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SRL Seasons Idea: Challenge Times for Each Game

a guest
Mar 27th, 2013
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  1. SRL Seasons Idea: Challenge Times for Each Game
  3. Reason: People need a motivation to participate in SRL seasons. If they're already the best at a game and it gets announced for a season, the motivation is obvious: they have what it takes to place in the top 3 overall in the season and get a placement medal. But what if I'm a new player to a game? Can I really be expected to want to pick up, say, A Link to the Past, and be competitive enough in 3 months to place top 3? Can I be expected to stay motivated? Is telling me to play the game enough to make me want to play it?
  5. Scenario 1: Let's look at reflected, the DKC2 player, as an example. DKC2 Any% is an upcoming category for season 1. We all know that reflected is a lock for first place, so his motivation to play that is obvious. If he participates, he gets the 1st place medal for the season. But reflected also dabbles in 16 star, another category being offered in season 1. That being said, he's nowhere near a top 3 16 star player (sorry ref, still <3 ya though). So what motivation does he have to want to play in the season?
  7. Scenario 2: I'm not familiar with ANY game on the list for season 1. I don't think it's reasonable to try to pick up any of these games and expect a top 3 finish by the end of the season. What can SRL do to convince me that that attitude is wrong? Can I be motivated despite my inexperience?
  9. Idea: Enter the idea of challenge times. Rather than just awarding the top 3 finishers in each game with a placement medal for the season, I suggest an additional set of awards to co-exist with those. Each game should have a set of challenge times, meant to reward both new and old players for accomplishing different time milestones. Each game would have its own gold, silver, and bronze medal challenge time, and if at any point during the season a player posts a race time beating those times, they receive the highest medal that applies. These medals do not stack, but you can obtain one in EVERY game being offered for the season.
  11. For example, let's set the 16 star challenge times: 18 minutes for gold, 20 for silver, and 22 for bronze. If I'm a new player, I no longer have to care that Xiah is a beast at 16 star, or that getting under 18 minutes is ridiculous to ask for. I can strive for a 21 minute 16 star so I get a bronze medal, proving that my initial work was worth something. As I continue to push myself to play better, my bronze medal becomes a silver. I pick up another game, seeking an additional medal.
  13. Or maybe I'm already versed in 16 star. Silver is a lock for me, but with a bit more effort, I can push a gold medal time. I really want to go back and learn new strategies now to make that happen.
  15. Now look at the reflected scenario. Reflected knows he is a lock for 1st in DKC2, and he'll also get a gold medal challenge time. But his 16 star needs work. If a gold challenge time of 18:00 is set, he might have to work to cut that time. Let's say he does that, and he gets a gold medal time during a race. There's still a month left in the season. Now he decides to explore ANOTHER GAME, trying to snag one more bronze medal before the season ends.
  17. Look at how motivating this system is to new and old players alike! The top players still have placement medals to fight over, and newer players can be motivated as they track their progress from bronze to silver to gold in each game. Moreover, it encourages racing both in familiar and unfamiliar games, and unlike the placement system, encourages people to branch out and try new things. Finally, it gives everyone a reason to want to look at their SRL profile, because now everyone can have something to brag about ("Remember way back in 2013 in season 1, when I earned 2 silver medals and 5 bronzes?" As opposed to: "My profile doesn't have any medals. What motivation is there for me to take part in seasons?")
  19. With much love and support of SRL seasons,
  20. Golden.
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