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Going Pains (Simmer + Broil)

a guest
Aug 1st, 2015
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  1. >It's the middle of the morning as the sun shines down on the awakening earth. Down below the mountain side, not far from their abode, lies a copse where a clattering of wood on wood could be heard for many miles.
  2. >The Fizzle siblings are engaged in combat, each of them exchanging a flurry of blows.
  3. >They've nearly finished their morning training, strengthening their bodies for the difficulties they'll face in their future occupation.
  4. >Meanwhile Femanon shouts instruction as she supervises her children a few feet away.
  5. >"Faster Broil, strike faster! Simmer, follow that parry up with a riposte! Mon Dieu..."
  6. >Pink hair is matted and frayed in a chaotic whirlwind. Broil takes stance and lunges her sword at her brother, only to be kept away with a smack of a thick reptilian tail to her abdomen.
  7. >"Oof!" Caught off guard from Simmer's unorthodox counter, she skids onto the ground before rolling right back up, guard at the ready.
  8. >Dirt and grime from previous stumbles, while barely visible on the cinnamon skin of their upper bodies, is strikingly evident on gleaming white scales of their draconic lower body, tail, claws and all.
  9. >Broil charges once more, eager to get him back with a well earned point. But while Broil always had better hearing, evident to her pointed and fuzzy alabaster ears, Simmer had the better eyesight and maneuverability, his slit pupils and wings allowing him to counteract his sister's fiery disposition.
  10. >He sees that her swings are significantly slower and easily parries her blows. However that's not enough to avoid the surprise gut check he receives from Broil; holding his torso and momentarily stunned, he looks to her and sees a playful sneer goading him in. He answers with a grin of his own and leaps into action.
  11. >They match their swords together, both of them staring down the other with eyes like pressed roses.
  12. >They've been outside for more than three hours. Their muscles ache as if they were , the damp athletic garb they both wear clings to their figures with dripping sweat, and each exhale feels like a blast of air from a burning kiln on their cheeks. But neither of them yield until it's officially over.
  13. >As the two twins clash into each other with practice swords, Femanon claps her hands and signals the end of their training.
  14. >"Guaah!" Simmer and Broil fall to the ground exhausted. Their mother walks over and clicks her tongue.
  15. >"That was adequate, but both of you need to work on timing your strikes. And Simmer, you need to be more aggressive. Don't be afraid to put power into your cuts just because she's your sister."
  16. >She greets them with two litres of water that are quickly snatched up and greedily gulped down. Amused, she thinks it's a wonder how they don't stuff the whole thing in their mouths.
  17. >"But Mama," Broil says in between catching her breath. "I thought you -*huff*- told us to always keep our aggression in check."
  18. >"That is exactly what I said. Use it and channel it, but don't let it overtake you."
  19. >She picks them up off of the ground and puts a hand on each of their shoulders.
  20. >"Remember who you are. You have dragon's blood in you, full of rage, greed, and wantonness. It is only with temperance and diligence will you conquer your vices. Γ‡a va?"
  21. >"Oui, Mama," Simmer replies.
  22. >"Yes ma'am!" Broil salutes her mother with lips pursed tight into a sliver of a line and her brow hard faced and furrowed, standing with the utmost solemnity.
  23. >"Pffhehehe! Alright, cut it out you dumb dumb," her brother breaks her dour expression with a chortle and a light shove.
  24. >"No you're the dumb dumb," Broil's face lights up with a toothy grin as she retaliates.
  25. >The mother chuckles as her two abominations trample on top of each other, happy to see their childlike exuberance in full force.
  26. >Bending down she scoops her bundles of joy into her arms with a reflective sigh.
  27. >"Mes petit anges," she coos into their ears. "What would I ever do without you..."
  28. >Always mindful of the claws, the twins warmly embrace her body as they welcome the sense of comfort and security washing over them.
  29. >"Well then."
  30. >Savouring one final squeeze she pulls away from them as she's careful not to get too clingy. Hugging her children always felt like snuggling up to a warm hearth on a crisp snowy evening.
  31. >"Let's get back home. I bet your father's just cooked up a big breakfast
  32. >Didn't have to tell them twice. In a flash both of them sped off toward the path leading up the mountain.
  33. >"Race ya!" Simmer unfurled wings and zipped past Broil.
  34. >"Wha- Hey! That's totally unfair! Mama, tell him not to use his wings in a race!" She sprinted after him in a huff with her tail dragging along.
  35. >A ways behind the mother just shakes her head and follows her rambunctious children up out of the copse.
  36. --------
  37. >It's not long until the group reaches the house. Up the forested slope of maple and ash, smoke rises from the chimney of their abode.
  38. >"Je te l'avais dit. Let's go see what your father cooked up for us."
  39. >They enter the large hut where the salty aroma of sizzling meat hits their noses. On the table lies an assortment of breakfast items. Porridge bubbles in a pot alongside a bowl of steaming quail eggs. The fat from the sliced ham spurted on the sides of the plate, just barely in reach of the two baskets of fruit and buttered rolls.
  40. >The mother was certainly impressed. While the kitchen spread was a delight to see, this wasn't the standard breakfast fare they were expecting. True, their children did have monstrous metabolisms and more often than not have cleaned the house out of food
  41. >As the twins stare wide eyed at the bounty laid before them, Fizzle looms over the stovetop of flapjacks and sausage links, humming a quiet tune to himself. Though a quadruped bigger than a stallion and forced to use utensils with his mouth, he gets by rather easily they both think.
  42. >The twins practically give the dragon a heart attack with how fast they latch onto him.
  43. >"W-woah ho, hey! I was wondering when you would get back here." Fizzle laughs and puts a foreleg around Broil.
  44. >"Bonjour, Papa," Simmer says hugging his father's torso.
  45. >"Hey there scamp! Did you two have a good time with your mother?"
  46. >"Mhm! We ran five miles, did some circuit training, conditioned our senses, and meditated before we sparred. We got pretty into it."
  47. >Fizzle's about to say something when a waft of sweat and musk crinkles his snort.
  48. >"Woof! You don't say?" He tries to hide his displeasure from his odorous dragon spawn with a smile, but only manages to get them laughing at his crumpled up face.
  49. >"Now now, why don't you two go wash off before we eat."
  50. >Thankfully his wife comes to the rescue and shoos them off of him, much to the pleasure of her husband's sense of smell.
  51. >When she's sure that Broil and Simmer have scurried off into the shower, Femanon strokes Fizzle's neck with an exhausted sigh.
  52. >"AllΓ΄, mon grand." She smiles as Fizzle's throat rumbles as he lets out a dragon's equivalent of a purr. Even though his Prench is more than rusty, it fills his chest with butterflies whenever his wife adorns him with that phrase.
  53. >"Welcome back darling," he replies with an affectionate nudge of his head.
  54. >"That's quite a meal you fixed. Is there any reason for it?"
  55. >"Oh...not really. I just know how much you and the kids like to eat."
  56. >She scoffs and runs her hands over her sides.
  57. >"Yeah, well how else do you suppose I'm able to keep this figure? Clearly not by those gems you stash by the bedside. You know later on they're going to blame you for all those squats and lunges I'm gonna make them do."
  58. >They both share a quiet chuckle; with a sway in her hips Fizzle's wife saunters over to the living room and lets out a moan as she slides into her favorite couch.
  59. >Fizzle nestles in front of her on a spacious rug. Although he wore a smile whenever his wife glanced over, in the pit of his stomach he held onto a nerve wrecking unease.
  60. >Displayed around the room were various trophies of a peculiar kind: monsters.
  61. >Giant misshapen skulls, horns, and tusks ordained the walls.
  62. >Some articles were labeled with small tape that had the creature's known name in neat script in blue ink. However the more recent ones are left blank due to how tedious it began to be.
  63. >The smaller prizes sit on a shelf that held jars of claws that would serrate a living being to death in one swipe, and teeth that could bite cleanly through solid bone.
  64. >The more unusual ones - abnormal glowing eyes, metal feathers, unusually sticky fur, etc.- were kept in chests or drawers nearby.
  65. >But the really good catches - pelts, furs, and skins of some of the larger beasts that obviously weren't felled by just his wife alone - were crafted into clothing items and stored in a sturdy armoire.
  66. >Sealed with runic magic, it also stored her sparse collection of weapons she used when the occasion called for another hunt.
  67. >And they've been getting more and more frequent.
  68. >It's settled. As his anxiously claws rake over the carpet, Fizzle breathes deep as if dispelling the butterflies inside of him.
  69. >"So honey." Fizzle begins, finally breaking the silence. "What do you say we go on a vacation this week? You've been doing such a good job keeping those creatures at bay, don't you think you deserve a break?"
  70. >Her giggle does lots to replace the nervous scrunch on his face with a smile.
  71. >Okay, yeah, this could work. Butter her up with some compliments before you lay it on her.
  72. >"While I appreciate the sentiment, dear, I can't just drop what I'm doing and stop working."
  73. >"Well why not?" He says. "You did it when you had the kids."
  74. >When he saw her eyebrow twitch in annoyance, his ears drooped a little lower. Oh boy, this is where the arguing starts.
  75. >"Fizzle, I stopped because I was pregnant. I'm not some sort of crazy person to put my babies at risk like that."
  76. >"Nnnnoooo...?" Fizzle turns away unsure as how to respond to that.
  77. >Truthfully he thought this monster slaying business was hazardous no matter what creature you were, certainly not a squishy huggable human. And he wasn't all that comfortable with his wife taking it upon herself to train the children in it.
  78. >When he turns back he sees his wife staring down at with a frown, her nails drumming into the arm of the sofa and leaving very visible indentations in the material.
  79. >"I'm just saying that it'd be nice to...spend more leisure time together. We haven't had any fun outside the house in a while now."
  80. >"Alright fine," she crosses her arms, clearly starting to get miffed from this conversation.
  81. >"Just where do you suppose we go out to? In case you've forgotten Fizzle, this is Griffon Country. People here don't really take well to your kind. And I'm positive they wouldn't treat our children any differently."
  82. >Ouch. He hadn't thought of that. Still, Fizzle didn't want to lose traction and immediately pressed her on.
  83. >Bad idea. He barely had time to register what a terrible suggestion that was before wincing preemptively from his wife's lashing.
  84. >"South!?" She shot out of her seat wide-eyed and fists clenched. "You want us to go back south?"
  85. >If she wasn't angry before she definitely was now. Her chest heaved as she pinched the bridge her nose.
  86. >"Let me see if I understand what you are saying, *mon grand*. You want us to take a vacation where all of the dragons are. The place where they practically harassed and assaulted our children constantly. Literally, the place where we were ran out from!"
  87. >His snarling wife threw and waved her arms in the general direction of the aforementioned country.
  88. >"Literally Fizzle!"
  89. >Unable to come up with anything to appease her, he smiled hesitantly and gave an unsure but highly sympathetic growl as he shrugged his shoulders.
  90. >" C’est des conneries..." She he stormed out of the living room.
  91. >Fizzle lowers his snout and snorts a puff of smoke. That wasn't exactly as tactful as he imagined in his head. Dragons were all but two things: prideful and greedy. While some dragons manifested those traits a little less than others, like himself, others were much more belligerent. And they don't take it kindly when a lesser being starts to invade their space. Especially if one has the audacity to think it could mate with one of them.
  92. >With a groan he gets up from the rug and tries to set things right again.
  93. >He finds her on edge, pacing around the kitchen table rapidly muttering in Prench.
  94. >Sitting on his haunches Fizzle waits for her to calm down while she whizzes right past him.
  95. >Her hands were balled up into tight, wavering fists that stretched her skin. She was spitting out her Prench as if she was maliciously hexing her mortal enemy. Neither of their eyes met.
  96. >After her twelfth circle around the table, she came to a stop when the concerned dragon placed a foreleg on her shoulder.
  97. >Feeling her muscles tense up and contract, she shut her eyes and rose her fists to her face.
  98. >As her body twitched and she inhaled for ten long seconds, she exhaled, visibly sunken as she went slack.
  99. >"What's this really about dear?"
  100. >With his head nestled on her shoulder Fizzle decides to come clean.
  101. >"I just...I miss you, darling. Either it's in the morning when I wake up without you by my side, or when I'm waiting for you to come home at two or three in the morning."
  102. >A sad, sorrowful purr came out of him, sounding of stone rubbing against stone.
  103. >"Oh, sweetie..." Fizzles craned his neck out so she could throw her arms around him.
  104. >"Why didn't you just tell me this from the start?"
  105. >"I guess I'm a few candles short of an elder dragon," he jokes.
  106. >She softly moans and pets her fingers along his spine, regretful of neglecting her spouse.
  107. >"Perhaps you could take a break from your work," he pleads. "I mean you honestly deserve it."
  108. >At that she gave a deep sigh, although she held onto his smooth scales even tighter than before.
  109. >"I...I don't know. Autumn is just about to end. It's gonna get darker and they'll have more monsters out this time of year."
  110. >"Can't you just let the griffons handle it? They seem good enough to do it themselves."
  111. >"No no no, it isn't just about how strong someone is." She shakes her head and looks away.
  112. >"These can't just expect to kill them with just your guts and brawn. Monsters are vicious and vile and won't let up when they decide you're going to be their next prey."
  113. >She rubs her arms up and down, her eyes downcast and vulnerable.
  114. >"Trust me when I say that, more often than not, it's not pretty when normal people take monster slaying into their own hands."
  115. >Fizzle drapes a wing over his wife and pulls her close against his body. He could feel the quickened pace of her heart slowly come down.
  116. >"We're as far away from town we could possibly get," she says softly. "And still there are reports I get almost daily. A lot of them I fight may not be as bad for me, but what if some griffon kid decided to play the hero and got hurt, or worse?"
  117. >Resting her head on top of her lover's chest, her voice lowers to a whisper.
  118. >"I couldn't live with myself if that happened, ma mie..."
  119. >They both sit in each other's silence, taking a moment's rest from the conversation. As the love of his life is cradled alongside him, Fizzle strokes the side of her face.
  120. >She was always a headstrong person, that's one of the things that drew him to her. But she could also be reckless and really lose herself to her work. And that can make her miss a lot of the stuff going around her.
  121. >"Honey," Fizzle starts up again. "There's something else I need to talk to you about."
  122. >Before she can properly ask what was it, Fizzle momentarily gets up and puts his ear to the hallway.
  123. >The shower is still on, good. He scurries back towards his wife, waiting with a quizzical look on her face.
  124. >"Okay, sweetie...I know you're doing a fine job out there protecting the citizens from spookums. But while you're away, there's a problem going on at the house."
  125. >"What? What is it?" She looks up with concern. "It's nothing serious I hope?"
  126. >Oh geez, how is he going to explain this. He clears his throat.
  127. >"The,'s the kids. While you've been away on your missions, they've...u-um." His cheeks turn as rosy as his eyes as his wife looks up to him expectantly.
  128. >As he takes a look around the room one more time, and the light clattering sound of his fidgeting claws begin to be a bit much, he beckons her closer and leans over her ear.
  129. >"Our children have been...d-doing things together."
  130. >With that, his wife reels back and crosses her arm, giving him a look that can only be surmised as 'No shit."
  131. >But Fizzle, realizing his blunder, begins to reiterate.
  132. >"No wait, what I mean is...oh goodness. They're...doing *things* together."
  133. >She was about to ask just exactly how many candles short was he until he started enacting a certain gesture with his claws. It wasn't until she saw Fizzle's scrunched up face go as pink as his spine fins that she understood what he has trying to convey.
  134. >"O-oh," she said. "Oh my. Um...are you *sure*?"
  135. >She winced and gave him the most pleading face she could muster.
  136. >Regrettably her husband nodded.
  137. >"Sweetheart, I'm here all day when you're out in the wilderness or wherever you go. I could smell them all the time. I don't think they've gone...a-all the way with penetration. But let me tell you, it wasn't just sweat I smelled when they ran in here, and let me tell you, it is some strong stuff."
  138. >He wriggles his nose as if he's still trying to get the scent out of his nostrils.
  139. >"Unbelievable," she murmured. She walked over towards the couch like a zombie, plopped right onto the cushions, and groaned straight into her hands.
  140. >Fizzle could only pat his wife on the back.
  141. >"How could this have happened..." Said the muffled voice of his wife.
  142. >"They've been each other's sole support since they were kids, honey. It's not a surprise how close they got."
  143. >"They still are kids, they're 12..."
  144. >"Dragon puberty hits really hard..."
  145. >"Mon Dieu...why didn't I notice?"
  146. >"You were too busy to notice, dear."
  147. >She groaned even louder. Like a parent with a child after they've outed an embarrassing secret, Fizzle does his best to comfort his wife and continuously rubs her slouched back.
  148. >After a lengthy amount of time, she slowly rears her head and asks her husband behind clenched teeth.
  149. >"What if this isn't as...bad as it seems?"
  150. >Now it was Fizzle's turn to question his wife, with a raised eyebrow that can only be surmised as 'Are you shitting me?'
  151. >His wife sighs and scratches the back of her head. "Theoretically, this is kind of a good thing for their synchronicity! They'd be a killer team on the field."
  152. >"Not the monster hunting again," Fizzle furrows his brow and falls down to his side, grumbling on the living room carpet.
  153. >Oh dear, she thinks. I hope he isn't upset at me.
  154. >Biting her nails, her eyes dart back and forth. Immediately she kneels down in front of Fizzle and takes notice of his grumpy face.
  155. >"Darling? Are alright?"
  156. >She gets a faceful of smoke as he huffs and rolls his back to her.
  157. >"Mais non," she sighs.
  158. >She lies on the ground facing her spouse who's avoiding her gaze, smoke wafting out from his snout and disappearing in the air.
  159. >She stares into his huge pink globes of eyes and sets a hand onto his unnaturally warm cheeks. He finally relents, puffing his chest out in surrender.
  160. >"It's just," he begins, "what if the children don't want to grow up killing monsters? What if they got jobs in society that doesn't threaten their life with scars, maulings, beatings, and the like?"
  161. >But she doesn't respond just yet. Clearly he's been mulling this over quite some time.
  162. >"What society do you think will accept them, mon grand," her regretful tone clear as she runs her hand over Fizzle's face. "Not the griffons. Certainly not the dragons."
  163. >"What about ponies?" He responds.
  164. >"Uuuuuergh..."
  165. >She turns to avoid his eager gaze. Ponies. She groans openly; she's dealt with the problems of ponies before.
  166. >They're a frightened bunch with enough sense to stay out of the affairs of monsters.
  167. >But while dragons would greet you with a swipe of their talons and belch of fire, ponies would just hide and outright shun you from society.
  168. >"I don't know honey. I'm not sure if they'd accept half human, much less a half dragon."
  169. >"Well what about getting them a quality education?"
  170. >She scoffed. Aparently her curriculum wasn't up to snuff.
  171. >"I homeschool them Fizzle, and damn well if I do say so myself. You helped not too long ago when we were back on that island."
  172. >"That was three years ago; times were different and you know that. Look, I'm not saying they turned out bad, far from it. It's just that there are some things that are far more crucial than academics."
  173. >"Now." Fizzle set both of his forelegs on her shoulders and looked her dead in the eyes.
  174. >"You need to listen to this. Understa-I need you to nod if you understand me."
  175. >She nods.
  176. >"Darling. You know that I love you very much, and I know that you are deathly proud of your job," he says while occasionally bringing her gaze back to him.
  177. >"But I need you to be with me when I say this."
  178. >Once Fizzle decides to stop squishing her cheeks for emphasis, she nods once more.
  179. >"Neither of our children have had a single friend in nearly thirteen years."
  180. >It takes a moment to penetrate her skull, but once the realization is through, it devastates her thought processes. Her brick and mortar rationalizations are all demolished under the bomb her husband just dropped on her.
  181. >"Dear Lord. Fizzle, honey I-...I-I'm so sorry."
  182. >She would've burst into tears if not for Fizzle's embrace. She was shaking like a leaf; wide-eyed at the reveal, thoughts of her own inadequacy raced and whirled in her head.
  183. >"Am I a terrible mother?" She asked.
  184. >"You just need to learn to let go sometimes, darling. I'll admit, when I first found out I was just distraught as you," he said massaging her shoulder.
  185. >"But this isn't the end of the world. In fact, remember when I told you about my days of experimenting?"
  186. >That memory caused a little laugh, blushing and sniffling as she recalls frantic explanations that night.
  187. >"Trust me on this. Simmer and Broil may have these feelings now, but they'll go away in the future. It might take a while, and it might even hurt, but it'll be better for the both of them if they get passed it."
  188. >His wife just nods, preferring to just listen to Fizzle's words.
  189. >"And even if they don't," he says with a sigh, "it's insane not to let them have any choice in the matter if they never get a chance to know other people."
  190. >"You're right, mon grand...maybe it is time to move again."
  191. >And with that Fizzle smiled as his stomach surged with a feeling he so rarely gets these days: winning an argument with his wife.
  192. >He savours this precious gem as well as he can until he's interrupted by the sound of her voice.
  193. >"About my job I really have to give all of this up," she says motioning to the entirety of the surrounding living room.
  194. >Fizzle lets the question settle down inside of his massive gut until finally, with a groan, he answers.
  195. >"Just leave some down time for the family, okay?"
  196. >Those words set a twinkle to her eyes. She reached over and surprised him with a kiss that stretched on for a whole minute.
  197. >After separating, she chuckled and rubbed her forehead with Fizzle's and finally dispelled the tightening drum in her stomach.
  198. >"I can't be sure if the kids are going to want to stop training. Three years and it sort of becomes natural."
  199. >"At least give them the option to drop out if they want. I'm still not too fond of the possibility of Broil missing an eye or Simmer losing his tongue, or stuff vaguely in that area."
  200. >With a laugh she stuck her finger on his snout.
  201. >"You're giving them too little credit. Even if they hadn't had my excellent training, my babies are made of stern stuff."
  202. >"Our babies," he said resting his head on top of hers.
  203. >"My Fizzy Wizzy."
  204. >They both share a laugh, deciding to cuddle together on the floor.
  205. >"Ponies then?"
  206. >"Ponies," he answered.
  207. >And that was the last word either of them said for a while.
  208. >As the buffet of food rests on the pinewood table and the chimney smoke is all but wisps in the air, the two parents relax knowing that whatever the case, the family is sure to tackle the future together.
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