
well that was wild

Mar 22nd, 2016
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  1. AntipathicZora - Today at 1:37 PM
  2. nope
  3. okay so this is another case of 'is it normal to dream about other people's ocs'
  4. because it started off that me and, for some reason, roscoe, were preparing for christmas because i guess it was christmas in dreamland
  5. we decide to split for whatever reason, only to find a body in a fountain that was there for whatever reason
  6. we fish it out of the fountain and call the cops only to find out it's spirit's, and we're like, who could do such a thing
  7. and i guess the masquerade wasn't a thing because that eye was on full display once we actually got her out
  8. so we just kind of head home. later there's another report of another woman found dead in the same fountain
  9. this time it's starr because i guess she was looking for the killer
  10. and somehow we manage to track down that it was the guy who lives two doors own from me irl
  11. so i remember grabbing a kitchen knife and we go hunting this guy, who seems legit surprised that there's two fuckers coming after him, one's got three eyes and the other is the long-time neighbor
  12. there's some drama with a chocolate cake either he was making or i had made
  13. i flipped my shit and bisected the cake with the kitchen knife, then dropped the knife so we had to run
  14. BluberryBat - Today at 1:45 PM
  15. what did that cake ever do to you
  16. AntipathicZora - Today at 1:46 PM
  17. oh my god
  18. anyway so then we're back home, he's all paranoid and i'm incensed
  19. ros tells me the guy is coming up our driveway and harassing my little brother who's outside in december in his underwear for whatever reason
  20. and it's like, i don't like the kid but that's still not gonna fly
  21. but then he starts coming up the driveway and he's like, we gotta warn your mom
  22. and this is where i know its a dream because i actually went along with that
  23. and when we get there the guy's inside handing over a bunch of bags??
  24. so we decide, we need to check these for poison or something
  25. but then all they are is groceries
  26. so then we go back to where we were, and in a spectacular stroke of logic for the dreaming brain, i suddenly realize:
  27. if they were murdered, why didn't they turn to ash?
  28. so the two of us, we conclude they somehow ended up in torpor in the fountain instead
  29. and so then we final ly figure it out after we confront the guy again: this guy is not a serial killer at all
  30. he's a hunter who was having a bad week but trying not to actually kill anyone
  31. and that's about when i woke up
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