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Nov 20th, 2015
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  1. +++ New Roster (2000pts) +++
  3. ++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2000pts) ++
  5. + HQ (370pts) +
  7. Legion Centurion (130pts) [Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Power Weapon]
  8. ··Consul [Primus Medicae]
  10. Legion Centurion (95pts) [Power Armour]
  11. ··Consul [Master of Signal]
  13. Legion Praetor (145pts) [Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Paragon Blade]
  14. ··Master of the Legion [The Black Reaving]
  16. + Troops (1025pts) +
  18. Legion Tactical Squad (225pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade]
  19. ··Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Weapon]
  21. Legion Tactical Support Squad (220pts) [9x Legion Space Marines, Volkite Calivers]
  22. ··Legion Sergeant [Bolter and Augury Scanner]
  24. Reaver Attack Squad (290pts) [Artificer Armour, Jump Packs, 2x Power Weapon, 9x Reavers]
  26. Reaver Attack Squad (290pts) [Artificer Armour, Jump Packs, 2x Power Weapon, 9x Reavers]
  28. + Elites (605pts) +
  30. Contemptor Dreadnought Talon (185pts)
  31. ··Legion Contemptor Dreadnought [Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, Extra Armour]
  33. Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (120pts)
  34. ··Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun')]
  35. ··Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun')]
  37. Legion Terminator Squad (300pts) [Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod, Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 4x Legion Terminators]
  38. ··Legion Terminator Sergeant [Grenade Harness, Pair of Lightning Claws]
  40. + Legion +
  42. Legion Astartes [XVI: Sons of Horus]
  44. ++ Profile Summary ++
  46. ····Legion Praetor: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:6|BS:5|S:4|T:4|W:3|I:5|A:4|LD:10|Save:2+
  47. ····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (Rapier Carrier): Unit Type:Artillery|WS:-|BS:-|S:-|T:7|W:2|I:-|A:-|LD:-|Save:3+
  48. ····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (Space Marine Crew): Unit Type:Infantry|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:1|LD:8|Save:3+
  49. ····Legion Sergeant: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:2|LD:9|Save:3+
  50. ····Legion Space Marine: Unit Type:Infantry|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:1|LD:8|Save:3+
  51. ····Legion Terminator: Unit Type:Infantry|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:2|LD:8|Save:2+
  52. ····Legion Terminator Sergeant: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:2|LD:9|Save:2+
  53. ····Master of Signal: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:5|BS:5|S:4|T:4|W:2|I:5|A:3|LD:9|Save:3+
  54. ····Primus Medicae: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:5|BS:5|S:4|T:4|W:2|I:5|A:3|LD:9|Save:3+
  55. ····Reaver Chieftain: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:3|LD:9|Save:3+
  56. ····Reavers: Unit Type:Infantry|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:2|LD:8|Save:3+
  57. ····Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod: BS:-|Front:12|Side:12|Rear:12|HP:3|Type:Flyer, Hover, Transport
  58. ····Legion Rhino: BS:4|Front:11|Side:11|Rear:10|HP:3|Type:Tank, Transport
  59. ····Contemptor Dreadnought: WS:5|BS:5|S:7|Front:13|Side:12|Rear:10|I:4|A:2|HP:3|Type:Walker
  60. ····Atomantic Shielding: Description:Gains 5++ Invulnerable save from shooting attacks and explosions, and a 6++ Invulnerable save in close combat. In addition, add +1 to the range of explosions from the Reactor Blast rule.
  61. ····Augury Scanner: Description:Models cannot be deployed using the Infiltrate special rule within 18" of an Augury Scanner. A unit carrying an Augury Scanner gains the Interceptor rule against enemy units deploying via Deep Strike within 18"
  62. ····Cataphractii Terminator Armour: Description:Affords a 2+ armour save and 4++ Invulnerable save, Slow and Purposeful, Bulky, may not perform sweeping advance. Models in a unit joined by a model in Cataphractii Terminator Armour do not have the Slow and Purposeful rule conferred on them, contrary to the usual application of the rule, but must remain in coherency with the joined character while they stay with the unit (which may limit their distance moved overall, consolidation moves, etc.)
  63. ····Cognis-signum: Description:Model equipped with Cognis-sigum gains Night Vision special rule. In addition, in lieu of firing a weapon in the Shooting phase, a single designated unit of the controlling player's choice withing 6" of the signum-equipped model (excluding Independent Characters and Super-Heavies) gains a bonus of +1 to their BS for that shooting phase.
  64. ····Narthecium: Description:
  65. ····Nuncio-vox: Description:Units arriving via Deep Strike within 6" of a Nuncio-vox do not scatter. When barrage weapons are used by the controlling player, line of sight may be drawn from any model equipped with a Nuncio-vox as well as the firing model itself. Range is still drawn from the firing model. It may not be used inside a vehicle.
  66. ····Bombardment: Range:Unlimited|Strength:8|AP:3|Type:Ordnance D3, Large Blast, Barrage
  67. ····Grenade Harness: Range:8"|Strength:3|AP:-|Type:Assault 2, Blast, One use
  68. ····Needle Pistol: Range:12"|Strength:2|AP:5|Type:Pistol, Poisoned, Rending
  69. ····Paragon Blade: Range:-|Strength:+1|AP:2|Type:Melee, Murderous Strike, Specialist Weapon
  70. ····Quad Mortar: Range:12" - 60"|Strength:5|AP:5|Type:Heavy 4, Barrage, Blast, Shell Shock
  71. ····Volkite Caliver: Range:30"|Strength:6|AP:5|Type:Heavy 2, Deflagrate
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