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Star Citizen/CIG transcripts pt2, 11-03-2016

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Mar 10th, 2016
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  1. From 10 for the Chairman: Episode 77
  2. Feb 29, 2016 @ 02:29
  5. Q: What type of work is being done to increase the server population capacity? Should we expect to see 24 or 32 player instances in the near future?
  7. A: The answer to that is ABSOLUTELY, I think, ah, if you've been watching some of the chatter on the recent, ah, PTU RELEASES, and, ah, you know, what's gonna be in 2.2... eh, it is, ah, gonna be 24 players, so we've been working, ah, ah, HARD on sort of optimizing areas so we can sort of scale more, I think I've mentioned before that the, you know, the biggest issue that we have is uhm, uh, just the overhead that the ships have because they're very complicated, they have multiple... items that have all this functionality, they need to talk to each other over the network... they're attached to SHIPS, a ship isn't just one entity you know, in the case of a HORNET it can be fifty or sixty, in the case of a BIGGER ship it's a lot more than... fifty or sixty, so they're very heavy, ah, sort of PROCESSING WISE and the SERVER in terms of just SIMULATION and also in... in network, um, sort of TRAFFIC... So, in general, that's, em, you know, more the limiting... FACTOR which... we've been WORKING ON, so we're... we're REFACTORING a lot of things to... make it much more, ah, SMART about when it has to UPDATE, ah, and all the other things and that sort of ties into the work that we've done in the past on the ZONE SYSTEM, we're doing sort of a, uh, whatever you wanna call it, a NETWORK LOD and an UPDATE LOD that sort of scopes depending on, you know, whether you can SEE THINGS, how FAR AWAY they are, whether they are ACTIVE, whether it's another PLAYER, whether it's relevant to YOU and... so hopefully all that stuff em, you know, helps... increase the load that we can do and we're doing things like we're... we're... you know, pushing more and more into MULTIPLE CORES, more... MULTI-THREADING to, you know, be able to do more... you know... PHYSICS PROCESSING at the same time as we're doing more sort of entity updating and simulation. So ehm you know, part of the benef... part of the result of that is moving to more players in, eh, CRUSADER, we'll continue and we're expecting to continue to sort of push that over time, eh, to get more and more and uh, you know we're actually working on... some ah, BACK END SERVER MESH TECH uhm, that will allow us to ah, sort of MESH A LOT MORE... players all in essentially what will be kind of sort of the same, ah, INSTANCE, uhm so but that's sort of ah, you know a LITTLE further along, but, eh, it's ahh... yeah, I think EXCITING so I think we'll be able to DELIVER probably more players than we were thinking originally... in concurrent areas... ah... so... when I think, actually there's a question about that so... I maybe talk a bit more about it then...
  12. From Reverse the Verse:
  13. March 4th, 2016
  15. Q: Ben, MASTER OF SHIPS, where's my ENDEAVOUR?
  17. A: Ah, Endeavour is much further down in the schedule so not, not (mumble mumble mumble)
  19. Q: How 'bout that JAVELIN?
  21. A: JAVELIN is actually put together by folks in the UK right now, um, so that is, uh, I should stress it's being put together for Squadron 42, it's, we're not gonna see the JAVELIN in Arena Commander tomorrow, but ah it is, it is getting it's ah... getting it... it... zzztt... buh... putting... putting...
  23. Q: How 'bout that HULL SERIES?
  25. A: HULL SERIES duh, no, it's more further down the line, ah, we'll hit the HULL A first and then build up from there, but, ah, ah, so it's scheduled but not... today
  27. Q: RECLAIMER? Folks like that salvage.
  29. A: So same story for all these, scheduled but not...
  31. Q: Yeah there's a reason I avoided them last time...
  33. A: Probably what we should do in this segment is tell people what ships ARE in development right now
  35. Q: We did that last week though, we can't just do the same thing every week?
  37. A: Yeah I mean yeah ships don't change every week but I mean we could say, ah, I, we could talk-about-some-of-the-changes we had an artist who is moving... ah... the folks who were working on the Xi'An SCOUT moved onto the HERALD, uhm which ah... (looks behind camera for help), s'good thing, uhm, mmmmmeanwhile folks are working on the Xi'An SCOUT getting it flyable right now... ah what else... ahhh... RELIANT is getting hangar... hangar-ified... ah the BENGAL, bunch of people moved over to the BENGAL cos we need it for some scenes in SQUADRON, ahhhh huh huh... ah, we just got the concepts in for our ah, SMALL MINING SHIP, um I can't say much more about it, it's one of those ones you'll see it in the vault someday, it'll look nothing like what came out today, but ah... I liked it... Um, Chris Roberts had more changes than I did.
  42. From Around the Verse: Episode 2.21
  43. Mar 3, 2016
  45. S: HEY EVERYBODY... welcome to AROUND THE 'VERSE I'm Sandi Gardiner and I am in charge of Star Citizen's marketing
  47. B: I'm Ben Lesnick I uh, work with our community outreach and ah, ship designs
  49. S: Breaking news this week is Star Citizen alpha two point two is now available live
  51. (silent pause)
  53. B: (thumbs up)
  55. S: (giggles) ALPHA TWO POINT TWO is our latest major patch, part of our commitment to expanding the mini pee ewe into a complete YOONEEVERSE, let's run down the features, firstly fizza-kalized EE-VEE-AY.
  57. B: Ah physicalized EVA is... a massive update to how we do... everything outside of your ship, you know, when you, when you... leave the docking ring and you, FLOAT AROUND IN SPACE, in the past it's kinda just treated as an FPS level without a FLOOR, now the game correctly changes your center of mass and your, your movements are much more FLUID and NATURAL and it's, it's a whole different experience for playing in zero G.
  59. S: The reputation system tell us a little about that Ben
  61. B: Reputation system (mumble) very very first, uh... touching... on, uh, SOMETHING that has been a big part of Star Citizen ever since the start which is the idea of CITIZENSHIP, that there're people out there who are doing GOOD and they're being rewarded for that, there're people who are... PIRATES! and MARAUDERS and they, you know, they have a totally different gameplay experience but it's all uh... balanced with... against each other, ah... and now with the mini PU we've kicked off... a... s-smaller, like FIVE LEVEL REPUTATION SYSTEM that takes into account, ah, CRIMINAL ACTIVITY so if you're blowing up ships on the LANDING PAD or you're shooting down people who haven't attacked you, it's gonna kind of count against you and mark you as a CRIMINAL... and there's ah, different LEVELS, f-f-five different levels and ah, sort of a, cat and mouse GAME were people are rewarded for shooting down particular types of criminals, uhm... it's... it's the very start of our reputation system, it's the very start of our bounty system, it's uh... a lot of FUN
  63. S: I love how he looked at me when he said "CRIMINALS"
  67. From Around the Verse: Episode 2.21
  68. Mar 3, 2016 @ 09:00
  71. Sandi: We've also kicked off temporary SALES of the SABRE and also the Xi'An SCOUT in honour of TWO POINT TOO
  73. Ben: And do you want uh, more Star Citizen development information straight from the space horse's mouth? Well, we are kicking out the February monthly report tomorrow... check it out it's kind of our... DOCUMENT OF RECORD put together by the producers at six different studios telling you exactly what the team did each month
  75. S: And Reverse the Verse has... REVERSED... course... I dunno, yeah, I know right, yeah... yeah... check out the most recent episode of our new format of our live show designed to keep backers updated on the... week's news, and we'll be doing it again tomorrow, there's a proper format so we don't talk about... USELESS THINGS... what we had for LUNCH, how our HAIR'S doing, all sorts of things
  77. B: My hair's doing fabulous
  79. S: heh, of course it is, Alexis does it so it looks good
  81. B: (holding boxed copy of Wing Commander IV) And happy birthday to WING COMMANDER IV which turned twenty years old this past month, February, ehm, Sandi actually pointed that out to me in an email last night, 'look how we got, we gotta get Wing Commander IV', ah
  83. S: We did, I was watching... watching... I was looking at MARK HAMILL'S INSTAGRAM and somebody in there said 'ooooh, this was way back when I was playing WING FOUR' and I asked Chris and I said 'when did WING FORE launch' and he said...that... NINETEEN NINETY SIX and I said well it's a twenty year anniversary... and of course Ben knew the exact date and here we are
  85. B: *gushes* um so... this was Chris's last contribution to the Wing Commander series and it just... ah, (stares at box) it goes above and beyond in everything, um, it was a SIX CD-ROM GAME full of uh, full motion video with... Mark Hamill, Malcom MacDowell, John_Rhys-Davies, ah, you know, sort of like Star Citizen
  89. From 10 for the Chairman: Episode 77
  90. Feb 29, 2016 @ 24:50
  93. Q: In the new Jump Point there is mention of an update that will bring the ability to lower your wanted level by hacking a console. There will also be a need to defend it while that hack completes. What portions of FPS will need to be finalised and implemented for that update?
  95. A: Well nothing really it's ah, that's all in 2.2... so I mean what we're doing I think I've mentioned this quite a few times is on the FPS side, we... have a whole bunch of ah... FEATURES and WEAPONS ah that, we're just sort of methodically going through and ENABLING and, you know, a lot of it is CONTENT related so getting the animations polished before we feel like they're ready for everyone to SEE or USE or... the same on the assets... and some of it is sort of making some of the MECHANICS sort of WORK as... uh... uh... MOVE a little better but, eh, you know, so we've got things like VAULTING, you know, like GOING VAULTING over objec... obstacles and stuff... and that, ah, isn't going to be in 2.2 but it'll be in... 2.3 for instance, ah, and so what we've been doing is just sort of knocking off sort of (mumble) COVER MECHANICS... ah... things like... PRONE or CROUCHING... eh, and, ah, you know, various things in 2.2 we have PHYSICALISED EVA which... ah, is actually REALLY COOL, you get a real sense of INERTIA, you have to be a bit more... WARY like in TIGHT AREAS because, you know, we're actually properly physically simulating so it's like you know, flying around a spaceship in a tight area, you don't really want to like, just bang up against things cos, it will sort of, you know, give you a bit of an IMPULSE, but... ah... when you get it down it's, I think... it's COOLER and more EXHILARATING and... we'll be adding more and more THINGS that will make that... COOLER, ahm, so... that's... just our plan, is we're just continually adding... more and more functionality to FPS... I mean our GOAL is the FPS, is going to be... very comparative to other FPSs out there that are... ahm... you know, have a whole bunch of ah, you know... COOL DETAIL and ACCURACY so, ah, you know we're not really aiming to be a simplified run and gun shooter, we're actually aiming to be much more sort of TACTICAL and CONSIDERED and... and... have that sort of reflect on a lot of the FPS mechanics so... there'll be... you know a lot of OPTIONS and kind of THINGS YOU CAN DO and STANCES and ACTIONS and... you know... ultimul... ultimately it'll... you know it'll have the equivalent of being able to do PARKOUR with SLIDING and VAULTING OVER STUFF and LEDGE GRABBING and all the rest of the stuff.
  97. So that's all on the ROADMAP and we've... ah... you know... captured animations for all of it and we're slowly churning through the thousands of animations and hooking it up, making sure the animation blending works and all the various sort of like... THINGS you have to worry about... ah... to make it... ahm... WORK WELL. But I'm... I'm... I'm pretty confident that... when it's all said and done it'll be actually all pretty damn cool.
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