
The Fluffy Factory: Damn That Letter

Jun 10th, 2012
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  1. >Another day, another dollar.
  2. >Well, a lot of dollars, to be fair.
  3. >Regardless, even in this baby-spewing purgatory are there moments of levity.
  4. >Tiffany is shaving and examining a new arrival, a white unicorn with a red mane.
  5. >You've given her the name Peppermint. She's a real sweetheart.
  6. >”Pwease no take Peppamin' fwuff!”
  7. >Super sad puppy eyes.
  8. >Tiffany, being Tiffany, is immune to this display.
  9. >She's been a lot mellower lately, though.
  10. >Ripping that poor grey unicorn's spine out of his body to put Tundra in her place seems to have calmed her down again.
  11. >”Pwease hooman, nee' fwuff, fwuff make wawm!”
  12. >”Shut up before I bring my wrath down upon you.”
  13. >Peppermint blinks for a few seconds.
  14. >“Waff? Hee hee hee hee?”
  15. >You walk over from the cages to get a better view of this.
  16. >”No, wrath, not laugh.”
  17. >”Waff waff?” Peppermint begins giggling nervously, thinking it'll save her fluff.
  18. >”No, WRATH. Laugh is not wrath.”
  19. >”Waff no waff? But waff waff!”
  20. >Tiffany puts the shaver down. You can almost see the vein in her forehead twitching.
  21. >”Say 'laugh'.”
  22. >”Waff!”
  23. >”Now say 'wrath'.”
  24. >”W-waff?”
  25. >”Now say 'raft'.”
  26. >”Wa...waff?”
  27. >”Now say, 'laugh raft wrath'.”
  28. >”Waff waff waff!”
  29. >Tiffany looks at you with half-lidded blue eyes.
  30. >”You've gotta be fucking kidding me.”
  31. >All you can do is shrug.
  32. >Tiffany looks back down at a confused Peppermint.
  33. >”Say waff an' waff an' waff, gif fwuff now pwease?”
  34. >”Say 'read'.”
  35. >”Wead!”
  36. >Suddenly, Tiffany smirks.
  37. >”Now say 'weed'.”
  38. >”Peppamin' jus' say wead...”
  39. >”No, you said read.”
  40. >”Wead!”
  41. >”Now say weed.”
  42. >”Bu'...bu' jus' say wead! Say wead wike hooman wan'!”
  43. >”No, you said read.”
  44. >”Wead!”
  45. >”Now say weed.”
  46. >”...Peppamin' say wead, why make say wead 'gain? No suwe...haf head owwies...”
  47. “Okay, that's enough.”
  48. >Tiffany cackles lightly while she finishes trimming Peppermint.
  49. >The confused unicorn holds her head and whines, saying 'read' repeatedly.
  50. >Or is she saying weed...
  51. >Whatever. Since Steve is down here now, it's lunchtime for you.
  52. >Tiffany sends an inquiry along as you head up.
  53. >After you shed the jumpsuit and don your street clothes, you wander through the offices until you find Sarah.
  54. “Hey, Tiffany wants to ask you something about breeding.”
  55. >She looks skeptical, folding her arms. “This should be good. What?”
  56. >You quote:
  57. “'Can we find a way to breed these fuckers to pronounce the letter 'r', please?'”
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