
Daybreaker /mom/

Dec 14th, 2017
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  1. >Be Daybreaker.
  2. >You've done it! The elements and false princesses are at your mercy!
  3. >”Celestia, please don't do this! The world will burn, nopony will survive!” Twilight cries.
  4. >You laugh at her foolishness.
  5. “No dear Twilight. The -weak- will parish and the strong will survive!”
  6. >”She does know that's not how the sun works right?” Rainbow thinks she whispers were you can't hear her.
  7. “Silence! You six will be the first to-"
  8. >”Mommy?” A voice says causing all to look it's way.
  9. >There stands your son, you had thought they had hid him from you but like the good beautiful boy he is he must have come back.
  10. >”Nephew! That tis not thy mother tis a mon- AH!” You silence your traitorous sister with a bolt of magic.
  11. >”Luna!” The elements cry rushing to her side.
  12. >You look back to you son and give a sweet smile.
  13. “Don't listen to that mean old Luna dear, come give mommy a hug.”
  14. >You say spreading your hooves for him.
  15. >Anon looks at his aunt for a bit in worry.
  16. >’Maybe mommy just needs a hug, I know hugs when I'm mad.’ Anon thinks to himself before walking up to you.
  17. “Yes that's it dear, come to mommy.”
  18. >He finally gets in hooves reach and you pull him into a hug before whispering in his ear.
  19. “That's it dear, mommy still loves you. Forget what those mean ponies said. Mommy would never-"
  20. >You're cut off by a sizzling and a scream.
  21. >You quickly release your son and look at him as he stumbles back onto the floor.
  22. >There on his cheek is a burn where your fiery mane touched.
  23. >He has a look of pure terror as you reach out a hoof to touch the mark as he quickly gets to his feet and rushes to get away.
  24. “My Sunshine wait! Mommy didn't mean to!”
  25. >You call, but your words fall on deaf ears as he continues his flee.
  26. >You look down at your hooves and see your reflection in a puddle.
  27. >In it you don't see yourself.
  28. >You see a monster.
  29. >Your once dull teeth you'd use to gently nibble on Anonymous when you played with him are now sharp to a point.
  30. >Your soft wings you held him with are now covered in sharp hard metal.
  31. >Even your gentle eyes are a flame red.
  32. >Your mane… the thing Anon would play with for hours…
  33. >You are a monster.
  34. >”Girls! Now!” You hear before a rainbow beam fills your sight.
  35. >You don't even try to stop it.
  37. >Be Celestia.
  38. >After apologizing to you sister and the elements they told you were your son was told to hide.
  39. >As you approach Luna's royal vault you are met with three hundred and fifty elite guard.
  40. >”Stop right there!” Captain Solar Shield yells as he and all the other guards gain a offensive position, spear and shield aimed at you.
  41. >You'd be offended by the fact your own guard raising their weapons to you if it weren't for what you had just done and Luna telling you what to expect.
  42. >Even with how elite they are you see a few of them uncomfortable.
  43. >Better say something before one of them get a itchy jabbing hoof
  44. “Do not fear captain Solar Shield. I have been purged of the monster.”
  45. >None of them move but some of them look less tense.
  46. >You're glad.
  47. >In the case of a real threat they would have protected Anon well.
  48. “The password is Moonlight.”
  49. >Almost on instant they make a path to the vault for you as they bow.
  50. >A few of them make quick apologies before dispersing but you hear none of it knowing they were following royal orders.
  51. >You trot up to the vault and realize how much work must have been put into ensuring even if something made it to it they couldn't make it inside by force.
  52. >The fact it's lined with iron means there'd be no way to force it open via magic or teleporting inside.
  53. >With how thick it is explosives wouldn't put a dent in it.
  54. >You place your hooves on the combination dial and begin entering the combination.
  55. >12, 21, 14, 1.
  56. >The vault clacks a few times and begins to open.
  57. >Inside is what looks like a living room with a few doors around no doubt connecting to different rooms.
  58. >[spoiler]How big is this is this vault, and what did your sister have it built for?[/spoiler]
  59. >Around the vault are six more guards all in a offensive stance when they see you.
  60. >On a table is Anonymous with Inkwell in front of him previously tending to the burn on his cheek but now staring daggers at you as she too has a offensive stance, her horn pointed right at you.
  61. “Moonlight.”
  62. >You say as you gently walk towards Anonymous so the guards don't attack.
  63. >Inkwell stands up normally but still glares at you something fierce.
  64. >She places a bandage on the burned area and backs up and goes back to staring at you.
  65. >You know she is just protective over your son, you don't blame her for that. She basically raised him with you and Luna.
  66. >Anonymous looks at you fearfully for a bit then softens up a bit.
  67. >”M-Mommy?” He ask almost fearful that you'll say no.
  68. “Yes Sunshine, it's mommy.”
  69. >Quickly he rushes to you and hugs onto you as tightly as possible and cries into your chest.
  70. >You wrap your wings around him and hold him close.
  71. “Shh, mommy's sorry, mommy loves you and would never hurt you.”
  72. >You mumble as you hold him not wanting to ever let go.
  73. >Your mane gently flows across him as it covers him in a gentle warmth.
  74. >The two of you stand there for a bit before you both let go of one another.
  75. >You use your magic to place him on your back and make sure he doesn't fall with your wings.
  76. “Let's get out of this vault and go see auntie Luna.”
  77. >You say as he wraps his arms around your neck gently.
  78. >You feel something nudge your leg and look down to see Inkwell not glaring at you.
  79. >”Actually princess, the nobles are going to have -alot- of questions on what happened.”
  80. >You look back to Anon and smile a bit.
  81. “I'll deal with them -after- Luna and some ice cream.”
  82. >You hear Inkwell sigh.
  83. >”Alright, well I'm going to start wr-" You don't let her finish.
  84. “You're going to come see Luna and get some ice cream with your princesses prince and the elements of harmony.”
  85. >”But-"
  86. “Luna. Ice cream. Princess’s orders Ms. Inkwell.”
  87. >She sighs again with a smile.
  88. >”Yes my princess.”
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