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- static void bspline_doEffect(SPCurve * curve)
- {
- if(curve->get_segment_count() < 2)
- return;
- // Make copy of old path as it is changed during processing
- Geom::PathVector const original_pathv = curve->get_pathvector();
- curve->reset();
- //Sbasis
- Geom::D2< Geom::SBasis > SBasisIn;
- Geom::D2< Geom::SBasis > SBasisOut;
- Geom::D2< Geom::SBasis > SBasisEnd;
- Geom::D2< Geom::SBasis > SBasisHelper;
- //curves
- SPCurve * in = new SPCurve();
- SPCurve * out = new SPCurve();
- SPCurve * end = new SPCurve();
- //Curvas temporales
- SPCurve *lineHelper = new SPCurve();
- SPCurve *curveHelper = new SPCurve();
- SPCurve *nCurve = new SPCurve();
- //Puntos a usar. Ponemos todos los posibles para hacer más inteligible el código
- Geom::Point startNode(0,0);
- Geom::Point previousNode(0,0);
- Geom::Point node(0,0);
- //Geom::Point previousPointAt3(0,0);
- Geom::Point pointAt0(0,0);
- Geom::Point pointAt1(0,0);
- Geom::Point pointAt2(0,0);
- Geom::Point pointAt3(0,0);
- //Geom::Point nextPointAt0(0,0);
- Geom::Point nextPointAt1(0,0);
- Geom::Point nextPointAt2(0,0);
- Geom::Point nextPointAt3(0,0);
- Geom::Point endPointAt2(0,0);
- Geom::CubicBezier const *cubic;
- //Recorremos todos los paths a los que queremos aplicar el efecto, hasta el penúltimo
- for(Geom::PathVector::const_iterator path_it = original_pathv.begin(); path_it != original_pathv.end(); ++path_it) {
- //Si está vacío...
- if (path_it->empty())
- continue;
- //Itreadores
- Geom::Path::const_iterator curve_it1 = path_it->begin(); // incoming curve
- Geom::Path::const_iterator curve_it2 = ++(path_it->begin()); // outgoing curve
- Geom::Path::const_iterator curve_end = path_it->end_open(); // end curve
- Geom::Path::const_iterator curve_endit = path_it->end_default(); // this determines when the loop has to stop
- //Creamos las lineas rectas que unen todos los puntos del trazado y donde se calcularán
- //los puntos clave para los manejadores.
- //Esto hace que la curva BSpline no pierda su condición aunque se trasladen
- //dichos manejadores
- in->moveto(curve_it1->initialPoint());
- in->lineto(curve_it1->finalPoint());
- out->moveto(curve_it2->initialPoint());
- out->lineto(curve_it2->finalPoint());
- //este no cambia.
- end->moveto(curve_end->initialPoint());
- end->lineto(curve_end->finalPoint());
- //Si la curva está cerrada calculamos el punto donde
- //deveria estar el nodo BSpline de cierre/inicio de la curva
- //en posible caso de que se cierre con una linea recta creando un nodo BSPline
- if (path_it->closed()) {
- // if the path is closed, maybe we have to stop a bit earlier because the closing line segment has zerolength.
- const Geom::Curve &closingline = path_it->back_closed(); // the closing line segment is always of type Geom::LineSegment.
- if (are_near(closingline.initialPoint(), closingline.finalPoint())) {
- // closingline.isDegenerate() did not work, because it only checks for *exact* zero length, which goes wrong for relative coordinates and rounding errors...
- // the closing line segment has zero-length. So stop before that one!
- curve_endit = path_it->end_open();
- }
- SBasisIn = in->first_segment()->toSBasis();
- SBasisEnd = end->first_segment()->toSBasis();
- cubic = dynamic_cast<Geom::CubicBezier const*>(&*curve_it1);
- if(cubic){
- pointAt1 = SBasisIn.valueAt(Geom::nearest_point((*cubic)[1],*in->first_segment()));
- }else{
- pointAt1 = in->first_segment()->initialPoint();
- }
- cubic = dynamic_cast<Geom::CubicBezier const*>(&*curve_end);
- if(cubic){
- endPointAt2 = SBasisEnd.valueAt(Geom::nearest_point((*cubic)[2],*end->first_segment()));
- }else{
- endPointAt2 = end->first_segment()->finalPoint();
- }
- lineHelper->moveto(pointAt1);
- lineHelper->lineto(endPointAt2);
- SBasisHelper = lineHelper->first_segment()->toSBasis();
- lineHelper->reset();
- //Guardamos el principio de la curva
- startNode = SBasisHelper.valueAt(0.5);
- //Definimos el punto de inicio original de la curva resultante
- node = startNode;
- }else{
- //Guardamos el principio de la curva
- startNode = in->first_segment()->initialPoint();
- //Definimos el punto de inicio original de la curva resultante
- node = startNode;
- }
- //Recorremos todos los segmentos menos el último
- while ( curve_it2 != curve_endit )
- {
- //previousPointAt3 = pointAt3;
- //Calculamos los puntos que dividirían en tres segmentos iguales el path recto de entrada y de salida
- cubic = dynamic_cast<Geom::CubicBezier const*>(&*curve_it1);
- if(cubic){
- SBasisIn = in->first_segment()->toSBasis();
- pointAt0 = (*cubic)[0];
- pointAt1 = SBasisIn.valueAt(Geom::nearest_point((*cubic)[1],*in->first_segment()));
- pointAt2 = SBasisIn.valueAt(Geom::nearest_point((*cubic)[2],*in->first_segment()));
- pointAt3 = (*cubic)[3];
- }else{
- pointAt0 = in->first_segment()->initialPoint();
- pointAt1 = in->first_segment()->initialPoint();
- pointAt2 = in->first_segment()->finalPoint();
- pointAt3 = in->first_segment()->finalPoint();
- }
- //Y hacemos lo propio con el path de salida
- //nextPointAt0 = curveOut.valueAt(0);
- cubic = dynamic_cast<Geom::CubicBezier const*>(&*curve_it2);
- if(cubic){
- SBasisOut = out->first_segment()->toSBasis();
- nextPointAt1 = SBasisOut.valueAt(Geom::nearest_point((*cubic)[1],*out->first_segment()));
- nextPointAt2 = SBasisOut.valueAt(Geom::nearest_point((*cubic)[2],*out->first_segment()));;
- nextPointAt3 = (*cubic)[3];
- }else{
- nextPointAt1 = out->first_segment()->initialPoint();
- nextPointAt2 = out->first_segment()->finalPoint();
- nextPointAt3 = out->first_segment()->finalPoint();
- }
- //La curva BSpline se forma calculando el centro del segmanto de unión
- //de el punto situado en las 2/3 partes de el segmento de entrada
- //con el punto situado en la posición 1/3 del segmento de salida
- //Estos dos puntos ademas estan posicionados en el lugas correspondiente de
- //los manejadores de la curva
- lineHelper->moveto(pointAt2);
- lineHelper->lineto(nextPointAt1);
- SBasisHelper = lineHelper->first_segment()->toSBasis();
- lineHelper->reset();
- //almacenamos el punto del anterior bucle -o el de cierre- que nos hara de principio de curva
- previousNode = node;
- //Y este hará de final de curva
- node = SBasisHelper.valueAt(0.5);
- curveHelper->moveto(previousNode);
- curveHelper->curveto(pointAt1, pointAt2, node);
- //añadimos la curva generada a la curva pricipal
- nCurve->append_continuous(curveHelper, 0.0625);
- curveHelper->reset();
- //aumentamos los valores para el siguiente paso en el bucle
- ++curve_it1;
- ++curve_it2;
- //Damos valor a el objeto para el path de entrada y el de salida
- in->reset();
- in->moveto(curve_it1->initialPoint());
- in->lineto(curve_it1->finalPoint());
- out->reset();
- if(curve_it1 != curve_end){
- out->moveto(curve_it2->initialPoint());
- out->lineto(curve_it2->finalPoint());
- }
- }
- //Aberiguamos la ultima parte de la curva correspondiente al último segmento
- curveHelper->moveto(node);
- //Si está cerrada la curva, la cerramos sobre el valor guardado previamente
- //Si no finalizamos en el punto final
- if (path_it->closed()) {
- curveHelper->curveto(nextPointAt1, nextPointAt2, startNode);
- }else{
- curveHelper->curveto(nextPointAt1, nextPointAt2, nextPointAt3);
- }
- //añadimos este último segmento
- nCurve->append_continuous(curveHelper, 0.0625);
- //y cerramos la curva
- if (path_it->closed()) {
- nCurve->closepath_current();
- }
- curve->append(nCurve,false);
- nCurve->reset();
- //Limpiamos
- in->reset();
- out->reset();
- end->reset();
- lineHelper->reset();
- curveHelper->reset();
- }
- delete in;
- delete out;
- delete end;
- delete lineHelper;
- delete curveHelper;
- //Todo: remove?
- //delete SBasisHelper;
- }
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