Partial Possession: Rainbow Dash chapter 4

Jul 17th, 2015
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  1. >She groaned and took a sip of water.
  2. 'Oh yeah, I'm also fucking Flutters on the side. That too.'
  3. >She immedietly spit out the water into the window above the sink, and you cackle like the evil disney villain you are
  4. 'Hahahahh...Sorry, I just always wanted to make someone do that.'
  5. >"Celestia's TEATS Anon, don't joke about that shit!"
  6. >You continue laughing
  7. >You realize you aren't Scar, you're just one of the hyenas. That's okay. The hyenas were the best part.
  8. >"Jeez. We need to see if Twilight has the spell ready."
  9. 'Probably not.'
  10. >"It wont take long, and it's worth it. I need to get you out of here."
  12. >She was right about it not taking long. The storm had blown off somewhere else by the time you exited the house
  13. >The ground was still muddy in most places, so you kept to the air, until landing on the steps to the castle
  14. >You just realized, how would she even know if you knocked? Or entered for that matter. An entire castle for one person is bullshit.
  15. >Rainbow rang the doorbell.
  16. >Oh.
  17. >It's still bullshit.
  18. >Soon enough, you hear a pop from behind the door, and it creaks open. "Ah! Hello Rainbow Dash!"
  19. >"Heya! Is the spell ready?"
  20. >"Nope."
  21. >
  22. >"Will it be ready soon?"
  23. >"Probably."
  24. >
  25. >"Did you get any sleep last night?"
  26. >She smiles. "Hello, Rainbow Dash!"
  27. >You hear Spike's voice yell from down the hallway. "Twilight! Did I say you could get out of bed yet?!"
  28. >The door slams shut in your face.
  29. >" Weird Science " starts to play in the back of your mind.
  30. 'About as useful as I expected. Neurotic cunt. So, what else do we have to do today?'
  31. >"I dunno. Annoy people?"
  32. 'Let's kick it.'
  37. >Rainbow took to the sky, clearing the occasional cloud and keeping lookout for anything interesting
  38. >Most ponies were out in rainboots, trying to avoid the deep mud
  39. >Fucking plebians. Flying horse master race.
  40. >You refrain from yelling "NERRRRDS" as you fly by.
  41. >Wow, pegasai really are all jocks. Rainbow's mind is infecting you
  42. >Eventually she lands next to Scootaloo "Hey, squirt! What's up today?
  43. >She lit up. "Oh, hey, Rainbow! Me and the girls are gonna try and get our cutie marks! We're thinking of starting a--"
  44. "Scooter."
  45. >She stops, and blinks. "U-um...Well, we were gonna--"
  46. "Scooter."
  47. >She tilts her head. "Uhm, Dash?"
  48. "Scoooooter."
  49. >"I uh, I left it at home, since it can't go on mud right."
  50. >You give up.
  51. "Nevermind, what were you saying?"
  52. >She grinned again. "We're gonna start a chess group!"
  53. >Rainbow scratched her chin. "Chess, eh? I'm a bit of a mastermind myself!"
  54. >Scootaloo puffed out her cheeks, and Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "What?"
  55. >"Uh, Dash, you have a little something here." She gestured to her face with her booted hoof.
  56. >You realized you feel wet on your chin.
  57. "Pffft"
  58. >Rainbow shook the mud off her face. "Ahah, heh, don't worry about that."
  59. >"Alright, follow me! We're gonna host it at Sugarcube Corner!"
  60. >Rainbow took flight again, shaking off her hooves, and followed suit
  61. >You could tell she was kicking herself for not bringing rainboots
  62. 'What's wrong, Rainbow?'
  63. >'I hate flying all the time next to Scootaloo. It's like I'm rubbing it in her face.'
  64. >You frown. That's pretty heavy.
  65. >Hey, she spoke through thoughts! She sounded very genuine, too.
  66. 'Stop being cool. I like hating you.'
  73. >Eventually though, the travel came to an end, and you both entered the building, Scootaloo placing her boots on the side next to a dozen others
  74. >Applebloom and Sweetie Belle wave, and Scoots ran over
  75. >"Welcome, you two!" Mr. Cake shouted from behind the counter, waving.
  76. >Rainbow landed and walked up. "What's up? Pinkie still out?"
  77. >He nodded. "Yep. Would you like anything?"
  78. >"Sure! Gimmie a dozen doughnuts, for the girls."
  79. >Each of the CMC cheered, and he reached under the counter, pulling out a variety pack.
  80. >She places the bits on the table, and takes the doughnuts to the table where they already set up a playing board and pieces
  81. >Sweetie Belle grabbed on telekinetically bounced in her seat. "Thanks, Rainbow Dash!"
  82. >Yeah, everyone pretend the ghost isn't here
  83. >I be dyin' for you
  84. >Like Jesus.
  85. >'What have you ever done for them?' Rainbow thought back. She's getting better at this.
  86. 'I tried. I tried so fucking hard, Dash. You know how hard I tried.'
  87. >'You just said "scooter" as if that means anything!'
  88. >You stop everything. Movement, breathing, blinking.
  89. ' honestly don't know, do you?'
  90. >Applebloom nudged your shoulder. "Uhhh, Dash, you alright?"
  91. "Yeah, don't worry about it carpen--I mean, Applebloom."
  92. >Sweetie Belle clapped her hooves together. "Ooh, you want to play me, Dash? I'm the best of us!"
  93. >"Nuh-uh! I practiced last night!" Scootaloo stuck her tongue out
  94. >"By yourself?"
  95. >Rainbow just sits there as they argue
  96. >She's trying to wait this out, cowardly bitch.
  97. "No prob', I'll take you on!"
  98. >Scootaloo raised her hoof. "Me first!"
  99. "Now, now, the only fair way to decide is for both of you to play eachother, and I'll play the winner!"
  100. >Sweetie Belle swallowed a mouthfull of doughnut. "You're on!"
  101. >Holy shit, all the pieces are horses
  102. >Which one is the hoppy one
  103. >Is the queen the king here? Or princess, as it were?
  104. 'Rainbow, help me out here'
  105. >'I-I don't know!'
  106. >Time to wing it.
  111. >Haha, wings.
  112. >You have those.
  113. >You would hate your life, if you could
  114. >Sweetie Belle tries to telekinetically move the pieces, but occasionally she drops one, and switches to hooves
  115. >You gather that the knights are wonderbolts, the king is a princess, and the queen is you have no idea what
  116. >Chess pieces are abstract as fuck
  117. >Also, instead of white and black, it's yellow and blue. Celestia probably wouldn't like the implications of the former.
  118. >Eventually, Sweetie Belle makes good on her word and beats Scootaloo
  119. >"Awww! This sucks. I'm next, right?"
  120. >Rainbow pat her on the back. "Of course, kiddo!"
  121. >Applebloom's been mostly silent, aside from occaisonal snide remarks and advice. She seems to be happy observing for now
  122. >You help replace the pieces, and pick yellow. Sweetie goes first, and places a wonderbolt in front of her pawns
  123. >The bishop looks like a buffalo. Seems pretty cool. You move a pawn out of it's way, two spaces
  124. >She does the same, for the opposite tile buffalo.
  125. >Both of you are moving pretty fast, not planning much. You're not that practiced, either.
  126. >You can tell she's trying to strategize. You're mostly moving whatever piece looks cooler
  127. >You've never actually won a game of chess, per sey. You rely on being unpredictable and pissing off experts
  128. >It's a good job. People stopped playing you after a while, though.
  129. >Eventually, most of the pieces are gone. She has a rook and two pawns
  130. >You, on the other hand, have a knight and a buffalo still
  131. >You're never going to call a bishop a bishop again.
  132. >You eventually out maneuver her, and take her rook.
  133. >"Shoot. You win, Dash!" You look up from the board to her
  134. "I didn't get you in checkmate, though."
  135. >"Yeah, but that normally leads to half an hour of chasing." She sighed. "We should know. It happens more often than not."
  140. >Scootaloo immediately scooches into the seat, eventually displacing Sweetie. "Alright! My turn!"
  141. >it goes pretty smoothly for the most part, but Rainbow takes over in the end and flubs the game
  142. >The sparkling grin the filly gave could blind everyone in a five mile radius. Rainbow pat her on the head
  143. >"Good job, Scoots!"
  144. >Applebloom nods. "I could see it comin' from a mile away."
  145. >You were actually winning fairly hard, so no, she didn't. But then again, she may have just expected Dash to throw.
  146. >You realize you've been neglecting the doughnuts. What the FUCK is wrong with you
  147. >You reach for a doughnut, and take a big bite, getting a fair amount of it on your face
  148. >Jesus. Strawberry filling? Fucking fruits. Always making their way into your junk food.
  149. >You look inward. It seems to be Rainbow's favourite.
  150. 'Stop being a cannibal.'
  151. >She swallows and tilts her head. "What?"
  152. >Before you can expand upon the joke, Applebloom waves in front of Dash's face. "Uh, you feelin' okay today?"
  153. >"Ah, yeah, yeah don't worry. Just thought I heard something."
  154. >Well, she seems to have lost the ability to speak mentally. Probably too focused on the food. You are too.
  155. >You take another, and munch on it while playing against Applebloom. She beats you, fair and square.
  156. >"Nice, 'Bloom!" Rainbow stood up and stretched. "I gotta work off these doughnuts, though. Have fun!"
  157. >The three of them waved. "Thanks, Dash!"
  158. >You walk out, and take off to the skies, doing a quick loop. You expect to feel your stomach lurch, but it doesn't
  159. >Everything seems quite peaceful, actually. You naturally turn to account for the wind, and continue swirling
  160. >You actually feel yourself smiling uncontrollably, feeling completely weightless
  161. >Eventually, you come to a halt and hover in the air, closing your eyes.
  162. >The wind is hard enough to cause your hair to flow to your side, covering one of your eyes
  163. >You brush it aside, giving you a view over the horizon, leading to the mountains of Canterlot and beyond
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