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a guest
Jan 30th, 2012
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  1. //Generated by KittenIgnition and Domino
  2. //Modify as you see fit.
  3. //Version 0.9
  6. unbindall
  9. // ------------- //
  10. // general cvars //
  11. // ------------- //
  12. seta sensitivity "5" //Sets mouse sensitivity.
  13. seta m_pitch "0.022" //Sets the vertical view movement sensitivity.
  14. seta m_yaw "0.022" //Sets the horizontal view movement sensitivity.
  16. seta cg_hudFiles "ui/hud.txt" //The hud file. Must be loaded with /loadhud if changed.
  17. seta cg_fxfile "" //Sets the fx file to load special effects from.
  19. seta name "^1K^6itten^1I^6gnition" //Your player name.
  20. seta model "bones/t600" //Customises your in-game player model.
  21. seta color1 "1" //Color of the rail beam.
  22. seta color2 "20" //Color of rail core/disc/swirl effect.
  24. seta r_useFbo "1" //Framebuffer support. Adds more flexibility while capturing, and allows higher resolutions to be displayed in the same window (1080p in 720p window).
  25. seta r_fboStencil "1" //An extension to allow stencil shadowing with fbo.
  26. seta r_fboAntiAlias "1" //Enable AA when r_useFbo is set to 1.
  27. seta r_visibleWindowWidth "1280" //The width of the visible window. Use r_customWidth to change the width that you will capture at.
  28. seta r_visibleWindowHeight "720" //The height of the visible window. Use r_customHeight to change the height that you will capture at.
  30. seta cg_drawCrosshair "0" //Displays the specified crosshair image.
  31. seta cg_draw2D "1" //Displays HUD elements.
  32. seta cg_drawStatus "0" //Draws the health and score elements of the HUD.
  33. seta cg_fragMessageStyle "2" //The style of the frag message. With score info: 1, without score info: 2.
  34. seta cg_drawFragMessageSeparate "1" //Remove the frag message from centerprint.
  35. seta cg_brassTime "1000" //Time in milliseconds that bullets or shells are shown before disappearing.
  36. seta cg_marks "1" //Enables projectile decal marks on walls.
  37. seta cg_shotgunMarks "1" //Displays burn marks on walls made by shotgun pellets.
  38. seta cg_markTime "10000" //How long burn marks last before they start to fade.
  39. seta cg_markFadeTime "1000" //How fast burn marks fade.
  40. seta cg_hitBeep "2" //The style of hitbeep. Normal: 1, descending: 2, ascending: 3.
  41. seta cg_drawGun "1" //Controls the displaying of weapons in first person view. Normal: 1, still: 2.
  42. seta cg_gunX "0" //X-axis displacement of weapon in first person view.
  43. seta cg_gunY "0" //Y-axis displacement of weapon in first person view.
  44. seta cg_gunZ "0" //Z-axis displacement of weapon in first person view.
  45. seta cg_fov "120" //Field of view factor.
  46. seta cg_fovy "" //Vertical field of view factor.
  48. seta sex "yes" //Sets whether or not you like to procreate.
  50. seta protocol "73" //Displays the network protocol number.
  51. seta version "wolfcamql 8.0 win_mingw-x86-debug Jun 14 2011" //Displays current version of the binary code.
  54. // -------- //
  55. // keybinds //
  56. // -------- //
  57. bind TAB "+scores"
  58. bind ENTER "freecam"
  59. bind \ "pause"
  60. bind 1 "recordpath"
  61. bind 2 "playpath"
  62. bind a "+moveleft"
  63. bind c "fastforward 1"
  64. bind d "+moveright"
  65. bind e "viewunlockyaw"
  66. bind i "toggle cl_avifetchmode gl_rgb gl_rgba gl_bgr gl_bgra; echopopupcvar cl_avifetchmode"
  67. bind j "+rollleft"
  68. bind k "+rollstopzero"
  69. bind l "+rollright"
  70. bind q "viewunlockpitch"
  71. bind s "+back"
  72. bind w "+forward"
  73. bind z "rewind 1"
  74. bind f5 "clearscene"
  75. bind f6 "fxload"
  76. bind f10 "screenshotjpeg"
  77. bind f11 "condump"
  78. bind ` "toggleconsole"
  79. bind ALT "+movedown"
  80. bind CTRL "+speed"
  81. bind LEFTARROW "vstr timedown"
  82. bind RIGHTARROW "vstr timeup"
  83. bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
  84. bind MOUSE2 "+moveup"
  85. bind SHIFT "+mouseseek"
  88. // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
  89. // -[moviemaker settings]- //
  90. // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
  91. seta mme_blurFrames "0" //Sets the amount of frames that is taken into the blending. There is no limit to how much blur you can have.
  92. seta mme_blurOverlap "0" //Sets the number of frames that are kept from the previous frame and blended into the new frame. There is no limit to how much overlap you can have.
  93. seta mme_blurType "median" //Sets the algorithm of the smoothing. Gaussian, triangle, median.
  94. seta mme_depthRange "750" //Sets how much the environment is faded / blurred related to the "sharp spot".
  95. seta mme_depthFocus "250" //Sets the spot that will be used as the "sharp spot" for depth rendering.
  96. seta mme_saveDepth "0" //Enable/disable saving of depth screenshots. The depth is no layer in the standard screenshots, but is saved in separate png files.
  97. seta mme_workMegs "32" //Sets how many megabytes are used for storing blur info.
  100. // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
  101. // -[client game settings]- //
  102. // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
  103. seta cg_qlFontScaling "1" //How small fonts behave. Switch fonts when they become small: 1, always use 24-point font: 2.
  104. seta cg_mouseSeekScale "1.5" //How quickly you fastforward/rewind with +mouseseek.
  105. seta cg_mouseSeekPollInterval "1" //How often to check for mouse movements and issue fastforward/rewind call.
  106. seta cg_teamKillWarning "Watch your fire!" //Sets the teamkill frag message.
  107. seta cg_timescaleFadeSpeed "0" //How long it takes for one timescale to fade into another when switching.
  108. seta cg_timescaleFadeEnd "1" //Allow timescales to fade into eachother.
  109. seta cg_stats "0" //Displays client frames in sequence with the exception of missed frames.
  110. seta cg_thirdPerson "0" //Switch to third person view.
  111. seta cg_thirdPersonAngle "0" //Third person view camera angle on Z-axis towards player (0-359 degrees).
  112. seta cg_thirdPersonRange "40" //Maximum distance the third person view is from the player.
  113. seta cg_tracerlength "250" //Sets length of tracer bullets.
  114. seta cg_tracerwidth "2" //Sets width of tracer bullets.
  115. seta cg_tracerchance "0.75" //How often you will get a bullet with smoke that shows where you shot.
  116. seta cg_footsteps "1" //Enables footstep sounds.
  117. seta cg_showmiss "0" //Displays missed packets and predictions on the HUD.
  118. seta cg_noplayeranims "0" //Disables player model animations, showing only the first frame in the models animation sequence.
  119. seta cg_nopredict "0" //A value of 1 makes you wait for the server to recieve any movements before actually performing them.
  120. seta cg_errordecay "100" //Detects prediction errors and helps to smooth these errors out over a few frames to ease jerking.
  121. seta cg_debugevents "0" //Toggle event debug mode.
  122. seta cg_debugposition "0" //Toggle player position debug mode.
  123. seta cg_debuganim "0" //Enables model animation debug mode.
  124. seta cg_animspeed "1" //Allows linear interpolation between frames in player model animations.
  125. seta cg_swingSpeed "0.3" //Speed in which player models rotate to match the player’s view.
  126. seta cg_predictItems "1" //Client prediction for picking up items.
  127. seta cg_viewsize "100" //Percentage of screen the game appears on.
  128. seta cg_stereoSeparation "0" //Stereo separation – splits color channels.
  129. seta cg_shadows "1" //Draws a shadow underneath the player. Blob: 1, detail: 2, dark detail: 3.
  130. seta cg_zoomfov "45" //Zoomed-in field of view factor.
  131. seta cg_gibs "8" //Controls the quantity of animated gibs to display.
  132. seta cg_gibColor "" //Sets the color of the gibs that are launched (unlike cg_gibSparksColor, which only controls the trail).
  133. seta cg_gibJump "8" //How high gib sparks bounce.
  134. seta cg_gibVelocity "128" //How fast gib sparks emit from corpses.
  135. seta cg_gibTime "1024" //How long gib sparks last.
  136. seta cg_gibStepTime "32" //How often, in milliseconds, to leave a glowing spark trail.
  137. seta cg_gibSparksSize "2.75" //How big gib sparks are.
  138. seta cg_gibSparksColor "" //The color of gib sparks.
  139. seta cg_gibSparksHighlight "1" //Draws a single white pixel at the center of the spark to make things a little more visible.
  140. seta cg_impactSparks "0" //Emit sparks when a player is hit.
  141. seta cg_impactSparksLifetime "256" //How long impact sparks last.
  142. seta cg_impactSparksSize "1.5" //How big impact sparks are.
  143. seta cg_impactSparksVelocity "128" //How fast impact sparks emit from players.
  144. seta cg_impactSparksColor "" //The color of impact sparks.
  145. seta cg_impactSparksHighlight "1" //Draws a single white pixel at the center of the spark to make things a little more visible.
  146. seta cg_shotgunImpactSparks "0" //Emits sparks when a player is hit by the shotgun.
  147. seta cg_shotgunStyle "1" //Sets the shotgun style. Quake 3: 0, Quake Live: 1, Quake Live with randomness: 2.
  148. seta cg_shotgunRandomness "2.0" //How random shotgun pellets are when cg_shotgunStyle 2.
  149. seta cg_drawTeamBackground "0" //Enable/disable drawing the team colored bar at the bottom of the hud in the original quake3 hud (cg_qlhud 0).
  150. seta cg_drawTimer "0" //Draws the game timer on the HUD.
  151. seta cg_drawClientItemTimer "0" //Displays an item timer for all major items on the map.
  152. seta cg_drawClientItemTimerX "635" //---
  153. seta cg_drawClientItemTimerY "150" //---
  154. seta cg_drawClientItemTimerScale "0.25" //---
  155. seta cg_drawClientItemTimerFont "" //---
  156. seta cg_drawClientItemTimerPointSize "24" //---
  157. seta cg_drawClientItemTimerAlpha "255" //---
  158. seta cg_drawClientItemTimerStyle "6" //---
  159. seta cg_drawClientItemTimerAlign "2" //---
  160. seta cg_drawClientItemTimerSpacing "" //---
  161. seta cg_drawFPS "0" //Displays the frames-per-second counter. 1: Normal, 2: higher precision and use given time in cgame not real time, 3: use current frame value not average of last four.
  162. seta cg_drawFPSNoText "1" //Displays only numbers, with no "FPS".
  163. seta cg_drawFPSX "635" //---
  164. seta cg_drawFPSY "" //---
  165. seta cg_drawFPSAlign "2" //---
  166. seta cg_drawFPSStyle "3" //---
  167. seta cg_drawFPSFont "" //---
  168. seta cg_drawFPSPointSize "24" //---
  169. seta cg_drawFPSScale "0.25" //---
  170. seta cg_drawFPSColor "0xFFFFFF" //---
  171. seta cg_drawFPSAlpha "255" //---
  172. seta cg_drawSnapshot "0" //Displays the snapshots counter with the time and frame.
  173. seta cg_drawSnapshotX "635" //---
  174. seta cg_drawSnapshotY "" //---
  175. seta cg_drawSnapshotAlign "2" //---
  176. seta cg_drawSnapshotStyle "3" //---
  177. seta cg_drawSnapshotFont "" //---
  178. seta cg_drawSnapshotPointSize "24" //---
  179. seta cg_drawSnapshotScale "0.25" //---
  180. seta cg_drawSnapshotColor "0xFFFFFF" //---
  181. seta cg_drawSnapshotAlpha "255" //---
  182. seta cg_draw3dIcons "1" //Displays 3D HUD icons instead of 2D.
  183. seta cg_drawIcons "1" //Enables the drawing of icons in the HUD or scoreboard.
  184. seta cg_drawAmmoWarning "1" //Display "low ammo warning" text when you're low on ammo.
  185. seta cg_drawAmmoWarningX "320" //---
  186. seta cg_drawAmmoWarningY "64" //---
  187. seta cg_drawAmmoWarningAlign "1" //---
  188. seta cg_drawAmmoWarningStyle "0" //---
  189. seta cg_drawAmmoWarningFont "" //---
  190. seta cg_drawAmmoWarningPointSize "24" //---
  191. seta cg_drawAmmoWarningScale "0.25" //---
  192. seta cg_drawAmmoWarningColor "0xFFFFFF" //---
  193. seta cg_drawAmmoWarningAlpha "255" //---
  194. seta cg_drawAttacker "0" //Displays the name and icon of the last player to damage you.
  195. seta cg_drawAttackerX "640" //---
  196. seta cg_drawAttackerY "" //---
  197. seta cg_drawAttackerAlign "2" //---
  198. seta cg_drawAttackerStyle "3" //---
  199. seta cg_drawAttackerFont "" //---
  200. seta cg_drawAttackerPointSize "24" //---
  201. seta cg_drawAttackerScale "0.25" //---
  202. seta cg_drawAttackerImageScale "3" //How big the attacker icon is.
  203. seta cg_drawAttackerTime "10000" //---
  204. seta cg_drawAttackerColor "0xFFFFFF" //---
  205. seta cg_drawAttackerAlpha "255" //---
  206. seta cg_drawAttackerFade "1" //Fade the attacker icon off the screen.
  207. seta cg_drawAttackerFadeTime "10000" //How long it takes the attacker icon to fade off the screen.
  208. seta cg_drawCrosshairNames "0" //Displays the names of target opponents.
  209. seta cg_drawCrosshairNamesX "320" //---
  210. seta cg_drawCrosshairNamesY "190" //---
  211. seta cg_drawCrosshairNamesAlign "1" //---
  212. seta cg_drawCrosshairNamesStyle "3" //---
  213. seta cg_drawCrosshairNamesFont "" //---
  214. seta cg_drawCrosshairNamesPointSize "24" //---
  215. seta cg_drawCrosshairNamesScale "0.25" //---
  216. seta cg_drawCrosshairNamesTime "1000" //---
  217. seta cg_drawCrosshairNamesColor "0xFFFFFF" //---
  218. seta cg_drawCrosshairNamesAlpha "100" //---
  219. seta cg_drawCrosshairNamesFade "1" //Fade crosshair names off the screen.
  220. seta cg_drawCrosshairNamesFadeTime "1000" //How long it takes crosshair names to fade off the screen.
  221. seta cg_drawCrosshairTeammateHealth "0" //Draw teammate health/armor above the crosshair when your crosshair passes over them.
  222. seta cg_drawCrosshairTeammateHealthX "320" //---
  223. seta cg_drawCrosshairTeammateHealthY "200" //---
  224. seta cg_drawCrosshairTeammateHealthAlign "1" //---
  225. seta cg_drawCrosshairTeammateHealthStyle "3" //---
  226. seta cg_drawCrosshairTeammateHealthFont "" //---
  227. seta cg_drawCrosshairTeammateHealthPointSize "24" //---
  228. seta cg_drawCrosshairTeammateHealthScale "0.125" //---
  229. seta cg_drawCrosshairTeammateHealthTime "1000" //---
  230. seta cg_drawCrosshairTeammateHealthColor "" //---
  231. seta cg_drawCrosshairTeammateHealthAlpha "100" //---
  232. seta cg_drawCrosshairTeammateHealthFade "1" //Fade teammate health off the screen.
  233. seta cg_drawCrosshairTeammateHealthFadeTime "1000" //How long it takes teammate health to fade off the screen.
  234. seta cg_drawRewards "1" //Draw rewards such as impressive, excellent etc.
  235. seta cg_drawRewardsMax "10" //How many awards can appear at once.
  236. seta cg_drawRewardsX "320" //---
  237. seta cg_drawRewardsY "56" //---
  238. seta cg_drawRewardsAlign "1" //---
  239. seta cg_drawRewardsStyle "3" //---
  240. seta cg_drawRewardsFont "" //---
  241. seta cg_drawRewardsPointSize "24" //---
  242. seta cg_drawRewardsScale "0.25" //---
  243. seta cg_drawRewardsImageScale "1.0" //How big the reward images are.
  244. seta cg_drawRewardsTime "3000" //---
  245. seta cg_drawRewardsColor "0xFFFFFF" //---
  246. seta cg_drawRewardsAlpha "255" //---
  247. seta cg_drawRewardsFade "1" //Fade rewards off the screen.
  248. seta cg_drawRewardsFadeTime "200" //How long it takes rewards to fade off the screen.
  249. seta cg_crosshairSize "16" //---
  250. seta cg_crosshairColor "0xFFFFFF" //---
  251. seta cg_crosshairPulse "0" //Enable crosshair pulsing when you pick up an item.
  252. seta cg_crosshairHealth "0" //Allow the crosshair to change color depending on your health.
  253. seta cg_crosshairHitStyle "0" //How the crosshair behaves when you hit someone.
  254. seta cg_crosshairHitColor "0xFF0000" //What color the crosshair turns when you hit someone.
  255. seta cg_crosshairHitTime "200" //How long the crosshair color changes after you hit someone.
  256. seta cg_crosshairX "0" //---
  257. seta cg_crosshairY "0" //---
  258. seta cg_crosshairBrightness "1.0" //---
  259. seta cg_crosshairAlpha "255" //---
  260. seta cg_crosshairAlphaAdjust "0" //Adjust the transparent portions of crosshairs.
  261. seta cg_simpleItems "0" //Replace 3D world items with 2D icons.
  262. seta cg_simpleItemsScale "1.0" //Scales the icon size of items when cg_simpleItems 1.
  263. seta cg_itemsWh "0" //View items through walls.
  264. seta cg_itemFx "7" //Changes how items are rendered in the world. Bounce: 1, rotate: 2, spawn animation: 4.
  265. seta cg_itemSize "1.0" //How big map items are (ammo crates, weapons etc.).
  266. seta cg_lagometer "0" //Displays netgraph that shows your network packet traffic including received, rejected and lost packets.
  267. seta cg_lagometerX "640" //---
  268. seta cg_lagometerY "336" //---
  269. seta cg_lagometerFlash "1" //If your ping goes over cg_lagometerFlashValue, the lagometer will turn orange.
  270. seta cg_lagometerFlashValue "80" //How high your ping has to be for the lagometer to turn orange if cg_lagometerFlash 1.
  271. seta cg_lagometerFontAlign "0" //---
  272. seta cg_lagometerAlign "2" //---
  273. seta cg_lagometerFontStyle "3" //---
  274. seta cg_lagometerFont "" //---
  275. seta cg_lagometerFontPointSize "24" //---
  276. seta cg_lagometerFontScale "0.20" //---
  277. seta cg_lagometerScale "0.75" //---
  278. seta cg_lagometerFontColor "0xFFFFFF" //---
  279. seta cg_lagometerAlpha "255" //---
  280. seta cg_lagometerFontAlpha "255" //---
  281. seta cg_lagometerAveragePing "1" //Displays an average ping in the lagometer (bottom number).
  282. seta cg_lagometerSnapshotPing "1" //Displays how many milliseconds it takes for a snapshot to be sent to the server (top number).
  283. seta cg_railTrailTime "800" //How long the rail trail lasts.
  284. seta cg_railQL "1" //Quake Live style rail with rings interspersed inside the core.
  285. seta cg_railQLRailRingWhiteValue "1" //How bright the rail rings are.
  286. seta cg_railNudge "1" //Makes the rail appear below the crosshair. Messes with the spiral when cg_railFromMuzzle 0.
  287. seta cg_railRings "0" //Enables the rail spiral.
  288. seta cg_railRadius "2" //How far apart the rail spiral is from the core.
  289. seta cg_railRotation "1" //Rotates the rail core.
  290. seta cg_railSpacing "0" //How far apart each rail spiral segment is from eachother.
  291. seta cg_railItemColor "0x00FFFF" //Changes the color of rail items lying around the map.
  292. seta cg_railUseOwnColors "0" //Forces the POV railgun to use your own color.
  293. seta cg_railFromMuzzle "1" //Forces all rail beams to originate from the muzzle.
  294. seta cg_gunSize "1.0" //Controls the gun size in first person.
  295. seta cg_gunSizeThirdPerson "1.0" //Controls the gun size in third person.
  296. seta cg_bobup "0.00125" //The camera bounce strength while running.
  297. seta cg_bobpitch "0.00125" //The camera pitch strength while running.
  298. seta cg_bobroll "0.00125" //The camera roll strength while running.
  299. seta cg_teamChatTime "0" //How long team chat lasts.
  300. seta cg_teamChatHeight "0" //How tall team chat is (chat lines).
  301. seta cg_forceModel "0" //Forces all models to the model you're using.
  302. seta cg_deferPlayers "1" //Sets loading of player models at death or map change, disabling models loading when bringing up the scoreboard.
  303. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsTimeAlpha "255" //---
  304. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsTimeColor "0xFFFFFF" //---
  305. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsTimeScale "0.25" //---
  306. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsTimePointSize "24" //---
  307. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsTimeFont "" //---
  308. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsTimeStyle "0" //---
  309. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsTimeAlign "0" //---
  310. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsTimeY "320" //---
  311. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsTimeX "5" //---
  312. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsTimeNoText "0" //---
  313. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsTime "0" //---
  314. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsAlpha "255" //---
  315. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsColor "0xFFFF00" //---
  316. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsScale "0.25" //---
  317. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsPointSize "24" //---
  318. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsFont "" //---
  319. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsStyle "0" //---
  320. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsAlign "0" //---
  321. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsY "300" //---
  322. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsX "5" //---
  323. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsMax "12" //How many jumps will be stored and displayed before clearing earlier ones.
  324. seta cg_drawJumpSpeedsNoText "0" //---
  325. seta cg_drawJumpSpeeds "0" //Display the speed of each jump. Clear when velocity close to zero: 1, don't automatically clear: 2.
  326. seta cg_drawTeamOverlay "0" //Draw team overlay, with teammate info, such as location and health/armor.
  327. seta cg_drawTeamOverlayX "640" //---
  328. seta cg_drawTeamOverlayY "" //---
  329. seta cg_drawTeamOverlayFont "" //---
  330. seta cg_drawTeamOverlayPointSize "24" //---
  331. seta cg_drawTeamOverlayAlign "2" //---
  332. seta cg_drawTeamOverlayScale "0.25" //---
  333. seta cg_drawFriend "0" //Draw a yellow arrow above teammte's head. When visible: 1, through walls: 2, for freezetag: 3.
  334. seta cg_drawFoe "0" //Draw a red arrow above enemy's head. When visible: 1, through walls: 2.
  335. seta cg_drawSelf "0" //Draw a white arrow above self's head. When visible: 1, through walls: 2.
  336. seta cg_teamChatsOnly "0" //Only print chat lines from teammates not from opponents or spectators.
  337. seta cg_currentSelectedPlayer "0" //Used in hud code and for team arena orders.
  338. seta cg_currentSelectedPlayerName "" //Used in hud code and for team arena orders.
  339. seta cg_cameraOrbit "0" //Changes the camera orbit rotation increment, for when in third person, dead, or at the end of the game.
  340. seta cg_cameraOrbitDelay "50" //Sets how often the third person angle is adjusted when cg_cameraOrbit 1.
  341. seta cg_scorePlums "0" //Displays scores in the game world when you score points, like a kill or a flag pickup or a flag capture.
  342. seta cg_smoothClients "0" //Smooth out other players’ movement when they experience packet loss.
  343. seta cg_noTaunt "0" //Disables all taunts.
  344. seta cg_noProjectileTrail "0" //Disables all projectile smoke trails.
  345. seta cg_smokeRadius_SG "16" //Size of smoke emitted from shotgun.
  346. seta cg_smokeRadius_GL "24" //Size of smoke emitted from grenades.
  347. seta cg_smokeRadius_NG "8" //Size of smoke emitted from nails.
  348. seta cg_smokeRadius_RL "32" //Size of smoke emitted from rockets.
  349. seta cg_smokeRadius_PL "20" //Size of smoke emitted from proximity mines.
  350. seta cg_smokeRadius_breath "4" //The size of the frosty breath on cold maps.
  351. seta cg_enableBreath "2" //Enable frosty breath on cold maps. If enabled on server/demo: 1, if enabled on map: 2, always: 3.
  352. seta cg_smokeRadius_dust "12" //The size of the dust kickup from "dusty" surfaces.
  353. seta cg_enableDust "3" //Enable dust on "dusty" surfaces. If enabled on server/demo: 1, if map has dust: 2, on all dusty surfaces: 3, always: 4.
  354. seta cg_smokeRadius_flight "16" //Size of the flight smoke trail.
  355. seta cg_smokeRadius_haste "16" //Size of the haste smoke trail.
  356. seta cg_oldRocket "0" //Set the rocket explosion style. Normal: 1, with plume: 2.
  357. seta cg_plasmaStyle "2" //Controls the plasma effect. Normal: 1, particle trail: 2.
  358. seta cg_trueLightning "0" //Flexibility factor for lightning gun shaft.
  359. seta cg_enableAtCommands "1" //Enables the "at" commands (/listat, /clearat, /removeat, /saveat)
  360. seta cg_drawSpeed "0" //Draw your UPS onscreen.
  361. seta cg_drawSpeedX "635" //---
  362. seta cg_drawSpeedY "320" //---
  363. seta cg_drawSpeedNoText "1" //Displays only numbers, with no "UPS".
  364. seta cg_drawSpeedAlign "2" //---
  365. seta cg_drawSpeedStyle "3" //---
  366. seta cg_drawSpeedFont "" //---
  367. seta cg_drawSpeedPointSize "24" //---
  368. seta cg_drawSpeedScale "0.25" //---
  369. seta cg_drawSpeedColor "0xFFFFFF" //---
  370. seta cg_drawSpeedAlpha "255" //---
  371. seta cg_drawOrigin "0" //Displays position and angle info. X/Y/Z, pitch/yaw/roll.
  372. seta cg_drawOriginX "5" //---
  373. seta cg_drawOriginY "400" //---
  374. seta cg_drawOriginAlign "0" //---
  375. seta cg_drawOriginStyle "0" //---
  376. seta cg_drawOriginFont "" //---
  377. seta cg_drawOriginPointSize "24" //---
  378. seta cg_drawOriginScale "0.25" //---
  379. seta cg_drawOriginColor "0xFFFFFF" //---
  380. seta cg_drawOriginAlpha "255" //---
  381. seta cg_drawScores "0" //Used with original quake3 hud (cg_qlhud 0).
  382. seta cg_drawPlayersLeft "0" //Used with original quake3 hud (cg_qlhud 0).
  383. seta cg_drawPowerups "0" //Used with original quake3 hud (cg_qlhud 0).
  384. seta cg_drawItemPickups "0" //Display item info when you pick it up.
  385. seta cg_drawItemPickupsX "8" //---
  386. seta cg_drawItemPickupsY "360" //---
  387. seta cg_drawItemPickupsImageScale "0.25" //The size of the item pickup icon.
  388. seta cg_drawItemPickupsAlign "0" //---
  389. seta cg_drawItemPickupsStyle "0" //---
  390. seta cg_drawItemPickupsFont "" //---
  391. seta cg_drawItemPickupsPointSize "24" //---
  392. seta cg_drawItemPickupsScale "0.25" //---
  393. seta cg_drawItemPickupsTime "3000" //---
  394. seta cg_drawItemPickupsColor "0xFFFFFF" //---
  395. seta cg_drawItemPickupsAlpha "255" //---
  396. seta cg_drawItemPickupsFade "1" //Fade item pickups off the screen.
  397. seta cg_drawItemPickupsFadeTime "3000" //How long it takes item pickups to fade off the screen.
  398. seta cg_drawItemPickupsCount "1" //Enable multiple pickups to be drawn in the same line (Armor Shard x 5 etc.).
  399. seta cg_drawFollowing "0" //Display the name of the player you're following. Only when spectating: 1, always: 2.
  400. seta cg_drawFollowingX "320" //---
  401. seta cg_drawFollowingY "50" //---
  402. seta cg_drawFollowingAlign "1" //---
  403. seta cg_drawFollowingStyle "6" //---
  404. seta cg_drawFollowingFont "" //---
  405. seta cg_drawFollowingPointSize "24" //---
  406. seta cg_drawFollowingScale "0.25" //---
  407. seta cg_drawFollowingColor "0xFFFFFF" //---
  408. seta cg_drawFollowingAlpha "255" //---
  409. seta cg_testQlFont "0" //Replaces all uses of quake3 monospace font with quakelive's font, for testing.
  410. seta cg_qlhud "1" //Use the Quake Live hud.
  411. seta cg_weaponBar "0" //Draw the weaponbar.
  412. seta cg_weaponBarX "" //---
  413. seta cg_weaponBarY "" //---
  414. seta cg_weaponBarFont "" //---
  415. seta cg_weaponBarPointSize "24" //---
  416. seta cg_drawFullWeaponBar "1" //Draw weapons you don't have in the weaponbar.
  417. seta cg_scoreBoardStyle "1" //The scoreboard style. Normal: 1, use player icons instead of flags for non-duel games: 2.
  418. seta cg_scoreboardSpectatorScroll "1" //Scroll the spectator names across the bottom of the scoreboard.
  419. seta cg_scoreBoardWhenDead "0" //Draw the scoreboard while you're dead.
  420. seta cg_scoreBoardAtIntermission "1" //Draw the scoreboard at the end of the game.
  421. seta cg_drawSpawns "0" //Display each spawn point on the map.
  422. seta cg_drawSpawnsInitial "1" //Marks which spawns can be used as starting points in a duel when cg_drawSpawns 1.
  423. seta cg_drawSpawnsInitalZ "0.0" //How high from the floor initial spawns are drawn.
  424. seta cg_drawSpawnsRespawns "1" //Marks which spawns are available for respawns after the match has started when cg_drawSpawns 1.
  425. seta cg_drawSpawnsRespawnsZ "0.0" //How high from the floor respawns are drawn.
  426. seta cg_drawSpawnsShared "1" //Marks which spawns can be used by both the red and the blue team when cg_drawSpawns 1.
  427. seta cg_drawSpawnsSharedZ "0.0" //How high from the floor shared spawns are drawn.
  428. seta cg_freecam_noclip "1" //Enable noclip (move through walls) while freecamming.
  429. seta cg_freecam_sensitivity "0.1" //Sensitivity multiplier while freecamming.
  430. seta cg_freecam_pitch "1" //Sets the vertical view movement sensitivity while in freecam.
  431. seta cg_freecam_yaw "1" //Sets the horizontal view movement sensitivity while in freecam.
  432. seta cg_freecam_speed "4000" //Movement speed while freecamming.
  433. seta cg_freecam_crosshair "0" //Draw a crosshair while freecamming.
  434. seta cg_freecam_useTeamSettings "0" //Force your own model and colors to those of your teammates while freecamming.
  435. seta cg_freecam_rollValue "0.5" //---
  436. seta cg_freecam_useServerView "1" //Turn off automatic matching of demo taker's screen.
  437. seta cg_freecam_unlockPitch "0" //??? (can't be tested)
  438. seta cg_chatTime "0" //How long chat messages last.
  439. seta cg_chatLines "0" //How many lines of chat can appear at the same time.
  440. seta cg_chatHistoryLength "16" //How many lines of chat are displayed with +chat.
  441. seta cg_drawCenterPrint "1" //Draw centerprint messages such as frag messages.
  442. seta cg_drawCenterPrintX "320" //---
  443. seta cg_drawCenterPrintY "" //---
  444. seta cg_drawCenterPrintAlign "1" //---
  445. seta cg_drawCenterPrintStyle "6" //---
  446. seta cg_drawCenterPrintFont "" //---
  447. seta cg_drawCenterPrintPointSize "24" //---
  448. seta cg_drawCenterPrintScale "0.25" //---
  449. seta cg_drawCenterPrintTime "3000" //---
  450. seta cg_drawCenterPrintColor "0xFFFFFF" //---
  451. seta cg_drawCenterPrintAlpha "255" //---
  452. seta cg_drawCenterPrintFade "1" //Fade centerprint messages off the screen.
  453. seta cg_drawCenterPrintFadeTime "200" //How long it takes centerprint messages to fade off the screen.
  454. seta cg_drawVote "0" //Draw votes.
  455. seta cg_drawVoteX "0" //---
  456. seta cg_drawVoteY "300" //---
  457. seta cg_drawVoteAlign "0" //---
  458. seta cg_drawVoteStyle "3" //---
  459. seta cg_drawVoteFont "" //---
  460. seta cg_drawVotePointSize "24" //---
  461. seta cg_drawVoteScale "0.25" //---
  462. seta cg_drawVoteColor "0xFFFFFF" //---
  463. seta cg_drawVoteAlpha "255" //---
  464. seta cg_drawTeamVote "0" //Draw votes by your teammates.
  465. seta cg_drawTeamVoteX "0" //---
  466. seta cg_drawTeamVoteY "300" //---
  467. seta cg_drawTeamVoteAlign "0" //---
  468. seta cg_drawTeamVoteStyle "3" //---
  469. seta cg_drawTeamVoteFont "" //---
  470. seta cg_drawTeamVotePointSize "24" //---
  471. seta cg_drawTeamVoteScale "0.25" //---
  472. seta cg_drawTeamVoteColor "0xFFFFFF" //---
  473. seta cg_drawTeamVoteAlpha "255" //---
  474. seta cg_drawWaitingForPlayers "0" //Draws the "waiting for players" text while in warmup.
  475. seta cg_drawWaitingForPlayersX "320" //---
  476. seta cg_drawWaitingForPlayersY "60" //---
  477. seta cg_drawWaitingForPlayersAlign "1" //---
  478. seta cg_drawWaitingForPlayersStyle "6" //---
  479. seta cg_drawWaitingForPlayersFont "" //---
  480. seta cg_drawWaitingForPlayersPointSize "24" //---
  481. seta cg_drawWaitingForPlayersScale "0.25" //---
  482. seta cg_drawWaitingForPlayersColor "0xFFFFFF" //---
  483. seta cg_drawWaitingForPlayersAlpha "255" //---
  484. seta cg_drawWarmupString "0" //Display the warmup countdown to match start.
  485. seta cg_drawWarmupStringX "320" //---
  486. seta cg_drawWarmupStringY "120" //---
  487. seta cg_drawWarmupStringAlign "1" //---
  488. seta cg_drawWarmupStringStyle "6" //---
  489. seta cg_drawWarmupStringFont "" //---
  490. seta cg_drawWarmupStringPointSize "24" //---
  491. seta cg_drawWarmupStringScale "0.25" //---
  492. seta cg_drawWarmupStringColor "0xFFFFFF" //---
  493. seta cg_drawWarmupStringAlpha "255" //---
  494. seta cg_ambientSounds "2" //Enable ambient sounds. Enable all ambient sounds: 1, disable all ambient sounds except powerup respawns: 2.
  495. seta cg_weather "1" //Enable weather effects like snow or rain.
  496. seta cg_interpolateMissiles "1" //Setting this to 1 keeps the delay between when a rocket is fired and when it appears, which is more accurate.
  497. seta cg_wh "0" //Draws a quad shader around all player models through walls.
  498. seta cg_whShader "" //Sets the shader applied to models seen through walls via cg_wh.
  499. seta cg_playerShader "" //Sets what shader is used when a player is visible. Should be used in conjunction with cg_wh.
  500. seta cg_useOriginalInterpolation "1" //Tries to match the server view with respect to player models and missiles. Compensates for ping and player movement.
  501. seta cg_drawBBox "0" //Draws the bounding box around players.
  502. seta cg_weaponRedTeamColor "0xFF0000" //The color of the red team.
  503. seta cg_weaponBlueTeamColor "0x0000FF" //The color of the blue team.
  504. seta cg_weaponNoTeamColor "0x000000" //The color of the enemy in non team-based games.
  505. seta cg_enemyModel "keel/bright" //Sets the model that all your enemies will be forced to.
  506. seta cg_enemyHeadSkin "" //Your enemy's head skin.
  507. seta cg_enemyTorsoSkin "" //Your enemy's torso skin.
  508. seta cg_enemyLegsSkin "" //Your enemy's legs skin.
  509. seta cg_enemyHeadColor "0xFF00FF" //The color of your enemy's head.
  510. seta cg_enemyTorsoColor "0xFF00FF" //The color of your enemy's torso.
  511. seta cg_enemyLegsColor "0xFF00FF" //The color of your enemy's legs.
  512. seta cg_enemyRailColor1 "1" //The forced color1 of your enemy's rails if cg_enemyRailColor1Team 1.
  513. seta cg_enemyRailColor2 "20" //The forced color2 of your enemy's rails if cg_enemyRailColor2Team 1.
  514. seta cg_enemyRailColor1Team "0" //Enable forced coloring of color1 for your enemies.
  515. seta cg_enemyRailColor2Team "0" //Enable forced coloring of color2 for your enemies.
  516. seta cg_enemyRailRings "1" //Enable rail rings on enemy rail beams.
  517. seta cg_enemyRailNudge "1" //???
  518. seta cg_enemyRailItemColor "0xFF00FF" //The color of enemy rail items.
  519. seta cg_enemyRailItemColorTeam "1" //Enable forced coloring if enemy rail items.
  520. seta cg_useDefaultTeamSkins "1" //If you don't have forced team models you can set to 0 and see your teammates chosen skin instead of blue or red.
  521. seta cg_teamModel "crash/sport" //Sets the model that all your teammates will be forced to.
  522. seta cg_teamHeadSkin "" //Your teammate's head skin.
  523. seta cg_teamTorsoSkin "" //Your teammate's torso skin
  524. seta cg_teamLegsSkin "" //Your teammate's legs skin.
  525. seta cg_teamHeadColor "0x000000" //The color of your teammate's head.
  526. seta cg_teamTorsoColor "0x000000" //The color of your teammate's torso.
  527. seta cg_teamLegsColor "0x000000" //The color of your teammate's legs.
  528. seta cg_teamRailColor1 "1" //The forced color1 of your teammate's rails if cg_teamRailColor1Team 1.
  529. seta cg_teamRailColor2 "20" //The forced color2 of your teammate's rails if cg_teamRailColor2Team 1.
  530. seta cg_teamRailColor1Team "0" //Enable forced coloring of color1 for your team.
  531. seta cg_teamRailColor2Team "0" //Enable forced coloring of color2 for your team.
  532. seta cg_teamRailRings "1" //Enable rail rings on team rail beams.
  533. seta cg_teamRailNudge "1" //???
  534. seta cg_teamRailItemColor "0x00FF00" //The color of team rail items.
  535. seta cg_teamRailItemColorTeam "1" //Enable forced coloring of team rail items.
  536. seta cg_deadBodyColor "0x000000" //The color of dead bodies.
  537. seta cg_chatBeep "0" //Enable chat beeps.
  538. seta cg_chatBeepMaxTime "0" //Doesn't allow chat beeps to play more often than this, to eliminate spam while still having chat beeps.
  539. seta cg_teamChatBeep "0" //Enable team chat beeps.
  540. seta cg_teamChatBeepMaxTime "0" //Doesn't allow team chat beeps to play more often than this, to eliminate spam while still having chat beeps.
  541. seta cg_audioAnnouncer "1" //Enable the announcer.
  542. seta cg_audioAnnouncerRewards "1" //Enable the announcements for awards.
  543. seta cg_audioAnnouncerRound "1" //Enable the announcer countdown for round start.
  544. seta cg_audioAnnouncerWarmup "1" //Play the announcer sounds for game the game start countdown.
  545. seta cg_audioAnnouncerVote "1" //Play the announcer sounds when someone calls a vote.
  546. seta cg_audioAnnouncerTeamVote "1" //Play the announcer sounds when a teammate calls a vote.
  547. seta cg_printTimeStamps "1" //Enable console timestamps.
  548. seta cg_screenDamageAlpha_Team "125" //---
  549. seta cg_screenDamage_Team "0xFF0000" //---
  550. seta cg_screenDamage_Self "0xFF0000" //---
  551. seta cg_screenDamageAlpha_Self "0" //---
  552. seta cg_screenDamageAlpha "125" //---
  553. seta cg_screenDamage "0xFF0000" //---
  554. seta cg_echoPopupTime "1000" //---
  555. seta cg_echoPopupX "250" //---
  556. seta cg_echoPopupY "350" //---
  557. seta cg_echoPopupScale "0.25" //---
  558. seta cg_accX "450" //---
  559. seta cg_accY "100" //---
  560. seta cg_loadDefaultMenus "1" //Loads the default QL scoreboard.
  561. seta cg_grenadeColor "0x000000" //---
  562. seta cg_grenadeColorAlpha "255" //---
  563. seta cg_grenadeTeamColor "0x000000" //---
  564. seta cg_grenadeTeamColorAlpha "255" //---
  565. seta cg_grenadeEnemyColor "0xFF00FF" //---
  566. seta cg_grenadeEnemyColorAlpha "255" //---
  567. seta cg_donka_rtcw_good_spellers "0" //???
  568. seta cg_drawFragMessageX "5" //---
  569. seta cg_drawFragMessageY "15" //---
  570. seta cg_drawFragMessageAlign "0" //---
  571. seta cg_drawFragMessageStyle "3" //---
  572. seta cg_drawFragMessageFont "" //---
  573. seta cg_drawFragMessagePointSize "24" //---
  574. seta cg_drawFragMessageScale "0.175" //---
  575. seta cg_drawFragMessageTime "3000" //---
  576. seta cg_drawFragMessageColor "0xFFFFFF" //---
  577. seta cg_drawFragMessageAlpha "255" //---
  578. seta cg_drawFragMessageFade "1" //Fade the frag messages off the screen.
  579. seta cg_drawFragMessageFadeTime "200" //How long it takes frag messages to fade off the screen.
  580. seta cg_drawFragMessageIconScale "1.5" //The size of the frag message icon.
  581. seta cg_drawFragMessageTokens "%q" //Sets how the frag message is displayed.
  582. seta cg_drawFragMessageTeamTokens "You betrayed %v" //Sets how teamkill frag messages are displayed.
  583. seta cg_drawFragMessageThawTokens "You thawed %v" //Sets how the thaw message is displayed.
  584. seta cg_drawFragMessageFreezeTokens "You froze %v" //Sets how the frag messages are displayed in freezetag.
  585. seta cg_drawFragMessageFreezeTeamTokens "You betrayed %v" //Sets how the teamkill frag messages are displayed in freezetag.
  586. seta cg_obituaryTokens "%k %i %v" //Sets how the obituaries are displayed.
  587. seta cg_obituaryIconScale "1.0" //The size of the obituary icon.
  588. seta cg_obituaryRedTeamColor "0xFF0000" //The color of obituaries for the red team.
  589. seta cg_obituaryBlueTeamColor "0x0000FF" //The color of obituaries for the blue team.
  590. seta cg_obituaryTime "2000" //How long obituaries appear for.
  591. seta cg_obituaryFadeTime "250" //How long it takes obituaries to fade.
  592. seta cg_drawPlayerNames "0" //Draw each player's name above their head.
  593. seta cg_drawPlayerNamesY "64" //---
  594. seta cg_drawPlayerNamesStyle "3" //---
  595. seta cg_drawPlayerNamesFont "" //---
  596. seta cg_drawPlayerNamesPointSize "24" //---
  597. seta cg_drawPlayerNamesScale "1.0" //---
  598. seta cg_drawPlayerNamesColor "" //---
  599. seta cg_drawPlayerNamesAlpha "255" //---
  600. seta cg_perKillStatsExcludePostKillSpam "1" //Eliminates post-kill spam to be added to the accuracy of the %a (weapon accuracy) frag message token.
  601. seta cg_perKillStatsClearNotFiringTime "3000" //Resets your per-kill accuracy stats if this amount of time passes and you haven't fired a shot again.
  602. seta cg_perKillStatsClearNotFiringExcludeSingleClickWeapons "1" //Only weapons that are used by holding down +attack reset their accuracy after cg_perKillStatsClearNotFiringTime.
  603. seta cg_printSkillRating "0" //Add a message to the chat area indicating a player's skill rating when they connect or disconnect.
  604. seta cg_lightningImpact "1" //Enable the lightning impact sprite.
  605. seta cg_lightningImpactSize "1.5" //The size of the lightning impact sprite.
  606. seta cg_lightningImpactOthersSize "0" //Sets the size of LG impact when demo taker or POV gets hit.
  607. seta cg_lightningImpactCap "0" //Sets the distance which lightning impact points stop growing, so they don't fill up the whole screen when close up.
  608. seta cg_lightningImpactCapMin "0" //Same logic as cg_lightningImpactCap but makes sure than the impact point doesn't become too small.
  609. seta cg_lightningImpactProject "1" //It pushes the impact location this amount towards you in order to increase visibility.
  610. seta cg_lightningStyle "2" //The lightning beam style.
  611. seta cg_lightningRenderStyle "1" //How the LG beam is drawn. Embed into objects: 0, depth hack to draw on top of objects: 1.
  612. seta cg_lightningAngleOriginStyle "1" //How the LG beam moves with the gun. Ignore step adjustments: 0, follow step adjustments: 1, use player origins: 2.
  613. seta cg_debugLightningImpactDistance "0" //Print the distance from the player that the impact sprite is drawn.
  614. seta cg_lightningSize "8" //The LG beam width.
  615. seta cg_drawEntNumbers "0" //Draw each entity's number above it.
  616. seta cg_demoSmoothing "1" //Smoothens laggy demos. Normal: 1, debug: 2.
  617. seta cg_drawCameraPath "0" //Draws the camera path and each point.
  618. seta cg_drawCameraPointInfo "0" //Draws camera point info on the HUD.
  619. seta cg_drawCameraPointInfoX "60" //---
  620. seta cg_drawCameraPointInfoY "60" //---
  621. seta cg_drawCameraPointInfoAlign "0" //---
  622. seta cg_drawCameraPointInfoStyle "0" //---
  623. seta cg_drawCameraPointInfoFont "" //---
  624. seta cg_drawCameraPointInfoPointSize "24" //---
  625. seta cg_drawCameraPointInfoScale "0.25" //---
  626. seta cg_drawCameraPointInfoColor "0xFFFFFF" //---
  627. seta cg_drawCameraPointInfoSelectedColor "0xFF0000" //---
  628. seta cg_drawCameraPointInfoAlpha "255" //---
  629. seta cg_drawViewPointMark "0" //???
  630. seta cg_levelTimerDirection "0" //Change how the timer behaves. Quake Live style: 1, count up and don't reset for OT: 2, count down even for OT: 3.
  631. seta cg_levelTimerDefaultTimeLimit "60" //Sets the default time limit for specific level timer directions.
  632. seta cg_checkForOfflineDemo "1" //Demos recorded using /devmap or offline bot play won't stutter.
  633. seta cg_muzzleFlash "1" //Show a flash from the muzzle when firing.
  634. seta cg_weaponDefault "" //An automatic vstr for the default weapon.
  635. seta cg_weaponNone "" //An automatic vstr for no weapon.
  636. seta cg_weaponGauntlet "" //An automatic vstr for weapon 1.
  637. seta cg_weaponShotgun "" //An automatic vstr for weapon 2.
  638. seta cg_weaponMachineGun "" //An automatic vstr for weapon 3.
  639. seta cg_weaponGrenadeLauncher "" //An automatic vstr for weapon 4.
  640. seta cg_weaponRocketLauncher "" //An automatic vstr for weapon 5.
  641. seta cg_weaponLightningGun "" //An automatic vstr for weapon 6.
  642. seta cg_weaponRailGun "" //An automatic vstr for weapon 7.
  643. seta cg_weaponPlasmaGun "" //An automatic vstr for weapon 8.
  644. seta cg_weaponBFG "" //An automatic vstr for weapon 9.
  645. seta cg_weaponGrapplingHook "" //An automatic vstr for the grappling hook.
  646. seta cg_weaponNailGun "" //An automatic vstr for weapon 11.
  647. seta cg_weaponProximityLauncher "" //An automatic vstr for weapon 12.
  648. seta cg_weaponChainGun "" //An automatic vstr for weapon 13.
  649. seta cg_spawnArmorTime "500" //How long the spawn armor visual appears for.
  650. seta cg_fxinterval "0.01" //How often the scripting code should be run.
  651. seta cg_fxratio "0.01" //If an fx entity is too small or far away to be seen, don't draw it to increase performance.
  652. seta cg_fxScriptMinEmitter "" //Sets the minimum allowed emitters, so they don't drop below this value.
  653. seta cg_fxScriptMinDistance "" //Sets the minimum allowed distance, so it doesn't drop below this value.
  654. seta cg_fxScriptMinInterval "" //Sets the minimum allowed interval, so it doesn't drop below this value.
  655. seta cg_vibrate "0" //Enable screen vibrations when there is an explosion near the player.
  656. seta cg_vibrateTime "100" //How long screen vibrations last.
  657. seta cg_vibrateMaxDistance "400" //How far away an explosion has to be to shake the screen.
  658. seta cg_vibrateForce "0.5" //The strength of the screen vibration.
  659. seta cg_animationsIgnoreTimescale "0" //Animations will play at normal speed regardless of timescale.
  660. seta cg_animationsRate "1" //Sets how fast animations play.
  661. seta cg_quadFireSound "1" //Enable the loud quad fire sound.
  662. seta cg_quadKillCounter "0" //Draw a HUD item to count your kills since Quad Damage pickup.
  663. seta cg_kickScale "1.0" //Sets how much the screen "kicks" when taking damage.
  664. seta cg_gameType "0" //Used as a game type test for adapting the UI to the specific game type.
  665. seta cg_compMode "0" //Enables competition mode for private servers.
  666. seta cg_drawSpecMessages "0" //Draw messages to the spectator heads-up display.
  667. seta cg_waterWarp "1" //Slowly warps the view while submerged in water.
  668. seta cg_allowLargeSprites "0" //Large sprites won't be drawn when you get too close to them.
  669. seta cg_allowSpritePassThrough "1" //Won't delete sprites when you pass through them.
  670. seta cg_playerLeanScale "1.0" //Sets how much the player model leans depending on their movement speed.
  671. seta cg_cameraRewindTime "5.0" //When playing a camera script, seek back this many seconds to allow animations and local entities to sync properly.
  672. seta cg_cameraQue "1" //Allow camera to play without /playcamera. Don't play commands associated with camera points: 1, play camerapoint commands: 2.
  673. seta cg_cameraAddUsePreviousValues "1" //Automatically use the same settings of previous camera point(s) when adding a new one.
  674. seta cg_cameraDefaultOriginType "curve" //What type of movement the camera uses by default to switch between points.
  675. seta cg_cameraUpdateFreeCam "1" //Transfers origin and angles to freecam state.
  676. seta cg_flightTrail "1" //Enable the flight smoke trail.
  677. seta cg_hasteTrail "1" //Enable the haste smoke trail.
  678. seta cg_noItemUseMessage "1" //Draw the no item message when you press +button2 and have no item.
  679. seta cg_noItemUseSound "1" //Enable the sound played when you press +button2 and have no item.
  680. seta cg_itemUseMessage "1" //Draw the use item message when you use an item, depending on the item.
  681. seta cg_itemUseSound "1" //Enable the sound played when you use an item, depending on the item.
  682. seta cg_localTime "0" //Draws your local time on the scoreboard.
  683. seta cg_localTimeStyle "1" //Changes how your local time is displayed when cg_localTime 1. 24-hour clock: 1, 12-hour clock: 2.
  684. seta cg_warmupTime "1" //Draw the warmup time. Draw 0 on clock: 0, draw time in warmup and "warmup" string: 1, draw 0 and "warmup" string: 2.
  685. seta cg_killBeep "0" //Plays a sound when you kill someone.
  686. seta cg_clientOverrideIgnoreTeamSettings "1" //Pretty much puts clientoverride "above" everything else, so setting a player's model will actually work.
  687. seta cg_autoSwitch "0" //Enables weapon auto-switch on pickup.
  688. seta cg_deathShowOwnCorpse "1" //Enables the death falling animation (corpse falling to the ground).
  689. seta cg_deathStyle "1" //How the camera behaves on death. Turn towards killer: 1, keep tracking killer after death: 2, set yaw to 0: 3, tilt camera: 4.
  690. seta cg_inheritPowerupShader "0" //For multiple powerups (ex: quad and medkit) do/don't apply the first powerup custom shader to the second.
  691. seta cg_fadeColor "0x000000" //The color of the screen while fading.
  692. seta cg_fadeAlpha "0" //The alpha (brightness) of the screen while fading.
  693. seta cg_fadeStyle "0" //When the screen fades. Before drawing HUD: 1, after drawing hud: 2.
  694. seta cg_forcePovModel "0" //If set to 1, forces the POV model to the "model" string.
  695. seta cg_hudRedTeamColor "0" //For use with hud element CG_TEAM_COLOR.
  696. seta cg_hudBlueTeamColor "0" //---
  697. seta cg_hudNoTeamColor "0" //---
  698. seta cg_hudForceRedTeamClanTag "" //Override the clan tags for each player on the red team.
  699. seta cg_hudForceBlueTeamClanTag "" //Override the clan tags for each player on the blue team.
  700. seta cg_wideScreen "1" //Fix HUD stretching with widescreen resoltuion. 0: Original code, 1: Don't adjust values to 4:3, 2: Adjust X/Y based only on the X ratio, 3: Only adjust crosshair.
  701. seta cg_autoWriteConfig "2" //Controls how/when q3config.cfg is written. 0: Don't automatically write q3config.cfg when a cvar changes, 2: Always write q3config.cfg when a cvar changes, 2: Don't write q3config.cfg if a cvar is changed from fx scripting code or /cvarinterp.
  702. seta cg_adShaderOverride "0" //Set to 1 if you want to use custom ads for each advertisement. Used in combination with cg_adShader[num].
  703. seta cg_adShader1 "" //The custom shader for the first advertisement on the map.
  704. seta cg_adShader2 "" //---
  707. // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
  708. // -[video rendering settings]- //
  709. // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
  710. seta r_debugSurfaceUpdate "1" //When r_debugSurface is 1, this enables changing the patch mesh surface bounding box according to location.
  711. seta r_cloudHeightOrig "512" //The original value of r_cloudheight.
  712. seta r_availableModes "" //Sets the resolutions for each r_mode value (ex: 1024x768 1280x1024 would make r_mode 1 1024x768 and r_mode 2 1280x1024)
  713. seta r_sdlDriver "directx" //Indicates the SDL driver backend being used.
  714. seta r_allowSoftwareGL "0" //Enables the use of the default OpenGL drivers provided by the operating system.
  715. seta r_maxpolyverts "180000" //Maximum number of vertices from polygons drawn to screen.
  716. seta r_maxpolys "36000" //Sets the maximum number of polygons drawn to the screen.
  717. seta r_noportals "0" //Disables portal cameras.
  718. seta r_lockpvs "0" //Locks the Potentially Visible Set table, resulting in area visibilities not being rendered.
  719. seta r_drawBuffer "GL_BACK" //Sets which frame buffer to draw into. only GL_FRONT works, and that flashes the screen a bunch.
  720. seta r_offsetunits "-2" //Sets the polygon offset units for shader stages that have polygon offset set.
  721. seta r_offsetfactor "-1" //Sets the polygon offset factor for shader stages that have polygon offset set.
  722. seta r_clear "0" //Enables the clearing of the screen between video frames.
  723. seta r_shownormals "0" //Shows wireframe normals on model polygons and brush faces.
  724. seta r_showsky "0" //Forces sky in front of all surfaces.
  725. seta r_showtris "0" //Enables wireframe rendering of the world.
  726. seta r_nobind "0" //Disables binding of textures to triangles.
  727. seta r_debugSurface "0" //Debugging tool: shows bounding boxes of patch mesh surfaces that are targeted by the camera view.
  728. seta r_logFile "0" //Sets the number of frames to emit GL logs.
  729. seta r_verbose "0" //Lists occurring rendering commands in the console.
  730. seta r_speeds "0" //Shows rendering information display, providing useful information to developers (especially map designers) on rendering speeds.
  731. seta r_showcluster "0" //Displays clusters loaded by number.
  732. seta r_novis "0" //Renders the whole map upon loading, not just what you see, when you see it.
  733. seta r_nocull "0" //Disables culling of textures you can't see. This greatly lowers framerate, with no positive effect.
  734. seta r_drawentities "1" //Enables the drawing of world entities, such as rockets, players, ammo crates, items, explosions etc.
  735. seta r_norefresh "0" //Disables rendering refreshes. Stops all rendering, removing the whole game world.
  736. seta r_lodbias "-2" //Geometry Level of Detail.
  737. seta r_lodCurveError "10000" //Level of detail curve error setting.
  738. seta r_lodscale "1000" //Level of Detail scale adjustment.
  739. seta r_measureOverdraw "0" //Activate special rendering mode that visualizes the rendering cost per pixel by colour.
  740. seta r_skipBackEnd "0" //A debugging tool that skips the rendering of the back end.
  741. seta r_showSmp "0" //Shows Symmetric MultiProcessing information on the HUD.
  742. seta r_flareCoeff "64" //Some flare thing.
  743. seta r_flareFade "4" //Sets fading scale of flares in relation to distance.
  744. seta r_flareSize "16" //Sets size of flares.
  745. seta r_portalOnly "0" //A debug option to see exactly what is being mirrored when drawing portal surfaces.
  746. seta r_drawworld "1" //Enables rendering of the map.
  747. seta r_nocurves "0" //Disables rendering of curved surfaces.
  748. seta r_saveFontData "0" //Developer cvar to create that font images that get shipped with the game.
  749. seta r_printShaders "0" //A debugging tool that prints out all the shaders that are utilised by a level.
  750. seta r_debugSort "0" //A debugging tool that only renders those sort layers that are greater than the value of the variable set.
  751. seta r_debuglight "0" //A debugging tool that writes ambient light data to console.
  752. seta r_showImages "0" //A debugging tool that displays loaded textures on screen.
  753. seta r_znear "1" //Sets distance from player in which objects are clipped out of the scene.
  754. seta r_singleShaderName "mme/green" //The name of the shader to be used when r_singleshader is set to 1.
  755. seta r_singleShader "0" //Set to 1 to use one shader for the whole map. For when you want to override all textures on a map with something else.
  756. seta r_displayRefresh "0" //Monitor refresh rate (in Hertz), useful for CRT monitors.
  757. seta r_colorMipLevels "0" //A developer aid to see texture mip usage.
  758. seta r_uiFullScreen "0" //Sets the UI running fullscreen.
  759. seta r_inGameVideo "1" //Enables in-game videos.
  760. seta r_allowExtensions "1" //Global enabling of all OpenGL extensions.
  761. seta r_ext_compressed_textures "0" //Enables external texture compression.
  762. seta r_ext_multitexture "1" //Enables external hardware multi-texturing.
  763. seta r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1" //Enables hardware compiled vertex array rendering.
  764. seta r_ext_texture_env_add "1" //Enables additive blending when using multi-texturing.
  765. seta r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "1" //If enabled, external anisotropic filtering settings will be used.
  766. seta r_ext_max_anisotropy "16" //Sets the maximum level of anisotropic filtering.
  767. seta r_picmip "0" //Texture color average/level of detail.
  768. seta r_roundImagesDown "0" //Sets amount to round images down by.
  769. seta r_detailtextures "1" //Enables the usage of detail texturing stages.
  770. seta r_texturebits "32" //Sets texture quality level.
  771. seta r_colorbits "32" //Sets video color depth.
  772. seta r_stencilbits "32" //Sets stencil buffer size.
  773. seta r_depthbits "32" //Sets Z-buffer depth.
  774. seta r_ext_multisample "4" //Activates OpenGL texture multisampling.
  775. seta r_overBrightBits "1" //Ambient lighting applied to in-game entities or objects.
  776. seta r_overBrightBitsValue "1.0" //Sets the value of r_overBrightBits. r_overBrightBits increases by powers of 2.
  777. seta r_ignorehwgamma "1" //Enables ignoring of hardware gamma settings.
  778. seta r_mode "-1" //Screen resolution setting. -1 enables r_customheight and r_customwidth.
  779. seta r_customwidth "1280" //Sets the custom horizontal resolution when r_mode -1.
  780. seta r_customheight "720" //Sets the custom vertical resolution when r_mode -1.
  781. seta r_fullscreen "0" //Enables full-screen view.
  782. seta r_noborder "0" //Remove window decoration from window managers, like borders and titlebar.
  783. seta r_customPixelAspect "1" //???
  784. seta r_simpleMipMaps "1" //Enables simple MIP mapping.
  785. seta r_vertexLight "0" //Enables vertex lighting.
  786. seta r_subdivisions "4" //Patch mesh/curve sub divisions.
  787. seta r_smp "0" //Enables symmetric multiprocessing acceleration.
  788. seta r_stereoEnabled "0" //Enables stereo seperation, for 3D effects.
  789. seta r_ignoreFastPath "1" //Enables ignoring of Tess fast paths.
  790. seta r_greyscale "0" //Enables greyscaling of everything.
  791. seta r_greyscaleValue "1.0" //Sets how much color you want (higher values = less colors)
  792. seta r_mapGreyScale "0" //Enables greyscaling of map textures only.
  793. seta r_picmipGreyScale "0" //Same as r_greyScale but only apply when picmip is allowed.
  794. seta r_picmipGreyScaleValue "4" //Sets how low r_picmip has to be for r_greyscale to take effect.
  795. seta r_fullbright "0" //Renders all textures on the map at full brightness.
  796. seta r_mapOverBrightBits "2" //Ambient lighting and radiance of the map.
  797. seta r_mapOverBrightBitsValue "1.0" //Sets the value of r_mapOverBrightBits. r_mapOverBrightBits increases by powers of 2.
  798. seta r_mapOverBrightBitsCap "255" //Sets how bright the map can get with r_mapOverBrightBits.
  799. seta r_intensity "1" //Intensifies the level of brightness added to textures and model skins.
  800. seta r_flares "1" //Enables projectile flare and lighting effects.
  801. seta r_zproj "64" //Distance of observer camera to projection plane.
  802. seta r_stereoSeparation "64" //Control eye separation. Resulting separation is r_zProj divided by this value.
  803. seta r_ignoreGLErrors "1" //Enables ignoring of OpenGL errors and to attempt to continue rendering.
  804. seta r_fastsky "0" //Disable sky boxes and portal camera views.
  805. seta r_fastSkyColor "0x00FF00" //Sets the sky color when r_fastSky 1.
  806. seta r_drawSkyFloor "1" //Enables a visual fix of the glitchy scrolling sky floors, removing the hall-of-mirrors effect.
  807. seta r_cloudHeight "" //???
  808. seta r_forceSky "" //Forces the sky to a specific shader. Allows manual overriding of skies, so you can switch skies from map to map.
  809. seta r_drawSun "1" //Controls the way in which lighting of models and objects is handled by simulating effects of sunlight.
  810. seta r_dynamiclight "1" //Enables dynamic light from rockets etc. Fixed dynamiclights: 1, use original broken code: 2, debug: 3.
  811. seta r_dlightBacks "1" //Enables dynamic light compensation for darker or brighter areas.
  812. seta r_darknessThreshold "0" //Brighten darker areas on the map without heavily modifying the brighter areas.
  813. seta r_finish "0" //Enables synchronization of rendered frames.
  814. seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" //Sets texture filter.
  815. seta r_swapInterval "0" //Forces vertical synchronization, used in combination with r_displayrefresh.
  816. seta r_gamma "1" //Amount of image luminance applied to the in-game display.
  817. seta r_facePlaneCull "1" //Enables culling of brush faces you can't see.
  818. seta r_railWidth "3" //Diameter of rail beam and impact effects.
  819. seta r_railCoreWidth "6" //Rail trail core effect diameter.
  820. seta r_railSegmentLength "0.25" //Length of rail beam segments.
  821. seta r_primitives "0" //Sets rendering method.
  822. seta r_ambientScale "10" //Controls the amount of ambient light cast among players.
  823. seta r_directedScale "30" //Sets the lighting intensity applied to world objects.
  824. seta r_anaglyphMode "0" //Enables anaglyph rendering, for 3D effects.
  825. seta r_anaglyph2d "0" //Enable/disable color splitting for 2D HUD objects when using anaglyph rendering.
  826. seta r_lightmap "0" //Enables the light data lighting model.
  827. seta r_lightmapColor "" //Changes the color of the light when r_lightmap 1.
  828. seta r_marksOnTriangleMeshes "1" //Enables marks on triangle meshes, such as map objects.
  829. seta r_jpegCompressionQuality "100" //The quality of all JPEG outputs.
  830. seta r_forceMap "" //Forces a specific map to load instead of the one called for by the demo. This allows you to play different versions of the same map.
  831. seta r_enablePostProcess "1" //Enables post processing, which offers extra graphical features and quality.
  832. seta r_enableColorCorrect "1" //Enables color correction when r_enablePostProcess 1.
  833. seta r_contrast "1" //Sets the level of contrast.
  834. seta r_enableBloom "0" //Enables light bloom effects when r_enablePostProcess 1.
  835. seta r_BloomBlurScale "1.0" //???
  836. seta r_BloomBlurFalloff "0.75" //???
  837. seta r_BloomBlurRadius "5" //???
  838. seta r_BloomPasses "1" //Sets the number of rendering passes for bloom effect.
  839. seta r_BloomSceneIntensity "1.000" //Sets the intensity of brightness applied to the non-bloomed world.
  840. seta r_BloomSceneSaturation "1.000" //Sets the degree of color saturation applied to the non-bloomed world.
  841. seta r_BloomIntensity "0.750" //Sets the bloom intensity.
  842. seta r_BloomSaturation "0.800" //Sets the degree of color saturation applied to the bloom effect.
  843. seta r_BloomBrightThreshold "0.125" //Sets the bloom threshold.
  844. seta r_BloomTextureScale "0.5" //Sets the size of the screenshot that is used for post processing.
  845. seta r_BloomDebug "0" //A debugging tool for bloom that shows each bloom pass inside a screen at the top left of the game window.
  846. seta r_portalBobbing "1" //Enable the slow bobbing of portalcams.
  847. seta r_allowResize "0" //Allows resizing of the game by dragging the edge of the game window. Automatically does a vid_restart when you let go of the edge.
  848. seta r_centerWindow "1" //Allows automatic centering of the game window when you do a vid_restart (it centers the game window in your screen).
  849. seta r_colorSkinsFuzz "20" //Controls how much of the model is covered by the color skin.
  850. seta r_colorSkinsIntensity "1.0" //Controls the brightness of color skins.
  851. seta r_teleporterFlash "1" //What to show while going through a teleporter. Show black screen: 0, show white screen: 1, don't refresh until through teleporter: 2.
  854. // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
  855. // -[client-side settings]- //
  856. // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
  857. seta cl_downloadName "" //Holds the name of the file currently downloading.
  858. seta cl_guid "" //Your "Globally Unique IDentification".
  859. seta cl_voipSendTarget "all" //Sets the target(s) for Voice over IP chat.
  860. seta cl_voipSend "0" //Enables Voice over IP chat.
  861. seta cl_motdString "" //Message of the day string.
  862. seta cl_serverStatusResendTime "750" //Sets the amount of time (in milliseconds) between heartbeats sent to the master server.
  863. seta cl_conXOffset "0" //Sets the offset of the console message display.
  864. seta cl_showmouserate "0" //Toggles the display of mouse input info
  865. seta cl_anglespeedkey "0.75" //Sets the speed in which the directional keys (binded to +left, +right, +lookdown or +lookup) change the viewing angle.
  866. seta cl_forceavidemo "0" //Forces all demo recording into a sequence of screenshots in TGA format.
  867. seta cl_freezeDemo "0" //Essentially halts demo playback.
  868. seta cl_freezeDemoPauseVideoRecording "1" //Pause recording of video/screenshots while paused.
  869. seta cl_showTimeDelta "0" //Displays time delta between server updates.
  870. seta cl_showSend "0" //A network debugging tool, showing packets sent.
  871. seta cl_shownet "0" //Displays information about the network quality.
  872. seta cl_timeNudge "30" //Allows more or less latency to be added in the interest of better smoothness or better responsiveness.
  873. seta cl_timeout "20" //Time (in seconds) that it takes to be kicked when lagging.
  874. seta cl_motd "1" //Enables the displaying of the message of the day string.
  875. seta cl_noprint "0" //Disables message printing to HUD.
  876. seta cl_debugMove "0" //Displays a real-time graph on the lower part of the screen illustrating mouse speed.
  877. seta cl_nodelta "0" //Disables delta compression.
  878. seta cl_running "0" //Dictates whether or not a client game is running or if client/server mode.
  879. seta cl_packetdelay "0" //Artificially set the client's latency.
  880. seta cl_paused "0" //Automatically toggled when the game is paused.
  881. seta cl_timedemoLog "timedemo.log" //Controls what file to save timedemo information to.
  882. seta cl_autoRecordDemo "0" //Automatically record a demo after entering the game.
  883. seta cl_aviFrameRate "40" //The framerate used for capturing video.
  884. seta cl_aviMotionJpeg "0" //Use the MJPEG codec for avi output.
  885. seta cl_aviAllowLargeFiles "1" //Enables OpenDML large avi file support.
  886. seta cl_aviFetchMode "gl_rgb" //Sets what format the video card sends back while taking a screenshot. Different orders increase performace on some video cards.
  887. seta cl_aviExtension "avi" //Changes the extension for outputted avi files.
  888. seta cl_aviNoAudioHWOutput "1" //Don't pass audio data to sound card while recording.
  889. seta cl_yawspeed "140" //Sets the yaw speed for +left and +right.
  890. seta cl_pitchspeed "140" //Sets the pitch speed for +lookup and +lookdown.
  891. seta cl_maxpackets "125" //Controls how many updates you send to the server.
  892. seta cl_packetdup "1" //Determines how many duplicate packets you send to the server to avoid packet loss.
  893. seta cl_run "1" //Enables ‘always run’.
  894. seta cl_mouseAccel "0" //Mouse acceleration factor.
  895. seta cl_freelook "1" //Enables the ability to look around with your mouse.
  896. seta cl_mouseAccelStyle "0" //Sets mouse acceleration style.
  897. seta cl_mouseAccelOffset "5" //Sets mouse acceleration sensitivity offset.
  898. seta cl_allowDownload "0" //Set to 1 to download referenced pk3s from a server that has sv_allowdownload 1.
  899. seta cl_cURLLib "libcurl-3.dll" //???
  900. seta cl_maxPing "800" //Maximum ping before disconnecting from server.
  901. seta cl_lanForcePackets "1" //???
  902. seta cl_guidServerUniq "1" //???
  903. seta cl_consoleKeys "~ ` 0x7e 0x60" //Selects what keys to use for toggling the console.
  904. seta cl_anonymous "1" //Appear anonymous to the server.
  905. seta cl_useMumble "0" //Enables Mumble voice chat.
  906. seta cl_mumbleScale "0.0254" //???
  907. seta cl_voipGainDuringCapture "0.2" //???
  908. seta cl_voipCaptureMult "2.0" //???
  909. seta cl_voipUseVAD "0" //???
  910. seta cl_voipVADThreshold "0.25" //???
  911. seta cl_voipShowMeter "1" //???
  912. seta cl_voip "0" //Enable Voice Over IP chat.
  913. seta cl_useq3gibs "0" //Enables Quake 3 style blood and gibs.
  914. seta cl_consoleAsChat "1" //Enables console chat, so you have to prefix every cvar/cmd with a "/".
  917. // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
  918. // -[common settings]- //
  919. // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
  920. seta com_standalone "0" //Run in standalone mode
  921. seta com_minimized "0" //Automatically toggled when the game window is minimized.
  922. seta com_unfocused "0" //Automatically toggled when the game window is unfocused.
  923. seta com_buildScript "0" //???
  924. seta com_cameraMode "0" //Turns the demo taker invisible, but allows any key to be used for binds. Not used in wolfcam.
  925. seta com_speeds "0" //Displays the reporting of game speed data.
  926. seta com_dropsim "0" //Testing cvar to simulate packet loss during communication drops.
  927. seta com_showtrace "0" //Displays packet traces.
  928. seta com_hunkMegs "128" //Sets the amount of memory reserved for the game, including com_soundMegs and com_zoneMegs.
  929. seta com_soundMegs "32" //Allocates memory to game sounds.
  930. seta com_zoneMegs "32" //Sets the amount of memory reserved for the game.
  931. seta com_altivec "1" //Enables some crap for macs.
  932. seta com_maxfps "125" //Maximum rendered frames per second.
  933. seta com_blood "0" //Enable blood and gibs.
  934. seta com_timescaleSafe "1" //Makes sure that no demo snapshots are lost at high timescales, so that information like frags aren't skipped.
  935. seta com_ansiColor "1" //Enable use of ANSI escape codes in the tty.
  936. seta com_maxfpsUnfocused "30" //Sets the maximum rendered frames per second when the game window is unfocused.
  937. seta com_maxfpsMinimized "30" //Sets the maximum rendered frames per second when the game window is minimized.
  938. seta com_introplayed "1" //Disables the playing of intro movie when loading game.
  941. // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
  942. // -[console settings]- //
  943. // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
  944. seta con_notifytime "-1" //Sets how long console notifications are displayed onscreen.
  945. seta con_conspeed "1000" //Sets the console dropdown speed.
  946. seta con_transparency "0" //Sets the level of transparency of the console.
  947. seta con_fracSize "0.64" //Sets the height of the console.
  948. seta con_rgb "" //Sets the color of the console (RGB).
  949. seta con_scale "1" //Size of text in the console.
  950. seta con_lineWidth "64" //How many characters are in each console line
  953. // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
  954. // -[sound system settings]- //
  955. // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
  956. seta s_testsound "0" //Enables looping testing sound for sound tests.
  957. seta s_show "0" //Displays sounds that are currently playing to console.
  958. seta s_initsound "1" //Enables the sound system.
  959. seta s_announcerVolume "1" //Sets the volume of the audio announcer.
  960. seta s_backend "base" //Indicates the current sound backend.
  961. seta s_muted "0" //If enabled, game sounds are muted. Automatically enabled if minimized/unfocused while s_muteWhenMinimized/s_muteWhenUnfocused 1.
  962. seta s_volume "0.75" //Sets sound effects volume.
  963. seta s_musicvolume "0" //Sets volume of the background music.
  964. seta s_doppler "1" //Enable doppler sounds when rockets fly close to the camera.
  965. seta s_muteWhenMinimized "0" //If set to 1, the game sounds will be muted when the game window is minimized.
  966. seta s_muteWhenUnfocused "0" //If set to 1, the game sounds will be muted when the game window is unfocused.
  967. seta s_useOpenAL "0" //Use the OpenAL sound backend if it’s available.
  968. seta s_khz "22" //Sets the sound rate.
  969. seta s_mixahead "0.2" //Sets the time delay before mixing sound samples.
  970. seta s_mixPreStep "0.1" //The mixer will mix this many seconds every mixing step.
  971. seta s_sdlBits "32" //SDL bit resolution.
  972. seta s_sdlSpeed "44100" //SDL sample rate.
  973. seta s_sdlChannels "2" //SDL number of channels.
  974. seta s_sdlDevSamps "0" //SDL DMA buffer size override.
  975. seta s_sdlMixSamps "0" //SDL mix buffer size override.
  978. // ----------- //
  979. // -[Scripts]- //
  980. // ----------- //
  982. // -[Timescale script]-
  983. seta timeup "vstr time5"
  984. seta timedown "vstr time3"
  985. seta time9 "timescale 32; set timedown vstr time8;set timeup vstr time10;echo ^2Time^1x32"
  986. seta time8 "timescale 16; set timedown vstr time7;set timeup vstr time9;echo ^2Time^1x16"
  987. seta time7 "timescale 8; set timedown vstr time6;set timeup vstr time8;echo ^2Time^1x8"
  988. seta time6 "timescale 4; set timedown vstr time5;set timeup vstr time7;echo ^2Time^1x4"
  989. seta time5 "timescale 2; set timedown vstr time4;set timeup vstr time6;echo ^2Time^1x2"
  990. seta time4 "timescale 1; set timedown vstr time3;set timeup vstr time5;echo ^2Time^1NORMAL"
  991. seta time3 "timescale 0.75; set timedown vstr time2;set timeup vstr time4;echo ^2Time^1x0.75"
  992. seta time2 "timescale 0.50; set timedown vstr time1;set timeup vstr time3;echo ^2Time^1x0.50"
  993. seta time10 "timescale 64; set timedown vstr time9;echo ^2Time^1x64"
  994. seta time1 "timescale 0.25; set timedown vstr time0;set timeup vstr time2;echo ^2Time^1x0.25"
  995. seta time0 "timescale 0.10; set timeup vstr time1;echo ^2Time^1x0.10"
  1000. // +++++++++++++++++ //
  1001. // -[USELESS STUFF]- //
  1002. // +++++++++++++++++ //
  1005. // ++++++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1006. // general cvars (extended) //
  1007. // ++++++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1008. seta session "0" //Numerous variables created during matches with game session data.
  1009. seta teamoverlay "1" //???
  1010. seta session0 "" //???
  1011. seta pmove_msec "8" //Sets the time in milliseconds between two advances of the player physics.
  1012. seta pmove_fixed "1" //If set to 1, pmove will be run at a rate specified by pmove_msec.
  1013. seta gamedate "" //Displays game version information. Shows the date of the last update installed.
  1014. seta gamename "baseq3" //Displays game name.
  1015. seta graphshift "0" //Sets offset for graph displays.
  1016. seta graphscale "1" //Sets scale multiplier of graphs.
  1017. seta graphheight "32" //Sets height in pixels for graph displays.
  1018. seta debuggraph "0" //Displays debugging graph.
  1019. seta timegraph "0" //Displays the time graph.
  1020. seta password "" //Password string for connecting to password-protected servers.
  1021. seta teamtask "0" //Displays the current task you have been assigned.
  1022. seta rconAddress "" //Remote console address.
  1023. seta activeAction "" //Executed on a client’s first frame of active play to allow scripting a timedemo to start right after loading.
  1024. seta rconPassword "" //Password required for remote console commands.
  1025. seta mapname "" //Displays the name of the current map for server hosts and local host.
  1026. seta showdrop "0" //Shows dropped packets display.
  1027. seta showpackets "0" //Display of packets sent and received.
  1028. seta username "Administrator" //Your network login ID obtained from the %username% env variable.
  1029. seta arch "win_mingw x86" //Displays the OS architecture.
  1030. seta timedemo "0" //Runs a demo as fast as it can and report performance information in frames per second.
  1031. seta fixedtime "0" //Enables system wait on rendering.
  1032. seta timescale "1" //Sets the game speed.
  1033. seta logfile "1" //Console logging to qconsole.log.
  1034. seta developer "0" //Enables developer mode.
  1035. seta dedicated "0" //Specifies whether a server created will be dedicated or not, i.e: the server joins the game or not.
  1036. seta dmflags "28" //Deathmatch flags.
  1037. seta rate "25000" //Controls packets so that your downstream connection bandwidth does not get saturated. (Max bytes per second)
  1038. seta snaps "125" //???
  1039. seta headmodel "bones/t600" //Sets player head model. Not applicable for Quake Live.
  1040. seta team_model "crash/sport" //Sets player model for use in team games (ineffectual).
  1041. seta team_headmodel "crash/sport" //Sets player head model for use in team games (ineffectual).
  1042. seta handicap "100" //Sets your player health handicap.
  1043. seta server1 "" //Server IP Address slot for favourite servers list.
  1044. seta server2 "" //Server IP Address slot for favourite servers list.
  1045. seta server3 "" //Server IP Address slot for favourite servers list.
  1046. seta server4 "" //Server IP Address slot for favourite servers list.
  1047. seta server5 "" //Server IP Address slot for favourite servers list.
  1048. seta server6 "" //Server IP Address slot for favourite servers list.
  1049. seta server7 "" //Server IP Address slot for favourite servers list.
  1050. seta server8 "" //Server IP Address slot for favourite servers list.
  1051. seta server9 "" //Server IP Address slot for favourite servers list.
  1052. seta server10 "" //Server IP Address slot for favourite servers list.
  1053. seta server11 "" //Server IP Address slot for favourite servers list.
  1054. seta server12 "" //Server IP Address slot for favourite servers list.
  1055. seta server13 "" //Server IP Address slot for favourite servers list.
  1056. seta server14 "" //Server IP Address slot for favourite servers list.
  1057. seta server15 "" //Server IP Address slot for favourite servers list.
  1058. seta server16 "" //Server IP Address slot for favourite servers list.
  1059. seta capturelimit "8" //Sets amount of captures needed in Capture the Flag to win the match.
  1060. seta journal "1" //Sets whether journal.dat is written in the game directory.
  1063. // ++++++++++++++++ //
  1064. // -[bot settings]- //
  1065. // ++++++++++++++++ //
  1066. seta bot_predictobstacles "1" //Enables bot obstacle prediction.
  1067. seta bot_memorydump "0" //Displays bot memory allocation when debugging.
  1068. seta bot_interbreedwrite "" //Sets the file to write interbreeded goal fuzzy logic to.
  1069. seta bot_interbreedcycle "20" //Sets the number of matches between interbreeding
  1070. seta bot_interbreedbots "10" //Sets the number of bots used for goal fuzzy logic interbreeding.
  1071. seta bot_interbreedchar "" //Sets the bot character to be used with goal fuzzy logic interbreeding.
  1072. seta bot_minplayers "1" //Balances the number of players playing in a server by replacing players who disconnect with bots.
  1073. seta bot_challenge "1" //Makes the bots slightly more challenging.
  1074. seta bot_rocketjump "1" //Allows bots to rocket jump.
  1075. seta bot_grapple "1" //Allow bots to use grappling hook.
  1076. seta bot_report "0" //Debug command to get bots to report on what they are doing.
  1077. seta bot_pause "1" //A debug command to pause bots.
  1078. seta bot_nochat "1" //Disables bot chat.
  1079. seta bot_fastchat "0" //Sets bot chat to be more frequent.
  1080. seta bot_testclusters "0" //Used for testing of bot AI clusters.
  1081. seta bot_testsolid "0" //Tests for solid areas in the AAS file.
  1082. seta bot_testrchat "0" //Used to test bot reply chat.
  1083. seta bot_testichat "0" //Used to test bot initial chat.
  1084. seta bot_reloadcharacters "0" //Bot character file caching.
  1085. seta bot_thinktime "8" //The time it takes for a bot to think about a move before making it.
  1086. seta bot_saveroutingcache "0" //???
  1087. seta bot_aasoptimize "1" //Optimizes the bot intelligence, if possible on the specific map.
  1088. seta bot_forcewrite "0" //Force writing out of a new AAS file.
  1089. seta bot_forcereachability "0" //Force recalculation of AAS reachabilities.
  1090. seta bot_forceclustering "0" //Force recalculation of AAS clustering.
  1091. seta bot_visualizejumppads "0" //Forces bots to visualise the default arch of a jump pad.
  1092. seta bot_reachability "0" //Bot reachability calculation.
  1093. seta bot_groundonly "0" //Shows areas that do not work with bots.
  1094. seta bot_maxdebugpolys "2" //The maximum number of polygons available for visualizing things when debugging.
  1095. seta bot_debug "1" //Debugging tools for various bot subsystems.
  1096. seta bot_developer "1" //Enables developer mode for bots
  1097. seta bot_enable "1" //Enable bots on your server.
  1100. // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1101. // -[collision map settings]- //
  1102. // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1103. seta cm_noCurves "0" //Enable the ability of the player bounding box to clip through curved surfaces.
  1104. seta cm_noAreas "0" //Enable the ability of the player bounding box to respect curved surfaces.
  1105. seta cm_playerCurveClip "1" //???
  1108. // +++++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1109. // -[game files settings]- //
  1110. // +++++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1111. seta fs_game "wolfcam-ql" //Sets the game directory.
  1112. seta fs_basegame "" //Sets the directory under the paths where data comes from by default
  1113. seta fs_homepath "c:\wolfcamql" //Sets the path used for all write access, also the location where custom mods and content can be installed to.
  1114. seta fs_basepath "C:\wolfcamql" //Sets base game root path.
  1115. seta fs_quakelivedir "" //Set a custom directory for the game to load demos from.
  1116. seta fs_debug "0" //File system debugging tool.
  1119. // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1120. // -[server-side game settings]- //
  1121. // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1122. seta g_levelStartTime "" //???
  1123. seta g_rankings "0" //???
  1124. seta g_smoothClients "1" //Enables clients’ use of smooth clients on a server.
  1125. seta g_proxMineTimeout "20000" //Time it takes for proximity mines to expire and explode.
  1126. seta g_enableBreath "1" //Enables the drawing of ‘frosty’ breaths on player models to depict cold weather.
  1127. seta g_enableDust "1" //Enables the dust affect by players running over ‘dusty’ floors.
  1128. seta g_cubeTimeout "30" //Sets reset time for blue and red orbs.
  1129. seta g_obeliskRespawnDelay "10" //Delay that occurs after an Obelisk is destroyed before a new one spawns.
  1130. seta g_obeliskRegenAmount "15" //Amount of health an Obelisk regenerates at a time.
  1131. seta g_obeliskRegenPeriod "1" //Obelisk delays between health regeneration.
  1132. seta g_obeliskHealth "2500" //Maximum amount of health an Obelisk can have.
  1133. seta g_listEntity "0" //Lists every entity on the map (like a cmd, not a cvar, so you have to reset it to 1 each time you want to list the entities).
  1134. seta g_podiumDrop "80" //Sets the height of the podium in relation to the camera view.
  1135. seta g_podiumDist "160" //Sets the distance of the podium from the camera.
  1136. seta g_motd "WolfcamQL test server" //Sets message of the day string. Displayed using cl_motd.
  1137. seta g_debugAlloc "0" //A server debugging tool that displays memory allocation.
  1138. seta g_debugDamage "0" //A server debugging tool that displays damage info by all clients, including health and armor.
  1139. seta g_debugMove "0" //A server debugging tool that displays client movement.
  1140. seta g_inactivity "0" //Sets the amount of time a player can be inactive for before being kicked from the server.
  1141. seta g_forcerespawn "20" //Number of seconds until a client is automatically respawned.
  1142. seta g_weaponTeamRespawn "30" //Respawn rate of weapons in team deathmatch.
  1143. seta g_weaponrespawn "5" //Respawn rate of weapons.
  1144. seta g_quadfactor "4" //Sets the damage/knockback multiplier for Quake Damage.
  1145. seta g_knockback "1000" //Amount of knock back general projectiles exert on players.
  1146. seta g_gravity "800" //Sets gravitational factor.
  1147. seta g_speed "320" //Player movement speed.
  1148. seta g_needpass "0" //Informs that clients are required to enter a password to join the server.
  1149. seta g_password "kitten_is_awesome" //Sets the server-side password for clients to use to join the server.
  1150. seta g_doWarmup "1" //Allows warm up rounds before matches begin.
  1151. seta g_synchronousClients "1" //Synchronises the client and the server.
  1152. seta g_restarted "0" //Toggles when a match is restarted and tells the game if a warmup round is needed (if applicable).
  1153. seta g_botsFile "" //Points to the bot control file for bot configurations.
  1154. seta g_arenasFile "" //Points to a file for a server map rotation list.
  1155. seta g_gametype "0" //Sets server game type to be set for next match.
  1156. seta g_redTeam "" //Sets the name of the red team for team games.
  1157. seta g_blueTeam "" //Sets the name of the blue team for team games.
  1158. seta g_spScores1 "" //Contains Single Player scores on skill level 1 (I Can Win).
  1159. seta g_spScores2 "" //Contains Single Player scores on skill level 2 (Bring It On).
  1160. seta g_spScores3 "" //Contains Single Player scores on skill level 3 (Hurt Me Plenty).
  1161. seta g_spScores4 "" //Contains Single Player scores on skill level 4 (Hardcore).
  1162. seta g_spScores5 "" //Contains Single Player scores on skill level 5 (Nightmare).
  1163. seta g_spAwards "" //Single Player awards variable.
  1164. seta g_spVideos "" //Contains the names of videos played during matches in Single Player.
  1165. seta g_spSkill "1337" //Sets Single Player skill level.
  1166. seta g_maxGameClients "8" //Sets maximum amount of players that are allowed to populate a server.
  1167. seta g_friendlyFire "0" //Allow damage to be inflicted between team mates.
  1168. seta g_teamAutoJoin "0" //Allows team auto-join on a server.
  1169. seta g_teamForceBalance "0" //Forces team balancing on a server.
  1170. seta g_warmup "5" //Sets the time (in seconds) in which it takes to progress from pre-game readied phase to match start.
  1171. seta g_log "games.log" //Contains the filename that game data and statistics are written to.
  1172. seta g_logsync "1" //Enables logging to append to an existing file.
  1173. seta g_banIPs "" //Ban certain IP addresses from connecting to your server.
  1174. seta g_filterBan "1" //Allows/disallows only specified IP addresses (as per listip) to connect to the server.
  1175. seta g_allowVote "1" //Allows voting to take place in a server.
  1176. seta g_training "0" //Enables training mode, such as that of the skill placement match with Crash.
  1179. // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1180. // -[general input device settings]- //
  1181. // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1182. seta in_joystickDebug "0" //???
  1183. seta in_keyboardDebug "0" //A debugging tool that prints keypress input data to the console.
  1184. seta in_mouse "1" //Controls the in-game mouse input. Windows input: -1, disabled: 0, direct input: 1, raw input: 2.
  1185. seta in_nograb "0" //Allows you to "ungrab" your mouse pointer from the game window without bringing down the console. Default bind is F2.
  1186. seta in_checkForStolenMouseFocus "1" //will print a message to the console if an external application steals mouse focus.
  1187. seta in_joystick "0" //Allows the use of a joystick.
  1188. seta in_joystickThreshold "0.15" //???
  1191. // ++++++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1192. // -[mouse input settings]- //
  1193. // ++++++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1194. seta m_forward "0.01" //Sets the back and forward player movement speed in relation to mouse movement (applies to +strafe).
  1195. seta m_side "0.01" //Sets the left and right player movement speed in relation to mouse movement (applies to +strafe).
  1196. seta m_filter "1" //Enable/disable mouse smoothing (creates artificial mouse lag).
  1199. // ++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1200. // -[network settings]- //
  1201. // ++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1202. seta net_port6 "27960" //port to bind to using the ipv6 address.
  1203. seta net_port "27960" //Sets servers port number when there’s multiple clients on the same machine.
  1204. seta net_ip6 "::" //IPv6 address to bind to.
  1205. seta net_ip "" //Holds the name or IP address of the local machine.
  1206. seta net_qport "0" //The mechanism that quake 3 uses to distinguish between clients running on the same machine or behind a buggy nat.
  1207. seta net_enabled "3" //Enable networking. Enable ipv4 networking: 1, enable ipv6 networking: 2, prioritise ipv6 over ipv4: 4, disable multicast support: 8.
  1208. seta net_mcast6addr "ff04::696f:7175:616b:6533" //Multicast address to use for scanning for ipv6 servers on LAN.
  1209. seta net_mcast6iface "0" //Enables the outgoing interface used for IPv6 multicast scanning on LAN.
  1210. seta net_socksEnabled "0" //Enables socks 5 network protocol.
  1211. seta net_socksServer "" //Sets the name or IP address of the socks server.
  1212. seta net_socksPort "1080" //Sets proxy and firewall port.
  1213. seta net_socksUsername "" //Sets the username for socks firewall supports. It does not support GSS-API authentication.
  1214. seta net_socksPassword "" //Sets password for socks network/firewall access.
  1217. // ++++++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1218. // -[server-side settings]- //
  1219. // ++++++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1220. seta sv_mapname "" //Display the name of the map active on the current server.
  1221. seta sv_mapChecksum "" //Contains the current map checksum for client/server matching.
  1222. seta sv_killserver "0" //Kills the server when set to 1.
  1223. seta sv_padPackets "0" //Prevents artificial lag.
  1224. seta sv_showloss "0" //Displays server packet loss.
  1225. seta sv_reconnectlimit "3" //Sets how many times a kicked player can reconnect.
  1226. seta sv_master1 "" //Used to circulate a list of public servers.
  1227. seta sv_master2 "" //Used to circulate a list of public servers.
  1228. seta sv_master3 "" //Used to circulate a list of public servers.
  1229. seta sv_master4 "" //Used to circulate a list of public servers.
  1230. seta sv_master5 "" //Used to circulate a list of public servers.
  1231. seta sv_allowDownload "1" //Allow the server to send required files to clients that don't have these files.
  1232. seta sv_zombietime "2" //The time in which a player can be frozen before getting kicked.
  1233. seta sv_timeout "200" //Amount of time (in seconds) required to consider an inactive client as disconnected.
  1234. seta sv_fps "125" //Sets the maximum frames per second a server sends to clients.
  1235. seta sv_privatePassword "" //Password that allows you to take up a private slot on a server.
  1236. seta sv_referencedPakNames "" //Holds referenced pk3 file names that the server is using, and sends the info to clients in order for the clients to load the identical files.
  1237. seta sv_referencedPaks "" //Holds checksums of all referenced pk3 files the server is using, and sends the info to clients in order for the clients to load the identical files.
  1238. seta sv_pakNames "" //Holds pk3 file names that the server is using, and sends the info to clients in order for the clients to load the identical files.
  1239. seta sv_paks "" //Holds checksums of pk3 files the server is using, and sends the info to clients in order for the clients to load the identical files.
  1240. seta sv_voip "0" //Enable Voice Over IP.
  1241. seta sv_pure "0" //Enables pure server (disallows native DLL loading etc.).
  1242. seta sv_serverid "0" //Sets server ID.
  1243. seta sv_privateClients "0" //Amount of slots reserved for private players.
  1244. seta sv_keywords "" //Search string entered in the internet connection window.
  1245. seta sv_running "0" //Tells the game whether a local server is currently running.
  1246. seta sv_packetdelay "0" //Sets how many milliseconds to wait before sending packets to clients.
  1247. seta sv_paused "0" //Automatically toggled when the server is paused.
  1248. seta sv_hostname "Cat Burners" //The server host name.
  1249. seta sv_maxclients "8" //Maximum amount of clients that can connect to the server at the same time.
  1250. seta sv_minRate "0" //The minimum number of bytes per second that clients can have on the server without getting kicked.
  1251. seta sv_maxRate "0" //The maximum number of bytes per second that clients can have on the server without getting kicked.
  1252. seta sv_minPing "0" //The minimum ping that clients can have on the server without getting kicked.
  1253. seta sv_maxPing "0" //The maximum ping that clients can have on the server without getting kicked.
  1254. seta sv_floodProtect "1" //Allows server flood protection.
  1255. seta sv_dlURL "" //Sets the URL to download any pk3s referenced by the server that the client doesn't have.
  1256. seta sv_lanForceRate "1" //Forces client rate limit on LAN.
  1257. seta sv_strictAuth "0" //Checks the CD key of clients connecting to the server.
  1258. seta sv_banFile "" //Sets the file used to store banned clients.
  1259. seta sv_cheats "1" //Enables cheats on the server.
  1262. // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1263. // -[user interface settings]- //
  1264. // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1265. seta ui_singlePlayerActive "0" //???
  1266. seta ui_doubleClickTime "500" //How many milliseconds between clicks before a doubleclick is registered (for use in the menus).
  1267. seta ui_ioq3 "1" //???
  1268. seta ui_cdkeychecked "0" //???
  1269. seta ui_spSelection "" //???
  1270. seta ui_ffa_fraglimit "20" //???
  1271. seta ui_ffa_timelimit "0" //???
  1272. seta ui_tourney_fraglimit "0" //???
  1273. seta ui_tourney_timelimit "15" //???
  1274. seta ui_team_fraglimit "0" //???
  1275. seta ui_team_timelimit "20" //???
  1276. seta ui_team_friendly "1" //???
  1277. seta ui_ctf_capturelimit "8" //???
  1278. seta ui_ctf_timelimit "30" //???
  1279. seta ui_ctf_friendly "0" //???
  1280. seta ui_browserMaster "0" //???
  1281. seta ui_browserGameType "0" //???
  1282. seta ui_browserSortKey "4" //???
  1283. seta ui_browserShowFull "1" //???
  1284. seta ui_browserShowEmpty "1" //???
  1285. seta ui_recordSPDemo "0" //???
  1286. seta ui_recordSPDemoName "" //???
  1287. seta ui_smallFont "0.25" //???
  1288. seta ui_bigFont "0.5" //???
  1291. // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1292. // -[virtual machine settings]- //
  1293. // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1294. seta vm_cgame "0" //???
  1295. seta vm_game "0" //???
  1296. seta vm_ui "0" //???
  1299. // ++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1300. // -[wolfcam settings]- //
  1301. // ++++++++++++++++++++ //
  1302. seta wolfcam_hoverTime "2000" //When following another player, wait this long before switching back to the demo taker's POV when they die.
  1303. seta wolfcam_switchMode "1" //What to do when POV unavailable. Switch to demo taker's POV: 1, try killer/victim, then demo taker: 2, closest opponent, then demo taker: 0.
  1304. seta wolfcam_fixedViewAngles "0" //Test/debug cvar. It'll only update the viewangles of the /follow pov this many milliseconds.
  1305. seta wolfcam_drawFollowing "0" //Draw the name of the player you're following with /follow. Normal: 1, highlight name: 2.
  1306. seta wolfcam_drawFollowingOnlyName "1" //Only show the player name when wolfcam_drawFollowing 1-2.
  1310. // ------------- //
  1311. // END OF CONFIG //
  1312. // ------------- //
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