
Spider Mare (Complete)

Feb 18th, 2013
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  1. >Anon is Arachniquestria
  2. >Terrified of fucking spiders, their jet black emotionless eyes, their hairy and prickly legs, and the fact that they're fucking creepy motherfuckers.
  3. >When you first got here, it took these spiders 2 months just to get you calmed down.
  4. >Walking outside, you uneasily look over all the cobwebs branching out from trees to buildings.
  5. >Looking at the floor as you walk along, you can see the shadows of the many spiders crawling overhead as they go about their business of harvesting all the poor animals and birds that got caught in the webs.
  6. >"Morning Anon!" Skittershy says "Why are you looking at the ground? Are there any tasty critters down there? I just LOVE critters." She says before you hear her mouth water, a long strand of slimy saliva rolls down your shoulder.
  7. "WAAAAHHH!!!" You shriek running away
  8. >Dashing like mad, you slam face first into the giant web covered tree, it sends shock waves across the web as the window onto opens.
  9. >A purple spider comes crawling out and looking around before spotting you.
  10. >Its Twilight Recluse
  11. >"Oh, Anon, why are you caught in my web?" She asks crawling over to you, her big black eyes focus solely on you and as she gets closer, you can see your reflection in all of her eyes "Want me to help you out?" She asks just inches away from you
  12. >You faint and go rag doll. Hours later, you wake up on the floor with a little note attached to you.
  13. >Picking it off, webbing snaps in two and you read it.
  14. >"You feel asleep so I picked you off my web, try not to do it again."
  15. "I hate this fucking world." You sigh
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