Stamp," he says as he shivers, "G-got a-a-anythin g-g-good fer m-me?"
  43. >He was braving the cold for a letter.
  44. >Part of me was very relieved that I had one for him today.
  45. >"Hey, Big Mac," I can't help but at least chuckle a little bit, "You look miserable."
  46. >"Ah'm uh....Ah'm jes waitn fer a letter s'all," He grins sheepishly but then sneezes.
  47. >Quickly hand him the stack of letters I have.
  48. >Pink envelope at the top.
  49. >My heart flutters a little when his demeanor changes from freezing misery to warm cheer.
  50. >"Here you go..." I say with that same professional smile I always do.
  51. >His hand takes the envelopes happily.
  52. >I wish I could just...say it...
  53. >I'm right here...
  54. >We don't need to write letters anymore, Big Macintosh.
  55. >I'm your Lovestruck Letter-sender...
  56. >But I can't.
  57. >What would he even say?
  58. >Not knowing is one thing.
  59. >I'm sure Big Mac has made his assumptions by now.
  60. >I still have that though... I still have all his letters.
  61. >Quite a few months worth of letters for that matter.
  62. >They're sort of just littering the kitchen table...
  63. >I watch for a few more hopeful seconds as he turns to trot back towards the farmhouse.
  64. >One day...maybe...
  65. >I guess I didn't even hear him say goodbye this time...
  66. >I was wishing he'd say something else.
  67. >Well, anything else really.
  68. >"Have a good day, Big Mac," I reply before taking to the chilly winter skies again.
  69. >The rest of the route that day is uneventful.
  70. >I moved the kitchen table near a window.
  71. >I like having the sun flood in at the end of the day, since I usually eat breakfast in darkness.
  72. >I guess it's supposed to be a breakfast nook, though.
  73. >The centerpiece of the table is currently a wood-carving of a certain green apple cutiemark that a particular red stallion may have adorning his sculpted flank.
  74. >Bite my lip slightly at the memory of the toned curves the cutiemark covers.
  75. >The snowclouds have decided to allow the sun some room for it's descent out of the sky today.
  76. >Celestia herself seems to send her regards as the evening sun throws long shadows across my table through the mess of letters and knicknacks I've collected from Big Macintosh.
  77. >I can't help but just smile fondly as I rest a hoof on the green-painted wood of the apple carving.
  78. >I can hear the neighbor's radio faintly playing some percussive melody that somehow matches this cozy picture of a single stallion's misused breakfast nook.
  79. >Pick up one of the older letters.
  80. >A smile slowly spreads across my lips.
  81. >This is what my afternoons have boiled down to for so many months now.
  82. >Rereading what he's sent me and fondling the little gifts he's been generous enough to give.
  83. >It feels like I know a secret part of him that no one else does.
  84. >That fact alone is enough to make me smile wider as I tilt the wooden apple back and forth a few times in the light of the setting winter sun.
  85. >And again, I wonder what it would be like if he were here right now to enjoy this quiet warmth with me.
  86. >Would we curl up together so he could hold me while I read comic books?
  87. >Would I humor him by having an indoor picnic so that the cold wouldn't bother him? We'd spread the blanket in the living room and have a basket and everything.
  88. >Maybe he would drum up some willpower and get good and wrapped up so we could go talk a walk in Whitetail Woods.
  89. >He'd want to go there so that no one would see how ridiculous he looked in all his scarves and his hat.
  90. >Maybe we'd just make some hot cocoa and curl up in front of my fireplace...
  91. >Maybe we'd kiss in the light of the jumping flames.
  92. >Maybe hed even....mount me...right there on the floor...
  93. >Every part of me shivers and tingles at the thought.
  94. >We'd share each other's bodies until we were too worn out to keep going...
  95. >And just take a nap right there after scooting our empty cocoa mugs to the side.
  96. >Thus were the rose-tinted daydreams of my evening until I curled up with the pillow I had to buy.
  97. >Until yet another fateful morning happened.
  98. >A few more weeks into the winter, a rather annoyed-looking Applejack was waiting for me in front of Sweet Apple Acres.
  99. >"Good morning, Applejack," I say as I give her the letters.
  100. >My body jolts a little as she suddenly swipes the stack out of my hoof, "Mornin, Stamp."
  101. >She grumps a little as she searches through the letters and finds the incriminating pink envelope.
  102. >"Uhm...?" I ask as she sniffed over the pink envelope.
  103. >Her next words were spoken with an air of disdain, "Love letters..."
  104. >I could practically see them dripping if they were in a text bubble.
  105. >"Wh-what?" I ask with concern.
  106. >The way she said that made a part of me shrivel up in fear.
  107. >"Tell me, sugarcube," she fans the stack of letters back and forth a bit as she speaks, "Can ya remember where these ol' pink ones're comin from?"
  108. >"The what?"
  109. >The envelope in question gets pushed under my nose, "Th'ones with yer post office address on it... Aw no, don't tell me Derpy knows howta write." She rubs her forehead at the thought.
  110. >"Uhm...I...I can't tell you where those letters are coming from," Postal Code after all, I thought everyone knew that.
  111. >Not everyone is a mail-pony, Stamp.
  112. >"And jes why not?" she leans in a bit threateningly, "Big Mac's got a cold cuz he's been waitin out here evry mornin like a dang pup sittin obeyently fer 'is Master. Ah aim t'find out who this girl is that's got him all schmoopy agin."
  113. >Schmoopy?
  114. >Nevermind that.
  115. >"I-I'm serious, Applejack, I-I can't tell you where the letter came from," I hold up a hoof...just in case I have to try to ward her off.
  116. >Sheesh, even his sister is stronger than I am.
  117. >"What's stoppin ya?" she huffs a little bit.
  118. >"A-article 9...of the Mail Pony Code of Conduct," I tried to sound as official as I could.
  119. >Straighten up and chest buff. That's how you do official right?
  120. >She gives me the stink eye for a moment or two, "Well, if yer hooves're tied I guess there ain't nothin I can do 'bout it."
  121. >Her relenting gives me a bit more courage to continue my insurance story here, "Yeah, I mean, if you really wanted to know you'd have to fill out all these forms in triplicate, and then sign even more forms after those are all approved and then you'd have to wait six to ten business days and-"
  122. >Her hoof shoots up to cut me off, "Alright, alright, Ah git it, it's complicated."
  123. >That doesn't stop her from snorting in annoyance, "Thanks fer lettin me know it's a fool's errand though."
  124. >"Oh, that's not a problem at all, Applejack," I offer her a grin, though it's more nervous than friendly.
  125. >"If there's anythin ya CAN let me know, please do sugarcube," She shakes her head as she goes back through the gate, "Ah cain't believe you, Big Macintosh," I hear her scorning to herself, "Sneezin yer head off fer some girl y'ain't even met..."
  126. >She keeps grumbling as she goes down the path.
  127. >Half of my heart is relieved while the other feels a bit distraught.
  128. >He got sick because of me...
  129. >I'm going to have to repay him somehow.
  130. >Maybe...
  131. >Am I really thinking this?
  132. >Maybe we
  133. >No, matter how bad you can't convince yourself to meet him when you know you're not ready.
  134. >Even though the thought of poor old Big Mac bed-ridden with a cold made me wriggle with guilt.
  135. >I wish I could nurse him back to health...
  136. >Why does it feel like somepony's watching me?
  137. >I thought as I came home to my pink-paper-covered kitchen table again.
  138. >But there must be something I can-
  139. >Somepony raps into my thoughts with a hoof clopping on my front door.
  140. >Now who could that be? I never normally get any visitor-
  141. >Applejack is smirking at me when the door opens.
  142. >My eyes widen and my mouth hangs slack.
  143. >"Ah knew it," she greets me smugly when she sees the table littered in Big Mac-related items.
  144. >I can't even say anything as I back away and she steps into my home.
  145. >"A-a-a-apple...jack...h-hi..." I feel my knees shaking with every step I take.
  146. >"Ah had a feelin' it was you, sugarcube," she grins scandalously.
  147. >I gulp dryly, "W-well...y-you see... I...I....I'msorryIgotBigMacsick!!"
  148. >I cower behind an upraised hoof.
  149. >"Jes don't do it agin, Stamp," she says gently as she slowly puts my hoof back on the floor.
  150. >There is silence as I stare at her for a minute.
  151. >>" followed saw me take the pink envelope... B-but...I thought you were...?"
  152. >Mad?" She finishes for me and laughs heartily, "Shucks, partner, Ah wuz at first...but now..." A wistful sigh leaves her, "Now, Ah cain't begin t'tell ya how happy y'made me."
  153. >Both of my ears fall one side at those words, "C-come again?"
  154. >"Jes trust me, hon," she smirks and then gives an exaggerated wink at her next words, "Les jes say Ah know a THING're two about muh big brother."
  155. >There is a momentary tick-tock as I have to process her implication.
  156. >When the realization hits, my wings unfurl rather loudly and suddenly.
  157. >"...Oh..." was that my tiny voice leaving me?
  158. >The farm mare laughs again, "Cool yer steam, sugar. Ah know he's smart'n all, but it ain't that hard to tell."
  159. >I fidget a little bit, "It was hard for me to tell..."
  160. >"Y'think you'd be up t'meetin 'im when he's better?" She tilts her hat back expectantly.
  161. >My forehoof rubs over the other unsurely, "...I think...I'd like that...very much..."
  162. >Says the mouth listening to my base desires before my brain can catch up.
  163. >"Good, Ah'll let 'im know where t'findya," she starts moving closer, "And Stamp, hon?"
  164. >Everything in me cringes, but the most my body can do to keep up with the feeling is lean away from her, "Y-yes...?"
  165. >"If ya'll ever do anythin like that t'Big Mac's health ever agin in yer little life, so help me Ah'll buck yer past life," she lays this down in the most caring of tones, topped with a sweet smile, "Are we clear?"
  166. >I can feel the color draining out of my face, "C-crystal..." I nod nervously.
  167. >"Great!" She turns towards the door, sauntering in triumph, "Don' worry bout no letters this week, sugarcube. This'll be better than all yer letters put t'gether Ah bet."
  168. >Her grin gets aimed at me when she stops with her hoof on the knob.
  169. >"Y-yeah, much b-better," I hastily agree.
  170. >Though it's much more wholehearted than my nervousness allows me.
  171. >One more laugh before she leaves, "Have a good night, Stamp."
  172. >"You too, Applejack," I think my mouth was on autopilot at that point.
  173. >As soon as the door shuts, thoughts of Big Mac being in my house rush into my head.
  174. >I feel my inner thighs tingle and my head buzzes.
  175. >Most promptly, I flump over on the floor in a faint.
  176. >How slowly the days go following that traumatic evening.
  177. >Everywhere I go I feel like I'm about to turn the corner and see him pop up.
  178. >Every red coat I see is like a teasing hint of the eyes of how soon it will be before he's on my front step.
  179. >Almost a week goes by, and every morning that Applejack greets me at Sweet Apple Acres with a smile.
  180. >She can see on my face that I want to ask her, but I just can't bring myself to say the words.
  181. >The look on her face says that she knows, quite clearly.
  182. >But finally, after so many long days of waiting, that knock comes to my front door the day before Hearth's Warming Eve.
  183. >No other pony's hoof could make a clop that big.
  184. >The moment of truth is upon both of us.
  185. >Snow is starting to fall.
  186. >Some of it's in his mane.
  187. >His green eyes swell when they meet mine.
  188. >She didn't tell him who I was.
  189. >"S-Stamp?" Part confusion, part hopefulness, he just had an earnesty to his voice that wanted to know the truth.
  190. >I did my best to make sure my greeting made it quite clear that this was the truth.
  191. >Since well...he doesn't like talking all that much.
  192. >Offering up the most sincere smile that I can muster, I greet, "Hello...Big Macintosh..."
  193. >For a few tense moments, as we stare at each other, the only sound is the faint landing of snow on the ground outside.
  194. >Those big caring eyes search mine for something...and eventually they find whatever it is they are looking for.
  195. >Slowly, his expression softens to that content smile of his that I have grown so fond of.
  196. >"Come in...please...I wouldn't want you to catch another cold..."
  197. >"Don' mind if Ah do," his smile widens just a bit and he's inside.
  198. >He's inside.
  199. >My house.
  200. >Stay calm, Stamp... He's here to visit you...not nurse you back from a rush of blood to the head.
  201. >Which head?
  202. >Down boy.
  203. >"This is..." I pause as his eyes rest on all the letters and little gifts he's given over the past months spread out over my table, "The kitchen...and the nook..."
  204. >He says little as I lead him around the house to show him all the rooms.
  205. >No matter where I go, his eyes are on me and mine are on him.
  206. >There is just this...happy...warmth...that I feel.
  207. >All that timid energy is still there...but it feels like a faraway breeze from the bottom of a serene valley.
  208. >We stop in the arch of my hallway.
  209. >"And uh, that's the grand tour," I finish with a supposition of my hoof.
  210. >He laughs very gently, "It's pretty cozy...hon..."
  211. >My face gets about as red as his when he adds that on.
  212. >The big stallion glances around a bit, though he stops when he glances up.
  213. >A playful smirk forms on his face.
  214. >"Funny place t'find some mistletoe, huh?" he drawls as he turns his gaze back down to me.
  215. >My teeth chew a into my lower lip slightly.
  216. >Sure enough, when I glance up, the little jokester of a plant is hanging right where I put it earlier this month.
  217. >"I don't's a bad find mistletoe..." I reply as his nose gets closer and closer to mine.
  218. >For just a moment, I feel his hot breath on my lips before his close over my mouth.
  219. >With all the gentility that our bodies possessed, we pressed closer.
  220. >My average chest to his strong barrel.
  221. >My head was tilted all the way up almost, but I wouldn't trade the feeling of his soft lips and that little bit of stubble on his chin for anything the world had to offer.
  222. >He really did smell like macintoshes...which in turn made his mouth sort of taste like them too.
  223. >His large frame seemed to emanate welcoming heat as his gentle, but firm lips entranced me closer to him.
  224. >There's no telling how long we stayed like that.
  225. >I could practically feel the waves of elation washing between the two of us as we finally shared something more intimate than a hello.
  226. >When we finally pulled away, I could see the blush on his cheeks- but only because it made his freckles a slightly different color.
  227. >I glanced over at our shadows in the hallway.
  228. >There were some rather floppy appendages making themselves known from between our legs.
  229. >But not a word was said, we simply glanced at the shadows and then at each other.
  230. >As though we agreed that there was no need to speak of that directly.
  231. >My throat finally caught up to my voice- quietly breaking the blushing silence, "...Would you like some hot chocolate...Big Mac?"
  232. >Something about my complete disregard for the states of our arousal caused his smile to creep right back into his muzzle, "Ah'd like that alot, sugarcube."
  233. >My feathers bristled at hearing his rough yet tender voice call me that.
  234. >Moments later, two mugs of cocoa sat on the hearth between us as we lay side-by-side, pressed as close as we possibly could be.
  235. >It was as though we moved and breathed under a veil of quiet passion.
  236. >I don't think any words were spoken between us for a long time.
  237. >We would sip our cocoa quietly, almost in unison.
  238. >Every once in a while, I couldn't help myself as I leaned in to kiss at his broad neck and on his cheek.
  239. >Between these, he'd turn to catch my lips so we could share the taste of our cocoa with smooches.
  240. >I even sucked on his lower lip and some of his tongue on one of those exchanges.
  241. >Like we were intoxicated for one another.
  242. >I'm not sure how it started, but we began taking turns putting more wood on the fire.
  243. >He knew well that I was staring directly at the black length and full orbs swaying between his legs when he would slide some more kindling into the flames.
  244. >I knew that his eyes were soaking in every movement of my splotched-skin shaft and cream-colored sack when I got up to do the same.
  245. >As though we were silently sharing with one another the prizes we had won for ourselves this evening.
  246. >Goodness gracious, was this some kind of that tantric stuff I'd heard of?
  247. >This haze of bliss got slightly interrupted by nature.
  248. >He smooches around my ear, making me shake some, "Ah'll be right back, sugarcube. Gotta use the little colt's room."
  249. >He knows very well that I'm watching him over my shoulder as he walks away.
  250. >The sway of his rear before he goes into the hallway makes it obvious.
  251. >Just knowing he was here in my home gave me this odd sense of comfort.
  252. >He's seen all there is to see of me, why be nervous now?
  253. >But when he stops at the edge of the living room and his eyes stare hungrily at my- admittedly- plump rump...I feel my cheeks burning anew with blush.
  254. >Both of us flinch as his pre drips rather loudly to the tile.
  255. >His eyes go from my cutiemark to my eyes.
  256. >He takes a deep breath.
  257. >"M-may Ah...?"
  258. >Deep breaths make my body heave a little as it feels like all the heat in the house is suddenly turned on.
  259. >Before my nervousness can stop me, I bite my lower lip and nod my head quickly.
  260. >I'm shivering before he even touches me, but when he does I'm surprised.
  261. >Not by the eagerness of his hooves on my hindquarters.
  262. >No, but by how much they sink in.
  263. >I didn't even know my rear was that soft.
  264. >Or sensitive.
  265. >That one groping touch makes me leans my head back and moan weakly.
  266. >Big Mac's form shakes at the sound of my small cry.
  267. >But he seems determined to keep control of himself as his nose gets closer and closer to those twin cream mounds.
  268. >"Aauuuhhhmmmff..." My back and whole posterior flinch and tense up as I feel his tongue swipe across my tender, winking donut.
  269. >My eyes practically roll up into the back of my head as he finds he likes this new taste.
  270. >That broad snout of his is soon digging into my squishy bottom, that tongue scooping and digging around inside the cleft formed by the cheeks.
  271. >I'm not sure what he likes more, the reactions I have to his licking or the amount of pure rumpcheek he has to squish against his muzzle.
  272. >The next moan I give out gets caught up in my throat.
  273. >That curious tongue of his has found it's way into that clenching hole and it only digs deeper at the blissful sounds it creates from me.
  274. >He grinds his chin into my round taint as he snakes his tongue around in that tight entrance, making me rock back and forth like he was already hunched over me with something much more invasive inside.
  275. >My ears catch his deep, lusty panting when he finally pulls away.
  276. >The big stallion can't resist another full-body squeeze of those two pert pillows of pony rump.
  277. >After a few more gropes like this, our eyes finally meet again in the foggy passion.
  278. >We're both quivering with need.
  279. >Keeping his eyes on mine, he asks one more time.
  280. >"M-may Ah...?"
  281. >Carefully, he stands to his hooves, all of his muscles tensing like he's trying to stay still.
  282. >My eyes drink in the sight of his involuntary humping.
  283. >Tongue dragging greedily over my lips at the rippling of those stud hips, I answer as loudly as I can.
  284. >Though even that is no more than an effeminate whisper at this point.
  285. >"Y-y-yes..." I plant my rear hooves on the floor , push my behind up, and flick my short red tail out of the way to present it to him.
  286. >His grunt of approval makes me shake a little harder, our pre hitting the floor almost simultaneously.
  287. >I feel his lips kiss over my cutiemark one more time.
  288. >To his credit, he attempts to be gentle at first.
  289. >But when you want something for that long, I guess it's hard to dilute the strength of your enthusiasm.
  290. >With me pressing my presented rump to him, and he pushing his aching rod towards that needy hole, the mount isn't exactly graceful.
  291. >Neither of us care.
  292. >Both of us want.
  293. >Both of our bodies burn for this.
  294. >The cry that leaves me is harsh when that unforgiving crown deflowers my clenching pucker.
  295. >At that point, it feels like both of us enter a rut.
  296. >My whole body knows nothing but heat.
  297. >I smell nothing but musk.
  298. >Every inch he pushes in, I can feel as my body nearly pulls him in.
  299. >The muscles of my hole choking that invading cudgel with each push.
  300. >Oh, does it hurt.
  301. >A long, extended pain that pushes into depths I didn't know I had.
  302. >I control no part of me as my body continues to throw itself backwards towards his studly thrusts.
  303. >It seems like I can even feel his mating juices slide through my insides, helping him bury that black shaft even further.
  304. >Both of us moan as we reach the zenith once together.
  305. >I feel his tepid balls smushing pleasantly against mine whilst his hips grind into the valley my pliant cheeks meld around his strong form.
  306. >His hooves plant near mine, and his body hunches over me completely.
  307. >The hot breaths of exertion he huffs out brush tantalizingly over my ear.
  308. >Those hips pull back and all at once its as though a great vacuum forms where it left.
  309. >Only wanting to be filled.
  310. >I whine coarsely and try to push back to get him where he was before.
  311. >But I needn't wait long as the force of those hips causes a dry slap against my jiggling glutes.
  312. >That feeling of being so full returning along with it.
  313. >This causes me to only whine louder.
  314. >A wanton cry of lust.
  315. >Everything from that point on is a despicably dreamy haze of pleasure and exertion.
  316. >His body flexes and ripples against my much more plush one.
  317. >I feel myself rocking back and forth as those thrusts get stronger and stronger.
  318. >That thick cock pulverizing that hole, disstending my insides with such agonizing bliss, and making me cry out for more and more and more.
  319. >His juices flow freely. I can hear the wet slaps of our musky sacks becoming more lewd with each new collision of our bodies.
  320. >Blood is rushing to my temples every time he slams forward.
  321. >Every time I push sharply back against him he groans loudly and redoubles his efforts.
  322. >We move in tandem to make those slams harder and deeper.
  323. >I am only conscious of how tightly my body strangles his invading member.
  324. >The clenching hole constricts more and more with each thrust.
  325. >I lose purchase of the floor and slide forward a bit.
  326. >The next thrusts hits a completely new part of me that sets ablaze the untouched embers of need that throb in my own cock.
  327. >I cry out loudly with each pound now.
  328. >Hooves dig into the tile as he fights to push forward and I fight to push back.
  329. >Without any warning, the next jam of that dick into my nethers causes my whole body to seize up.
  330. >I would scream in painful bliss if I only could.
  331. >Shamelessly, my splotched cock slaps against my belly as it pours its hefty pints of seed right onto the hearth and against my chin and mouth.
  332. >I faintly hear Big Macintosh murmur, "A-aahh...gawd..."
  333. >A guttural moan leaves both of us then.
  334. >Him because his black balls have clenched up against the base of his dick, the head has flared wide within me, and his seed is flooding every bit of my sensitive innards with a deluge of seed.
  335. >I do because it feels like my form is swelling from the amount that rushes into me.
  336. >His essence fills every little crevice that no other lover could reach.
  337. >Or so my imagination makes me feel.
  338. >His fertile gobs of fluid drip viscously from my upturned rump.
  339. >My muscles collapse and his instincts force him to pull away.
  340. >His wet cock slaps the tile just as his seed splashes out as well.
  341. >I can do no more than jolt as I feel a wash of it over my plush rump.
  342. >Somewhere in my faraway consciousness, I feel him lay down next to me.
  343. >That broad nose of his nuzzles into my neck.
  344. >Somehow or another, morning arrives.
  345. >Two empty mugs of cocoa are still on the hearth.
  346. >Ashes are all that's left of the fire we shared the night before.
  347. >When I finally open my eyes, I see that there is snow piled up to my window.
  348. >Not quite conscious enough for that, I nuzzle my head back down under his protective warmth.
  349. >Some minutes later, Big Mac raises his own head.
  350. >The sound of his yawn is cute.
  351. >"Well, sugarcube, looks like we're gon be snowed-in for a'while."
  352. >Groggily, I turn my eyes up to him and smile.
  353. >He senses some of the mischief in my grin and ends up returning the expression.
  354. >Wiggling closer, I pick my head up to kiss at his collarbone.
  355. >"I think I'm more than okay with that..."
  356. >He warmly emits that charming laugh and gently lays his head over mine.
  357. >While the snow covers the countryside in its blanket outside, we stay like this as long as we can
  358. >Together.
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