
Snobby Kid Anon learns a lesson

Jan 18th, 2017
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  2. >Be Anon.
  3. >Be a prince.
  4. >Well, not pure blooded, you are adopted after all, but nobody needs to be reminded of that little tidbit.
  5. >As long as there are no true successors, you'll always be THE prince, and lets be honest, the chances of your mom actually finding somebody is laughable.
  6. >Not to offend your mum, since you actually respect the aristocratic hierarchy, but it is a truth that needs to be said.
  7. >You are sitting on a table during recess, a napkin emblazoned with your initials tucked into the neck of your shirt as you eat a nice luncheon prepared by the help this morning.
  8. >You don't like it very much, the school you mean.
  9. >Everyone is beneath you, both in faculties and status.
  10. >Why couldn't you just stay at the castle? Isn't your mom a princess? She could definitely hire a respectable tutor just for you.
  11. >Instead, you have to be here with the commoner rabble like some bastard forced to be hid.
  12. >And for what? To make "Friends"? So you can fill the Journal she gave you with "Friendship Reports"?
  13. >Please.
  14. >While your mother loves to be friendly with those beneath her, you are of a different opinion.
  15. >As if you'd associate with lowborns.
  16. >"Hey, Anon, hows it going?"
  17. >You look from you meal towards these two unicorns.
  18. >You don't care to know their names so you just call them Fatty and Lanky.
  19. "What do you want, can't you see I'm eating!?"
  20. >The two lean back at your authoritative tone.
  21. >"W-Well, huh... me and Snails were wonderin' if you'd like to play with us after."
  22. >"Yeah yeah, it would be, huh, pretty cool to play with a, uh, hooman."
  23. >How great of them to show up during one of your inner monologues...
  24. >You roll your eyes.
  25. >And risk getting your suit dirty? As if.
  26. >You don't play.
  27. >Well... Not like they want...
  28. >You smirk and reach out a hand.
  29. >With some concentration you cast a simple spell; you levitate a nice ball of mud wrapped around a green hue from over yonder and smear it on Fatty.
  31. >You smugly look down at the now dirty, dirty commoner.
  32. "That was fun, perhaps we should "play" again soon."
  33. >The two colts gallop away, calling you names like "jerk" and "monkey"
  34. >Like the words of those beneath you carry any weight.
  35. >You bite down on your deluxe tuna sandwich.
  36. >"Good morning Prince Anonymous, I see you have given yourself a meal and a show." Diamond Tiara approaches, her lunchbox back on her mouth after the greeting.
  37. >Silver Spoon giggles at her companion's joke.
  38. >"May we sit with you?"
  39. >While you do not consider these two your equals, they are as close to nobility as you will find in this place.
  40. >And since you've procured this table (Read: talked down anyone wanting to use it), might as well.
  41. >You dab your mouth with the napkin.
  42. "You may. Be thankful."
  43. >"Of course, you are too kind."
  44. >SS nods with a "hmhm" only to get a little whipping from DT's tail.
  45. >"Silver Spoon, use words, we aren't speaking to *those* blank-flanks."
  46. >"Right, sorry. I agree!"
  47. >The three of you eat while bemoaning your situation of being surrounded by lessers, your back handed jabs at the fact they also fall into that category going completely over their heads.
  48. >Though it doesn't take long for you three to be interrupted as this place has no sense of decorum.
  49. >"Hey, Anon why did'ja throw mud at Snips!? He jus' wanted 'ta play with y'all!"
  50. >"Yeah, you didn't have to be such a meanie!"
  51. >"Meanie? He was a complete jerk!"
  52. >Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo respectively.
  53. >Here to annoy you yet again.
  55. "And what, pray tell, will a peasant and her two commoner friends do about it?"
  56. >"P-Peasant?"
  57. >"C-Commoner?"
  58. >"Alright you jerk, you asked for it, put your dukes up!"
  59. >It's at this point DT interjects, hopefully to clean up this annoyance.
  60. >"Prince Anonymous outranks all of you combined, show some respect or show yourselves AND your ugly Cutie Marks out."
  61. >"Yeah!"
  62. >"Ah bet y'all haven't worked a day in yer life! Talkin' down 'ta those who put yer food on the table!"
  63. "Having to deal with you is work enough for a lifetime."
  64. >"WHY YOU!"
  65. >"Girls, GIRLS calm down! We can solve this without any fighting!"
  66. >At this point you just want this to end.
  67. "What do you propose, so I can shoot it down?"
  68. >"W-Well... huh... how about a test of courage! The three of us against the three of you, first one to Zacora's hut will have the losers be servants for a week!"
  69. >You. Go into the Everfree? Pfft, never.
  70. >"Hmph, you're on, a Prince like Anon will surely laugh in the face of anything there!" DT says, high and mighty.
  71. >H-Hey, don't go agreeing to things on your behalf!
  72. >"Princes are dashing and courageous, I bet you didn't know that." SS backs her up.
  73. >Don't spout ridiculous conjecture, either!
  74. "I-I..."
  75. >Scootaloo smirks at you.
  76. >"What's the matter "Prince", too scared?"
  77. "S-Scared, me? Never! I'm just excited to have the three of you do my homework and carry my stuff for a whole week, yeah, that's it, the only position worthy of your status!"
  78. >"Then it's settled." Sweetie Belle starts "After school we'll all meet at the edge of the Everfree Forest, if you don't show up then we win by default!"
  79. >How did smearing Fatty with mud turn into this!?
  81. >Be afternoon.
  82. >School's out, but instead of going straight home you send your mom a note via magic to tell her "You'll be playing with some "friends" this evening."
  83. >You sigh as you make your way to the location.
  84. >This is terrible.
  85. >Horrible
  86. >Absolutely horrid.
  87. >Oh, you'll most definitely cut ties with those two after this.
  88. >"Well, if it isn't Anon, thought you went ahead and ran to your castle." Scootaloo is already looking up at you smugly
  89. >"Hold the trash talk, Scoots 'least he showed up, that's already more noble than most nobles."
  90. >So like a peasant to think less of your betters, hm, Apple Bloom?
  91. >"Where are Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?" Sweetie Belle asks.
  92. "I don't know, should be here shortly, I want to get this done quick."
  93. >You look to the darkening grove before you.
  94. >"What's the matter? Can't wait to be cozy by the fireplace with ponies at your beck and call?"
  95. "At least I have those."
  96. >Scootaloo grits her teeth, but before she can say anything Sweetie Belle spots DT and SS coming over.
  97. "What took you so long?"
  98. >"Us ladies have to arrive fashionably late."
  99. >Oh, you are so gonna drop these fillies like a bad habit.
  100. >"More importantly, what's up with those rags." SS points to the other girls. "They look terrible."
  101. >"Hey, we're representing the Cutie Mark Crusaders against you snotty jerks, so we came prepared!"
  102. >"At least that ugly thing matches the mark on your flanks."
  103. >"So, are y'all ready or what?"
  104. >You all nod in the affirmative.
  105. >You push down any reservations you might have with this.
  106. >Your pride demands no less.
  109. >"Yuck! I think I stepped on something!" DT complains.
  110. >You adjust your bag and just keep walking through the small path in the brush with two of the most annoying ponies to ever grace your presence.
  111. >Your shoes are dirtied with mud too, you know? And while you'd want to complain, now's not the time!
  112. >The moment this thing started your groups separated.
  113. >The others probably know this area! You've been had!
  114. >"You can wipe it on this patch of grass here."
  115. >You three keep making your way through the creepy looking trees.
  116. >You gulp as they seem to have faces.
  117. >You decrease your pace to be closer to the two fillies, not that you'll tell them the reason!
  118. >Are you three even going the right way?
  119. >The instructions were pretty clear.
  120. >Head east and you'll come across a hut.
  121. >If you find blue flowers you're on the right track.
  122. >But don't touch them or anything, those are Poison Joke.
  123. >You know from books how to read your directions with the positions of the sun, but the canopies are too large that barely any light can get through.
  124. >And you already passed those flowers.
  125. >"Gah, I can't take it anymore." DT whined "Someone please carry me!"
  126. "Absolutely not!"
  127. >You cross your arms in an X shape.
  128. "You got us into this, now you deal with it!"
  129. >"F-Fine."
  130. >The general smell of wilderness is an affront to your sense of smell.
  131. >You wipe a bit of sweat from your forehead, the hot humidity getting to you.
  132. >"Ugh, all these flies..." SS complains.
  133. >Why would someone want to live in a place like this!?
  134. >Is... Is that light? It is!
  135. "Look over there! We're close!"
  136. >The three of you get your second wind and rush towards it!
  137. >Oh sweet heavens, this will be over soon!
  138. >You break through the brush and there it is.
  139. >Zecora's hut.
  140. >You feel relief, but also despair at the fact those three are already here, drinking tea with the zebra.
  141. >So you lost... darn it!
  143. >"I see your friends have arrived, though from their looks I fear they shouldn't have tried."
  144. >Oh goodie, a jester...
  145. >The three of you drag your feet closer in defeat.
  146. >You are dirty, sweaty and want nothing more than a bath.
  147. >"How long were we in there?" SS asks.
  148. >"You slowpokes, you were, like, fifteen minutes behind! Can't wait to have Anon do my homework for me!" Scootaloo boasts.
  149. >After catching your breath you six start heading out.
  150. >"Zecora thanks you all for stopping by, even if for some, their plans went awry."
  151. "Must she always rhyme?"
  152. >You whisper even after getting so far ahead that the hut can't be seen anymore.
  153. >"Yeah, why couldn't she just be a mime?" DT adds.
  154. >The rest giggle as you two realize what you did.
  155. "Hmph, whatever, I'm just glad I can get out of this place."
  156. >"Don't be a sore loser "prince", we've won fair and square."
  157. "Like doing your homework is a chore, you lot are as dimwitted as they come!"
  158. >"What was that!?"
  159. "Get your dirty hooves off me!"
  160. >You two keep arguing, not aware that the noise was attracting something...
  161. >You kept walking back, until you heard the rustling of bushes, and even the cracking of bark.
  162. >"Uh... everyone heard that, right?" Sweetie Belle asked.
  163. >"Ah sure did..."
  164. >"Me too.
  165. "S-Same."
  166. >"Silver Spoon and I also heard it. Maybe we should walk faster?"
  167. >You all start a briskly pace.
  168. >But before you can walk farther than a few feet...
  169. >A monster jumps out from the treeline!
  170. >It towers over all of you!
  171. >It roars!
  172. >"M-M-MANTICORE!"
  175. >You all quickly turn back and run as fast as your legs can carry you!
  176. >The thing gives chase!
  177. >Darn, darn, DARN!
  178. >Why did you have to get caught in this mess!
  179. >"E-Everyone, through here!"
  180. >You don't even put a face to the voice as you turn and go under a large fallen tree trunk
  181. >You can feel dirt and grime stick to your clothes but you're too scared to care!
  182. >You six stop and take a breather
  183. >Only...
  184. >With a defiant roar, the beast breaks through the tree!
  186. >"Hey! Leave her out of this! it was Tiara's big mouth that started it!"
  187. >"Nuh-huh! I recall you three... confronting Anonymous about something he did, so it was all HIS fault!"
  188. >"That's- That's right!"
  189. >"Y'all stop blamin' and keep runnin'!"
  190. >And you ran.
  191. >Deeper into the Everfree.
  192. >Panting beast hot on your trail.
  193. >You are so gonna die!!
  194. >"Aah!" You hear a scream.
  195. >Sweetie Belle tripped on a root!
  196. >The manticore keeps gaining ground.
  197. >"Come on you two! Don't fall behind!"
  198. >"Ow, my hoof..."
  199. >Should you help!?
  200. >Should you run!?
  201. >AAAhH, make up your mind!
  202. >You drop your bag and sprint to Sweetie Belle, grab her smaller frame under your arm and run!
  203. >Her added weight slows you down as your body is already screaming under the strain.
  204. >"F-Faster Anon! It's gaining on us!"
  205. >Your lungs are on fire!
  206. >You take quicker breaths as you break through the brush and see the other four already, waiting by the edge of a rickety bridge!
  207. >"Anon, Sweets come on!" They all yell for you!
  208. >You don't dare look back.
  209. >With one final effort, you reach the edge yourself.
  210. >Just as a boulder flies from the canopy and crashes right behind you!
  211. >The force of it cracks the ground beneath all your feet, as the piece of land you six were standing on broke away and slid into the chasm below.
  213. >You all scream your hearts out.
  214. >But on a brighter note, the Manticore stopped chasing you!
  215. >But still...
  219. >After that tumble you open your eyes, slowly...
  220. >You look around and everybody seems to be fine!
  221. >Ahahah! You survived!
  222. >Sweetie Belle hugs herself into your heaving chest fervently.
  223. >"Thank you, thank you, thankyouthankyouthankyou, THANK YOU! I don't want to know what would happen to me if you hadn't picked me up Anon!"
  224. >You can feel some tears on your dirty shirt.
  225. >You quickly rise to your feet, Sweetie falling onto her rump.
  226. >Your cheeks are hot for some reason...
  227. "W-Well, I didn't do it f-for you, alright!? My mom is good friends with your sister, s-so if something happened to you it would be awkward!"
  228. >You cross your arms and face the other way.
  229. >This is obviously the reason!
  230. "Y-You cost me my bag, s-so don't forget this!"
  231. >She wipes a stray tear from her eye with a hoof and gives you a beaming smile and a nod.
  232. >"Is everypony alright? That was close." Scootaloo says while checking herself over.
  233. >"Ah've had worse tumblings at the farm..." AB said, fixing her bow.
  234. >"Well, I'm not alright! I'm all dirty, and my mane is all over the place!"
  235. >"DT, come on, we barely got away."
  236. >"Hmph..."
  237. >You look around.
  238. >Thankfully, the sunlight manages to reach down here, if barely.
  239. >The rocky surface has roots and moss sticking out, but it seems climbable...
  240. >Though you're the only one with hands here, plus, a single mistake and you won't get so lucky again.
  241. >"Prince Anonymous, you can call your mother for help, right?" DT asks you.
  242. "I can't... I don't have any paper with me."
  243. >"WHAT?"
  244. "All my writing stuff's in my bag, and I dropped it. Though if someone could ACTUALLY fly, she could go get it!"
  245. >You look towards the only pegasus in the group.
  246. >"Anon, I will fight you."
  247. >"Why would you drop it!? Now we're all going to starve down here!"
  248. >SS tries to calm down an hysteric DT.
  250. >"Don't y'all worry about that, we aren't the Cutie Mark Crusaders fer nuthin'"
  251. >Scootaloo and Apple Bloom start scouring the area for a way out.
  252. >Sweetie Belle tries to help but her foreleg seems to have sprained.
  253. >"Ah horseapples, Sweets is down..."
  254. >"I-I can still help! Look, can't you hear water running?"
  255. >You all raise an ear to listen.
  256. >Well, they do, you just cock your head slightly.
  257. >You do hear.
  258. >A constant stream of liquid running through rock.
  259. >Though you don't really how it will help.
  260. >"We just need to follow it, I'm sure it'll lead to a river!"
  261. >"Nice going, Sweets! Cutie Mark Crusaders and, er... others, move out!"
  262. >You all follow your ears down the right path, you having to begrudgingly carry Sweetie Belle on your back.
  263. >The longer you walk, the wider the path gets, but soon enough you can see water running down the walls and connecting into a rope on the ground.
  264. "This better lead to something..."
  265. >You feel an incline as you keep walking, the rope becoming a small stream and then fully enveloping the ground.
  266. >"Ewewew." DT and SS chant as they dip their hooves in he water.
  267. >You fare no better, your shoes drenched and no doubt ruined.
  268. >The only one spared this fate is Sweetie Belle.
  269. >You wish you could be carried instead.
  270. >Finally, you reach the end of the road...
  271. >A huge boulder stuck between the walls, the water only able to get through from the two openings at the bottom where the boulder doesn't connect to the ground.
  272. >Maybe...
  273. >No, it's too small to squeeze through.
  274. "Great, just great!"
  275. >"Easy, Anon." Sweetie tells you.
  276. "Easy? We're stuck inside a chasm with no food, water or anyone that knows that we were here in the first place! And now this thing blocks our way!"
  277. >"Shucks Anon, 'least we're together."
  278. "I just want to go home..."
  280. >"Well, duh, we all do, now help me push this thing out of the way big guy." Scootaloo makes a good point before trying to rope you into doing something impossible.
  281. "How about no? A rock that huge definitely won't budge!"
  282. >"Not with that attitude it won't!"
  283. >"If we all put sum elbow grease, Ah'm sure we can do it!"
  284. >You grumble and put Sweetie down, not even caring that she'll get herself wet.
  285. >"Come on, you two as well."
  286. >"No way, I'm not doing... manual labor!"
  287. >"That's for the help!"
  288. >"Y'all wanna go home or not?"
  289. >Everyone sans Sweetie Belle puts hand and hoof on the uneven surface aaand...
  290. >Puuushes...
  291. >Didn't work.
  292. >Puuush!
  293. >Still no dice.
  294. >Sweetie Belle's horn starts glowing and she tries to give you all an edge by trying to levitate it.
  295. >Puuuuuush!!
  296. >It budged!
  297. >This just might work!!
  298. "Okay, okay... you four keep pushing and- and I'll try my magic as well!"
  299. >You step back next to Sweetie and hold out your hands in concentration...
  300. >[spoiler]Ya vulgtlagln 'fhalma, goka y-'bthnk-og h'-orr'e ch' h'-ftaghu uaaah[/spoiler]
  301. >You can feel yourself able to interact with the boulder...
  302. >With the four fillies pushing with all their might and your and Sweetie's combined magic trying to levitate it out of the way, the thing budges more and more!
  303. >Just a bit more...
  304. >Dust kicks out from the sides!
  305. >Easy, easy...
  306. >With a loud rumbling the boulder starts moving forward!
  307. >Right to the edge and down into the pool of water below with a large splash!
  308. >You did it!
  309. >The rest of the pooled water follows the rock, leaving the ground you all stand moist but without the cold liquid.
  310. >You can't help but jump in celebration!
  311. >"See! I knew we could do it!"
  313. >Another hurdle came up immediately...
  314. "How are we getting down?"
  315. >It wasn't that steep a drop, but it wasn't something you'd like to attempt.
  316. >"Ah, it's hopeless! No way we can get down!"
  317. >DT, SS and you hear a bit of commotion from the CMC trio.
  318. >"We can use this!" Sweetie Belle says proudly while Apple Bloom and Scootaloo hold up their tied together capes.
  319. >Huh... this just might work yet!
  320. >You take it from them and tie it around a root jutting from the edge and give it a strong pull.
  321. >Right, seems like your best bet.
  322. "So... whose going first..."
  323. >Everybody just stares at you.
  324. >Well, fine!
  325. >You move towards the edge.
  326. >"Don't forget Sweets!"
  327. "No, way! I'm already unsure enough about this as it is, I'm not carrying her with me!"
  328. >"We can't carry her ourselves!"
  329. "GAH, fiiiiine."
  330. >You whine a bit before relenting.
  331. >With her holding you around your neck, you kneel down and start making your way carefully.
  332. >You watch where you put your feet, each step down making pebbles fall...
  333. "Nhgaah!"
  334. >You slip, scraping your knee on the rock face!
  335. >But you manage to hold on until there's no more cape.
  336. >You look down and it looks like a comfortable height...
  337. >You drop down and feel your feet hit the ground with a thud.
  338. >"Phew." Sweetie Belle finally calms down at your back.
  339. "Okay, now someone else come down!"
  340. >First came Scootaloo, then Apple Bloom then Diamond Tiara.
  341. >"C'mon Silver Spoon, y'all can do it!"
  342. >"Yeah, if Diamond Tiara could then so can you!"
  343. >"Hey!"
  344. >With uncertainty heavy, SS started making her way down.
  345. >The previous strain already loosening the knots...
  346. >She went down steady.
  347. >"N-Nonono h-help!"
  348. >The capes come undone!
  349. >You watch her back as she comes falling down!
  350. >"Silver Spoon!"
  351. >You quickly hold out your arms underneath her.
  352. "Hnfff!"
  353. >She collides with you, taking the air out of your lungs and making you fall on your butt...
  354. >She sniffles on top of you, but otherwise is completely fine.
  355. >Safe...
  358. >After getting back up and dusting your already muddy clothes, you look around as the fillies calm down a shaking Silver Spoon.
  359. >It certainly seems like you're out of the chasm and into a clearing...
  360. >The sky is threatening to turn purple as the sun has been steadily going down this whole time.
  361. >You gulp.
  362. >You do not want to be in the Everfree during the night...
  363. >You and the girls all make your way back into the forest.
  364. >Keeping a fast pace while watching each other and the surrounding bushes and trees.
  365. >The faces seem almost hungry...
  366. >And glowing yellow eyes can be seen from the darkness.
  367. >You climb over a fallen tree and help the others over it.
  368. >You all keep going, without saying anything yet having the same mindset.
  369. >To get home...
  370. >Leaves crackle and twigs snap under you.
  371. >You all keep on alert, you never know if the Manticore is around...
  372. >You keep going past the brush, hearing your already tormented clothes rip.
  373. >Keep going Anon...
  374. >You pass through bugs, lizards, frogs...
  375. >You even pass through stone statues of those same things.
  376. >"...Who- Who made these?"
  377. "Don't know- Don't care. Keep going."
  378. >After taking a small break, you wipe the sweat from your forehead and start going again.
  379. >You don't know how much time you spent making your way through the forest...
  380. >If you were asked, you'd probably say days.
  381. >Because that's how it felt- how you felt.
  382. >The truth of the matter was that it was just a few hours...
  383. >You see a familiar light!
  384. "Everyone, Zecora's hut is near!"
  385. >Light shines in their eyes as they gallop with renewed zeal.
  386. >Finally!
  387. >After all that, you all made it!
  388. >And you definitely couldn't have made it alone, prince or not!
  389. >You collapse at Zecora's door step.
  390. >"Hmm? Shouldn't you foals be at home? You lot look horrid, allow me to serve you a delicious drink with foam!"
  391. "My legs... they feel like jelly."
  393. >You had done it!
  394. >After Zecora took you in, you had asked her for some parchment and ink so you could send a letter to your mother.
  395. >She immediately teleported to get you.
  396. >You'd never seen her so beside herself.
  397. >Oh she was mad too.
  398. >But after seeing the state you were in she decided to reel it in.
  399. >Once out of the dreaded forest, the girls were all taken home, any mention of the deal completely forgotten.
  400. >And you?
  401. >Well, you were grounded.
  402. >For worrying your mother, primarily.
  403. >Just a day in your room without dessert so you could stew in what happened.
  404. >You were also forced to write a "Friendship Report".
  405. >You looked at the piece of parchment, quill in hand for the first time...
  407. >[Dear Princess Celestia:]
  408. >[I haven't written one of these, ever... so I'll say it once, my name is Anonymous.]
  409. >[Today I was lost in the Everfree with five other ponies. I was so scared after a Manticore showed up (but don't tell anyone I was). One of us almost didn't make it and after running we ended up trapped!]
  410. >[I learned... I learned that no matter who you are or what walk of life you have, you can't always get by with just yourself.]
  411. >[Sometimes, it takes strength in numbers, others, it takes giving something of yours so that everyone can climb out of a mishap, and sometimes... sometimes all you just need is a friend to help you get through it.]
  412. >[Maybe those who are not royalty, are the truly important ones... I will keep this in mind from now on.]
  413. >[From the desk of Prince Anonymous; adopted son of Princess Twilight Sparkle.]
  414. /end
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