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Apr 2nd, 2014
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  1. I understand that misunderstandings happen. It happens to everyone. My original post was just a question. I was reading the rankings with some others and then someone (I won’t name him to prevent more drama) mentioned how the Doughboys had an easy schedule. After snooping around the team page, I agreed and typed up a bunch of stuff questioning why they received so much praise. Note, this was not out of jealousy, I was simply curious as to why since I’ve been reading only power rankings ever since I had an interest in competitive TF2 and I have never actually seen someone like Cuddles write up a general summary of each week. So after questioning her choice in favoring the Doughboys, I wanted to provide some of my analysis on why they shouldn’t be receiving as much praise. I included my thoughts and statistics with this question just so then it wouldn’t be taken as a joke.
  2. Quickly enough, I received a well written response from Cuddles clearing up this power ranking mishap. I wasn’t questioning anything else at the time until various people started harassing me over my poor choice of words. I know it sounded very aggressive toward the Doughboys, but all I wanted to know was Cuddles’ reasoning for doing so. I had no idea at the time and I even apologized in advance in my original post to all the teams that I said “that they weren’t doing so hot.” It’s just so that I’m not the greatest at phrasing things to the point where everything seems like rainbows and unicorns. So to all those who thought I was jealous or angry over this mishap, I was just curious and I apologize for my terrible phrasing.
  3. As to the drama part, I know I add to a lot of drama but I didn’t actually mean to start any drama from my first post. I honestly just wanted a response from Cuddles. I should have sent her a message in private but for some reason, I just didn’t; my bad. After Cuddles’ initial response (which I was perfectly content with as it cleared up all of my misunderstandings), a couple individuals didn’t get my intent on writing the post and thought I was being an asshole. Although I can admit sometimes I’m kind of aggressive toward others, I wasn’t when making the post at the time and I wanted to clear things up before any other mishaps occur.
  4. As to being #1, I don’t think SYOPS could be #1 at the moment. We have good days and bad days and we just don’t have everything worked out at the moment. We (mostly I) can get very toxic at times and it just brings everyone else down. Yeah, I know I’m not the greatest player this game has ever seen (gamesense and dm wise) but even bad players can still be curious about things. How will one solve problems if they never voice out their questions or actively try for a solution (which didn’t apply for this case)? Also, I think the team “outskilled, obviously” should be at the top even though their 20th place ranking with a 10-0 record is a thing. They’re basically “wood pig” on their mains and then they start offclassing once it becomes a roll; but that’s just my opinion on who should really be #1 in CEVO-Open, you can feel free to disagree if you want but I honestly can’t imagine an average open team beating an invite team.
  5. I probably wore this out by now but sorry for any mishaps. Like I said before, I didn’t mean to be as aggressive as I phrased it to be. Good luck to the Doughboys in our match tonight.
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