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Y Combinator Rejection Mail

a guest
Apr 17th, 2014
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  1. We're sorry to say we couldn't accept your proposal for funding.
  2. Please don't take it personally. The applications we receive get
  3. better every funding cycle, and since there's a limit on the number
  4. of startups we can interview in person, we had to turn away a lot
  5. of genuinely promising groups.
  7. Unfortunately we can't give you individual feedback about your
  8. application. This page explains why:
  12. Another reason you shouldn't take this personally is that we know
  13. we make lots of mistakes. It's alarming how often the last group
  14. to make it over the threshold for interviews ends up being one that
  15. we fund. That means there are surely other good groups that fall
  16. just below the threshold and that we miss even interviewing.
  18. We're trying to get better at this, but the hard limit on the number
  19. of interviews means it's practically certain that groups we rejected
  20. will go on to create successful startups. If you do, we'd appreciate
  21. it if you'd send us an email telling us about it; we want to learn
  22. from our mistakes.
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