
The Twisted Fate's Align

May 1st, 2015
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  1. Jade: Name: Jade Harley Age: 18 Info: Jade was 15 when a robbery took place at her grandfather's house while she was in school and the robber shot poor old Grandpa Harley in the chest. Jade was then put into an orphanage because she had no contacts with relatives but it only took a few months until a married couple came to adopt her who seemed more than perfect but in reality were very terrible towards each other. Three years later she couldn't take the drinking and arguments anymore. Luckily she found a website showing a warehouse, a haven for others like her. Keeping the picture of her grandpaps Harley close, she ran away from the horrid foster home and over to the warehouse
  2. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Jade: Cautiously enters the place and takes a look around. Her messenger bag over one shoulder and a nikey's gym bag going over the other. She is wearing some faded blue jeans, a huge black hoodie and white sneakers.
  4. Jade: (( im not sure if that kind of description was needed or not ))
  5. Vriska: Meandering down the long halls of the halfway house, you search for your next topic
  6. Vriska: ((that was gr8!))
  7. Vriska: Wandering closer to the entrance of the Wonderers Warehouse for Wayward Children, you see a peculiar sight.
  8. Jade: Jade takes in a deep breath before completely walking inside.
  9. Vriska: You find a girl, a girl way too clean to be seen in a place like this. Like she stepped right out of home to come here.
  10. Vriska: What was her deal?
  11. Jade: (( is there like...a ref for how the place looks? ))
  12. Vriska: Walking up behind the newcomer in your studded street jacket and torn skinny jeans, you cock your head.
  13. Vriska: ((err, I imagine the Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, but rather more darker and longer drearier and such))
  14. Vriska: ((if you could catch my meaning))
  15. Jade: She was most likely facing the opposite way of Vriska. Still taking in on how the place looks.
  16. Jade: (( oooooh ))
  17. Jade: (( yes ))
  18. Vriska: ((glad that reference carries over))
  19. Vriska: Could this be the mark you were looking for?
  20. Vriska: Tapping the girl on the shoulder, you take a step back for her reaction.
  21. Jade: Finally letting go of that breath that she held in she adjusted her glasses, then slightly twitches from the sudden tap. She freezes in place then sloooowly turns.
  22. Vriska: You must have been quite the sight for the new girl
  23. Vriska: With your striking cerulean eyeliner and you menacingly twirling your octet set between your fingers.
  24. Vriska: You decide to have some fun
  25. Vriska: "8oo." you spook.
  26. Jade: Blinks, taking a moment to process this girl's appearance. Jade opened her mouth to speak but she stopped before a sound could try to escape.
  27. Vriska: Like a sheet ghost, the girl goes near pale. You almost feel bad.
  28. Vriska: So instead, you roll through the welcome drill.
  29. Vriska: "arachnidsGrip, nice to meet ya" you say, introducing handle first, names later
  30. Jade: (( does everyone introduce themselves as the handles first?? im sorry i didnt read that far into the logs yet ; u ;))
  31. Vriska: ((oh yeah, I'm mostly new too, and the handles deal was just something explained in the au that gauged whether or not they new each other since they found out about this hiding place online))
  32. Vriska: ((jades new too so you could ask all your questions in character if you wanted))
  33. Vriska: Eyeing the timid rookie you venture
  34. Vriska: "You wouldn't happen to be one going by the handle gardenGnostic, would you?"
  35. Jade: "ah, yeah! thats" Looking a bit sheepish about her handle, she was just really into gardening as a little girl.
  36. Vriska: "Lucky guess then," Vriska smiled
  37. Vriska: "The name's Vriska, Vriska Serket." she offered
  38. Jade: "im jade, jade harley its nice to meet you vriska" She holds out a hand.
  39. Vriska: Shaking her hand, the Thief devised a plan. It wouldn't be for very long, but she would figure it out as she went.
  40. Vriska: "Let me show ya around, even to some of the empty rooms if you like."
  41. Jade: "yes thank you! that would be nice"
  42. Vriska: Leading her down the halls, she commented "You must be riding in from pretty far, or at least on the midnight bus. Everyone else seems to be asleep."
  43. Vriska: Although only arriving a few hours prior, the Serket worked the halls like a touring connoisseur.
  44. Vriska: "There's the kitchens on the first floor, rooms up the stairs on either end of the foyer,"
  45. Vriska: "And I've been lead to believe there's a bit of an apeiry on the roof for one of the guy's raving obsession with honey. Might mean good things for flowers though if you're into that."
  46. Jade: "hmm.." She smiled to herself a little. She can start her own garden here?
  47. Vriska: As much as you can you try to get her on your side, to build bridges with this girl.
  48. Vriska: She seemed as normal as people in this House could get.
  49. Vriska: "Aaaannnnd here are the rooms!" she dazzled "There's a bunch of empty bunks for some reason, never really got an answer to that one. Heh. Hope you don't mind sleepin on your lonesome!"
  50. Jade: "oh, im fine with that!" Gosh. She lightly bites her bottom lip, not that her over bite already pops out on it's own or anything.
  51. Vriska: " are?"
  52. Vriska: "Cause I was kinda hoping, er...I'm a bit new here myself..."
  53. Vriska: Twidling her dice in her hands, Vriska prayed she could pass off as unsure and innocent.
  54. Vriska: "You wouldn't want a 8unk m8 or anything?" she said as she looked around the room.
  55. Jade: "oh! ummm"
  56. Vriska: Twirling harder, the Thief let a few roll.
  57. Jade: She would really appreciate a friend, especially when she's new to a place like this. The orphanage didn't have a lot of kids her age, they were all happy in foster homes. She nodded with a small smile. "sure! i wouldnt mind having a bunk mate!"07:49:29
  58. Vriska: ((aw jade feels
  59. Jade: (( a ha ))
  60. Vriska: "Gr8!" Vriska exclaimed, before reaching back in the room closet for her bag and tossing it over the top bunk
  61. Vriska: "This was gonna be my place, but they didn't have any doubles, so I was hoping you would agree" she smiled
  62. Vriska: "Gee, it woulda been awkward huh?" She said as she laid back in her bed
  63. Vriska: ((also fyi vriska lost her sister in an unsuccessful heist a few back so-- backstory ahoy))
  64. Jade: "it would most certainly be lonely, sitting up on the top bunk without a bottom bunk mate" Jade finally had a place to unload this baggage.
  65. Jade: (( awwwhhh ))
  66. Jade: (( mind fillin in a late person to the backstory? uvu; ))
  67. Vriska: "Yeah, you'd think so right?" she replied with her head behind her hands
  68. Vriska: ((well, it hasn't rly been developed yet, so you'll have to ask~))
  69. Jade: (( ahhh okei ))
  70. Vriska: "I've been trying all day to make buds with some of the most ungrateful chumps around here, like you would not believe!" she vented
  71. Vriska: "I guess I met a few fun people, but they're all busy with their own lives and personal vendettas really."
  72. Jade: Taking her new rightful place on her bed. Jade, unload heavy bags. Boof! It has been done. But of course still listen to Vriska because it's important to listen.
  73. Jade: "ohh?"
  74. Vriska: "There was a guy with some lame pir8 backstory, a bub with some errant score to settle..." she thought
  75. Vriska: "There was one cool kid,"
  76. Vriska: "Her name was Callie, and she actually enjoyed being here. Can you 8elieve it?"
  77. Jade: "hehe well, im sure everyone is grateful for being here"
  78. Vriska: "uranianUmbrage" you throw out to her, maybe she might even recognize the screen name
  79. Vriska: "I dou8t it." Vriska unwittingly said
  80. Vriska: "If you ask me this place is full of the saddest and chumpiest of chumps, I'm sad just being here..."
  81. Jade: "uu??" She quietly gasped. Jade enjoyed conversations with Callie.
  82. Vriska: "I tell ya, GG, this place might probably do longlasting damage to the psyche of any regular person." rolling around to the girl below, she sked "So what's you're deal?"
  83. Jade: "im sure everyone has...had some bad pasts and oh mine?? um" Awkward moment and rather heart tugging, she didn't want to remember what had happened.
  84. Vriska: "Come ooon, Harley, let it all out, it's theraputic." you encourage
  85. Jade: Sighing a little while rubbing her right arm, she slowly tells the story. "i...was in school when this happened"
  86. Vriska: "oh?"
  87. Jade: She deeply inhales and holds it so she could keep it together. "yeah.."
  88. Jade: "i was in school and my grandfather was, of course, at home...he was probably watching one of his old favorites for the..billionth time"
  89. Vriska: "black and white probably? Yeah I know the type"
  90. Jade: Nods a little. "heh yeah that kind, so old...with his favorite ladies"
  91. Vriska: "Go on," Vriska smiled from her bunk
  92. Jade: You will be fine Jade, it's okay. This happened years ago so it's okay to finally talk about it. Right? She pulls up her legs onto the bed holds them close to her chest. "when i got out of school, the office called me in"
  93. Jade: "said there was a robbery incident at my house"
  94. Vriska: "..."
  95. Jade: "i couldnt believe it, but then again, who would? we lived in such a peaceful neighborhood.."
  96. Vriska: "Where did you say you were from again, Harley?"
  97. Jade: "huh? oh um...i lived near this park, it was an open area"
  98. Jade: "lots of grass and such"
  99. Vriska: "Ah. And then what?"
  100. Jade: "my friend was with me when i went to the office, they offered me a ride to my house since the school bus would have been too slow"
  101. Vriska: Allowing the story to go on, Vriska rolled back onto her bunk and continued to listen.
  102. Jade: "when we arrived, i saw the flashing lights, my worried neighbors...the broken door window"
  103. Vriska: Closing her eyes, she could visualise it.
  104. Jade: "everyone else i would have expected to be around was there except for one person, the one..person i was hoping that would be standing outside waiting for me"
  105. Vriska: "Who?" but you already knew
  106. Jade: " grandpa" Jade had a hard time letting that out, she swallowed hard. Clenching onto her arms tighter than what her grip already was.
  107. Vriska: In your mind you could see it all, all the players all the pieces. It was your job to be able to shine light on things like that.
  108. Vriska: "What happened?"
  109. Jade: "i rushed passed the police, passed that yellow line" She pauses for a moment. It was all flashing back in blurs. "they didnt try to stop me and i ran up the steps of our porch"
  110. Vriska: Leading this girl on even for her sake felt so wrong, but you knew she had to get through it, you knew what she had to say.You've been through all that before.
  111. Vriska Serket [Vriska] disconnected.
  112. Vriska Serket [Vriska] joined chat. ~~ 75 ~~
  113. Jade: "ran into the living room and only saw that the tv was on"
  114. Jade: "he wasnt there though i had to keep looking, to make sure he was okay"
  115. Vriska: They were never thought.
  116. Jade: "i called out for him numerous times and never got a response"
  117. Vriska: "What about the dog?"
  118. Jade: "i didnt hear bec barking, no growling, no whimpers...nothing"
  119. Vriska: "So then what?"
  120. Jade: "....."
  121. Jade: "i ran up stairs to look in the rooms"
  122. Vriska: "Where was he, Jade?"
  123. Jade: "he wasnt there..."
  124. Vriska: Sitting up, Vriska demanded
  125. Vriska: "What do you mean, he wasn't there?"
  126. Vriska: "He couldn't have just--/vanished/!"
  127. Jade: Confused at Vriska's sudden change of tone, Jade huddled herself closer to the wall. "i found his glasses, they were broken..."
  128. Vriska: "But the police where there," she inferred
  129. Vriska: "So there had to be some sort of crime other than a pair of glasses and a damn broken window!"
  130. Jade: "yes...youre right about the police being there, they were outside"
  131. Jade: "i walked back downstairs to ask what happened and they told me to stay calm"
  132. Vriska: Despite what she said, Vriska couldn't visualise that situation, Vriska couldn't keep calm
  133. Vriska: The cops should have been doing there stupid jobs, so why didn't they.
  134. Jade: Having a difficult time telling the story at this point, Jade takes a long pause. "and that they found him, dead in our basement"
  135. Vriska: There it was.
  136. Vriska: "So he's...dead?"
  137. Vriska: Up on the top bunk, Vriska hoped Jade wouldn't see her wet her cheeks, she hoped she wouldn't see her cry.
  138. Jade: "...yeah"
  139. Vriska: F8ck.
  140. Vriska: What sort of mission were you sent on coming here?
  141. Vriska: What sort of job were you even meant to accomplish?
  142. Vriska: There was no such thing as luck, there was no such thing as anything.
  143. Vriska: It wasn't luck that brought you to remember Jade's handle, you already knew it, it was detailed to you in your contacts.
  144. Vriska: This was the girl you were meant to find, for whatever reasons that were beyond you.
  145. Vriska: But did it have to be her?
  146. Vriska: Rubbing your ankles where your scars had been, you wonder why Jade didn't ask about how you knew about her dog.
  147. Vriska: Or how you even knew what sort of movie the old man had on, the stupid rerun of Ladies of Xenon the coot had at the time.
  148. Vriska: You wonder how even through all that you didn't let it show.
  149. Vriska: Three years ago...that would put it right around the same place, same time. There was no mistake.
  150. Vriska: And there was no mistaking the eyes of Doctor Harley's Granddaughter landed smack dab on your doorstep, critical to your mission.
  151. Vriska: You cry because he was never supposed to die.
  152. Vriska: Just who did your boss think he was, sending you out on this, when he knew, he must have known.
  153. Vriska: Just who did Noir think he f8cking was.
  154. Jade: Jade began to fiddle with her hood's strings. "it was too late..the robber had shot him in the chest, he looked like he fell down the stairs to our basement..or the other way around"
  155. Vriska: Stupid, damn, pain in the ass stairs...Vriska cursed to herself.
  156. Jade: "poor bec...sweet sweet bec was nowhere to be found"
  157. Vriska: She remembered that day, and she remembered the day she lost her sister.
  158. Vriska: Noir be damned, he was behind all of this, and once she finished her contract, she would be done with him too.
  159. Vriska: "Jade..." Vriska manages to choke out "I'm...sorry..."
  160. Jade: She looks up at the top bunk, as if able to see through it and see Vriska laying there. "its okay... im fine! really"
  161. Vriska: The wounds must have been so long for her, while yours mend ever so recently... grasping at your chest you force yourself to breathe.
  162. Vriska: "I lost someone too..."
  163. Vriska: "A long time ago."
  164. Jade: Jade frowned and her heart twinged a little. Another loved one lost. "im sorry to hear that.."
  165. Vriska: "It was her own fault," you tell her, still bitter to this day
  166. Vriska: "We went out on a-- mission of sorts."
  167. Vriska: "We were supposed to retrieve the information from the target and swipe as much ability as we could."
  168. Vriska: *((capability))
  169. Vriska: "We were almost through it, when she suddenly had a moment of insane clarity"
  170. Vriska: "She believed what we were to be doing was the wrong thing, the shameful thing. So she tried to stop me.
  171. Vriska: "She betrayed me, Jade. And on that day I lost my sister for good."
  172. Vriska: Soothing the wound of the chest around her scar, Vriska added "And I didn't exactly come out unscalthed either.
  173. Vriska: ((awww its so late here, but I just wanted to deliver the gist
  174. Jade: "mmm" Just nod and don't question too much Jade.
  175. Vriska: ((did it get through with my jumbled owrlkd?))
  176. Jade: (( that was clever hehe ))
  177. Vriska: ((ok im glad, I was p tired when I saw your intro but still, it was a good intro
  178. Jade: (( kinda huge on plot though wowee ))
  179. Vriska: ((naah, we can make this work,no one else has any idea
  180. Jade: (( you can have vriska fall asleep if you want? ))
  181. Jade: (( i meanifyoure ))
  182. Jade: (( tired ))
  183. Vriska: ((yeah, hope she doesnt say any comprimising sjguff in her dreams
  184. Jade: (( i dont think jade would catch any of it ))
  185. Vriska: ((see ya tomorrow if you like, this chat is a wellspring of good ideas
  186. Jade: (( its been a long walk for her ))
  187. Vriska: ((thats good
  188. Vriska: ((gnite
  189. Jade: (( yeah! ill try to come back ghh avengers movie ))
  190. Jade: (( take care! ))
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