
Adventures of Dantgil in #Dickmegle - Part 7

Nov 25th, 2012
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  1. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman When all was said and done, Dante was at long last carted into the house with some-- perhaps more than required-- reassurance from Brenda. The entire bubble gave off enough reassurance as it was, really. The sun hanging high above the farm in a clear blue sky, the picket fence looking as though it were just set up the other day, the smell of freshly cut g
  2. <Brenda|The_Andyman> rass and wheat in the air... it was like paradise. "Danny'nd me'll take care've yer brother's accident, now-- an' supper'll be ready before y'know it. In th'mean time-- Andy, why don't y'be a dear and show our guests 'round th'farm?"
  3. <Brenda|The_Andyman> "Well, shoot, ain't that a great idea if I ever heard one! Don't mind if I do-- 'less y'all got somethin' better in mind."
  4. <Jaspers> "I wanna see the cows still! :3"
  5. <Nitro> [Rabbit was probably also carted somewhere? But -- details, I'm sorry -- also jASPERSPRITE U QT]
  6. -*- Jaspers I onLY SAID SIX WORDS THIS IS A NEW RECORD,,,,,
  7. <Jaspers> [[Ffff I]]
  8. <Jaspers> [[Completely forgot about Rabbit-- he could've been taken up to the house? But rping two places at a time could be]]
  9. <Jaspers> [[Taxing-- we could always just have Andy do some repairs on the guy in the mean time o:]]
  10. <Nitro> [I'm ok with that if Tits is -- I just wanted to make sure we were all on the same page as far as characters' locations and such go. uwu 'cause presumably Jaspers, Gamzee, and Vergil are going on the tour, but I am doubtful that Rabbit can do much?]
  11. <Brenda|The_Andyman> [[Yeah, Jaspers Gamzee and Vergil o: I'm cool with whatever hG is cool with uwu]]
  12. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman also quietly]]
  13. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman drops picture because it is easier than a complete description fff--
  14. <Nitro> [jUST LIKE HOME]
  16. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman COCKS SHOTGUN
  17. -*- Nitro Heck yeah.
  18. <Rabbit> (I'm okay with Rabbut being fixed up elsewhere uou though he won't be)
  19. <-- Jaspers (Mibbit@ has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  20. --> Jaspers ( has joined #bromegle
  21. -*- Jaspers we ok now or
  22. -*- Jaspers is sorry for any delay u8]]
  23. <Nitro> [yes hi no worries]
  24. -*- Nitro No, he does not want to look around the stupid little farm at the stupid little animals with the dumb crops and cattle --
  25. -*- Nitro Vergil scowled at his hosts as though they had just asked him to cut off his right arm with his own sword and give it to them. He didn't want to be here anymore -- screw being curious about the hillbilly, screw getting carried off by a robot with rocket boots (even if that robot was an old friend), screw his stupid brother for being unable to control himself --
  26. -*- Nitro All he wanted was to go back to Dante's room and sleep this off and pretend it didn't happen. Dante would be okay by morning and he could actually talk to Rabbit (instead of wondering -- were his internal systems too damaged? Were both of them too damaged?) and there would be no lurking, overwhelming emotion.
  27. -*- Nitro He considered telling Andy exactly what he thought of this stupid lousy good-for-nothing stupid farm. It was terrible -- it was the place at which his brother just nearly died again, and he wanted nothing more than to leave every dismal memory that swelled in his mind here in this place to wreak havoc and pain without him around.
  28. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman Y'all said stupid twice--
  29. -*- Nitro Vergil knows how to speak good, he /swears/
  30. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman :y
  31. -*- Nitro But even as he inhaled to tell the chipper redneck off, his anger...deflated, a little. The mounting rage fell quietly back into resigned, bitter sadness. It was what it was. He could do nothing so foolish as wishing things away. He was far too grounded for that.
  32. -*- Nitro They said they'd do what they could for Dante and Rabbit, and he...he still couldn't bring himself to look at his brother for too long. He couldn't be there right now. Any glance at him showed only a collapsed skull and sticky red and it -- he couldn't. But he couldn't leave, either.
  33. -*- Nitro So, instead of yelling as he'd fully intended to do, he crossed his arms and glanced away from the bulky farmer. "Fine."
  34. <Nitro> [I need to stop getting carried away in a flood of words,,,,,]
  35. <Nitro> [Not even pretty words. Just words.]
  36. <Brenda|The_Andyman> [[No no these words are excellent they could win a beauty pagent for words]]
  37. <Rabbit> (ggod words)
  38. <Rabbit> (*good
  39. <Nitro> [Fffff but I just pulled them from left field]
  40. <Brenda|The_Andyman> "Fantastic!" Oh! There was still that metal fella to take care of, wasn't there. Poor thing, really-- must've crashed head-first, right into the dirt. He sure was lucky not to crash into the tree-- or god forbid, the /fence/. Andy would probably question how a robot would wind up in a bubble like this, were he to lack the tact to supress the urge. He knows th
  41. <Brenda|The_Andyman> at /he/ would rather avoid the touchy topic of his own demise, and the rest of his family would say the very same. "Oh-- yer friend over there ain't lookin' so great. Y'all gonna be fine? Can y'walk? Now, I ain't no robotimatician or nothin'--" Ignoring that that's not a profession, let alone an actual /word/. "--But I worked on th'generator and th'amps, like
  42. <Brenda|The_Andyman> mama said. I could see what I could do, if y'like."
  43. <Brenda|The_Andyman> "That reminds me-- don't go touchin' th'fence, alright? We've got four thousand volts pumpin' through that thing, as y'can see." ... Now that he mentions it-- if you listened closely, you could here the ever so faint hum of the fence, sounding just how active it is.
  44. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman ... An /electric/ /fence/ for a /dairy/ /farm/.
  45. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman Jesus, these guys are worse than you might have thought. Watch your step-- there could be active mines /anywhere/.
  46. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe press x to KABLEWY
  47. <-> You are now known as abstersiveTournure
  48. -*- abstersiveTournure Vergil was hard-pressed to believe this guy fixed much of anything when he probably couldn't do damage control on his own teeth. Nevertheless, feeling remarkably placated, he nodded acceptingly.
  49. -*- abstersiveTournure ...Wait. Did he just say they --
  50. -*- abstersiveTournure Vergil stared at the fence as though it might bite him. As much as he was...familiar with electricity already, he had no desire to serve as a conduit for that amount of it. This was the weirdest farm he'd ever seen, for sure.
  51. -*- abstersiveTournure "Why do y--"
  52. -*- abstersiveTournure ...You know what. Nevermind. He wasn't sure he wanted to know. "It would be helpful if you could do something for the automaton, yes."
  53. -*- Jaspers Jaspers, just barely, manages to supress the urge to lick the fence-- but Andy said it was a bad idea! He never saw a fence like that before. He hasn't seen a lot of fences in general, now that he thinks about it. He never knew they could be /that/ /dangerous/! 3:
  54. --> PurpleKoopa ( has joined #bromegle
  55. <Brenda|The_Andyman> [[Hiiii PK uvu]]
  56. <abstersiveTournure> [Jaspers then has a permanent fear of all fences ever. Fences are dangerous rose!! 38]
  57. -*- PurpleKoopa waves]]
  58. <abstersiveTournure> [No rose dont go toward the gate!!]
  59. <abstersiveTournure> [Also hi, PK!]
  60. -*- Jaspers rOSE NO,,,,,,]]
  61. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman He's glad to hear the question was left unasked-- it wasn't... the /happiest/ of topics. A lot was lost, when the apocalypse finally struck. A /lot/. But that's all in the past, now! No need to dig something up that's been long buried. Andy approached the afformentioned automaton and gave it a quick once-over, running a hand through slicked back hair. "We
  62. <Brenda|The_Andyman> ll... th'thing sure can fly! Must not be all that great at landin', though." Bitter joke is followed by a lightly bitter laugh. "Don't look like nothin' I can't handle, though. In th'mean time-- Jaspers, was it? A certain little miss kitty's been meanin' t'visit herself a cow, hasn't she!"
  63. -*- Jaspers ... "Miss? 3:"
  64. <Brenda|The_Andyman> "Maybelle's down in th'barn if y'wanna go on ahead, first."
  65. -*- Jaspers thought it was pretty obvious that
  66. -*- Jaspers That he was a male cat--
  67. -*- Jaspers SELF CONFIDENCE DECREASING DRASTICALLY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,\
  68. -*- abstersiveTournure Oh -- is he supposed to go with the cat or
  69. -*- abstersiveTournure O h the cat looks really upset
  70. <-- Rabbit ( has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  71. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman And then Rabbit collapses
  72. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman Look ma we got ourselves a new microwave
  73. -*- abstersiveTournure Vergil did not want to deal with an upset cat. Especially an upset cat who was a good friend to his brother. (And Vergil guessed he was sort of ok -- he was a nice cat.) "Come on, Jaspersprite. We can go see the cow. Do you like milk? Cows are where milk comes from."
  74. -*- abstersiveTournure gOD did he feel like an idiot, talking like this.
  75. -*- Jaspers /Really/ upset might be a bit of a stretch-- just a little disappointed, if anything. Which is a perfectly understandable thing to be! His disappointment is soon washed away, however, at the aspect of at long last getting to visit the cow. Maybelle, was her name? That's a pretty name. "I know that is where cows come from! Silly. There are cows on milk box
  76. <Jaspers> es! :3"
  77. -*- abstersiveTournure But he hadn't felt that great today at all, so it wasn't much of a change. Despite the steady sense of depression, he...he felt at ease, like the air in his lungs was slowly getting lighter, easier to breathe. Everything seemed just a little better than it had five minutes ago.
  78. -*- abstersiveTournure So he tolerated the feline's misconception. "Yes. I'm sure this place produces a lot of cows with its milk."
  79. <abstersiveTournure> [Wow sorry for being so slow, I was talking about Sesame Street oops,,,]
  80. <Brenda|The_Andyman> [[Sesame street conversations are where it's at tho]]
  81. -*- Jaspers beams as bright as ever, tentacles clasped together and gleeful disposition staying strong despite Andy's misunderstanding of his gender-- despite it being a misunderstanding that shOULDN'T BE ABLE TO HAPPEN. He looks to the bright red barn, almost hesitantly, before zipping right on towards it-- fast enough to make you believe he thinks it's going to /ev
  82. <Jaspers> /evaporate/. "Come on come on lets go vergil lets go! 83"
  83. <abstersiveTournure> [When Jaspers still seems depressed over it, Vergil tentatively comments that maybe the dress threw him off a little]
  84. <abstersiveTournure> [and the]
  85. <abstersiveTournure> [the pink]
  86. <abstersiveTournure> [Maybe a nice suit instead,,,,]
  87. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [maybe a nice]
  88. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [bl00]
  89. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [suit]
  90. <abstersiveTournure> [Vergil offers to see if he has any clothes lying around,,,,]
  91. <Jaspers> [[Fffffffffff]]
  92. -*- abstersiveTournure wOW that cat sure had some wheels. Vergil belatedly ran after him, feeling a little stupid for chasing a cat (and also having a hard time catching up to a cat -- seriously, this feline could move, okay?).
  93. -*- PurpleKoopa Meanwhile, inside the barn, a certain sweaty someone has his face smooshed against the side of the cow.
  94. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Yes
  95. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman omfg]]
  96. <abstersiveTournure> [oMFG]
  97. <PurpleKoopa> D --> You are an e%quisite specimen
  98. <abstersiveTournure> [pEEKAY,,,,]
  99. -*- PurpleKoopa i regret nothing
  100. -*- abstersiveTournure What.
  101. -*- abstersiveTournure What.
  102. -*- Jaspers ...
  103. <Jaspers> "You are not maybelle! :0"
  104. -*- Jaspers ...
  105. <Jaspers> "Are you?"
  106. -*- Jaspers 80
  107. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [this is the great day of my life]
  108. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [it is also the greatest]
  109. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [the greatest great day]
  110. <Jaspers> [[/The/ great day]]
  111. -*- abstersiveTournure Vergil just got outrun by a cat only to find a...strange...alien-like creature groping a dairy cow. Welp.
  112. -*- abstersiveTournure "Stop making sexual advances on the cattle and explain why you are here." Mostly just stop making moves on the cows because seriously --
  113. -*- PurpleKoopa The stranger seems thoroughly engrossed in feeling up this heifer -- right until the others break the silence. More than a little alarmed by the disturbance, he nearly tips the cow over in his flustered reaction.
  114. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Erm
  115. <PurpleKoopa> D --> E%cuse me, I was under the impression that this was a private area
  116. <PurpleKoopa> D --> You really should learn to knock first, it speaks volumes about your impulsiveness
  117. -*- Jaspers Sweaty blueblood aside, the barn looked rather nice, Jaspers thinks! ... Maybe a little underwhelming. He was expecting more cows! He guesses he can't complain, though. It's a cow! A real live cow. He's not entirely positive how it's supposed to make milk, but he's sure he'll find out eventually. "Oh. I am sorry! I did not know anybody else was in here. M
  118. <Jaspers> eow. 3:"
  119. -*- Jaspers ... Though, there was one thing in particular that caught the sprite's eye-- the locked door, in the back of the barn. Maybe that's where they keep the rest of the cows! Not that he thinks he ought to go snooping around or anything.
  120. -*- Jaspers That would be rude. :<
  121. -*- abstersiveTournure Vergil frowned at the, uh, alien? before crossing his arms sternly. "This is a private area, but we were invited to come and..." Uh. "Observe the cattle." It sounded...a lot more stupid aloud than it did in his head. Which was saying something, since it had sounded pretty stupid.
  122. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Yes
  123. <PurpleKoopa> D --> I was also engaged in that activity
  124. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Observing the cattle
  125. -*- abstersiveTournure He almost didn't notice the locked door -- but he was no unobservant fool and such an odd detail did not slip by him. Nevertheless, he was much too focused on this...fool to investigate it further.
  126. -*- PurpleKoopa Equius takes this moment to wipe a trickle of sweat off his brow. Great social skills, man.
  127. <Jaspers> "You were doing it really strangely. Were you rubbing your cheek up against it to show that you like it a lot? I do that sometimes with other cats! :3"
  128. -*- Jaspers Technically, this is an obvservation that isn't all that far from the truth.
  129. -*- Jaspers /Is/ /it/.
  130. -*- abstersiveTournure "I don't expect you were invited in," the ever-suspicious half-demon ghost accused flatly. Tresspassing is not ok. Vergil felt vaguely like he'd been personally violated by the action -- as though someone had entered his peaceful, calm home and disturbed it. It was not a pleasant feeling.
  131. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Well, yes, floating meowbeast spirit, I suppose you could say I'm rather fond of this sort of creature
  132. <PurpleKoopa> D --> But my main purpose was to get a proper feel of the beast's musculature
  133. <PurpleKoopa> D --> And no, I haven't received an invitation, and I apologize for my blatant disregard of whatever r001s are maintained here
  134. <PurpleKoopa> D --> It was rather fortunate that our bubbles %ed paths, and needless to say, I had to seize this opportunity
  135. <Jaspers> "That is okay! :3" Perhaps Vergil's take on tresspassing wasn't the same as Jasper's-- to him, this was nothing more than... a surprise visit! And visits are nice, especially by nice people. "I would have done the same too. I have never seen a cow before and they make milk!" ... "Somehow."
  136. <Jaspers> "Can i."
  137. <Jaspers> "Can i pet it? 80"
  138. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Yes
  139. <PurpleKoopa> D --> You may pet it
  140. -*- Jaspers A tentacle is raised to carefully-- almost hesitantly-- pet the cattle's head. He was almost expecting it to bite him or something! It wouldn't be the first time-- most of the hooved animals he's found in the dream bubbles haven't been so nice to him.
  141. -*- Jaspers Celestia once kicked him in the teeth and Horsaroni tried to eat him s o
  142. <Jaspers> "It smells a little funny."
  143. -*- abstersiveTournure A cat is petting a cow on a farm with an electric fence and a giant green manor for a neighbor inside a bubble outside of space full of dead people. Vergil didn't really get how his decisions had led up to this.
  144. -*- PurpleKoopa D --> 100k at your life, 100k at your choices
  145. -*- abstersiveTournure He is so ashamed of them --
  146. -*- abstersiveTournure "It smells funny because it is not washed frequently," Vergil informed the feline flatly, giving up on his pursuit of the matter of tresspassing. He'd tell that Andy fellow and Andy would remove the upsetting stranger from the premesis and the peace would be undisturbed. Andy wouldn't like someone tresspassing, right? Right, of course.
  147. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe that's how southerners work
  148. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe it's a miracle you haven't already been shot
  149. -*- Jaspers Ffffff]]
  150. <PurpleKoopa> D --> It is the natural musk of the creature, and a fine aroma to bask in
  151. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Note its heaving head, its dangling udder
  152. <PurpleKoopa> D --> It is a beautiful thing to behold
  153. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe are you sure you wanna drop the whole trespassing verge
  154. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe i mean
  155. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe look at this
  156. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe look at this
  157. <Jaspers> "You mean it needs a bath?" He scrunches his nose up, at that-- promptly removing the tendril from the cow's head and wiping it off on his own suit. If it needs a bath, he's not sure of /he/ wants to get all smelly! Then /he/'/ll/ need a bath! 3: "Oh well. Andy can wash it later! I am sure that he will at some point."
  158. <Jaspers> "He is a nice guy. This is a nice place! I like it a little bit better than the house i think."
  159. -*- PurpleKoopa Equius shudders to see the fine suit be treated in such a crude fashion, but manages not to comment on it.
  160. <PurpleKoopa> D --> If this "Andy" wishes to deprive himself of the musclebeast's natural odor, then yes, he can do that
  161. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Come to think of it, I'm not entirely sure who that is
  162. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Or any of you, for that matter
  163. <PurpleKoopa> D --> May I a% of you a brief introduction
  164. -*- abstersiveTournure ...This guy was really startin' to get on Vergil's nerves. Just slightly.
  165. -*- abstersiveTournure Though he had to agree with Jaspersprite. "It is better than the manor," he admitted aloud. It didn't have all that many topless feline-girls running around, which made it automatically a step up, but...even compared to the vacant roof or the kitchen when he and Dante were there, this place felt much more peaceful, something straight out of Little House on the Prairie. It. It wasn't that bad.
  166. -*- abstersiveTournure ...and then the weird bovine-obsessed alien asked for an introduction.
  167. -*- abstersiveTournure "Perhaps you should introduce yourself first, since you are the tresspasser here," he remarked pointedly, narrowing his eyes sharply. It wasn't normal to simply wander into a place like this to fondle a cow.
  168. -*- Jaspers Nuh uh! He seems extra nice. Jaspers rather likes him, thank you very much. "Yes i do not think i have given my name yet. I am jaspers! Some people call me jaspersprite because i am a sprite and jaspers is also my name. I like jaspers a lot more though. :3" ... Oh. Did Vergil not like that? He covers his mouth with a tentacle. "I mean. Uhm. Nevermind. 3:"
  169. <Jaspers> "It is a nice place though i agree. It is sunny! And they have a swing vergil did you see the swing? Do you think we might be able to visit more often? If they would not mind that i mean."
  170. <abstersiveTournure> [omf Jaspurrs u qt]
  171. -*- PurpleKoopa Equius backs off, intimidated by this newcomer's gall and B100TIFUL COAT. He'd wear one himself if he could stop getting it covered with back sweat and robot grease.
  172. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Uh, yes, my apologies for not introducing myself first, that was incredibly rude of me
  173. <PurpleKoopa> D --> I am Equius Zahhak, and I
  174. <PurpleKoopa> D --> ...
  175. <PurpleKoopa> D --> The meowbeast tends to ramble, doesn't he
  176. -*- abstersiveTournure "I did see the swing," Vergil managed to insert into the rambling awkwardly, then let the feline have the floor, only offering the alie-- er, Zahhak -- a mildly despairing look in response. Y'think?
  177. - {Day changed to Sun Nov 25 00:00:00 2012}
  178. -*- abstersiveTournure "Perhaps they will let us," he said shortly when the cat seemed finished. He didn't linger on the topic, but the idea...actually didn't seem bad.
  179. -*- abstersiveTournure Finally free of his cat-friend's...verbosity, he finally, reluctantly, introduced himself (if only so he didn't have to try to hold a conversation with Jaspers, although the cat seemed more than capable of that by himself). "I am Vergil Redgrave," he said blandly.
  180. -*- abstersiveTournure Just that. Nothing else.
  181. -*- abstersiveTournure Ladies and gentlemen, Vergil Redgrave, the wordy one in the family.
  182. <Jaspers> "I would like that. Purr purr. :3" ... "Oh. I am sorry i do not mean to ramble. 3:" He just... gets excited about things, alright? Especially when it's something to be excited about! It was a /dairy/ /farm/-- a place where he could play with a cow and his friends and drink milk and just have a really nice time in general! It...
  183. -*- Jaspers Seemed almost too good to be true. But it /was/ true, and the sprite couldn't be happier.
  184. <abstersiveTournure> [oh give me a home]
  185. <abstersiveTournure> [where the buffalo roam]
  186. <abstersiveTournure> [and the deer and the antelope play]
  187. <abstersiveTournure> [where seldom is heard a discouraging word and the skies are not cloudy all day]
  188. <abstersiveTournure> [HOME, HOME ON THE RANGE, where the dEEEEER AND THE ANTELOPE PLAY]
  189. <abstersiveTournure> [where seldom is HEARD a discouRAGING WORD AND THE skiiiiiies are not cloudy all daaaaaaaay]
  190. <Brenda|The_Andyman> [[Ffffffffffffff]]
  191. -*- abstersiveTournure "It's. Fine, Jaspers." Vergil did not know how to reassure the cat, or how much reassurance was needed, if any -- he...really hadn't needed to deal with Jaspersprite very much, and Dante was usually around to do so, and...
  192. -*- PurpleKoopa [whoops, was away for a bit]
  193. -*- Jaspers fffff it is cool uvu]]
  194. -*- abstersiveTournure "Is there anything else you would like to observe about the cow, Jaspers?" he plowed on, searching for something to say and coming up with only that. He really thought they should get back to Andy soon and see how the repairs on Rabbit were coming along. Also he did not like the smell of this barn and he did not want his leather coat getting damaged.
  195. -*- abstersiveTournure And he maybe felt a little bit weird about wearing leather beside a cow. It could've been made from her cousin. S-sorry, Maybelle.
  196. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman Moo.
  197. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman Judgemental dejected moo.
  198. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman Family reunion,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  199. -*- Jaspers Hmmm... the cow and Jaspers have a good long staring session, before it's finally broken by Vergil's question. "Huh? Oh! Uhm." He /would/ say no-- he's examined this cow pretty darn thoroughly, he thinks! And it was every bit as neat as he thought it would be. His milk comes from here! But...
  200. -*- Jaspers There was still that door, at the far end of the hall, which has found itself a comfortable little spot in Jasper's furry noggin. It /was/ awfully odd, wasn't it? He hasn't heard any mooing or cow noises coming from it, either. Eventually, his natural feline curiousity managed to pry his jaws apart as a tendril gestured to the door. "What is back there ve
  201. <Jaspers> rgil? :0" He probably didn't know the answer, but...
  202. -*- Jaspers He'd probably have a better idea on it. 3:
  203. -*- PurpleKoopa Equius stares long and hard at the farm animal, breaking his contact only when the cow strolls off to do... some other cow thing. Cows. They don't do a whole lot. Equius looks up, noticing the other two stand bthe door.
  204. -*- PurpleKoopa *stand by
  205. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Ah, I don't believe I entered through that doorway, though given the ever-changing nature of this realm, it is hard to say for certain
  206. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe lord english is behind this door
  207. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe dare you open it?
  209. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman sTART SAYIN' THAT
  210. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe HOW UNGENTLEMANLY.
  211. -*- PurpleKoopa brb]
  213. -*- Jaspers 'Kay uvu]]
  214. --> ZeeZee ( has joined #bromegle
  215. <ZeeZee> (I'm here now, you're welcome.)
  216. -*- abstersiveTournure Oh. That.
  217. -*- abstersiveTournure That was a good question.
  218. -*- abstersiveTournure When Equius had offered his two cents (and two scents -- cowscent and sweat, neither of which Vergil appreciated), the towering young man cautiously approached the doors and examined them more closely. "It seems most likely that the owners of the farm simply do not want us to injure ourselves on the farm equipment, and therefore have moved it behind the barn." Or they were keeping something out. That...didn't seem unlikely, given the fence.
  219. <-> ZeeZee is now known as PrinceStrider
  220. -*- abstersiveTournure But he didn't know how to tell Jaspers that. Jaspers was a cat. A sweet and innocent cat, at that. He probably would want to be polite and invite in whatever was beyond the door in order to be fair. Vergil really did not want to deal with that.
  221. <PrinceStrider> (Jaspers, open the door, do it.)
  222. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [cut off at That...didn't see]
  223. -*- abstersiveTournure That...didn't seem unlikely, given the fence.
  224. -*- Jaspers The doors were just like the ones at the front-- only with a nice big padlock keeping the doors closed shut. Jaspers croons his neck a bit, looking over Vergil's shoulder-- scratching under his chin with a tendril. "That might be it! He would not want anybody to get hurt or anything i think." ... "Or maybe."
  225. <Jaspers> "That is where they keep all of the milk!" yES OF COURSE. "That is why it is locked because they do not want anybody stealing the milk. And maybelle is here to guard it! Right maybelle?"
  226. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman Moo.
  227. <Jaspers> "Right!"
  228. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [omfg jasps]
  229. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [u qt[
  230. -*- Jaspers u//w//u]]
  231. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman I also just realized I should be using gray for Andy's text fff
  232. -*- PrinceStrider without much warning or much anything Dirk found himself in front of what appeared to be a colliding bubble. This colliding bubble just so happened to be a... A what? What the fuck was this shi-Wait, he read about these. This was a farm... Fucking yes.
  233. -*- PrinceStrider without delay he walked right on into this bubble because to hell if he wouldn't give up the chance to possibly see a real live horse. Or a pony... That would also be acceptable. As long as there weren't any cows, cows were so last year.
  234. -*- PrinceStrider and so he walked, picking up the voices of the group before heading right to them, stopping a few meters away when they came in sight because fuck it was a cow, not a god damn horse, a fucking, cow.
  235. -*- PrinceStrider party's over. Everyone go home.
  236. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman Moo, said bovine wisely retorts. It's tail flicks at the air, warding off any flies that dare to approach.
  237. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman u gotta problem
  238. -*- PurpleKoopa back]
  239. <PrinceStrider> (Dirk crashed the party.)
  240. -*- PrinceStrider and yes, yes I got a problem, I'm watching you cow.
  241. -*- abstersiveTournure Blink blink. "Y-yes, well, that. I suppose that is possible. But we cannot attempt to take some of the milk even if we're guests. That would still be breaking into their things." That made sense, right??
  242. -*- abstersiveTournure He didn't know, he just didn't want Jaspers to do anything dISRUPTIVE --
  243. -*- abstersiveTournure ...oh? Who's this douchebag?
  244. -*- PrinceStrider woah woah woah, I think the proper term here is douchecanoe.
  245. -*- abstersiveTournure "Ahem. Who might you be?" Vergil crossed his arms as though it was, once again, his farm that people were tresspassing on. So rude.
  246. -*- PrinceStrider I am far superior to the regular douche, bag.
  247. <PrinceStrider> "I could ask the same to you, all of you, seeing as I know just about jack on this whole gang here. That is what you guys are right? A gang, because that's totally the vibe I'm getting from you here, what with the pink floating cat and the cow."
  248. -*- Jaspers The door was given one more curious look over. He's staring so hard at that door, burning a hole right through it would be a plausible possibility. "...I wish there was a way to find ou--" At the sound of Dirk's voice, the sprite spins on his heel to face them. ... Metaphorically speaking, anyway. "Oh! Hi dirk! Hi dirk yes hello. You know me dirk i am jas
  249. <Jaspers> pers we have met before remember? :3"
  250. -*- Jaspers Wavewave!
  251. -*- abstersiveTournure Eeeeyebrows. But -- Jaspersprite appeared to know him, and he didn't seem actively hostile, so...
  252. -*- PrinceStrider waves back and walks up.
  253. <PrinceStrider> "Hey how goes Jaspers and pals?"
  254. -*- abstersiveTournure "Dirk, was it? You must be from the Manor." Vergil looked clearly unimpressed. Nevertheless, he added, "My name is Vergil Redgrave. What are you doing here?"
  255. -*- abstersiveTournure Rude, Vergil. Didn't even answer the question.
  256. -*- abstersiveTournure Just cutting right to the chase, aren't you. Accusing another person of tresspassing. Nevermind that you're right.
  257. <PrinceStrider> Woah there, hold your figuratively active horses there, let a guy settle geeze.
  258. <PrinceStrider> Yes my name's Dirk, Dirk Strider, and yes I'm from the mansion, and yes I'm here, but no I don't have to tell you what I was doing. That part's filed under not your business.
  259. --> timaeusTestified ( has joined #bromegle
  260. <PrinceStrider> No offense, I just like to keep the irons I have in my own fire.
  261. -*- abstersiveTournure ...Hhhhhuh.
  262. -*- abstersiveTournure That... That was a pretty okay argument. "You're tresspassing," he pointed out anyway, frowning sternly. If his arms weren't already crossed, he'd. Cross them again. Or something.
  263. <PrinceStrider> "Okay sure but it looks like you are too."
  264. -*- abstersiveTournure "I was invited."
  265. -*- abstersiveTournure Take. Take that. >B[
  266. <PrinceStrider> "Damn well so was I."
  267. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe OBJECTION.
  268. -*- PurpleKoopa turns out it was wright's farm all along
  269. <Jaspers> "That is okay! I bet whatever it is that you were doing it was a thing that is good." Nodnod! Good people just... do good things. That's his logic on this matter. He opens his mouth to say more, but is quickly cut off by Vergil's questioning.
  270. -*- Jaspers ...
  271. <Jaspers> "You were? :0"
  272. <PrinceStrider> "Yep, see?"
  273. -*- PrinceStrider imagines up an invite card, all decked out and fancy that says, "YOU'RE INVITED" on the front and "TO THIS DREAM BUBBLE" on the inside.
  274. -*- PrinceStrider hands it over for Jaspers to examine.
  275. <PrinceStrider> I was honest to goodness invited into this dream bubble by me myself and I.
  276. -*- abstersiveTournure "Not by the owner, though." >:[
  277. -*- abstersiveTournure You're DISTURBING THE PEACE even if you aren't a complete dickwad in a diaper. Vergil does not appreciate it.
  278. <PrinceStrider> Woah there pony boy, what did I say about those figurative horses?
  279. -*- Jaspers The card is accepted into Jasper's tentacle and is examined very, very thoroughly. Hm... it definitely looks legitimate! By the sprite's standards, at least. Giving the paper a little sniff of reassurance, he looks up back to Dirk with a wide smile. "Oh! Alright then i guess that this is a thing that is oka--"
  280. -*- Jaspers ...
  281. <Jaspers> "I did not get a card. 3:"
  282. -*- Jaspers 3:>
  283. -*- Jaspers 38>
  284. -*- abstersiveTournure lOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE
  285. <PrinceStrider> Sure you did man, it just got delivered to the wrong place.
  286. -*- Jaspers w o w look at that smile sink it's like it's reinacting the titanic
  287. -*- PrinceStrider imagines up an identical card and hands it to Japsers.
  288. -*- abstersiveTournure "Don't worry, Jaspers -- I'm sure they simply forgot -- would you like some milk to make up for it --" just stop cRYING.....
  289. -*- abstersiveTournure Oh, he shouldn't have said that last bit.
  290. <PrinceStrider> It looks like pony boy here is the only one without a card.
  291. <PrinceStrider> Damn, what a shame too.
  292. -*- Jaspers /JAPSERS/....?
  293. -*- Jaspers S O B,,,,
  294. -*- PrinceStrider JASPERS IS HANDED A CARD TOO!
  295. -*- PrinceStrider Dirk even gives the cow a card. :B
  296. -*- Jaspers Nope, too late, the damage is already done. F R O W N I N G. He sniffles a bit, even as the card is handed to him, as though he's about to shed many a tear. How did it get delivered to the wrong place? They live in the /same/ /house/. Did-- did they just not want him to come? Is that it? They didn't even notice that he was a boy cat, he--
  297. -*- Jaspers He--
  298. -*- Jaspers ...
  299. <Jaspers> "Milk? 3:"
  300. -*- PrinceStrider cards for everyone, everyone but Vergil.
  301. --> non ( has joined #bromegle
  302. <PrinceStrider> You are obviously intent on letting those figurative horses have their way, galloping all over figurative space and time and not being held back in a polite manner one darn bit.
  303. <PrinceStrider> So now I have to ask, what milk?
  304. -*- abstersiveTournure Oh baby Jesus in a dirty diaper, he really did it this time. Good job, Vergil. You really lost the reins on this one, didn't you?
  305. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe look at those figurative horses go, go, go go
  307. -*- PrinceStrider see? I told you to watch those horses.
  308. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe THIS CARRIAGE IS ABOUT TO CRASH.
  309. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe NEIGH.
  310. -*- PrinceStrider AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT VERGIL.
  311. -*- abstersiveTournure "Y-yes, of course. Milk. The milk behind this door, of course, Dirk." Yeah he really hopes nothing bad is behind here
  312. -*- abstersiveTournure but the cat is crying and
  313. <PrinceStrider> You mean this locked door that we probably shouldn't open because it's fucking locked?
  314. <Jaspers> "Swear. 3:"
  315. -*- abstersiveTournure Glare.
  316. -*- PrinceStrider Jaspers, didn't you learn from Dave that all striders must swear to keep their life blood from draining?
  317. -*- Jaspers But
  318. -*- Jaspers Dave was okay afterwards
  319. -*- Jaspers He told a fib and also yelled at him 3:>
  320. -*- PrinceStrider he's hiding his pain.
  321. -*- abstersiveTournure "(Don't upset him more.)" Cough cough. "Yes, of course it's locked -- to protect the milk from thieves. But I'm sure Andy will not mind if we take just a little. He's a very nice host, after all."
  322. -*- Jaspers But we are dead
  323. <PrinceStrider> So tresspassing isn't okay but stealing is?
  324. <Jaspers> "But. But maybe if we take just a little and make up for it afterwards it will be okay! I am really thirsty too." It's okay, though. There's always an alternative to quenching his thirst.
  325. -*- Jaspers /Tears/.
  326. <PrinceStrider> So... We can't just imagine up the milk?
  327. -*- abstersiveTournure "Of course not. Milk comes from cows." Vergil is going to glare a hole right through you if you're not careful, Dirk. "And I'm sure Maybelle can make up for it when it's time for her to make more. She understands."
  328. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman Moo.
  329. <PrinceStrider> ... So, and I'm just getting everything straight here, despite being in a magical furthest ring dream bubble where I can imagine invite cards from nowhere, I cannot imagine milk because it comes from cows?
  330. <Jaspers> "I just want some milk dirk i--"
  331. <Jaspers> "I--"
  332. -*- abstersiveTournure ...If the cat might be upset by milk /not/ coming from cows, then yes. But of course, he couldn't say that out loud. "Why would we imagine it when Maybelle is right here to make it for us?"
  333. <PrinceStrider> ... Okay then, please, milk the cow.
  334. -*- Jaspers Aw jeez, look at the poor guy. Cat. Cat-esque creature. He gives the door a glance, and then Maybelle. And then Vergil and Dirk. Lather rinse repeat until Jaspers is entirely unsure on what he should be doing.
  335. -*- Jaspers Milk not coming from cows will rOCK HIS WORLD,,,,,
  336. -*- abstersiveTournure M-milk the cow. "/I/ cannot milk a cow. I'm certain you can't." Frown. "This would indeed mean that the only way is to retrieve a little from the supplies."
  337. <PrinceStrider> So you're going to add breaking and entering to my list of crimes then?
  338. -*- abstersiveTournure Really, Strid-- Strider Senior? (Vergil made a mental note to ask about his relation to the slightly smaller Strider later.)
  339. <PrinceStrider> Alright.
  340. <PrinceStrider> Let's do this.
  341. -*- abstersiveTournure Look at that cat. Would you really be so cruel as to make him cry a river of tears and Vergil have to settle him d--
  342. -*- abstersiveTournure Wh--
  343. -*- abstersiveTournure .../Really/?
  344. -*- Jaspers Strider Señor.
  345. -*- Jaspers ole
  346. -*- PrinceStrider yes good.
  347. -*- PrinceStrider proceeds to pull out his katana and attempt to CUT THAT LOCK IN HALF.
  348. <Jaspers> "What are you--"
  349. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman CHING!
  350. -*- abstersiveTournure oH
  351. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman Perhaps not in half, but certainly off. It falls to the barn's floor with a clatter.
  352. -*- abstersiveTournure tHAT'S actually a sword, oh, cool.
  353. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman Tresspassing and damaging property.
  354. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman Gj.
  355. -*- PrinceStrider yep.
  356. -*- PrinceStrider hey, hey, if I'm going to get in trouble it might as well get into BIG trouble.
  357. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe having a bit of sword envy are we vergil
  358. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe don't worry bro
  359. -*- abstersiveTournure "...A sword." He said it like it was a compliment before turning to open the door.
  360. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe i'm sure yamato is /miles/ longer than that piece of junk
  361. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe but
  362. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman y'all weren't gonna get in trouble we would've just lET Y'ALL JOIN IN ON DINNER BUT LIKE
  363. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe i guess you'll never know unless you /whip/ /it/ /out/
  364. -*- PrinceStrider woah, rude man, this is not a piece of junk.
  365. <PrinceStrider> Yep, that it is.
  366. -*- abstersiveTournure He casually pulls out the Yamato. A safety precaution. (Also because his sword is wAY BETTER OK --)
  367. -*- PrinceStrider will just ooooopen the barn door.
  368. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman What awaits inside...
  369. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe yamato can cut /dimensions/
  370. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman ... It isn't milk.
  371. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe ...supposedly.
  372. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe that's what dad said
  373. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe and dad nEVER LIED EVER>
  374. -*- PrinceStrider that doesn't make MY sword a piece of junk.
  375. -*- PrinceStrider :I
  376. -*- abstersiveTournure (not even about being psychic)
  377. -*- abstersiveTournure (he /really/ /was/)
  378. -*- PrinceStrider I never had a father. :I
  379. -*- abstersiveTournure Both of my parents were killed violently and traumatically
  380. -*- PrinceStrider I never had parents. :I
  381. -*- PrinceStrider oops.
  382. -*- PrinceStrider guess I avoided that one.
  383. -*- PrinceStrider anyway, whats in the barn?
  384. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman A lot of blood rests in the back room of the barn. A lot of blood, as a matter of fact, staining the work table, the bear traps, the sink... and the saws. That's, uh. That's a lot of saws they've got there. Sickles, too-- like a personal butcher. It's not a sight for the faint of heart.
  385. -*- Jaspers ... So it's a good thing that Jaspers is faint of heart rite guise
  386. -*- Jaspers 3:
  387. -*- Jaspers 38>
  388. <PrinceStrider> ...
  389. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman Before anybody can even dare to act on it, though, a voice sounds from the entrance of the barn. Calm and collected, despite their ability to fully see the opened door.
  390. <Brenda|The_Andyman> "Mama's done with dinner."
  391. -*- abstersiveTournure O-oh.
  392. -*- abstersiveTournure That's not. That's not milk.
  393. <PrinceStrider> Cool man, who's dinner?
  394. <Brenda|The_Andyman> " 'Less y'know somebody named chitlins'nd beef, nobody! Heheh."
  395. <Brenda|The_Andyman> "Say, who's yer friend? Don't remember y'all droppin' by th'farm." aRE THEY JUST GONNA LIKE IGNORE THIS OR,,,,,
  396. <PrinceStrider> Woah chitlins and beef were my buds, but yeah, Dirk, Dirk Strider.
  397. <PrinceStrider> Sorry for cutting up your pad lock, we just wanted some milk.
  398. -*- abstersiveTournure The stench of blood was overpowering. Remarkably calmly, Vergil shut the door again and turned as though he hadn't just witnessed his worst nightmare in the midst of this peaceful place (as though it wasn't a sharp reminder of blood on burning walls, a very long time ago, and again not so long ago at all).
  399. <PrinceStrider> Sources, also known as Vergil, said there was some in the barn.
  400. -*- abstersiveTournure Cough. "You wouldn't happen to have any extra for my feline companion?"
  401. -*- abstersiveTournure He just...never could've expected anything like that. Not with the...the quiet around this place. Like someone had wrapped him in comfort and calm and reassurance and homeliness, like the arms of a parent.
  402. <Brenda|The_Andyman> "Sure do. Y'all won't be findin' any back here, though-- and I don't think we'd appreciate any more property damage, y'see?" ... Andy gives the door a glance, biting the side of his cheek. Tch. He probably had some explaining to do, huh. "We use that there room t'prepare any meat we find out in th'woods. Everything we get here's prepared by ourselves-- we's w
  403. <Brenda|The_Andyman> ere raised up that way-- y'know?"
  404. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe what woods.
  405. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe /what/ /woods/.
  406. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe you see any woods 'round here verge
  407. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe no?
  408. <Brenda|The_Andyman> "Anyway, Mama's got plenty've milk stocked up in th'house. Y'all still welcome t'join us fer dinner! Yer robot friend's fit as a fiddle, too."
  409. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe gee, /really/?
  410. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman s h h
  411. <PrinceStrider> You don't raise any animals for meat?
  412. -*- abstersiveTournure Sh-shut up. He saw them every damn time he closed his eyes -- sometimes accented by red, too much red, but sometimes just warm and gorgeous and bird-filled. Warm and home, like this place, a little.
  413. -*- PurpleKoopa Equius is spurred out of another intense musclebeast appreciation session (read: vacant ogling) by the brief, yet rancid scent of blood. How that escaped his he
  414. -*- PurpleKoopa dammit enter key
  415. -*- PurpleKoopa How that escaped his watchful nose, we'll never know.
  416. <PrinceStrider> I thought that's like, what farms did.
  417. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe hey man, don't act like i don't miss it too. y'know better than that, don't you?
  418. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe but c'mon, seriously?
  419. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe you're just gonna let that one go?
  420. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe 'cause of some metaphorical /cutesy/ /wootsy/ woodland creatures?
  421. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe i don't give a shit if they were raised that way, it's /weird/ is what it is.
  422. <Brenda|The_Andyman> "Sure don't. My brother'nd I go huntin' every now'nd then-- can't live off'a biscuits, cheese'nd butter, y'know? Or, well." Cough. "We up'nd /used/ to, 'fore, ah..."
  423. <PrinceStrider> Before what?
  424. <Brenda|The_Andyman> "We're dead, son. I'd rather not talk about it."
  425. <PrinceStrider> Yeah I can respect that.
  426. <PrinceStrider> So like, what do you do with the skins?
  427. -*- abstersiveTournure He's pretty distracted right now, so please, feel free to shut up.
  428. -*- abstersiveTournure Vergil cleared his throat and pretended his voice was as steady as he wanted it to be when he said, "About that milk."
  429. <PrinceStrider> Huh? Oh yeah milk.
  430. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe fine, fine, whatever. you don't want me? then i'm gone. poof. adios.
  431. -*- abstersiveTournure Jaspers didn't seem to be taking it well. And he'd do anything to pretend he was wrapped up tight in a sense of security and comfort. Even lie to himself. Just this once.
  432. -*- PurpleKoopa /ollies out to the dream himalayas
  433. -*- abstersiveTournure (No come back he wants you, he just)
  434. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe (?) Vergil will remember that.
  435. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman (?) This is gonna hurt--
  436. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman Also oops popped away for a second to]]
  437. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman Get a clementine ironically]]
  438. <PurpleKoopa> D --> If I may third this dairy important inquiry, I too would like to know about this milk
  439. <PrinceStrider> Woah there long time no talk, I thought you were mute or some shit.
  440. <Brenda|The_Andyman> "We can have this conversation at th'dinner table, Dirk." He... clears his throat, as well. Casting a glance to the pair of swords. "Y'mind sheathin' those there swords, too? Y'all don't have t'worry 'bout anythin' jumpin' out at y'all, 'less yer worried that Maybelle's gonna give y'all a whoopin'."
  441. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman Moo.
  442. <Jaspers> "They-- they said they have milk at their house. We should-- we-- we should just go there and have dinner and have milk and maybe go back to the house and nap i think. 3:"
  443. -*- abstersiveTournure (I think I broke Jaspers --)
  444. -*- Jaspers It's all said in one breath, as though the words couldn't leave his mouth fast enough. The lying, the swearing, the lack of milk-- and that room, on top of everything. He could go for a nice feast, after all that. Yeah. Dinner sounds nice.
  445. -*- Jaspers 3:
  446. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe good job, prince charmin'. everythin' ya touch just turns into gold, eh?
  447. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe oh, that's right.
  448. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe you don't want me 'round no more.
  449. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe silly me.
  450. -*- PrinceStrider putting away his sword Dirk gave a small nod.
  451. <PurpleKoopa> D --> I was heavily engrossed in an educational e%amination of this elegant musclebeast
  452. <PurpleKoopa> D --> But yes, dinner would be nice
  453. -*- abstersiveTournure Vergil fought every instinct to keep his weapon in its white-knuckled grip -- it was okay, he was in a little forest in Maine in a barn in a dreambubble --
  454. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Even if it's not entirely necessary, I appreciate the service
  455. -*- abstersiveTournure He held his breath and then returned the Yamato to his abstract strife specibus. Control. Control was everything.
  456. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe yeah, right. sure it is.
  457. -*- abstersiveTournure Control yourself and the rest will follow. He cleared his throat. "Y-yes, Jaspers, let's go have dinner."
  458. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe jesus, would ya look at yerself? yer already losin' it.
  459. <Brenda|The_Andyman> "
  460. -*- abstersiveTournure (Shut up. You're not helping.)
  461. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman Gdi enter key]]
  462. <abstersiveTournure> [fff]
  463. <abstersiveTournure> [also -- Vergil's not insane I swear,,,,]
  464. <Brenda|The_Andyman> [[You must rp Vergiltown next]]
  465. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe i never do, do i? don't matter what i say, i ain't ever helpin'. i guess that's why y'wanna shut me up, right?
  466. -*- PurpleKoopa he's just having an internal discussion with his unconscious (?) brother, what's the big
  467. <Brenda|The_Andyman> "Great! S'goin' be a good one. Y'haven't eaten beef 'til ya had it th'way mama makes it." A lighthearted chuckle follows his promising words as he turns back to leave the barn. "C'mon, let's get movin'-- don't wanna keep everybody waitin'. Y'all had a damn long day!"
  468. -*- abstersiveTournure (You don't know what it's like to deal with you sometimes.)
  469. -*- abstersiveTournure (You're always so stupid and reckless and never listen. Do you know how hard it is to take care of you?)
  470. -*- Jaspers (/Burn/ /it/ /all/.)
  471. -*- Jaspers (/Do/ /it/, /Vergil/.)
  472. <abstersiveTournure> [oH GOD]
  473. -*- Jaspers (/TO/ /THE/ /GROUND/--)
  474. -*- abstersiveTournure He never really liked beef the way Mommy made it -- it didn't really turn out well --
  475. -*- abstersiveTournure Silently, he followed along behind, suspiciously quiet. He was in no mood to think, let alone talk.
  476. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe hey einstein, y'know how hard it is to take care of /you/? y'never listen to a damn thing i say, yer always wrapped in your own lil' fairy world, n' you've got this oh so charmin' ability to royally piss off everyone we happen to stumble onto next.
  477. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe yer a pitbull, y'know that? s'like i gotta tote you 'round in a cage, yer so nasty. can't even train you right 'cause you won't even heel. no, yer far too proud for that.
  478. <PurpleKoopa> "D --> It's been another long day in eternity, I suppose" comments Equius as he follows Andy outside. Before leaving the barn, however, he turns to Marybelle, pulls an ear over her head, and whispers, "D --> Till we meet again"
  479. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman /Moo/.
  480. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe so y'know what? i'm done. this obidience school's closin' up shop fer good.
  481. -*- abstersiveTournure (Yes, I'm the terrible one for not trusting complete strangers. And I should listen -- at least if we die that way, y'won't /hate/ me.)
  482. -*- Jaspers 'Y'won't'
  483. -*- Jaspers Y'WON'T
  484. -*- Jaspers VERGE YOUR ACCENT,,,,,,,
  485. -*- PurpleKoopa oh crap, he's catching the southern
  486. -*- abstersiveTournure Maybe he should just fuckin' /raze/ this place -- that was how everything seemed to end --
  487. <abstersiveTournure> [there u go Discord]
  488. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman /All/ /according/ /to/ /plan/.
  489. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Silence.
  490. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Looks like someone wasn't bluffing after all.
  491. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman Andy leads the group right up to the farm house, past the still humming fence and still smoking crash site. They'll have to get that patched up at some point or another-- but /after/ dinner, hopefully. It's already twilight out, at that-- man, how time flies when you're observing cows and defiling barn doors. The house... is every bit as pleasant and comf
  492. <Brenda|The_Andyman> ortable as the outside. The lights, the wall paper, the smell of freshly cooked home-made dinner...
  493. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman You probably haven't seen a moment like this since you were alive.
  494. -*- abstersiveTournure Good fuckin' riddance, too.
  495. -*- Brenda|The_Andyman Too good to be true, really. The stairwell sat to the right, next to the wash room-- with the dining room door sitting right to the left.
  496. -*- abstersiveTournure Dante hadn't needed him in a long time. He was just...too damn stubborn. Couldn't accept being wrong. Couldn't accept that he couldn't always do it on his own. And too stubborn to let Dante go.
  497. -*- PurpleKoopa Equius is kind of unused to sitting at the dinner table without his butler pulling out the chair for him, but he makes do. He sits uncomfortably still, a little lax in his etiquette.
  498. <-> Brenda|The_Andyman is now known as Brenda|Danny|Andy
  499. -*- abstersiveTournure God, he was so sure Dante hated him now. He'd almost walked away, earlier -- almost just...left. And maybe by the time Vergil saw him, Dante would have recovered enough to recognize that he /should've/ left. It would be easier without him.
  500. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Uh
  501. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Are we supposed to serve ourselves here
  502. -*- Brenda|Danny|Andy H r k typing things hold on u8]]
  503. <PurpleKoopa> D --> I'm rather unfamiliar with your culture's culinary traditions, I'm afraid
  504. -*- abstersiveTournure But he -- Dante was right. He was always making enemies and maybe it was time to start...trying, a little. Maybe if he tried, Dante wouldn't hate him --
  505. <-- non ( has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  506. <PurpleKoopa> D --> All I've surmised from Dave is that it involves something called mac and cheese
  507. <PrinceStrider> (Sorry, I got distracted. >A<)
  508. -*- Brenda|Danny|Andy Sitting at the very same dinner table already was the woman from before-- Brenda St. John, smiling warm and wide as ever. Just next to her at the table was... somebody yet to be seen! Probably that Danny person everybody was talking about. ... Though, he appears to have gotten a terrible wound on his forearm. All wrapped up with bandages and /hopefully/ t
  509. -*- PurpleKoopa it's cool yo]
  510. -*- abstersiveTournure He'd stay for dinner, because it smelled like he'd just walked into the house alongside his brother and mother and dinner was hot on the table waiting once they all cleaned up. He was seven again and that was both the most painful and the most comforting thing in the world.
  511. -*- PrinceStrider glancing around Dirk took in everything. "Nice place," he complimented. He wasn't used to family dinners, not really having grown up with much of one himself, this would actually be a first for him, now that he thought about it.
  512. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> reated properly, but... still faintly red with blood. It's /fresh/. ... There's also a notable lack of Dante at the table. He's probably resting though, right? Riiight. The table was already set with a dinner for six-- but it'd appear some of their previous guests have popped away! How terrible. Oh well-- it's probably for the best, considering-- no food's go
  513. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> ing to waste, at least. "Mac'nd cheese? Oh, heavens no-- I would've made some if I knew that's what y'all fancied."
  514. -*- Brenda|Danny|Andy Also I should]]
  515. -*- Brenda|Danny|Andy Get a picture for Danny because I am a lil shit who doesn't write descriptions ever ]]
  516. <abstersiveTournure> [Danny are you actually Edward the vampire,,,,,]
  517. <PrinceStrider> (Shhh don't let his secret out!!)
  518. -*- Jaspers There's a reason why none of you have seen him out in public
  519. -*- Jaspers I should]]
  520. --> non ( has joined #bromegle
  521. -*- Jaspers Use teal for Danny to lessen the confusion]]
  522. <abstersiveTournure> [I was gonna offer to use the dark blue but Equius]
  523. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> [[I noticed u8]]
  524. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Oh, I've never tried it myself, I was simply curious
  525. -*- Jaspers The meat looks... delicious! Jaspers thinks it looks awfully delicious, anyway. He smacks his lips together at the sight, sniffing the air and taking in the aroma of a freshly cooked dinner. Mmm! He wonders if he's allowed to sit at the dinner table, too-- being a cat, and all! He hopes he is, anyway. "It looks tasty. Especially the meat! I am hungry and
  526. <Jaspers> thirsty and all these not so good things to be."
  527. -*- abstersiveTournure He couldn't bring himself to ask where Dante was, despite that being his immediate impulse (because then, he would have to go and see him, make sure he was okay -- probably would never work up the heart to stay away, even if it was for the best). Instead, he commented (noteably hoarse), "Yes, it looks...very good." Cough. "You must b-be Danny." Eloquent.
  528. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> "Sure am. You're Vergil, ah take it?" He'd offer a handshake, were he not already sitting down. Instead, he simply offered a curt nod to greet the azure traditionist, along with Dirk and the rest. "Pleased t'meet y'all. It's been a reeeal long while since we last had anybody come fer dinner."
  529. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> "Now ain't you all sweethearts. First thing's first, though-- y'all've still ain't lookin' so well, not t'mention y'spent all day muckin' around with th'cows. Have you washed yer hands?"
  530. -*- PurpleKoopa Equius is more than uncomfortable with eating meat, so he just awkwardly helps himself to some of the vegetarian offerings, being careful not to touch any other plates or bend utensils with his VIRILE GRIP.
  531. <PrinceStrider> I know I haven't but, that's why I didn't sit down, someone here has to have manners.
  532. -*- PurpleKoopa Brenda's question catches him off-guard, and a lump of mashed potatoes splats onto the tablecloth.
  533. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Oh yes, how f001ish of me
  534. <PurpleKoopa> D --> I'll be right back
  535. -*- PrinceStrider scooting off to the kitchen Dirk makes quick work of some soap and water, washing his hands right up before sitting down. "Looks good."
  536. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> "Don't fall in on th'way there, now! And thank y'kindly, mister-- we all gotta remember our manners, dead or not. I don't think I quite caught yer name!"
  537. <PrinceStrider> Dirk Strider
  538. -*- abstersiveTournure He. He hardly dared to remember the last time he'd been told to wash his hands.
  539. <PrinceStrider> (Pst Vergil, I know where Dante is... Take a better look at that beef.)
  540. -*- PrinceStrider shot.)
  541. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> "What was that?"
  542. -*- abstersiveTournure Regardless, he followed behind the other two human(oid) guests, feeling alone and out of place and -- he just had to make it through this dinner, and he could...
  543. -*- abstersiveTournure Go somewhere. Hell if he knew.
  544. <PrinceStrider> I said this looks good.
  545. <PrinceStrider> Of course when you've lived off of cup ramen and instant meals most of your life it's hard not to think anything home made doesn't look good.
  546. -*- PurpleKoopa Equius is next in line to wash his hands! He succeeds in busting the faucet. Hope you guys like running water.
  547. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Oh, darnit
  549. -*- Brenda|Danny|Andy G THNX
  550. <PurpleKoopa> D --> At least I spared you the trouble of turning on the faucet yourself, b100 coat
  551. <abstersiveTournure> [Just a heads-up: I might fall asleep 'cause]
  552. <abstersiveTournure> [it's 3:20 and I am sleepy]
  553. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> "Aw, thank ya darlin'. I've been makin' dinner this way for long as I can remember, and always hear th'same thing."
  554. -*- PurpleKoopa vergil passes out and hits his head in the sink
  555. -*- PurpleKoopa proceeds to drown in tap water
  556. -*- PrinceStrider oops.
  557. -*- PrinceStrider OOPS.
  558. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> [[Oh gosh that is v okay u8 If you like, we could postpone if one of us are getting tired? o:]]
  559. <abstersiveTournure> [goodbye cruel world,,,,,]
  560. -*- Brenda|Danny|Andy fFFF
  561. <abstersiveTournure> [I don't mind persisting if you guys are good to stay up? I'm just]
  562. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [what if i told you]
  563. <abstersiveTournure> [Super sleepy from Black Friday and I stayed up anyway last night and]
  564. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [that persistence will lead to a llllllot of]
  565. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [things]
  566. <PrinceStrider> (Like herpes.)
  567. <abstersiveTournure> [yOU'RE THE REASON IW AS UP LAST NIGHT WOMAN]
  568. <PrinceStrider> (Wait...)
  569. <abstersiveTournure> [DON'T EVEN TEMPT ME]
  570. <Jaspers> "... Oh! I should-- i should go wash my hands too. I mean. Paws." He shakes his head a few times. "Tentacles." He probably ought to do it after that cow-petting, anyway. He wiped it on his suit and all, but... still. He doesn't want to have to take a proper bath! He never enjoyed taking baths-- getting his fur all wet was always unpleasant, even if the afterm
  571. <Jaspers> ath was worth clenching his teeth.
  572. <Jaspers> [[Fff]]
  573. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [oH I'M TEMPTING ALL RIGHT]
  574. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [i'M DOING ALL THE TEMPTATIONS HERE]
  575. <PrinceStrider> (Fight fight fight fight!)
  576. <abstersiveTournure> [ST O P,,,,,,,]
  577. <abstersiveTournure> [YOU KNOW I CAN'T RESIST YOU]
  578. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [i know]
  579. <PrinceStrider> (Oh my.)
  580. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [;y]
  581. <abstersiveTournure> [lmao, just keep talking to me and I should like]
  582. <abstersiveTournure> [be able to cling onto consciousness]
  583. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> [[Ffff]]
  584. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [should i break out headte again]
  585. <cocksureGuttersnipe> ['cause i can do that]
  586. -*- PurpleKoopa brenda removes the top off a silver platter, revealing dante's severed head
  587. -*- PurpleKoopa bon appetit
  588. -*- PrinceStrider yesss I was right.
  589. -*- Brenda|Danny|Andy HEEERE'S TH'SURPRISE,,,,,
  590. <abstersiveTournure> [looking at words right now]
  591. <abstersiveTournure> [for reasons,,,]
  592. <abstersiveTournure> [Headte can jump in later if it is appropriate]
  593. <abstersiveTournure> [Vergil knows how much of an asshole he is right now]
  594. -*- Jaspers ... He can't quite stop thinking about that one room, though. The one at the back of the barn. All that blood, and all those sharp things, and it just... it didn't make him feel right. It made his fur stand on edge for reasons he couldn't quite say-- it was almost enough to eradicate his hunger completely. Almost, anyway.
  595. -*- PurpleKoopa Equius returns to his seat and finishes filling up his plate with everything but meat. Such poor, innocent creatures don't deserve such treatment, he thought. He takes a tentative bite of the foreign cuisine and manages to get it down.
  596. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Hm
  597. <PurpleKoopa> D --> I must say this is different than what I'm used to, but nevertheless, it is superb
  598. <non> equius no it is made of hoofbeasts)
  599. <PurpleKoopa> D --> What do you call this again
  600. <PrinceStrider> (Horse stew.)
  601. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> "Chitlins, biscuits, mashed potatoes'nd beef! All prepared by yours truly, with th'help of Danny here. He's been helpin' out in the kitchen whenever he could since he was only a lil' thing."
  602. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> "/Ma/..."
  603. -*- abstersiveTournure He normally would've laughed -- Dante would've laughed, and Vergil would've tried -- but it came out like a croak rather than a laugh, so he simply coughed and took his seat as though he didn't feel sick and shaking.
  604. <PurpleKoopa> D --> You both performed quite admirably, then
  605. <PurpleKoopa> D --> I am surprised that your musclebeast out back did not assist the preparation of these delicacies
  606. <PrinceStrider> ,,, I have a question.
  607. <PurpleKoopa> D --> She is your butler, correct
  608. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> "So, what's it like down in that big ol' mansion'a yers? Seems pretty darn sizable t'be handlin' all by yerselves, y'know." A bite of Andy's food was taken idly after the question an-- hRF.
  609. -*- Brenda|Danny|Andy Maybelle the butler, he--
  610. -*- Brenda|Danny|Andy He almost choked on that one.
  611. <PrinceStrider> I still have a question.
  612. <PurpleKoopa> D --> A% it
  613. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> "Thank ya, sweetheart. Well, she provides a lot fer us, bless her heart. Th'only cattle we've got left, I'm afraid! A lot've 'em died th'first night, ah..." Cough. "Andy, have y'all told 'em 'bout th'dead? I-- oh! Go ahead, Dirk."
  614. <PrinceStrider> If you only have one cow, and have to hunt for your meat... How do you have beef to serve?
  615. <PrinceStrider> I'm no expert, but last I learned, beef is specifically a term for cow meat.
  616. -*- PurpleKoopa Equius mulls this question over in his mind, but the HORRIFYING CONCLUSION he reaches is not about a lack of beef, but the gripping horror that /someone/ /would/ /hunt/ /cOWS/,,,,,,,,
  617. -*- PrinceStrider how terrifying.
  618. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> "Well over the years we've managed to tuck away a lot've food, meat'nd dairy in case somethin' terrible were t'happen. M'boys're pretty darn good at providin' fer their families, at that!"
  619. -*- PurpleKoopa /crnk/
  620. -*- Brenda|Danny|Andy ...
  621. -*- PurpleKoopa Equius crunches the handle of the fork in his hands.
  622. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> "Y'all doin' okay there, fella? Y'don't look so good."
  623. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Oh for the love of
  624. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Could I use one of those miniature paper towels
  625. -*- PurpleKoopa He points to the napkins.
  626. <PrinceStrider> Huh you'll have to show me. I'd be interested to see how someone keeps food without it being, well, instant...
  627. -*- PrinceStrider hands Equius a napkin.
  628. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> "Aw, don't ya go worryin' 'bout that." They've got plenty of silverware, after all! And now that they're dead, well... it wouldn't take too much to get another. "Sure thing, sweetheart!"
  629. <PrinceStrider> Sweet.
  630. -*- PurpleKoopa Consider that brow WIPED. He discards the crumpled wad of paper on the table.
  631. -*- PrinceStrider goes back to eating.
  632. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> "We have a meat locker, where we keep everythin' fresh. Don't think it'd be /too/ much've a problem t'show ya around it."
  633. -*- Brenda|Danny|Andy Chew.
  634. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> "Don't go tellin' me y'all don't got a freezer or somethin' now, Dirk."
  635. -*- Jaspers Once Jaspers finally managed to finish washing his tendrils at the still running sink, the sprite at long last seated himself at the dinner table-- just next to Equius and Vergil.
  636. <PrinceStrider> Nah I had a freezer, but whole cuts of beef aren't that practical as far as space goes.
  637. <PrinceStrider> Had to have enough food to last me sixteen years...
  638. <PrinceStrider> At least.
  639. -*- Jaspers ... Though, he couldn't help but wonder. There was one place at the table that was far emptier than it should have been, and one person that was missing out on a rather nice meal! Before he could even stomach a bite, his curiousity forced him to ask the inevitable question.
  640. <Jaspers> "Where is dante? I bet he is hungry. 3:"
  641. <PrinceStrider> Who?
  642. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> "That's a real shame, Dirk-- we'd be happy t'provide y'all with some've what we got, if y'like. Seein' how we're dead and all, a few boxes of our food might be better in good hands like yours--"
  643. -*- Brenda|Danny|Andy ... Tch.
  644. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Are you deceased, Dirk
  645. <PrinceStrider> Not yet.
  646. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> "He's restin' upstairs-- poor thing's arm's still one mighty awful wreck. Don't you worry, I already brought him up a bite t'eat."
  647. -*- PrinceStrider lowers his shades to reveal bright orange eyes. "Tada, still alive and kicking."
  648. <Brenda|Danny|Andy> "Ain't you a lucky one. Must be hard, survivin' all on yer own'nd all."
  649. -*- Brenda|Danny|Andy C h e w.
  650. <PrinceStrider> I'm not alone anymore.
  651. <PrinceStrider> I've been in game for a while now.
  652. -*- PurpleKoopa Equius lowers his head, revealing white eyes beneath his cracked shades. "D --> Ah, in that case, may you boldly persist in your endeavors"
  653. <PrinceStrider> Thanks.
  654. <PurpleKoopa> D --> Others have not been as fortunate, sadly
  655. <PurpleKoopa> D --> I digress, this isn't the time or place to be discussing such grave matters
  656. <PurpleKoopa> D --> I wouldn't want to ruin anyone's appetites
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