
Sweet Carrot Pone (Oedipus)

Feb 24th, 2013
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  1. Sweet Carrot Pone
  3. >It’s a cold day in Ponyville due to the weather team’s inept rainbow maned leader
  4. >Everyone is heavily inconvenienced, with businesses forced to close stalls and tents for their products not to get ruined by the wind and rain
  5. >Carrot Top, an orange maned yellow pony is busy trying to close her stand with the help of her daughter Sugar Heart, an adolescent pink maned light yellow coated pony
  6. >”Mom, are we done yet? You know I hate being here” says the disgruntled teen
  7. >“No not yet” Carrot responds with a slight frown, “This is our livelihood!”
  8. >“Ugh, I know I know, I just want to hang out with my friends” Sugar answers with a slightly impatient tone
  9. >Carrot begins to lose her patience, “If you keep complaining I won’t let you go, so please, just help your mother”
  10. >Sugar rolls her eyes, something carrot catches through the corner of her eye and takes note of
  11. >When both mares finally finished their fumbling with the tent they quickly made their way home near the center of town
  12. >They were both wet and shivering from the wind chill they had to suffer through on their way back
  13. >Sugar then sneezed
  14. >Carrot chuckles and quips “Well, look like you’re getting sick there; no way you’re going out like this”
  15. >Sugar is visibly upset “Oh! I didn’t ask for this….*aaachoo!* don’t you have medicine? Can’t we go to the hospital?!”
  16. >”I already have medicine, but even with that, you need to rest, and *Choo!!*” Carrot Sneezes “I’m not feeling so well either”
  17. >Sugar sighs loudly “Oh well buck this, I’m going to bed”
  18. >”Sugar! Language!” yells a surprised carrot at her daughters brash blurt out”
  19. >Sugar proceeds to mumble an apology with yet another eye roll
  20. >Carrot chuckles at the halfhearted apology “well, chances are we’re going to be very cold tonight, and if I remember right, the heater isn’t working”
  21. >Sugar groaned at the prospect of being in a cold room while sick, but carrot gave a recommendation
  22. >”Why don’t we sleep and hang out in the same bed until we get better”
  23. >Sugars pupils shrunk to the size of pinpricks, and was just about to voice her extreme disapproval when Carrot cut her off
  24. >”Now before you complain we can have some fun! An indoors girls night out, c’mon, it can be fun! And we never talk with each other either, so we can finally catch up!” Carrot’s face was beaming as she listed all the possible activities they could do
  25. >Sugar raked her brain for an excuse to get out of this, but groaned one more time as she came up short
  26. >Dejected and slightly annoyed Sugar surrendered”Ok mom, let’s go, it’s getting cold, let’s get this over with”
  27. >Carrot giggled at her daughters reaction, she was sure they would have some fun
  28. >Soon, both mares were in bed, with a cup of tea and some medicine on the side to suffer through their colds for the next few days
  29. >Carrot opted to read a book, while Sugar read some magazines she had stowed away in her room a few days ago
  30. >Carrot was the first to speak up
  31. >”So how’s school?
  32. >”its fine mom, boring, but fine”
  33. >Carrot wasn’t satisfied with this simplistic answer “Just fine? Oh now I know there’s more to it”
  34. >Sugar continued to deflect her mother’s questions in an attempt to return the room back to silence
  35. >”Yes mom, just fine”
  36. >Not willing to give up Carrot continued her line of questioning into her daughter’s life
  37. >”What about friends? I’ve seen a couple of them around, they look like nice mares”
  38. >Sugar recognized what her mother was doing but stopped trying to deflect; she was too worn down for that
  39. >”They are, I have a lot of fun with them, nothing you would know about”
  40. >Carrot laughed heartily at this statement
  41. >”I used to be a teenager as well, I know about eeeeeverything you talk about”
  42. >Sugar groaned again
  43. >”Ok ok, forget that, what about boys have a stallion in your sights yet?”
  44. >Sugar groaned again and started sinking under the covers, her face red from embarrassment
  45. >Carrot burst into laughter as she saw her daughter turn beet red at her line of questioning
  46. >”Sugar, you don’t have to be embarrassed, it’s perfectly normal for a mare your age to be into that
  47. >Whether it was because of her cold, or some deep rooted need to come out Sugar surprised her mom with what she said next
  48. >”Mom, I don’t have my eye on any stallion, never had, never will”
  49. >Carrot was visibly surprised at this but passed it off as her being secretive, but decided to dig into this
  50. >”What do you mean?”
  51. >Sugar sighed and plopped on the pillow, looking up to the roof
  52. >”I like mares mom ok?”
  53. >Carrot quietly gasped, but cleared her throat as a cover
  54. >”Uhm, really? Well that’s interesting, because I actually have a confession as well, I’m bi”
  55. >This time, sugar gasped but smiled a little
  56. >”Well, looks like we have a LITTLE in common then”
  57. >Carrot smiled in return, glad she FINALLY broke the ice with her daughter, although the fact it was over sexuality was odd, but it will do
  58. >The two mares soon started chatting more and more, which evolved into playing games and other small but fun activities as mother and daughter
  59. >Carrot Top and Sugar Heart got better after a few days and continued their routine activities, but this time they talked and connected more
  60. >A few weeks later, it was the spring break, for which Carrot Top planned a few things for them to do around the house, mainly for upkeep, but also some mother daughter games she got from some of her own friends, although she passed on the drinking game Berry recommended, Sugar wasn’t legal yet. But she kept the booze she got from the mulberry mare anyway.
  61. >The next day everything went as planned, Carrot and Sugar working and also having the time of their lives, glad they managed to connect and make friends
  62. >Come nightfall before Sugar retired to her room Carrot made a quick question “Do you want to stay with me tonight? We can play a few board games”
  63. >Sugar smiled “Sure mom, I’ll make us some popcorn while you set up”
  64. >Carrot was giddy once more and trotted to her room to set up
  65. >She then saw a glimmer in her saddlebags and remembered the liquor Berry gave her
  66. >”Well, I suppose it can’t be that bad if I let her try some, were both on vacation, why not”
  67. >Carrot pulled the bottle out of the bag and opened it, setting down two full glasses of the strong booze ready for consumption
  68. >Sugar soon returned with a bowl of popcorn and two sodas, but was surprised when she saw the booze set down
  69. >”Uhm, mom? What’s with the alcohol?”
  70. >Carrot giggled and chided “Oh, don’t worry, were both on vacation and I’m your mother, we can drink a little together”
  71. >Sugar was a little exited at the prospect of drinking a bit, with her mom of all ponies, so she proceeded to start sipping the strong alcohol while Carrot started the game
  72. >A few hours and a few drinks later, both mares were slightly drunk and no longer playing the game, opting for dancing around the room and singing bad duets
  73. >Soon after they collapsed in bed and started talking
  74. >”Ssso do you have any mare in your sights? Some pretty little filly cheerleader or nerdy bookworm like that purple one in the library”
  75. >Sugar chortled and responded after taking another drink of liquor”Hnng, no mom, I haven’t actually been looking, but some of my friends have great flanks, I’ll say that”
  76. >”Oh yeah, totally, they do, especially that one with the curly pink mane” carrot blurted out
  77. >Sugar blushed and clarified “I think you’re talking about me”
  78. >Carrot blushed as well as she realized her mistake, but decided to try and save the conversation
  79. >”Well you DO have a great flank, much better than what I had at your age, you’ve filled in pretty well I have to say”
  80. >Sugars blush just deepened as she muttered out thanks, but carrot continued much to her dismay
  81. >”and your legs are to die for! So perfect, also your snout, mares get surgery to have what you have you know”
  82. >”Sugar was getting a little creeped out at this point, but she was also very flattered, nop0ny has ever complimented her like that before
  83. >In her drunken haze she also began to check out carrot top’s body, making comparisons and admiring how she has taken care of herself all these years
  84. >She then reached out and began to feel her coat, which to her surprise was very soft, almost softer than her own
  85. >Carrot top noticed the sudden touch and a few seconds later began her questions
  86. >”Sugar, what are you doing?” to which sugar responded “Oh, nothing mom, just admiring your body, just like you did mine, embarrassing isn’t it”
  87. >Carrot laughed and began to rub Sugars fur like Sugar was to her in an attempt to even the field
  88. >In her own drunken state she began to rub a little lower and rubbed Sugars marehood by accident, who gasped after feeling the sudden intrusion
  89. >Carrot felt embarrassed but didn’t stop for Celestia knows why, the mother daughter barrier severely blurred by the alcohol, seeing sugar as more of a very close and very beautiful friend
  90. >Sugar was a bit shocked at what her own mom was doing to her, but instead of shooing Carrots hoof away she felt the hormones take control of her body without resistance from her alcohol weakened mind
  91. >After about a minute of rubbing Carrots own hormones took over, her body driven by years of a lack of pleasure, scooting close to Sugar and embracing her, rubbing her harder
  92. >She grinned as she heard slight moans come out of her daughters mouth as Sugar put her fore hooves around her waist and began grasping her tightly, letting carrot work her
  93. >After a few minutes Carrot felt sugar grunt a little more and a few seconds later she felt her grip around her waist tighten while sugar began tightening
  94. >At the same time she felt warm fluids stain her moving hoof followed by a squelching sound as she didn’t stop
  95. >By this point, carrots own needs began to demand attention, so she took her mare juice stained hoof and began rubbing herself
  96. >After coming down from her high, Sugar noticed what her mom was doing and somehow her blush got even bigger, spreading to her ears and other places
  97. >She stayed quiet as she heard carrot grunt and moan in pleasure; Noticing she was still tightly holding on to her, she quickly let go and watched as carrot, whose eyes were shut, tight fell on her back and spread her legs further, allowing sugar a full view of what carrot was doing
  98. >Upon seeing this extremely hot display, her hormones decided to kick in once more and take over
  99. >Sugar grabbed carrots hoof and shoved her face in her mother’s mound, harshly licking any trace of liquid excitement she could taste
  100. >Carrot gasped and looked down at the sudden intrusion, and saw a pink mane moving in place
  101. >Recognizing it as Sugar, her daughter, Carrot pushed her away. She may have been drunk, but not THAT drunk
  102. >Sugar whimpered a little at the sudden cutoff and stared at carrot, eyes glazed over and and panting due to the intense heat her body was generating
  103. >”Sugar, what the hay are you doing?!” Carrot asked in a surprised tone
  104. >Sugar panted back “Why did you stop it? It was getting good!”
  105. >”You’re my daughter!!! That’s why!!”
  106. >Sugar chuckled “And? That doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun, I mean what’s so bad about it? We both love each other and this is what ponies do when they love each other right?”
  107. >Carrot wasn’t able to refute this, and showed it with a visibly puzzled facial expression
  108. >Sugar smirked “That’s right, now if you’ll excuse me….
  109. >Sugar quickly moved in and stole a kiss from Carrot
  110. >Carrot tried to move back but bumped her head on the headboard; Unable to stop Sugars assault
  111. >Sugar pressed hard, trying to force her tongue into her mother’s mouth, but carrot resisted
  112. >Soon, carrots resistance faded, her drunken haze once again working with her hormones to not allow her to deny her this pleasure
  113. >Carrot opened her mouth and let a now satisfied Sugar to taste her; eventually she gave up and played along, engaging in a small wrestling match with their wet organs, fighting for dominance
  114. >After a few minutes Sugar got her fill and moved back down
  115. >The now panting carrot top at this point couldn’t resist any more and let her daughter go to town on her marehood
  116. >A grinning Sugar spread carrots lower lips with her free hoof, her other working herself while she began her assault on the soft pink inside
  117. >Imitating a stallion she thrust her tongue into carrots insides, eager to further taste her mom’s liquid excitement
  118. >Carrot couldn’t resist anymore, the pent up frustration she accumulated over the years being released with her daughter’s amateur efforts on her marehood
  119. >Frustrated with the amount of time it was taking to get her mom to orgasm, Sugar began attacking the small nub between her lips, alternating between the button and the entrance
  120. >This broke carrot, now moaning and gasping at the sensual overload, grasping sugars head and pressing her between her haunches
  121. >In a final attack Sugar completely opened her mouth as much as she could and got as much of Carrots crotch in, fully licking every part of her marehood as she could
  122. >This drove carrot over the edge, tensing up and yelping, and when sugar noticed, she shoved her tongue in as much as she could, tasting carrots inner walls as they secreted filly juice and clamped down on her tongue in an attempt to extract a nonexistent seed from it
  123. >After drinking deeply from her mother’s love cave, sugar pulled back to view a panting, blushing and spent carrot top
  124. >She curled up next to her and deeply kissed her, letting carrot taste herself
  125. >Carrot tried to resist, but her exhaustion prevented this
  126. >After a few seconds of mouth play sugar finally stopped, hugging her satisfied mother and falling to sleep, soon followed by Carrot
  127. >Things were not going to be the same anymore
  136. NVA
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