
Full Character Advancement Rules and Perks for Volume 2 of F

Nov 23rd, 2015
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  1. Full Character Advancement Rules and Perks for Volume 2 of Feral Necromancer Quest
  3. The major change from FNQ Vol. 1 is that you no longer get a bonus larger than +3 from any one source. Instead, once a skill or a stat has reached level 3, you gain access to perks related to this skill or stat.
  5. Secondly, both the amount of exp rewarded per session and the amount of exp needed for ANY perk or skill-up is now 1. Ultimately, I found myself awarding exp based on where I wanted the story to go, instead of merit. This should make it more simple and less biased.
  7. Thirdly, you no longer learn magic through character advancement. Instead, spells have to be researched during a Civilization turn and this research uses the same pool as scientific research.
  9. Fourthly, your mana and health is standardized, and will be dependent on your stamina as well as your equipment. Armor will give you a direct bonus to health and special enchantments and perks will give you a bonus to your mana.
  11. Finally, magical school tier is no longer added to your roll. That was silly and I do not know why I did that in the first place. Instead, you gain Channeling and Ritual skills, which function like any other skill.
  13. Now, for the specifics:
  15. Immortality:
  17. Dragon Form
  19. You gain the following perks for gaining this immortality option at all times:
  21. Immortality- You cannot be killed by mundane means and you do not die from old age. Furthermore, your health is doubled in human form, and is five times the norm in your dragon form.
  23. Infinite Potential- You can achieve skill and might beyond mortal ken in every aspect of your life. You can learn up to Tier 7 perks, effectively making the maximum level of all of your stats and skills 10.
  25. The Dragon Reborn- When casting draconic magic, its effects are multiplied. Furthermore, you gain a +1 bonus to your Draconic Magic rolls, making it a maximum natural total of +7.
  27. You gain the following perks for gaining this immortality option while in dragon form:
  29. Body of a Dragon- You roll all of your physical rolls as if your physical stats were +4. You gain the ability to fly, to magnify your voice, fearsome natural weapons of your kind and many further actions that would be impossible in human form become mundane to you.
  31. Might of a Dragon- When attempting humanoid-tier feats of strength you do not roll. You are a dragon. You succeed in anything purely physical that any human could do. This does not include physical attacks.
  33. Beast of Legend- When attempting to intimidate an intelligent creature, you only fail entirely on a natural one. Any other result will shake the target of your intimidation at least to some extent, and a success is likely to send all but the most foolhardy and courageous running.
  35. As you advance in age you shall gain further benefits from your draconic form.
  37. Stats:
  39. Strength:
  41. Strength measures your physical power and muscle strength. It is used in combat with large melee weapons, unarmed attacks and heavy bows, and with the Athletics skill to swim, climb, sprint, leap, and to break things. Ranks 1-3 grant you a straight bonus to all of these actions, as well as any contextual strength-based challenges. Ranks 4-10 grant you the following perks.
  43. Strength Perks
  44. Tier One
  45. Athletic: When using strength with the Athletics skill, count natural 1s as simple failures, making it possible to succeed even if one of the rolls is a 1. Furthermore, when competing with another in feats of athletics that does not have this perk, you gain a further +1 to the roll.
  47. Reckless Brawler: When fighting unarmed (including natural weapons in animal form), instead of natural 1s injuring you and failing to do any damage both, you deal normal damage, but still receive all of the damage that a critical failure would have meant. Furthermore, when sparring against an opponent without this perk, you gain a further +1 to the roll.
  49. Mighty Mighty Man: When performing acts of pure muscle strength, such as lifting a heavy object or similar, critical failures do not count at all, meaning that if a natural one is rolled you ignore it and roll another time.
  52. Tier Two
  54. Two-Handed Weapon User: You can use two-handed weapons such as greatswords, great-axes, and great-hammers with no penalty.
  56. Heavy-handed: Your unarmed attacks (including natural weapons in animal form) deal increased damage.
  58. Wrestler: When grappling an opponent of your size or smaller, you gain a +1 to the roll. Furthermore, you can restrain an opponent in a grapple indefinitely on a critical success.
  60. Tier Three
  61. Crushing Blow: You deal increased damage with two-handed weapons. Furthermore, your attacks with such weapons cannot be parried by opponents of your size or smaller.
  63. Aesthetic: When using your physical appearance to charm or intimidate in a social situation you cannot critically fail and you gain an additional +1 to the roll.
  65. Strongman: You can lift, carry and break objects just on the edge of human ability. You do not need to roll for such actions, unless the weight is extreme, in which case you cannot critically fail, unless the weight is truly absurd (such as pushing down a grown tree, lifting a boulder the size of a man, or breaking through a stone wall).
  67. Tier Four
  69. Fists of Stone: Your unarmed attacks are just as dangerous as weapons in the hands of lesser men. You deal heavy damage with unarmed attacks, and can use them against enemies usually immune to blunt damage.
  71. ‘That Thing Was Too Big to be Called A Sword’: You can use weapons of absurd size to a high level of efficiency. The size of the weapon you use could seem to be natural in the hands of a golem. You are still slowed somewhat by the heft of the weapon, but you deal massive damage and can damage enemies usually too large to be hurt by mortal weapons.
  73. Big Game Wrestler: You can wrestle opponents much larger than you, up to double your size. You can restrain such opponents indefinitely with a critical success, or by beating the DC +2 if you have rope, chain or some other restraints at hand.
  75. Tier Five
  76. Superhuman Athletics: You can leap the tallest trees, swim across the Southern Sea, sprint at the speed of a charging stallion, and much more besides. You automatically succeed on mundane Athletics checks. You can make athletics checks clearly beyond the realm of human ability as if they were mundane.
  78. Effortless Ease: You can use normal two-handed weapons with the One-Handed Weapons skill and can use perks from either the One-Handed or Heavy Weapons skill. In all other ways, normal two-handed weapons count as one-handed weapons for you.
  80. Lightning Charge: When charging into battle, you gain an additional +3 to the first attack and can cover twice the distance as normal as a part of the action.
  82. Tier Six
  84. The Dragonslayer: You can use even more absurdly large weapons. The weapons you use would seem natural in the hands of treants and giants. Giant weapons from Tier 4 talent ‘That Thing Was Too Big to be Called A Sword’ now function as normal two-handed weapons.
  86. Immovable object: Enemies gain no benefit from charging you. You cannot be knocked down, pushed, or moved in any way by mundane means.
  88. Tier Seven
  89. Unstoppable Force: When charging, any enemies between you and your target do not slow you down. Instead, they take the full damage of the charge, are pushed aside and knocked prone.
  91. Might of The Dragon: You can use your immortality perk ‘Might of The Dragon’ in human form.
  93. Stamina:
  95. Stamina measures your overall health, physical resistance and the amount of spells you can cast before you overcast. Your health (wounds) is Stamina + Strength, your mana (Casts per rest) is Stamina + Intelligence. Note that this is the total level of the stat (bonus + perks), not just the bonus. Furthermore, your stamina governs your endurance skill.
  97. Stamina Perks:
  99. Tier One
  101. Healthy: When resisting disease or poison, you cannot critically fail and you gain a +1 to the roll.
  103. Tough: You gain one additional point of health.
  105. Resistance to elements: You only suffer adverse effects from prolonged exposure in extreme weather and temperatures, (-10C, +35C, thunderstorms, unnatural weather) and you cannot critically fail when making endurance checks for weather.
  107. Tier Two
  109. Resistance to pain: You only suffer penalties to your actions when you are at 1/3rd of your maximum wounds, instead of when you take any damage not soaked by your bonus armour.
  111. Mana Conservation: You gain one additional spell cast per day, and if you overcast, you cannot critically fail the endurance check.
  113. Tougher: You gain one additional point of health.
  115. Tier Three
  116. Resistance to Fire and Frost: You take reduced damage from fire and frost magical attacks. Furthermore, you always get to roll endurance to resist fire and frost damage, a success negating all of it. The DC might still be high enough to require a critical success in extreme circumstances.
  118. Heavy Armour Wearer: Heavy armour, such as full plate, has no effect on your movement and endurance.
  119. Hard as Nails: Blunt and improvised weapons deal half damage against you. Normal unarmed attacks deal no damage, except if you critically fail a resistance roll.
  121. Tier Four
  123. Feel No Pain: Health damage never penalizes your actions. Furthermore, when intimidating by no-selling devastating attacks you gain an additional +1 to the check.
  125. Too Tough to Care: You no longer need to roll to endure extreme natural weather. You cannot critically fail a check to endure unnatural weather.
  127. The Toughest: You gain one additional point of health per level of Stamina.
  129. Tier Five
  131. Resistance to Lightning and Acid: You can always roll to endure damage from Lightning and Acid, and take reduced damage from these sources.
  133. Paragon of Health: You cannot fall ill, or be poisoned by natural means, and you can always roll to endure magical poison and disease.
  135. Massive Armour Wearer: You can wear armour too heavy for most mortal men to even move in without penalty. This includes triple-thick full plate, and similar ridiculous suits of armour.
  137. Tier Six
  139. Even Tougher Than That: You ignore sneak attacks, critical strikes, and massive damage, instead taking health damage as normal. There is not difference to you if you are skewered with a dagger in your sleep or struck by an axe in the field of battle, you will likely shrug it off.
  141. Too Tough to Die: Seeing as you are immortal, nothing but complete dismemberment can take you out of the field of battle. You keep fighting even after you have gone into negative wounds, though you start taking penalties to your actions.
  143. Tier Seven
  144. Body of the Dragon: You have as many wounds in your human form as you do in dragon form.
  146. Won’t Stop Coming: Even if you are dismembered or removed from the battlefield in some other manner, so long as your pieces are put back together you will get up within an hour and return to battle.
  148. Agility:
  150. Agility is the measure of your hand-eye coordination, grace, speed and body awareness. It governs your movement speed, attacks with light and most ranged weapons, as well as your acrobatics and stealth skills.
  152. Agility Perks:
  154. Tier One
  156. Acrobatic: When using your acrobatics skill to tumble, dodge, or balance your critical failures count as normal failures instead, and the overall roll can still be successful.
  158. Artful Dodger: When dodging an area of effect spell or effect, you can avoid all damage, instead of taking reduced damage on a successful roll. Furthermore, you gain a +1 to such rolls.
  160. Fast: You move more quickly than anyone without this perk, and can catch up to them without a roll in a straight foot-race. Furthermore, your overland speed is increased, but you will need to make an endurance check to not be exhausted by the time you get there.
  162. Tier Two
  164. Sneak: When using your stealth skill to avoid detection, you cannot critically fail the roll and be noticed immediately. Furthermore, provided it is possible, even with a failure you will have enough time to disappear and flee.
  166. Archer: You deal improved damage with ranged weapons, and can use them at an increased range.
  168. Duelist: When attacking with light weapons, a critical failure does not both deal damage to you and fail to damage the opponent as usual. Instead, you fail to damage your opponent, but do not take any damage yourself.
  170. Tier Three
  172. Sneak Attack: When attacking from stealth, with a successful Stealth roll, you kill most mundane enemies in one attack. Supernatural and exceptional individuals take greatly increased damage.
  174. Pinpoint Accuracy: You deal increased damage with all ranged weapons. When using ranged weapons from hiding, you critically hit on a roll of 18+. Furthermore, you can use thrown weapons to deal equal damage as bows.
  176. Graceful: When using your dignity and grace to charm or deceive in a social situation, you gain an additional +1 to such a roll. Furthermore, you can no longer critically fail when balancing or tumbling.
  178. Tier Four
  180. Double Attack: When attacking with light weapons, you roll 2d20 to attack, instead of 1d20, with each roll counting as a separate attack. Both of these attacks need to critically fail, in order for the roll to count as a critical failure.
  182. Parry and Riposte: When successfully defending against a melee attack, you can immediately deal damage with your weapons, as if the enemy had critically failed.
  184. Everywhere at Once: If you fail a Stealth roll, you can cause a distraction, reposition and try again, without any penalty to the roll.
  186. Tier Five
  188. Dual Wielding: You can use two light weapons at once, granting you a bonus to defense and an extra attack. Works as Double Attack and stacks with it for a total of 3d20.
  190. Master Acrobat: When using Acrobatics to tumble or balance you do not any longer need to roll for mundane feats of acrobatics. When using it to dodge or to perform extraordinary feats of acrobatics, you can take the highest of first four rolls, instead of three.
  192. Sniper: If you are attacking from stealth with a ranged weapon, the range of your weapon is doubled. Furthermore, if you are in stealth and within 1/4 of your range you automatically hit.
  194. Tier Six
  196. Silent as Shadow: When using Stealth, sound can no longer give away your location. As such, if sneaking in darkness, or behind cover you do not need to roll to succeed at stealth.
  198. Whirlwind of Blades: When using light weapons while outnumbered, you can attack all of your enemies engaged in melee in a single turn. Furthermore, if you are fighting one-handed and have thrown weapons at your disposal, you can also attack enemies up to the number of your thrown weapons at their range as part of this same action.
  200. Tier Seven
  201. Wings of The Dragon: While you do not literally sprout wings, you might as well have. Your overland movement becomes equal to your speed in flight in dragon form, and you ignore any difficult terrain.
  203. Rapid Fire: Where lesser men could unleash but one arrow, you can at the same time unleash four. When attacking with a ranged weapon you can choose to either attack four targets, or to roll 4d20 for four separate attacks against one, or divide the dice as you wish. You do not lose any accuracy, indeed, all four rolls would have to critically fail for you to miss entirely.
  205. Intelligence:
  207. Intelligence is the measure of your mental acumen, willpower, and raw intellect. Furthermore, it is used with both Channeling and Ritual skills to cast your spells, Tactics, Research, Alchemy and other skills.
  209. Intelligence Perks:
  211. Tier One
  213. Researcher: When researching in a library or a laboratory you gain an additional +1 to the roll. Furthermore, during Civilization turns, you produce 1 research point on your own.
  215. Specialist: Choose a school of magic. The highest of the first four rolls will be taken, instead of first three rolls when rolling for this school of magic. Furthermore, the fourth roll cannot cause a critical failure. Can be taken multiple times for multiple schools of magic.
  217. Learned Tactician: When using Tactics to develop battlefield strategies, the worst option will be highlighted by the QM.
  219. Tier Two
  221. Strong Willed: When rolling to resist mental trauma or mental magic with the Endurance skill, gain an additional +2 to the roll.
  223. Evoker: When using the Channeling skill to cast Evocations, the effect is increased. Furthermore, if you beat the DC by 2+, you can designate targets to be unaffected by your area of effect spells.
  225. Ritualist: When using the Ritual skill to cast Rituals, the time it takes to perform a ritual is halved. Furthermore, you can always roll the Ritual skill at a higher DC to perform it even more quickly, or without tools.
  227. Tier Three
  229. Reasoned Argument: When using logic and reasonable arguments in a social situation, you gain an additional +1 to the roll. Furthermore, you produce 2 research points during Civilization turns, as you can keep your researchers to a civilized discourse.
  231. Wizard: When using research to discover new spells during Civilization turns, you can learn two spells at the same time. Furthermore, all of your Channeling and Ritual checks critically succeed on a 19+.
  233. Craftsman: When using Crafting skills (Alchemy, Smithing, Basketweaving, Others), you can produce ten items in the time that it would take a novice to produce one. Furthermore, you can attempt to craft Masterworks, which at this point will require a critical success.
  235. Tier Four
  237. Tactical Genius: If you are outnumbered, the DCs do not increase and your enemies have no significant advantage until they outnumber you to at least three to one. If you outnumber your enemy, you gain an additional +2 to the roll, in addition to a lower DC. Furthermore, you can sneak Treants on any battlefield once per thread.
  239. Cool Head: When using an intelligent approach in battle, you gain an additional +1 to the attack roll. Furthermore, if you have critically succeeded in a Perception, Charisma or Intelligence roll against your target before, any successful attack becomes a critical success.
  241. Swordmage: Though it need not be a sword, if you are using a one-handed weapon, you can attack with it and cast a spell in the same turn. Furthermore, if the weapon attack is successful, the Channeling DC is lowered by 2.
  243. Tier Five
  245. Just As Planned!: Once per thread, after a failure or a critical failure, you can declare that the roll in fact went exactly as planned. With a semi-logical write in, you can gain any advantage that could reasonably be gained for planning forward to such an eventuality.
  247. Master Craftsman: When crafting mundane or alchemical items you no longer need to roll to succeed. You can mass produce items 100 at a time. Furthermore, the DC to craft a Masterwork item is reduced, with more elaborate items still being difficult to craft.
  249. Master Ritualist: When using the Ritual skill to cast a ritual, you can choose to increase the DC by 2 to cast it instantaneously. Furthermore, all of your rituals gain finesse, and you can choose a much more precise outcome than what would normally be possible.
  251. Tier Six
  253. ‘Since When Were You Under The Impression…’: Once per thread, after a critical failure or a major setback, you may announce that something that has so far been assumed to be true is false, or vice versa. With a semi-logical write-in explaining how everybody’s been deceived so far, you may declare the new truth of the world as it is.
  255. Archmage: When casting spells outside of combat you automatically succeed and do not need to roll. Furthermore, you may change any of your area of effect spells into focused single target variants and any of your single target spells into a dispersed area of effect variant.
  257. Tier Seven
  259. Mind of the Dragon: While it was a treacherous temptation when you first gained your immortality, it is the next logical step now. When casting spells you gain an additional +1 to the roll, and your casts per day increase five times.
  261. Genius: With a successful DC 22 Research check, once per game you may gain a new technology OR a new spell without expending the research points during the Civilization turn. Furthermore, you now produce 4 research points on your own during the Civilization turn.
  263. Perception:
  265. Perception is the measure of your physical and supernatural senses, and it impacts your Awareness, Insight and your general awareness of your surroundings.
  267. Perception Perks:
  269. Tier One
  271. Aware: When using your Awareness skill to detect ambushes, stand guard, see someone sneaking or notice details, you cannot critically fail. Furthermore, when setting an ambush yourself, you know how to best obscure it and you gain and additional +1 to the tactics roll to do so.
  273. Insightful: When using your Insight skill to determine if someone is lying or to determine their state of mind you cannot critically fail. Furthermore, you reveal one additional detail about your target for every two points over the DC.
  275. Eye For Detail: When investigating an area for hidden clues, tracks, or other small details, the DC is lowered by 2 for every thirty minutes you spend investigating. If this would reduce the DC to 0, the roll still occurs, but only a critical success or failure matters.
  277. Tier Two
  278. Exploit Weakness: When you succeed a perception check against a target, you gain an additional +1 bonus to your physical attacks against it, until they fix their weakness, or die.
  280. Distant Vision: You can use your Awareness skill at a much improved range, usually seeing unstealthed enemies before they see you.
  282. Empathy: If you succeed an insight check against a target, you gain an additional +1 bonus to your social skills against the target.
  284. Tier Three
  286. Sixth Sense: You can no longer be ambushed, unless you critically fail an awareness check, and receive your full defenses against any attack you see coming. Furthermore, you can feel if something is off in the Astral Realm even if you are not looking for it.
  288. Watchman: When you are standing guard your Awareness DC to notice people sneaking is significantly reduced. Furthermore, if you notice another person using stealth, you gain a +2 bonus to sneak up to them.
  290. Listening: You can focus your sense of hearing to hear sounds that cannot naturally be heard. Hear hooves of horses by pressing your ear to the ground, discern muffled conversation in next room, and hear the breathing of an assassin sneaking up on you.
  292. Tier Four
  294. Determine Weakness: With a successful perception check against a target you can see the places in their person and personality where seeds of weakness could be sown. You can then nudge them to create a specific weakness.
  296. Eagle Eye: Distance and Size do not impact the DC of ranged attacks, beyond the physical limitations of your weapon and ability.
  298. Master Investigator: When looking for hidden clues, small details, and tracks you automatically succeed if they were not specifically and skillfully concealed. You can always roll to notice these details and cannot critically fail when attempting to do so.
  300. Tier Five
  301. Darkvision: You need very little illumination to see clearly. Even in absolute darkness you have a chance to notice creatures moving and large objects.
  303. Master Watchman: Nothing escapes your sight, and only the most skillful masters of stealth require a roll from you to notice them. Furthermore, you can always sneak up on someone you notice sneaking, unless they have at least the Watchman perk.
  305. Superhuman Senses: Your sense of touch, sight, hearing, smell, taste and all of your other senses are improved to beyond human ability. You can smell flowers from hundreds of meters away, taste the difference between the blood of two different people, and so forth.
  307. Tier Six
  309. Pierce Armour: Your attacks ignore armor. Furthermore, you can strike unarmored opponents in critical spots, causing all attacks, physical and magical, to crit on 17+ against unarmored opponents.
  311. Disbelieve: You can see through all illusion and enchantment. This does not require a roll.
  313. Tier Seven
  315. Eye of the Dragon: Your vision extends as far as the earth’s curvature. You can see everything clearly at any distance.
  317. Critical Strike: All of your attacks, and all skills that rely at least in part on any of your senses critically hit on 19+. If they already have an improved critical chance, critical hit minimums are further reduced by one.
  319. Charisma
  321. Charisma is measure of how personable you are, how much people like you, and how striking your outward appearance is. Furthermore, it influences your Diplomacy, Deception and Intimidation skills.
  323. Charisma Perks
  325. Tier One
  327. Charming: When using your Diplomacy skill to charm, diplomacize, or seduce, the highest of first four rolls is taken instead of first three, and the fourth roll cannot critically fail.
  329. Intimidating: When using your Intimidation skill to threaten, command, or intimidate, the highest of first four rolls is taken instead of first three, and the fourth roll cannot critically fail.
  331. Deceptive: When using your Deception skill to lie, deceive, or manipulate, the highest of first four rolls is taken instead of first three, and the fourth roll cannot critically fail.
  333. Tier Two
  335. Animal Friend: You can use your Diplomacy skill on animals, calming aggressive animals and giving simple commands to neutral animals with a success.
  337. Memorable: Your striking looks and powerful demeanor leave others incapable of forgetting you. Your fame spreads through the lands much faster, as does your infamy. Furthermore, having a good reputation gives you an additional +1 to charm the people aware of you.
  339. Unassuming: Your average looks and bland demeanor leave you absolutely forgettable. News of your crimes and atrocities spread slowly if at all, and your face is unlikely to be recognized by those you are not personally familiar with. Furthermore, when trying to blend in with a crowd, you gain +2 to your stealth check.
  341. Tier Three
  343. Bard: When performing with any instrument or by storytelling, you can captivate an audience indefinitely. Unless they have something important to do, they shall stay a while and listen. Furthermore, you can always find lodging and food wherever you perform.
  345. Handsome: Your looks are far above average. When interacting with those sexually attracted to your gender, you gain an additional +1 to your rolls. Furthermore, this pleases your romantic partner.
  347. Friendly: It takes a much shorter time for you to earn friends, and all of your relationships improve much faster, so long as you put any effort into your relationship. Furthermore, if you help your friends when they need it they shall become nearly fanatically loyal.
  349. Tier Four
  351. Trend Setter: Regardless of whether your retinue contains undead monsters, religious enemies, or monstrous races (to the eye of the beholder) there are no penalties to your DCs. Furthermore, even with a critical failure, it is unlikely that the target will react aggressively.
  353. Leader of Men: When you lead intelligent creatures into battle, they show an instinctive level of loyalty and devotion towards you. You never need to roll Diplomacy to command people due to low morale, fear, or holding the line.
  355. Political Manipulator: When voting of any sort happens, you can manipulate the outcome by rolling a Diplomacy check. Furthermore, if you succeed by more than 2, nobody’s the wiser and everybody believes that this is the best possible outcome.
  357. Tier Five
  359. Regal: People instinctively listen to your orders and admire you. When commanding or charming, you can only fail against people with advanced intelligence or perception, and only need to roll against them. Furthermore, when you are in a position of power, people are much less likely to go against your orders.
  361. Master Tutor: Instead of lowering the DC for your student to learn a skill, spell, or a perk on a successful Tutoring check, if you succeed a Tutoring check the student learns it regardless of their own roll. Furthermore, on a critical success you advance the skill you are teaching yourself.
  363. Animal Whisperer: Animals never attack you. You can tame animals with a single Diplomacy check, and tame animals are much quicker to train.
  365. Tier Six
  367. Prophet: You can lead men into a religious fervor. Whether you deceive them into believing that you are their god incarnate, that you are the only one privy to the whims and reasoning of their god, or even to convince them that the gods are evil and they should join you against them, you can start a near- or fully religious movement with a successful Diplomacy (or Deception) check.
  369. Supernatural Beauty: Whether you are fabulous, elfin and serene; stunning, chiseled and sensual; or handsome, striking and manly, your beauty is that of legend. Anyone sexually attracted to your gender will obey your commands unless very extreme, and with anyone not sexually attracted to your gender you gain a +1 to charm or intimidate them.
  371. Tier Seven
  373. The Voice of the Dragon: You are near god-like in your ability to manipulate men. You automatically succeed Diplomacy against mundane humanoids. When talking to exceptional individuals, however, if they see through the source of your power, they might react aggressively.
  375. The League of Nations: When in official, diplomatic situations, you hold great sway with your peers. When negotiating surrender, trade, treaties, borders and similar, you can get away with much more extreme terms than any other negotiator (Retain sovereignty and gain a diplomatic marriage from a lost war, gain a blatantly advantageous trade route, and so forth.)
  377. Skills
  378. Much like Stats, Skills provide a bonus of +1 to +3 to your rolls, after which point they provide perks. However, Skill Perks are not divided in tiers, but can always be picked multiple times.
  380. Acrobatics:
  382. Acrobatics is your skill in dodging, balancing, tumbling and performing other acrobatic feats.
  384. Acrobatics Perks:
  386. Dodge: When rolling Acrobatics to avoid an attack, you gain +1 to the roll (1), you can move away from your enemy without roll or penalty (2), you can dodge out of the way of ranged attacks and spells with no penalty(3). 3 Ranks Available
  388. High-Flyer: Your jump distance doubles (1), you can jump instead of running to initiate a Charge, so long as you are at least six feet above the target at the beginning of the charge, and you deal 2 extra damage on the attack (2), You can roll to jump out of the way of any explosion, magical attack, or other Area of Effect attack (3). 3 Ranks Available
  390. Combat Acrobatics: In combat, you can use your acrobatics skill as a free action each turn to perform an acrobatic maneuver in addition to your attacks.
  392. Alchemy:
  394. Alchemy is the skill required to craft alchemical potions. In addition to normal uses of the skill you can roll a 1d50 for a random discovery, followed by a 1d5 to roll for potency. Ranks one to three simply provide a bonus, ranks four to ten can be spent in the following perks:
  396. Alchemy Perks
  398. Educated Guess: Every time you take this perk, you gain one additional choice when randomly rolling for a potion discovery. 3 Ranks Available
  400. Potent Brew: Every time you take this perk, you can roll one more 1d5 for potency, the highest being the successful roll. 3 Ranks Available
  402. Safety Precautions: Critical failures, while still could happen, will not be immediately dangerous or explosive. 1 Rank Available.
  405. Athletics:
  407. Athletics is your skill in sprinting, feats of strength, climbing and other athletic actions.
  409. Athletics Perks:
  411. Swimming: Your swim speed is doubled (1), You can hold your breath for five minutes, before needing air (2), You can jump, charge or attack from water to water or from water to land at no penalty (3) 3 Ranks available.
  413. Climbing: Your climbing speed is doubled (1), You can perform other simple actions while climbing, such as eating, changing your clothes, setting up specialized camping equipment and similar (2), You can fight while scaling a cliff-wall without penalty, though a critically failed attack will still cause you to fall (3) 3 Ranks Available.
  415. Lifter: Yes, you do even lift. Instead of being able to lift Strength x 30kg of weight off the ground, you can instead lift (Strength+Athletics) x 30kg of weight.
  418. Awareness:
  420. Awareness is your skill in noticing small details, ambushes and detecting stealth.
  422. Awareness Perks
  424. Memorize Details: If you succeed an awareness check against a target, be it an item, location, or a person, all future DCs against the same target get reduced by 1. 3 Ranks Available
  426. See Through Magic: You can use your awareness skill to see through illusions(1), invisibility (2), enchantment (3). 3 Ranks Available
  428. Trained Observer: You can use your awareness to explain in great detail all that you have seen. 1 Rank Available.
  430. Basketweaving:
  431. ???
  432. Basketweaving Perks
  433. ???: ??? 7 Ranks available.
  435. Channeling:
  437. Channeling is your skill in manipulating magical energy in an instantaneous and explosive manner. This skill is used whenever you cast your Evocations.
  439. Channeling Perks:
  441. Multicast: You can use 1/2/3 additional evocations per turn, expending your casts per day as usual.
  443. Store Spell: You can store 1/2/3 spells in any mundane item, making them release under specific conditions, such as when a command word is spoken, when someone steps into the radius, and so forth.
  445. Counterspell: You can roll Channeling to counter an enemy evocation. If successful, their spell does not take effect. On a critical success, you also gather their expended mana and gain an additional spell cast per day.
  447. Deception:
  449. Deception is your skill in lying, manipulation and deception.
  451. Deception Perks
  453. Puppet Master: When using Deception to manipulate a target, instead of deceiving one target only, you can deceive five (1), ten (2), or 20 (3) individuals, as well as anyone that they pass the lie along to. 3 Ranks Available
  455. From A Certain Point of View: When using half-truths and tricks of language to deceive people without lying, if your lie is found out the target reacts with much less hostility. 3 Ranks Available, with Rank 1 being ‘less likely to trust you in the future’ and Rank 3 being ‘Will continue acting as if you had told them the full truth’
  457. Honest Face: If you critically fail your deception roll, the result is never disbelief, but it might be suspicion, uncertainty, or over-reaction. 1 Rank Available
  460. Diplomacy:
  462. Diplomacy is your skill in interacting with people, politics and negotiations.
  465. Diplomacy Perks
  467. First Impression: When you first encounter another person or delegation, all other things being equal, their starting disposition, instead of suspicious is Neutral (1), Positive (2), Friendly (3). 3 Ranks Available
  469. Booming Voice: Instead of [Charisma Level] targets, you can affect [Charisma x 10](1). [Charisma x 50] (2), [Charisma x 100] (3) people with your Diplomacy skill. 3 Ranks Available
  471. Voice of Reason: When you critically fail a diplomacy check, while a failure still occurs, it is very unlikely to lead to violence. 1 Rank Available
  474. Discipline:
  476. Discipline is your skill in meditation, self-control and magical resistance.
  478. Discipline Perks:
  480. Trance: When meditating using the Discipline skill, in addition to only needing 4 hours to rest per day, you also regain 2 wounds per hour(1)/ Can use your Astral Projection spell without an additional roll or using up any spell slots (2)/ Gain +2 to any roll to resist enchantment or illusion magic if you've meditated for 4 hours or more (3). 3 Ranks Available
  482. Spiritual Communion: When meditating together with another person you can choose to open your soul to them, and in exchange you see them as they truly are. This is not a lie detector, but instead you get a general 'feel' for their inner nature and their place in the universe. At rank 2 you can communicate with them and ask for explanations. At rank 3 you can bar them from seeing your true self. 3 ranks available
  484. Ritual Meditation: When casting a ritual spell with a casting time of more than four hours, you can extend the casting time by an hour to not expend a spell slot while casting. 1 Rank Available
  486. Endurance:
  488. Endurance is your skill in resisting pain, magical overexertion and extreme conditions, including harsh weather, drowning, vacuum of space etcetera.
  490. Endurance Perks:
  492. Blood Magic: You can use 2/4/6 of your wounds instead of spell-casts per day. 3 Tiers Available
  494. Thick Skinned: If an attack deals more than 30% your total wounds in damage, you can roll Endurance to resist 5%/10%/15% of that damage, rounded down. 3 Tiers Available
  496. Hot Blooded: Increase your heat and cold resistance. Furthermore, you gain an additional +2 when rolling to resist adverse heat or cold.
  498. Healing:
  500. Healing is your skill in herbalism, medicine and surgery.
  502. Healing Perks
  504. Herb Lore: You know herbs and medicines better than an average healer. You can soothe pain (1), break fever (2), clean a wound (3) with your Healing skill. 3 Ranks Available The methods and results may advance along with technology.
  506. Surgery: You can perform advanced battlefield surgery using your healing skill. Beyond amputations, you can Set Broken Bones (1), Relieve Pressure in the skull or chest cavity (2), Perform simple surgery on internal organs to stop internal bleeding or contamination (3). 3 Ranks Available. The methods and results may advance along with technology.
  508. Good Practices: You have learned which medical procedures are charlatanism and mistakes. You do not do further damage to your patient on a critical failure. 1 Rank Available
  511. Heavy Weapons: Heavy Weapons is your skill in using large, two-handed weapons. Without the Strength perk 'Two-Handed Weapon Use', heavy weapons impose a -2 penalty on the next roll after an attack, as you have a harder time to recover than a user of any other weapon type.
  513. Heavy Weapon Perks:
  515. Vanguard: When using a two-handed weapon to lead a charge in mass battle, 5/10/25 of your nearest allies gain a significant advantage to the attack, as you swat spears and other long weapons aside with your giant weapon. Furthermore, you can attack 1/2/3 additional enemies on a charge. 3 Ranks Available
  517. Break Guard: If you fail a roll to attack with a two-handed weapon, but do not critically fail, you still deal 1/[strength]/50% damage. 3 Ranks Available
  519. Fury: Instead of the usual -2 penalty you can choose to take two wounds of damage every time you attack with a heavy weapon, as you ignore your defense to be faster on the offense. 1 Rank Available
  522. Insight:
  524. Insight is your skill in determining the emotions, motivations and lies of others.
  526. Insight Perks
  528. I Have a Bad Feeling About This: If you fail an insight check, if the roll is not a critical failure, you still get a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ feeling about them (1), realize which part of them worries you (2), know if they are lying (3). 3 Ranks Available
  530. Read the Crowd: When speaking to a large (10+) audience, you can gauge their response to your speech. You know their level of interest (1), how much are they learning (2), What specific people in the crowd feel about what you are talking about. 3 Ranks Available
  532. A Shoulder to Cry On: You are a great listener, and you know just what to say to comfort a person. 1 Rank Available
  534. Intimidation:
  536. Intimidation is your skill in commanding and threatening.
  538. Intimidation Perks
  540. Commanding Voice: When using Intimidation to command on the battlefield, on a success, instead of raising the level of morale by one tier, you can automatically set it to Determined (1), Loyal (2), Fanatical (3). 3 Ranks Available
  542. Threatening Presence: When failing an intimidation check, instead of turning the target Hostile, you can instead reduce their attitude towards you by two tiers (1), one tier (2), or have it remain neutral (3). 3 Ranks Available
  544. Not to be Fucked With: When you critically fail an intimidation or command check, the result is never ridicule or dismissal, but might be nervousness, anger, or suspicion instead. 1 Rank Available
  547. Light Weapons:
  549. Light Weapons is your skill in using light melee weapons, such as daggers, short-swords and similar.
  551. Precise Strikes: When attacking with light weapons, if you beat the DC by 2 or more, you deal 2x/3x/4x the damage. 3 Ranks Available.
  553. Wait For An Opening: If you succeed on a defense roll against a target while using light weapons, you gain a +1/+2/Automatic Success against the target next time you attack. 3 Ranks Available
  555. Backstab: If you attack with a dagger from stealth, or against an otherwise unaware opponent, you deal 5x/10x/15x damage.
  558. Linguistics:
  560. Linguistics is your skill in crafting sentences, learning languages and expressing yourself clearly in a foreign tongue.
  562. Linguistics Perks
  564. Omniglot: You learn a new language. 5 Tiers Available
  566. Writer: You achieve a skill in technical writing and are much more likely to be clearly and concisely understood (1). You are a skilled writer and reading your writing is an enjoyable way to pass the time (2). 2 Tiers Available
  568. One-Handed Weapons:
  570. One-Handed Weapons is your skill in using mid-weight melee weapons that can be used one-handed, such as longswords, maces, short-spears, and so forth.
  572. One Handed Weapons Perks:
  574. Sword and Board: When using a shield with a one-handed weapon you gain 5 additional wounds (1)/can negate AoE damage depending on the point of origin (2)/ deal [strength] wounds of extra damage upon a successful attack(3). 3 Ranks Available.
  576. Onslaught: Every attack against an opponent after the first deals 2/4/6 extra wounds of damage. 3 Ranks Available
  578. Weapon Specialization: Choose one type of one-handed melee weapon. You gain +1 when attacking with this weapon. 1 Rank Available
  581. Ranged Weapons:
  583. Ranged Weapons is your skill in using Bows, Thrown Weapons and other ranged weapons you might research later.
  585. Aim: If you spend an entire combat turn to do nothing but attack with a ranged weapon, you deal 1.5x/2x/3x damage. 3 Ranks Available
  587. Hip Shooting: You can make 1/2/3 additional actions as well as attacking with a ranged weapon in one turn. 3 Ranks Available
  589. Distraction: A successful attack with a thrown weapon reduces the DC of any further attacks against the same target. 1 Rank Available
  592. Research:
  594. Research is your skill in finding information in libraries, ancient tomes, and through experimentation.
  596. Research Perks
  598. Easily Distracted: When you succeed a research check to gain information on a specific topic, you also learn 1-3 additional facts about unrelated topics. 3 Ranks available
  600. Research Director: During Civilization Turn, you can increase the efficiency of your researchers by 5%-20%. 4 Ranks available. This makes you unavailable for any other action during the civilization turn in ranks 1-3.
  602. Magical Research: Instead of only researching magic as a part of scientific research during the Civilization turn, you can expend two perk points to learn a new spell.
  604. Ritual:
  606. Ritual is your skill in casting ritual spells under duress, under time constraints, or when no tools are available.
  608. Ritual Perks:
  610. Split Mind: While casting a ritual spell, you can also cast Astral Projection (1), cast evocations (2), roll Ritual to perform two rituals at once (3)
  612. Spirit Friend: When casting a ritual spell, you can attempt to use Diplomacy or Deception to convince the local spirits to help you. On a success, you gain a +1/+2/Auto-Success on your ritual spell, regardless of other conditions.
  614. Mind Lock: If you notice another casting a ritual, you can roll Ritual, with a DC based on their Ritual skill and Intelligence. On a success you can force them to stay in the ritual trance for as long as you do. On a critical success they remain in a ritual trance ten minutes after you leave it. In either case, their ritual fails. This counts as a ritual spell for the purpose of the Split Mind perk, but does not expend any spell slots. 1 Rank Available
  616. Stealth:
  618. Stealth is your skill in remaining unseen, blending into a crowd and moving silently.
  620. Stealth Perks
  622. ‘Must Have Been The Wind’: When using stealth to infiltrate a location, when you fail, unless it is a critical failure, you can roll stealth 1-3 more times, each time increasing the DC by 2. 3 Ranks available
  624. Deathly Still: If you remain immobile to eavesdrop, hide, or observe, you cannot critically fail (1), you can pick the highest of the first four rolls (2) and the DC is always 15 (3). 3 Ranks Available
  626. Don’t I Know You?: If you are disguising yourself among people that do not know you, you gain an additional +1 to all Deception rolls related to your disguise. 1 Rank Available
  628. Tactics:
  630. Tactics is your skill in battlefield control, troop movement and strategy.
  632. Tactics Perks
  634. ‘Their Numbers Will Count For Nothing’: Being outnumbered does not impact your troop morale (1), casualties (2), Tactics DCs (3). 3 Ranks Available
  636. Advanced Tactics: Unlock additional, advanced tactics options during battle. 3 Ranks Available, one additional choice per rank, with the norm being 3
  638. ‘We Have Reserves’: Critically failing a tactics roll will never cause casualties beyond 10%. Instead, it might cause reduced morale, being outmaneuvered, or personal injury.
  640. Tutoring:
  642. Tutoring is your skill in teaching an NPC a skill, or magic.
  644. Tutoring Perks
  646. Schoolteacher: Instead of only being able to teach one-on-one, you can, without losing efficiency, teach 10 (1), 20 (2), 30 (3) pupils. 3 ranks available.
  648. Inspire to Seek Knowledge: Anyone successfully tutored by you will seek to further their knowledge on the subject for a month (1), a year (2), or the rest of their lives (3) 3 Ranks Available
  650. Knowledge through Teaching: A critical success when teaching a skill grants you training in the skill, if possible to advance. 1 Rank Available
  652. Unarmed:
  654. Unarmed is your skill in fighting without weapons, with your fists or natural weapons. You gain the bonus to hit while in animal or dragon form based on your Unarmed skill, but gaining benefit from other Unarmed perks requires you take the Way of the Beast perk.
  656. Unarmed Perks:
  658. Way of the Thoughtful: If you have a Discipline skill at 3 or higher, you add +1 when attacking with your unarmed skill and take no penalties for injuries when using unarmed attacks.
  660. Way of the Four Winds: If you have an Acrobatics skill at 3 or higher, any successful unarmed attack reduces the difficulty of any defensive rolls for the remainder of combat.
  662. Way of the Beast: When you attack with your natural weapons in animal or dragon form you deal increased damage, and get full advantage of your other Unarmed perks.
  664. Way of the Battlemage: When attacking with the Unarmed skill, you can choose to increase the DC of the attack by 2 to also cast one of your evocations with the same action.
  666. Grappling: When you grapple a foe, that foe cannot make physical attacks against you (1), cannot use magic (2), and you can roll Intimidate based on Strength as a free action to force your foe to surrender. 3 Ranks available
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