

Dec 6th, 2014
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  1. #Pam
  2. cracklib
  3. pam
  4. libpwquality
  5. shadow
  6. ## [PAM support] end
  7. python3
  8. json-c
  9. readline
  10. bluez
  11. udisks2
  12. # [gnome-core-shell]
  13. yelp-xsl
  14. yelp-tools
  15. gtk-doc
  16. glib2
  17. py3cairo
  18. py3gobject
  19. pygobject3
  20. gobject-introspection
  21. mozjs17
  22. polkit
  23. ConsoleKit
  24. gnome-common
  25. atk
  26. harfbuzz
  27. pango
  28. gdk-pixbuf2
  29. at-spi2-core
  30. at-spi2-atk
  31. vala
  32. libgusb
  33. gtk+3
  34. gtk+3 # For makecheck
  35. dconf
  36. gsettings-desktop-schemas
  37. glib-networking
  38. libsoup
  39. p11-kit
  40. gcr
  41. libgweather
  42. json-glib
  43. geoclue
  44. geoclue2
  45. gstreamer1
  46. gst-plugins-base1
  47. libwebp
  48. libsecret
  49. webkit
  50. libnotify
  51. krb5
  52. librest
  53. libgnome-keyring
  54. telepathy-glib
  55. gnome-online-accounts
  56. liboauth
  57. libgdata
  58. evolution-data-server
  59. libdaemon
  60. avahi
  61. gvfs
  62. gnome-desktop
  63. gmime
  64. totem-pl-parser
  65. tracker
  66. exempi
  67. nautilus
  68. nautilus-sendto
  69. gnome-bluetooth
  70. accountsservice
  71. cogl
  72. clutter
  73. clutter-gtk
  74. colord
  75. colord-gtk
  76. tdb
  77. speex
  78. alsa-plugins
  79. pulseaudio
  80. libcanberra
  81. libx264
  82. gst-plugins-bad1
  83. gst-plugins-good1
  84. gst-plugins-ugly1
  85. gssdp
  86. gupnp
  87. gupnp-av
  88. gupnp-dlna
  89. gupnp-tools
  90. gupnp-igd
  91. clutter-gst
  92. gnome-video-effects
  93. gnome-menus
  94. gnome-power-manager
  95. librsvg
  96. libwacom
  97. ibus
  98. geocode-glib
  99. gnome-settings-daemon
  100. libgtop
  101. # [ NetworkManager plugins ]
  102. network-manager-applet
  103. NetworkManager-openvpn
  104. openconnect
  105. NetworkManager-openconnect
  106. NetworkManager-pptp
  107. # [ NetworkManager plugins ] end
  108. cheese
  109. libgnomekbd
  110. gnome-control-center
  111. gnome-icon-theme
  112. gnome-icon-theme-extras
  113. gnome-icon-theme-symbolic
  114. gnome-keyring
  115. gnome-session
  116. libgee
  117. caribou
  118. gdm
  119. gjs
  120. zenity
  121. mutter
  122. telepathy-logger
  123. gnome-shell
  124. cantarell-fonts
  125. gnome-themes-standard
  126. mousetweaks
  127. telepathy-mission-control
  128. gnome-backgrounds
  129. gnome-user-share
  130. vino
  131. gnome-user-docs
  132. baobab
  133. libnice
  134. farstream
  135. rdflib
  136. zeitgeist
  137. libsocialweb
  138. folks
  139. telepathy-farstream
  140. libchamplain
  141. empathy
  142. libwnck3
  143. epiphany
  144. glade
  145. gnome-js-common
  146. seed
  147. libpeas
  148. eog
  149. eog-plugins
  150. libgxps
  151. evince
  152. gnome-calculator
  153. gnome-contacts
  154. gnome-dictionary
  155. gnome-disk-utility
  156. gnome-font-viewer
  157. gnome-screenshot
  158. gnome-system-log
  159. mm-common
  160. libsigc++
  161. glibmm2
  162. cairomm
  163. pangomm
  164. atkmm
  165. gtkmm
  166. gtkmm2
  167. gnome-system-monitor
  168. vte2_90
  169. gnome-terminal
  170. gucharmap
  171. libmusicbrainz5
  172. gtksourceview
  173. sushi
  174. grilo
  175. lua
  176. libquvi-scripts
  177. libquvi
  178. grilo-plugins
  179. pylint
  180. totem
  181. yelp
  182. ffmpeg
  183. gst-libav
  184. rygel
  185. ragel
  186. gtkhtml
  187. evolution
  188. iso-codes
  189. gnome-getting-started-docs
  190. brasero
  191. gedit
  192. gedit-plugins
  193. gnote
  194. pyatspi
  195. dotconf
  196. speechd
  197. orca
  198. file-roller
  199. gnome-nettool
  200. rhythmbox
  201. gnome-devel-docs
  202. seahorse
  203. libcryptui
  204. seahorse-nautilus
  205. seahorse-sharing
  206. alacarte
  207. gdl
  208. portaudio
  209. libgda
  210. devhelp
  211. anjuta
  212. anjuta-extras
  213. gsl
  214. libwpg
  215. inkscape
  216. gnome-color-manager
  217. goobox
  218. gtk-vnc
  219. vinagre
  220. ptlib
  221. opal
  222. ekiga
  223. libopenraw
  224. gthumb
  225. gnome-shell-extensions
  226. ghex
  227. raw-thumbnailer
  228. telepathy-python
  229. telepathy-butterfly
  230. telepathy-haze
  231. zope.interface
  232. Twisted
  233. telepathy-salut
  234. sofia-sip
  235. telepathy-rakia
  236. telepathy-gabble
  237. telepathy-idle
  238. libuser
  239. usermode
  240. libpst
  241. accerciser
  242. libxml++
  243. graphviz
  244. libburn
  245. libisofs
  246. libisoburn
  247. flickcurl
  248. lensfun
  249. rawstudio
  250. liferea
  251. gnome-tweak-tool
  252. p7zip
  253. cups-pk-helper
  254. dropline-artwork
  255. setuptools
  256. ipython
  257. libzapojit
  258. gnome-documents
  259. gtksourceviewmm
  260. nemiver
  261. dropline-version
  262. gnome-chess
  263. five-or-more
  264. four-in-a-row
  265. gnome-nibbles
  266. gnome-robots
  267. gnome-sudoku
  268. gnome-mines
  269. gnome-tetravex
  270. gnome-klotski
  271. tali
  272. lightsoff
  273. iagno
  274. gnome-mahjongg
  275. quadrapassel
  276. swell-foop
  277. aisleriot
  278. gnome-clocks
  279. gnome-weather
  280. gnome-photos
  281. check
  282. libosinfo
  283. libvirt
  284. libvirt-glib
  285. celt051
  286. pyparsing
  287. spice
  288. spice-protocol
  289. spice-gtk
  290. gnome-boxes
  291. tevent
  292. ldb
  293. openchange
  294. evolution-mapi
  295. evolution-ews
  296. gnome-initial-setup
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