
F021 vs. Raptor

Feb 28th, 2015
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  1. 22:10 Sylum -Next match, Lord_Raptor, versus, F021!-
  2. 22:15 Sylum -Ehh, will Lord_Raptor and F021 please enter the stage-
  3. 22:16 --- TheLantern is away (goes the fug to sleep)
  4. 22:17 F021 jolts awake at the sound. "Ah, forgot that I'm not in Xenon anymore..
  5. 22:17 F021 jolts awake at the sound. "Ah, forgot that I'm not in Xenon anymore.."
  6. 22:22 Lord_Raptor - He paused upon hearing his name, taking a moment to decide whether that meant it was his turn. Tossing aside the cocktail sausage he was holding, he strapped on his helm and walked onto the arena, stopping once he was on the southern end.
  7. 22:22 Lord_Raptor - Pulling the flyer he was given out from his chest speaker-armor, he began quietly re-reading the rules on the back to himself. "'ey, says I can't use ''summons.'' Wha's that mean?"
  8. 22:24 Sylum -in your case, the zombies you summon-
  9. 22:25 F021 hesitantly walks into the ring, pretty much unprepared. He looked like he's just getting out from the bed.
  10. 22:30 Sylum -Lets ready the fight, The man with the tentacle hands, F021...and, the rock'n'roll Bird, Lord_Raptor!-
  11. 22:31 *** Elise_ is now known as Eridana
  12. 22:32 Lord_Raptor - So his main method of dealing with things wasn't allowed? He stuffed the flyer back down his speaker-vest and reached behind his back, retrieving what seemed to be an electric guitar made of solid gold, though it wasn't plugged into anything.
  13. 22:32 Lord_Raptor - Whatever; he still had other options. "So, Mr. F. You like music?"
  14. 22:33 F021 "No, not really." He sighs and begins to harden his right tentacle into a sword-like thing.
  15. Sylum -3-
  16. 22:39 Sylum -2-
  17. 22:39 Sylum -1-
  18. 22:39 Sylum -FIGHT-
  19. 22:42 F021 wastes no time and lunges straight into the vulture, hoping that it can end fast.
  20. 22:44 Lord_Raptor - His blank expression turned into a frown, popping his shoulders as he took the gaudy instrument into his hands. "Don't like music?"
  21. 22:44 Lord_Raptor - He slyly moved a hand toward the strings as he continued speaking, almost pouting at this point. "Real shame. Personally, I'm a fan of..."
  22. 22:44 Lord_Raptor - He suddenly struck a chord. "DEATH METAL!" With that gesture, the guitar let out a near-defeaning sound, firing off a series of ever-expanding shockwaves in F021's direction that shredded the arena floor as they moved.
  23. 22:47 F021 stops and slumps into the ground, trying to block off the sound. "Fuck, man that's rude."
  24. 22:50 F021 stands up after a while, with his only free tentacle forked into two parts that seals his ears enough to make it more bearable. "No earlobes and it's still hurts like hell..." He continues to lunge at Lord_Raptor, aiming at his guitar.
  25. 22:54 Lord_Raptor - Rude? Nah, rude was eating fries in front of someone and refusing to share. He spread his wings and quickly took to the air - taking his instrument with him - though he stopped some 15 odd feet when he remembered the limit on elevation. This was going to be more difficult than he thought. "You gotta lighten up, mate!"
  26. 22:54 Lord_Raptor - He began to play a tune, though it had no immediate effect. It was only afte he strung one last chord that he pointed the guitar at his opponent, starting to fire several shockwaves in succession. "Enjoy the concert!"
  27. 23:03 F021 -- Seeing his opponent flies, F021 scowls - still wearing his tentacle earplugs. "Oh, I will." His previously hardened tentacle reverts back to a more flexible structure, and he grabs some of the broken floor below. Aiming at the guitar, he infuses the floor shard with his shadow and throws it with more speed than you'll expect from a tentacle.
  28. 23:04 F021 -- Mid-air, the shard breaks into five smaller pieces, launching themselves at full speed towards the flying bird.
  29. *** F021 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  30. 23:19 Lord_Raptor - The sound wasn't what made his attacks dangerous - that was just a bonus, really. When one of the shockwaves struck to the side of the tentacled man, they'd find themselves suddenly thrown off-balance by the resulting release of energy. Clearly this one wasn't familiar with how he worked.
  31. 23:19 Lord_Raptor - His keen eye allowed him to pick up on the incoming projectiles rather quickly for someone that was clearly full of themselves. He struck another chord, this time directing the blast at F021's attack - the result blowing the shards out of the air and away from him. "I'm sure ya can do better than that!"
  32. 23:33 F021_ "Ah, come on!" He firmly planted himself in his spot, with his surrounding shadow revolving around him. He extends his tentacle, trying to grab the bird's feet and slams him to the ground.
  33. 00:03 Lord_Raptor - Given he was distracted by the sound of his own laughter, he wasn't quite prepared to dodge. Finding his leg in the man's grip, he didn't have time to react before being swung downward. The sound of metal hitting concrete resonated throughout the area, Raptor having made a rather sizable dent in the floor where he hit.
  34. 00:03 Lord_Raptor - After a moment of stunned silence - and the pain of the collision catching up to him - he narrowed his eyes. [Oi, now I'm mad.] He suddenly let out a screech more in tune with the oversized buzzard he resembled while swinging his guitar outward, aiming to take off F021's head.
  35. F021 -- Seeing the vulture swinging his guitar, he immidiately dodges the blow with his tentacles. Half of them fell off and is absorbed by the dark area beneath him. "Damn man, I just replaced it last week!" Two new set of tentacle slowly grows and replaces his slashed off ones.
  36. 00:34 Lord_Raptor - He took the opportunity to yank his leg free, then quickly rolled to the side before jumping back to his feet. Reaching up to the guitar's headstock, he quickly adjusted two of the tuning keys, and then glared at his opponent. Moving his hand back to the chords, he began to play a song. It was a surprisingly soft tune, and probably not something one would expect, though it was
  37. 00:35 Lord_Raptor unlikely F021 would know this, what with his earplugs.
  38. 00:42 F021 is too concentrated in repairing his tentacles that he didn't notice his opponent striking his chords. Taken aback, the shockwaves sent him off a few feet away, and probably deafens him. "I'm not getting down because of a fucking bird."
  39. 00:50 Lord_Raptor - It was little more than a series of oddly-placed notes that managed to form some semblance of a melody. And it wasn't even a very good melody, either. However, an attentive viewer would notice that, as he played, two sets of odd-looking runes began appearing on the floor around him; one rotating clockwise outward from him, and the other counter-clockwise inward to him. They
  40. 00:50 Lord_Raptor appeared to be forming a spiral pattern, and more of them were appearing with each passing second.
  41. 00:50 Lord_Raptor - Once his opponent had drawn close enough, Raptor's eyes lit up - as did each of the runes in rapid succession. He raised his free arm. "Dies."
  42. 00:50 Lord_Raptor - "Irae."
  43. 00:50 Lord_Raptor - The striking of each chord in one motion was followed by the song kicking into high gear, and with it, every rune on the floor suddenly erupting in the order they'd appeared; drowning the ''stage'' in a storm of reddish-violet energy as columns of destructive energy shot out in every direction.
  44. 01:02 F021_ -- The man is not agile enough to evade the destructive colums, but he have a quick thought. He closes his eyes, and shadows from around the arena gathers around F021's spot. The shadows mix and forms a sort of wall around F021, absorbing the waves that pass through him. With each waves hitting the wall, though, the barrier loses its strength.
  45. 01:02 F021_ -- Nobody knows how long he will survive.
  46. 01:03 F021_ "Gah.. I... Didn't know fighting this thing will take longer than I thought." He mumbled to himself, although he can't really hear it.
  47. F021 -- Still trying to hold the wall up, F021 is noticeably exhausted. His tentacle-hands are stumped just at his stomach line, to give a bit more energy to the defense. He knows that he eventually have to lower the walls and begin attacking.
  48. 01:04 F021 -- Inside the wall, he is constantly cursing and mumbling about his previous decisions that lead up to this moment, with occassional groaning. Not that both parties will hear it anyway.
  49. 01:20 Lord_Raptor - He suddenly motioned toward the wall ahead of him, performing a riff on his guitar; as if on cue, the runes beside him lit up shortly before firing beams at his opponent's barrier. As he continued to play his song, another pair of runes began to appear beside the first set, followed by a third, and a fourth. Each time a new set of runes appeared, the previous started to gather
  50. 01:20 Lord_Raptor power, so as to continue the assault. "You can't hide in there forever!"
  51. 01:26 F021_ is probably too deaf to hear his opponent. He is basically at his breaking point now, and yet out of pure stubborness he refuses to give up. The wall itself is pretty much damaged, cracked and ready to break up. In desperation, F021 breaks the wall down and instead divert the energy to a red stone he has been wearing.
  52. 01:30 F021_ -- Trying a new trick, he uses all energy that is left in him to launch the stone at Lord_Raptor. The stone is now covered in a black sphere, growing in size. Just as it's about to reach the runes, the sphere explodes and reveals the broken stone, launched into all directions at almost the same speed as bullets.
  53. 01:39 F021_ "Gah.. Final move."
  54. 01:57 Lord_Raptor - On instinct he raised the guitar as a shield, the instrument blocking the projectiles with nary a scratch. However, as he had to stop playing to do so, the runes stopped what they'd been doing, going dormant before starting to fade. At least one of the fragments blew off a sizeable number of his left wing's feathers, causing him to recoil."The Hell was that?!"
  55. 01:57 Lord_Raptor - He looked at his wing; he wouldn't be able to fly very well at all like this, though admittedly the rules limited him to begin with. In hindsight, he probably didn't need to try and block it; he was wearing body armor. "You little...!"
  56. 02:04 F021_ -- Slumped over, almost fainting, F021 smiles. He is almost too weak to stand up, but he does anyway, and remade one of his tentacles back to full size. Then, he once again hardens the full sized tentacle, and lunges at the vulture. "If I can't knock you out... At least I can make you flightless."
  57. 02:06 F021_ -- He himself have absolutely no idea how he can still survive the waves of attack, but he sure knows he will not give up before he completely runs out of energy.'
  58. Lord_Raptor - How was he supposed to get back to the city if this messed up his wing? He'd be molting for weeks, if not possibly longer. That he may be stranded here for a while - not to mention that his feathers could possibly grow back crooked - infuriated him. Rather than reach for the chords on his guitar, however, opened his mouth.
  59. 03:07 Lord_Raptor - What followed was perhaps the most unbelievably awful scream anyone had heard in their life. Glass within at least 20 yards of him began vibrating, only to violently shatter; anyone in the audience was forced to cover their ears just to try and endure it; and as this was happening, he made a mad dash for F021, guitar in grip and aiming to smack him upside the head.
  60. 03:14 F021 -- being almost completely deaf, he may not be affected by the scream, instead still stubbornly launched at Lord_Raptor. However, he is too focused on slashing his wings that he didn't notice that the bird is aiming his guitar at him. F021 got a good hit on his head, and a few moments after that, backs up a few steps and falls down.
  61. 03:17 F021 -- Unable to move and think, he lets out his last groan before falling unconscious. He have a great time doing this fight, but he underestimated his enemy. His tentacles are now pretty much limp, and the usual shadow zone in his feet are now a small circle instead of his normal, larger one.
  62. 03:20 Salesman -....Guh, huh what? Sorry. I fell asleep there, felt like the fight lasted a few days, oh uh...Lord_Raptor has won!-
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