
non-spatial dimensions&interaction with them/soul

Aug 21st, 2013
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  1. "What do you believe in relation to dimensions?"
  3. Depends what you mean by "dimensions". People talking about spirituality have abused the term so much it's not really clear to me what they are really talking about when they use the term. Generally it seems to me it has nothing to do with how science defines the term. For now I assume you are talking about the actual mathematical term of space and time. Physics uses it a bit differently as every measurable parameter is essentially a dimension. For example velocity has the dimension of length.
  5. Based on the data I've gathered, analyzed and evaluated over past couple of decades I've come to conclusion that there are three spatial dimensions and one time dimension that actually matter. It is possible that there are other, smaller, dimensions (as superstring theory describes them) but by all practical means it doesn't matter at all as they are abstracted out by the greater dimensions. They are abstracted in exactly the same way as how we don't really need to understand quantum mechanics to say how much energy we need to turn a gram of 20 C water into vapor. All the interactions on quantum level are having an effect on reality* and we can measure and quantify them without much problems. We don't care about how quarks and leptons work to know how much energy it takes to break the bonds between water molecules.
  7. *) By reality I mean everything and anything we can measure or quantify by any means. Basically everything that exists.
  11. "Humans are 3 dimensional creatures, not capable of travelling through time or any other non-spacial dimension."
  13. Time is also a dimension and string theorists say there are actually 11 spatial dimensions though string theory is kind of hard to prove and is largely a thought experiment. Loop quantum gravity combined with supersymmetry seems to (slowly) become the de-facto "theory of everything" instead of string theory as it actually has several real-world experiments . We know perfectly well how to manipulate space time, we simply don't have the tools (energy) to do it in a significant scale.
  15. A fun fact - brains are actually capable of working outside of current time. E.g when a batter is hitting the baseball his brain is actually telling him where the ball will be in future instead of where it actually sees it at that moment. There was a rather fascinating research about it recently:
  19. "That does not mean that these [non-spatial] dimensions do not exist"
  21. Besides time what other non-spatial dimensions are there? What data made you think any of them even exists?
  22. As you learned from the video, we know to great detail what fields and particles exist in nature and we also know even if there are some that we don't know of yet they can't have a measurable effect on reality. Without them there can be absolutely NO other thing that can have any sort of effect on reality. Your claimed other dimensions then either don't exist or have absolutely no effect on reality. If there was an effect then it would be measurable and provable. If not then they are as good as non-existent, exactly like gods and Russell's teapot :)
  26. "The human soul, and even consciousness, can be abstracted into any and all dimensions."
  28. Can you clarify what you mean by that? Can you put that into context of the video of actually requiring fields and particles to affect reality?
  32. "Yes, thoughts are represented as electrical signals within our brains, but the brain is only (in my theories) a 3 dimensional gateway between our conciousness and our bodies."
  34. So you agree our thoughts are purely electrical signals firing in our brains*. To manipulate charged particles (a.k.a electricity) we need fields and/or particles that can interact with them. If they interact then, again, we can measure, quantify and prove the existence of that interaction. Why it hasn't been done yet?
  36. *) It's a bit more complex than that but for this discussion the level of abstraction is good enough
  40. The reason why I'm claiming we need fields and/or particles to have effect on reality is that there are absolutely no known methods of having any sort of effect on reality without them. Why should we suddenly assume something exists when there are zero evidence for it and all attempts to research it have failed miserably?
  44. "Basically, the relevant point in his presentation was still only philosophy, not science."
  46. He merely showed and explained, using science in it's purest form, why it's impossible for there to be some kind of relevant fields and particles that could have any measurable effect on our minds. How was that philosophy? As a bonus question, are your theories based on science, data and reality or mere speculations and philosophy?
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