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Apr 18th, 2014
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  32. <p class="image tag"><span>The way meat was packaged and sold was investigated by muckrakers.</span></p>
  33. <p class="chapter_header" id="chap_head"><span>MUCKRAKERS</span></p>
  34. <p class="paragraph" id="par1">Magazines and books began to tell about the problems of American society. The people who wrote such articles and books were called muckrakers. The muckrakers pointed out dishonest practices in politics and business. They wrote about working conditions in factories and about overcrowding in tenements.</p>
  35. <p class="teacher_question" id="whoasked"><span>Ask students to find the <br> derivation of the term <br> <i>muckraker.</i>. Who coined the <br> word? Was it used in a <br>complimentary sense?</span></p>
  36. <p class="teacher_question" id="understand">Students should understand <br> that writers can play an<br> important role in bringing <br> about change.</p>
  37. <p class="paragraph" id="par2">One of the most famous muckraking magazines was<br><span name="prop_title">McClure's.</span>It hired reporters to look into all kinds of problems.<br>One muckraker article, "History of the Standard Oil Company,"<br>was written by Ida Tarbell. She had spent six years studying this<br>big oil company. She described how it received special favors<br>from other businesses and from politicians. Another series of<br>articles in <span name="prop_title">McClure's</span>told about dishonesty in city' politics. "The<br>Shame of the Cities," written by Lincoln Steffens, led many citizens to demand reform in local government.</p>
  38. <p class="paragraph" id="par3">A number of magazines started printing muckraking articles.<br> Some reporters told about dishonest practices in the stock market.<br> Others showed how labor bosses stole money that worksers paid<br> to unions.</p>
  39. <p class="paragraph" id="par4">The muckrakers also wrote books. In <span name="prop_title">The Jungle</span>(1906) Upton<br> Sinclair described terrible conditions in the meat-packing in-<br> dustry. He told how rats were ground up into the meat. Chemi=<br>cals were added to bad meat to make it look good to eat. <span name="prop_title">The Jungle</span><br> so shocked the country that Congress passed the <span name="act_title">Pure Food and<br> Drug Act</span> and the <span name="act_title">Meat Inspection Act</span>. These laws set up labora-<br>tories to test products and sent federal inspectors to check on<br> businesses that sold food and medicines.</p>
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