

Jun 29th, 2015
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  1. TerminusEst13: Okay, there we go.
  2. TerminusEst13: With that hurdle out of the way, this is now a completely licensable commercial-compatible build of GZDoom to make indie games in.
  3. cliff racer: but why gzdoom
  4. TerminusEst13: Because if I used Zandronum, then people would only be playing All Out Complex Brutal Samsara.
  5. cliff racer: why not something like unity
  6. cliff racer: which would give you infinitely more flexibility
  7. TerminusEst13: Because I have no clue how Unity works \:D/
  8. cliff racer: hey
  9. cliff racer: if the people who made gone home could figure it out
  10. TerminusEst13: OHHHHHHHHHHH
  11. cliff racer: to be fair
  12. cliff racer: I think they kinda gave up past walking
  13. TerminusEst13: To be completely honest, it's more because I think I'd be much better off using an engine I'm familiar with rather than constantly upgrading. It took me about four years to get to this point with dumbshit babby language Decorate and ACS--if I stopped working on things now and upgraded to a better engine, I'd need to spend about another four years learning that engine before I could make super-good stuff. And then by that time, I'd probably discover something better, or something would come out.
  14. cliff racer: I'd assume a lot of the theory transfers over, and coding idioms don't really change jumping from one C-style language to another
  15. cliff racer: the problem would be learning to deal with an engine that actually knows 3D
  16. TerminusEst13: That, too. I can hack my way around sprites. I can't hack 3D. At all.
  17. cliff racer: this is why if I get to work on a unity game
  18. cliff racer: everything will be cubes
  19. cliff racer: if I get really fancy there may be a dodecahedron in there
  20. TerminusEst13: whooooooooah
  21. cliff racer: I could totally do a tabletop game simulation, it's just boards and dice right
  22. cliff racer: stretch out cubes and make dodecahedrons
  23. cliff racer: done :^D
  24. TerminusEst13: Actually, a game where you play as players at the behest of a brutal DM might be interesting.
  25. cliff racer: and it would be called
  26. cliff racer: morrowind-when-you-arent-abusing-every-glitch-in-the-game-and-you-make-endgame-actually-hard
  27. TerminusEst13: Also known as Not Morrowind.
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