
The Lieutenant System

May 14th, 2014
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  1. Introduction to the Lieutenant System:
  3. With criminals constantly flying under the radar when night rolls around, a new system needed to be adopted. For too long have mass murders run rampant through the streets only to have their crimes forgotten once it becomes dawn. With a new government grant, the Island Life Police Department has finally been able to afford a new system to keep better track of its residents. With the help of trusted officers, otherwise known as Lieutenants, these criminals will now be logged into a database which will no longer allow for them to hide from us in plain sight.
  5. Now for you, the question of, "How may one become a Lieutenant?" probably comes to mind. The process is long due to the responsibilities we here at the I.L.P.D. will be granting you. You will be responsible for keeping track of the mad men running rampant in the streets, and the justice that will be brought to them.
  7. The Lieutenant Application Process:
  9. Whatever the application may be, this is where you prove yourself. This application is show your integrity as an officer
  10. of Taviana, to demonstrate that you are a reputable and contributing member to society.
  12. If you do well on your application you will be asked to come on into TeamSpeak3 for an interview. Here, you will be quizzed on
  13. your knowledge of the guidelines that Lieutenants go by. With being an Lt. you are responsible for bringing balance to Taviana
  14. and you are entrusted with many responsibilities. As a result, you must receive a minimum of 90% to progress forward.
  16. After passing your interview, you will be asked to ride along with rather a Captain, or veteran Lieutenant. The purpose of this ride along will be to see how you perform and how you handle stress as an officer. As we all know Taviana is riddled with crime and the way you respond and act as an officer can dramatically change an innocent bystanders life.
  18. After successfully completing your ride along, you will become an Lieutenant You will be able to access the Criminal Database and
  19. make sure that high profile suspects do not get away with their misdeeds.
  21. The Lieutenant Rules:
  23. A criminal must only be entered into the database for felonies such as bank heists, murders, hostage taking, and selling drugs.
  24. -For Armed Robbery Cases, the Lieutenant must do one of the following; conduct an 'at scene' investigation, take a statement in
  25. person from the victim or have an in person meeting with lead officer on the case, prior to db entry.
  27. With this new crime database, the New Life Rule has been slightly altered:
  28. For Civilians:
  29. -If you die during an active crime, you may not return to that scene for 20 minutes
  30. -If you are wanted and get killed, you are still wanted, if you are in the database you must be given two minutes
  31. head start upon respawn.
  32. -If you are a notorious criminal as a civilian, you cannot play as a cop until you do your time in jail. Think of this
  33. new system as if you are an off duty officer the instant you become a civilian.
  35. For Blufor:
  36. -If you die during at an active crime scene you may not return to the same scene for 10 minutes.
  37. -This will include Jail Breaks.
  39. Due to the knowledge and trust that the Lieutenants hold, Internal Affairs now has some additional help. If an officer is to commit a
  40. misdeed while on the force, he is not exempt from the law, and can be entered into the database.
  42. The bond between the I.L.P.D. and the governor has altered quite a bit with the database system. With criminal's warrants stacking, it will now be up to the acting Lieutenant or Internal Affairs officer to accept a Governor's Order of Pardon for a Civilian. More than likely, expect to remain in jail if you are wanted for murder. Also with this in mind, the governor can land in jail for breaking the law, and as a result can be voted out.
  44. While off duty, as a Lieutenant, you represent the department even in your off duty hours. Lieutenant's found to be involved in felonious activity will be suspended without pay, possibly permanently. As an off duty brother in blue; your on-duty 'brothers in blue' may extend courtesies to you, with fair warning you may find yourself intervening and/or stopping an armed robbery, hostage taking or even a bank job. Taviana ranks in the top 5% of the world's most dangerous places.
  46. We need you!
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