

Apr 7th, 2017
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  1. # This is the commands configuration file for Bukkit.
  2. # For documentation on how to make use of this file, check out the Bukkit Wiki at
  3. #
  4. #
  5. # If you need help on this file, feel free to join us on irc or leave a message
  6. # on the forums asking for advice.
  7. #
  8. # IRC: #spigot @
  9. # (If this means nothing to you, just go to )
  10. # Forums:
  11. # Bug tracker:
  13. command-block-overrides: []
  14. aliases:
  15. icanhasbukkit:
  16. - version $1-
  17. freeze:
  18. - speed walk 0 $$1
  19. - effect $$1 minecraft:slowness 100000 255
  20. - ping &9Punishment > &7Player was successfully frozen.
  21. unfreeze:
  22. - speed walk 1 $$1
  23. - effect $$1 minecraft:slowness 00
  24. - ping &9Pushment > &7Player was successfully unfrozen.
  25. pban:
  26. - ban $$1
  27. warn:
  28. - tellraw @a ["\n"]
  29. - tellraw @a ["\u00A79Punishment > \u00A7c$$1 Has been warned!"]
  30. - tellraw @a ["\n"]
  31. - playsound minecraft:block.anvil.use master @p ~ ~ ~ 100000000 2
  32. pHelp:
  33. - ping &7&l&m--&r &9Punishment's &r&7&l&m--
  34. - ping &a/freeze &7- &fFreeze a player.
  35. - ping &a/unfreeze &7- &fUnfreeze a player.
  36. - ping &a/warn &7- &fWarn a player.
  37. - ping &a/pban &7- &fBan a player.
  38. - ping &a/cc &7- &fClear Server Chat!
  39. sc:
  40. - scoreboard teams add StaffChat
  41. - tellraw @a[teams=StaffChat] [{"selector":"@p[c=1]","color":"gold"},{"text":"$$1","color":"gray"},{"text":"","color":"green"}]
  42. fakejoin:
  43. - tellraw @a ["\u00A7e$$1 joined the game"]
  44. fakeleave:
  45. - tellraw @a ["\u00A7e$$1 left the game"]
  46. fhelp:
  47. - ping &8&l&m--&r &cFake Command's&r &8&l&m--
  48. - ping &e/fakejoin &7- &fFake Join Message.
  49. - ping &e/fakeleave &7- &fFake Leave Message.
  50. - ping &e/fakeop &7- &fFake OP a Player!
  51. cc:
  52. - tellraw @a ["\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00A77Chat has been cleared."]
  53. - playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @p ~ ~ ~ 100000000 2
  54. staff:
  55. - ping &8&l&m----------------
  56. - ping &9List of Server Staff
  57. - ping &r
  58. - ping &r
  59. - ping &4&lOwner &r&7- &cDzipCz
  60. - ping &8&l&m----------------
  61. - playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @p ~ ~ ~ 100000000 2
  62. rules:
  63. - ping &8&l&m------------------
  64. - ping &4&l#1 &r&7No Hacking
  65. - ping &4&l#2 &r&7No Asking for op & Staff
  66. - ping &4&l#3 &r&7No disrespecting staff
  67. - ping &4&l#4 &r&7No Advertising
  68. - ping &4&l#5 &r&7No Griefing
  69. - ping &4&l#6 &r&7No Spamming
  70. - ping &8&l&m------------------
  71. - playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @p ~ ~ ~ 100000000 2
  72. fakeop:
  73. - tellraw @a ["\u00A77[CONSOLE Opped $$1]"]
  74. - ping &r
  75. - ping &9Punishment > &7Successfully Executed!
  76. - ping &r
  77. report:
  78. - tellraw @a[team=Staff] [{"text":"[Report Message] \n","color":"yellow"},{"text":"* Player Reporter > ","color":"gray"},{"selector":"@p","color":"red"},{"text":"\n* Player Reported > ","color":"gray"},{"text":"$1","color":"red"},{"text":"\n* Reason > ","color":"gray"},{"text":"$$2-","color":"red"}]
  79. boost:
  80. - effect $1 minecraft:levitation 1 70
  81. - tellraw $1 ["\u00A74UP! UP! AND AWAY"]
  82. - ping &aERM! I think that player died! :P
  83. Kit-Fighter:
  84. - clear
  85. - I wooden_sword 1 sharpness:1 unbreaking:1
  86. - I Leather_Helmet 1 unbreaking:1
  87. - I leather_Chestplate 1 unbreaking:1
  88. - I leather_Leggings 1
  89. - I leather_Boots 1
  90. - effect $1 minecraft:speed 300 1
  91. - i goldenapple 3
  92. grinhat:
  93. - trigger Grin set 1
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