
[Role] ADC

Dec 9th, 2015
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  1. #ADC
  2. ##General
  3. ADC stands for **A**ttack **D**amage **C**arry, which is exactly what you're going to do. You're going to carry your team off of your damage. In Smite (and most other MOBAs), ADCs rely on their inhands, on their Auto Attacks to deal damage. Due to the nature of how these games work
  4. (Abilities have extra effects, base damage that increases by leveling, crit, attack speed, etc.), Gods who do most of their damage with AAs generally don't come on until later into the game. Where as abilities can be very devistating early on, AAs often don't provide too much damage in comparison; **until your build is online.**
  5. This applies to both magical as well as physical ADCs, the later of which being way more prominent in Smite. For that reason, and because magical ADCs play quite similar to physical ones, I'll only go over magical ADCs very briefly and focus on physical ADCs for the rest of the guide.
  6. ##Magical ADCs
  7. There are very few magical ADCs, the three most popular one, as I am writing this guide, being Freya, Sol and Chronos. They too, like physical ADCs, rely on their inhands and just like their physical counterparts they also rely on items to really get them started. They do not, however, have access to crit items, so what you'll generally find instead
  8. is a pseudo magical power / attack speed / pen build. Other than that, they are quite similar to physical ADCs and pretty much everything that I'll mention below can also be applied to them (barring the build section).
  9. ##Building
  10. ###Attack Speed
  11. You want AtkSp on an ADC simply because it allows you to get more AAs out. It's as simple as that. Any item that gives you AtkSp is useful, but there are a few that stand out due to their secondary effects. These change as the meta changes, but the most prominent item is Executioner. Executioner gives you Penetration, which help shred Tanks lategame.
  12. ###Crit Chance
  13. Many builds feature build Crit on an ADCs because it's what really makes your AAs' damage spiral out of control. Especially with Deathbringer, which further increases the bonus damage Crit does, you'll often two to three shot enemies late. You usually want to build at least two crit items on ADCs (although there might be exceptions) with Wind Demon currently being quite good.
  14. ##Gameplay
  15. Due to their reliance on items and their subpar ability damage (although this isn't true for every ADC), as well as the fact that they don't have a blue / red buff to start them off, ADCs are not the strongest class early. This is why they're played in the duo lane: They're paired
  16. with a Support player who can help them through the early stages, help them push lanes and possibly set up a few kills. As an ADC, your job is to farm up as quickly as possible. Even if you don't get a single kill, if you manage to reach late game before your opponent you've done your job.
  17. Position is also vital on ADCs. Even if you build somewhat defensively, you'll still be more squishy than your frontline and you should play accordingly. Your team has gotten you to lategame, now it's your job to carry them with your damage, a job you can't do if you die. Thus it's vitaly important that you watch your positioning.
  18. Stay to the sides, focus key targets to quickly brust them down while staying out of harms way yourself.
  19. ###Earlygame
  20. The earlygame is all about farming. Outpush your enemy, farm better and more effectively than them. If you can, get a kill, but your main goal is to outfarm them. Freeze the wave if there's an opportunity, share buffs but don't hesitate to fall back and hide under your tower if need be.
  21. For the first few levels, you'll have your Support to aid you, but he's not your baby sitter. If you die, it's not his fault, it was you who was out of position. Don't expect your Sup to do your job for you, play carefully and smart.
  22. ###Midgame
  23. When you've gotten your core items online you should start to really deal damage. Depending on who you're playing, you might be able to rotate quite a lot (e.g. Apollo), but don't forget to farm. Teamfights will break out more often now, and you'd be a great addition to any teamfight, but always consider what you're giving up for being there. Is your wave pushed up? Alrighty, no problem.
  24. Is the enemy pushed up to your tier 2? Maybe not the best moment to rotate. It's also time to look at objectives, specifically the Goldfury. With your damage and lifesteal, you should be able to almost solo it by now. If you see 5 enemies on the other side of the map, go grab GF.
  25. You shoud also be capable of splitpush relatively effectively now. You have the AAs to take down the tower quickly enough, so if you see an opportunity (make sure you have wards to grant you vision) grab a tower. Once again, consider what you're giving up instead and make sure that it's worth it (losing 4 teammates and a Fire Giant isn't worth a Tier 1, as an example).
  26. ###Lategame
  27. This is where it's all about teamfights. Your should be positioned in the back, or at the edge of your team. Wait for your Support or your Solo laner to initiate, and use the enemies' unfavourable position to your advantage. Focus squishy targets, such as the enemy ADC, Jungler or Midlaner, to quickly take them out. Make sure that you've got an escape route ready. You can split push very effectively now, especially if you've warded well. If you've won a teamfight, focus on objectives. Look at Fire Giant, Towers or Phoenixes. The Gold Fury is still nice to get, but not as important anymore.
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