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Dasha's Party

a guest
Dec 1st, 2012
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  1. After Konnorn and Dasha's wedding, Kerryn and Jami decided to keep her entertained as her new husband had to rest.
  3. Kerryn had the idea to hold a contest of sorts for Dasha's amusement.
  5. The Black Flagon Inn. (Isle of Delos.)
  6. A large central bar of unfinished oak dominates the center of the room, bisecting it nearly in half, leaving only half a dozen feet or so on either end to cross around to the other side. A door opens in the middle of the bar, designed to allow one access into the center of the bar itself which seems to be stocked with numerous kinds of liquor. Leather-covered stools line the bar, and the room is peppered liberally with small wooden tables and chairs clustering in small groups in places where they've been moved about by the patrons of the tavern. The ceiling above the bar is covered by a low-hanging rack, which houses over a hundred glasses and tankards, the glass clean and glittering in the faint light of the room. Two large windows sit on either side of the oak beam-enforced door. Similar pieces of oak bisect the window twice into four panes of glass that peer out into the courtyard.
  8. You say, "I'll need a moment to prepare!"
  10. You have emoted: Kerryn motions to the chairs, "Go make yourselves comfortable." she grins.
  12. Dasha nods to you, watching you curiously for a moment. However, she soon turns and steps through the Inn, claiming one of the vacant chairs and settling down atop it, hands briefly sweeping beneath her thighs to smooth the fabric of her dress.
  14. Jami's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
  16. *Kerryn makes an Ad*
  17. --[ Ad: #180 ]----------------------------------------------------------------
  18. Poster: Kerryn
  19. Description:
  20. In celebration of Dasha's recent marriage, I am offering 50,000
  21. gold to the person who brings her the most amusing or odd gift.
  22. We will also settle for displays of talent, be it musical or
  23. otherwise. So, if you have something tasteful in mind and wish
  24. to surprise her, she will be at The Black Flagon Inn for the
  25. next day! So don't pass up your chance to make a new bride smile
  26. and pocket a bit of coin in return!
  27. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  28. Taelyndara arrives from the ether.
  30. Jami inclines her head politely to Taelyndara.
  32. Dasha glances up to Taelyndara, a hint of surprise on her features, and quickly stands long enough to offer a polite bow, hands jerking up to pres palm against palm. As soon as the motion is finished she sits back down, gaze returning to flick between you and Jami.
  34. Taelyndara inclines her head politely to those gathered. "Evening, all." She murmurs, glancing around the room before donning her cloak, flaring the emerald fabric as she spins it around her shoulders. "All is well?" She asks, pondering the door briefly before glancing back.
  36. Jami acknowledges Taelyndara with a nod and slight smile before pointing her head towards Dasha, "Oh its been a pretty good time for us, and how are you?"
  38. Taelyndara shrugs indifferently, "I am reasonably well, I guess. At least as much as can be expected." She seems somewhat restless just standing there, absently fidgeting with the knife-sheath on her pants.
  40. Dasha smiles widely, looking back to Taelyndara, and she adds, "I'm doing very very well, thank you!" Eventually she tilts her head to one side, repeating, "As much as can be expected?" with a questioning tone.
  42. A cloaked figure grins sardonically.
  44. You have emoted: Kerryn gestures to one of the chairs at the table, "Would you care to join us for some fun?" she asks as she glances towards the cloaked figure, "Greetings!"
  46. A cloaked figure smirks slightly. "I hate tasteful."
  48. A cloaked figure says, "Voltda."
  50. Taelyndara nods her head at Dasha but offers no explanation as to her meaning. To you, she asks, "What kind of fun?"
  52. You have emoted: "Dasha just got married and I've offered a bit of coin for the person to bring her the most amusing gift or display of talent." Kerryn explains as she sits back in her chair.
  54. You smile at Ayanala.
  56. Ayanala casts a suspicious eye about the area.
  58. Decana Ayanala Elistar says, "I always miss the fun stuff."
  60. Ayanala gives a pained sigh.
  62. You say, "It's just started."
  64. Ayanala casts a suspicious eye about the area."Yay!" Ayanala exclaims enthusiastically.
  66. You say to Ayanala, "So far we've only seen Cariv."
  68. Ayanala gives a soft tiger fur rug to Dasha.
  70. Decana Ayanala Elistar says to Zealot Dasha, "May you make Kerryn many grandbabies upon that rug."
  72. Ayanala casts a suspicious eye about the area.
  74. Jami stares implacably at Ayanala.
  76. You stare at Ayanala and blink.
  78. Ayanala looks between you and Jami. "What?"
  80. Dasha widens her gaze, turning to regard Ayanala. "Ahm," she begins, cheeks flushing a little. "Well, er. Thank you."
  82. Taelyndara Dylaryn Verite says, "Ah. I think I'm going to duck out on this one. I'm not uh--" She pauses, staring at Ayanala for a long moment before simply shaking her head. "I'm not feeling the festivities at present."
  84. Taelyndara murmurs something beneath her breath, only the words 'ef'tig' 'jhako' and 'jherza' audible in the rambling. Speaking up, she says, "I am off for now. Be well."
  86. Taelyndara leaves to the west.
  88. Decana Ayanala Elistar says to you, "So, did I win?"
  90. You say to Ayanala, "So far!"
  92. You grin mischievously at Ayanala.
  94. Ayanala gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
  96. Lin takes a sip of black liquid from a small glass bottle.
  98. You smile at Lin.
  100. Lin raises her bottle in greeting to you.
  102. You have emoted: Kerryn leans forward her hands resting on the table, "What do you have for us, Lin?" she asks with a glance at Dasha.
  104. Lin frowns at you uncertainly. In a quiet voice, she asks, "Have for you?"
  106. You have emoted: Kerryn gives a slow nod, "Yes, Ad 180." she says.
  107. "Oh--" Lin turns in her seat - how and when she got there is anyone's guess - and glances at the other patrons. "Shit. I apologize, I... came here to drink. Ahm."
  109. Dasha's eyebrows tick upward a little as she notices Lin's presence. Despite her overall expression of bewilderment, she hastily rises from her seat, pressing her palms together before her chest, and offers a precise bow. As soon as she straightens, she settles back down atop the chair, gaze turning to survey the tavern at large.
  111. You have emoted: Kerryn smiles faintly at Lin, "Stay." she says.
  113. Lin picks herself up out of her seat and approaches Dasha, extending a hand, offering a charm for strength with a look of gravity in her eyes. "Congratulations," she offers, backing away with a bow, one hand clapped over her fist.
  115. "Oh," Dasha says, straightening up upon her seat and giving Lin a grateful nod. She briefly lifts her hands, then drops them back into her lap. "THank you, ma'am," she responds quietly, attention settling on her more completely, at least for the moment.
  117. You have emoted: Kerryn glances at Lin, "Do you still play?" she asks.
  119. Lin blushes - just so - and gives you something of a shy smile. "Have been a bit out of practice, but yes, of course. Am I to assume I have been roped into entertaining as well?"
  121. Jami begins to wield a stout glass in her left hand.
  123. Jami hurls a stout glass up.
  125. You say to Jami, "You know I'm going to have to go get that right?"
  127. A stout glass comes lofting in, from the up, to Jami, who catches it nimbly.
  129. Lin returns, her bootsteps clapping down the stairs. "Rude," she comments.
  131. You have emoted: Kerryn looks back to Lin, "That's up to you, dear." she says as she rises only to freeze as the glass comes sailing in. "What the..."
  133. Ayanala snickers under her breath.
  135. Ayanala takes a deep draught of the honey mead, licking their lips as they savour the flavours.
  137. Lin carries her belongings with her to the other end of the room, at a distance from the other bar-goers. Here, she opens one of the larger cases on her person, and produces a foreign-looking instrument, not unlike a lute. The next several minutes, for her, are spent tuning the instrument, sipping idly at her vodka as she works it through just the right resonant sounds.
  139. Lin begins to wield a Mhojavian sitar lute in her left hand.
  140. Lady Jami Siarani says to you, "Didn't figure you did."
  142. You have emoted: Kerryn grins at Jami, "It's what the crate is for." she says with a gesture to the box at the end of the bar. Moments later her attention shifts to Lin, watching her as she tunes the lute.
  144. Dasha reaches up with her left hand, gently rubbing at her temple. She seems to alternate between keeping track of the ongoing within the tavern and gazing vacantly at some point in space, but the sounds of the tuning instrument drawing forth from Lin eventually catch her attention.
  146. Jami searches around the bar carefully before finally turning to you, "Guess it got broken or something dear."
  148. You have emoted: Kerryn frowns as she moves behind the bar, "I swear I just saw it..." she mutters as she moves around some crates behind the bar, "Ah-ha!" she exclaims before producing the bin from behind one of the boxes. "Here it is." she says as she sets it on the end of the bar.The room abruptly fills with a pleasing, ear-quivering drone, a metallic tune that continues to buzz long after Lin, the offender, has plucked the responsible string. She takes another sip of vodka, shooting her eyes at Dasha, to whom she calls out, "What quality do you value most in your marriage?"
  150. Lin takes a sip of black liquid from a small glass bottle.
  152. Ayanala sighs softly as she looks down into her tankard, swirling her beverage around within it.
  154. Dasha sets the empty glass down on the table beside her, stiffening upon her chair at Lin's inquiry. She opens her mouth quickly, though a response is not immediate in coming, and a thoughtful expression settles upon her features. "Honesty," she declares a moment later, head bobbing in assent to the word.
  156. You have emoted: Kerryn returns to her seat and smiles at hearing Dasha's response, "That is important." she murmurs in agreement.
  158. Lin smiles brilliantly, exposing a pair of sharp-looking fangs. "Perfect," she chimes. She sits in silence for a moment, staring at her sitar, thinking something over, then starts her set. The music's structure is southern, a raga with no definable introduction or build-up, traditional in the Mhojavian regions. Her eyes shut, she begins to play out an uplifting melody, reminiscent of waking to a sunrise.
  160. Ayanala murmurs softly, "Excuse me..." and quietly exits the barroom.
  162. Ayanala leaves to the west.
  164. Dasha lifts her head a little, watching Lin with curious appreciation as the music begins to fill the inn. She pivots slightly upon her chair, facing the musician more fully, then leans to the side to lightly brace herself against the tabletop. Within moments she closes her eyes, focused upon the piece.
  166. You have emoted: Kerryn folds her hands in her lap as she leans back against the chair, listening intently to Lin play. Her emerald gaze occasionally shifts to Jami and Dasha before returning to Lin, a small smile playing across her lips.
  168. Her eyes shut, Lin's fingers slide over the frets, as she plays with the disinterested ease of an expert. The music, of a droning tone that sounds like curling smoke, may be southern, but her singing owes its style to late nights in Spirean bars: "The Viscount lavishes you in gold / the Earl a home, with gilded fence / it matters not to me at all-" Her eyes opening a sliver, she flashes Dasha a coy look, "I'll take a man with honesty and sense."
  170. Dasha's eyes flash open when Lin's singing begins, the woman's posture shifting forward to listen more intently. She rests her hands atop her knees, back straight, and a broad smile of plain, open delight fixes itself upon her face as the music continues."My flesh and blood to a counting hall / I work for bread and pence / it matters not to me at all-" Lin leans her head back, pausing the music just long enough for a pull of vodka, exploiting a moment of silence to create a brief spell of tension in the song, letting those sympathetic strings drone on. "For me, my man, with honesty and sense."
  172. Lin throws back a shot of black vodka.
  174. You have emoted: Kerryn crosses her right leg over her left, her foot begins to bounce in time with the music, her smile growing as she notices Dasha's reaction.
  176. The smile upon Dasha's face only seems to grow as she listens to Lin, and soon she glances away to briefly look at you and Jami, fixing each of them with the wide sort of smile. However, before long gaze returns to the focus of her attention, studying both the musician and the instrument closely.
  178. The music goes on like this for a while - the song is simple, likely because under close scrutiny, Lin's singing voice is nothing to write home about, though she makes up for her uneven tone with enthusiasm and feeling. Running through these chorus lines for some time, she eventually finishes with: "Night's cold fingers 'round my neck / She says I'm living at Her expense / and as I meet those cold, black eyes / I see my man..." Her voice chokes. She blinks and squeezes a pair of tears from her eyes. "With honesty and sense..."
  180. Lin finishes. Her sitar continues to sing for several seconds, before the polyphonic ringing dies away as well.
  182. You have emoted: Kerryn lifts her hands and begins to clap enthusiastically, "That was beautiful!" she exclaims, "Not out of practice at all!" she says with a smile to Lin.
  184. Jami joins you in clapping for the performance, "That was marvelous work miss." She says loudly.
  186. Zun ripples into existence before you.
  188. Zun claps an echo, thick hands cupping the sound. With teeth, he flashes Lin a smile and congratulates her in a rumble, "Well done."
  190. Dasha doesn't immediately respond at all, still frozen in a slight lean forward, carefully watching Lin as the music fades. After the clapping has gone on for a moment, she gives a start, straightening and drawing her hands up to emphatically add to the applause. Though not loud in the slightest, her tone is sincere as she says, "That was truly wonderful, ma'am!"
  192. You have emoted: Kerryn glances to Dasha, "So..." she says slowly, "Which one was better, Lin's lovely music and song, or..." she eyes the rug, "The babymaking rug..or is it a blanket?" she asks with a curious look at the item next to Dasha.
  194. Lin presses her palm against her cheek, trying to hide her tears and her bashful smile. "Th- thank you, thank you," she offers, keeping eye contact on her sitar, and away from everyone else. "I don't know who
  196. You are, comrade, but I wish you happiness. Honesty truly -is- what keeps a marriage intact."
  198. Zun strides amidst the group, shifting awkwardly at his position among the women present, and he states loudly in a drawling voice, "I'm here for the gold, ma'ms."
  200. Dasha is so focused upon Lin that she doesn't immediately notice Zun's unorthodox arrival, and she ducks her head forward in a small nod of acceptance. "Thank you for the advice as well, ma'am," she adds. "I shall heed it closely." At your question she turns to glance in your direction, finally noticing Zun and giving him a brief, mystified examination, after which she says, "Ahm. I must say the music was the most splendid thing, by far."
  202. Jami nods slightly towards Zun, "And you think you can beat Miss Lin's beautiful singing?"Canting her head, gaze tracking back up toward the sole man presently inside the inn, Zealot Dasha says, "Ahm. Perhaps I ought to have said so far."
  204. Lin claps her sitar's case closed, setting it aside and putting her vodka bottle on top. Abruptly, she screws up her eyes staring at Zun, rearing her head back, a 'did I hear that right' look on her face.
  206. You have emoted: Kerryn perks up at Zun's statement, "Oh?" she asks curiously. "What do you have?" she asks.
  208. Zun tugs off the reversible coat and throws it on a table. He begins to crack knuckles, roll shoulders, rock on feet. "You'll see," he rumbles to you softly before finding a clear space in the inn. There, chin lowered, he prepares silently and motionless.
  210. After a decidedly weighty pause, Zun begins his performance, boot stamping in a pulsating rhythm. It carries no aggression, but is felt in the bones; in the gut it quivers. His voice starts with a single note - thick, drawn out and reverberating, a weighted sound. It rises in sound until it pervades the room, turning his boot-felt-beat into an undertone, and then it speaks. "O' purpose clutched - and grace worn cold; En shadows thick, and streets run old."
  212. Lin's attention is piqued, and, still sniffling from time to time, she watches Zun with rapacious interest, her tail beginning to flicker this way and that.
  214. Aithene enters from the west.
  216. A thin fog seeps through the tavern's floorboards around your feet. It curls up the legs of all present in tendrils growing ever-thick until it swirls around the room in a tremulous cloud. You can see through it, barely, occasionally, but in the mists colors begin to play. They are painted stark, view cut from below, upwards at houses of skeleton black. The street is narrow and cobblestoned. It is night, and moonlight illuminates what flickering gaslamps cannot. Zun continues to echo behind it all, his voice a backdrop to the scene, shifting the mist forward.
  218. You have emoted: Kerryn glances down at the fog, a hint of worry crosses her face as she watches, clearly mesmerized. She doesn't appear to notice Aithene enter at first, her emerald eyes shifting between the fog and Zun.
  219. Concentration is written across Zun's features with a stark brush. He is lost, absorbed behind the mist in a world of his own. His voice tremors loudly, slowly, a cavernous drawl that treats each syllable with a slab of articulation. "En bar-rooms tired; En temples sin; From cage rust ruined, to brothels din."
  221. Jami inclines her head politely to Aithene.
  222. Hidden by the shifting mists, Aithene remains by the entrance to the Inn and her dark eyes flick around the room.
  224. Lin can be seen seated, nothing more than a strange-shaped apparition in the mist, one who pulls back an endless supply of vodka.
  225. The mist continues to play a vivid scene as it bobs along, view stalking along the street, in such a familiar manner as to only be the sight of a child. As the thrumming voice of Zun continues, past the medium of mist, a disturbing pustule of sound pops. It echoes raucous giggles and the snicker-snacking of metal against cobblestone. Children sounds, teasing and violent; the distant oozing of a wet scream; the pitter-patter of padded feet fading. The child rounds a bend, revealing a mess of bloody feathers and teeth, smearing the street like a territorial boundary; against the wall, a shadowed child is twisted still with many limbs, gaunt appendages extending out like the fingers of a starving tree.
  227. Dasha straightens upon her seat, now completely focused upon Zun. Her gaze widens when the fog appears, tensing suddenly, but oddly enough seems to relax when it coalesces to form the misty image. She idly turns over one hand within the other, fingers curling in a loose fist as she watches the display.
  229. Zun shivers at his sound, arms wrapping comfortingly around his gut as he begins to rock, forward and back, a towering pendulum. "O' fair child, King butchers blight; Your voice roars silent, and begs dark's light."
  230. The mist-veiled illusion, shifts past gore stricken wreckage, moving around a corner and further down. Zun acknowledges his creation for the first, closing his eyes from the sight as his voice continues to thrum, each beat a fraction of sound. A toothless alley mouth splits open to the right. Shifting, tangled cloth and sweaty fur is rutting against the wall within. You see it as a gluttonous rat king, movements binary, four legs ankle deep in the effluence of apathy. The two-toned creature splits; aggressor leaning back with a gasp like a croaking frog, moonlight glistening off his many engorged chins; and the other turns to those present. He makes you privy to his perverted torture, with grazed face and lips bloody, the manifesto of bruises, a terrible past unscreamed and smothered.
  232. Lin clutches at her hair, leaning forward onto the edge of her seat. An uncomfortable moan escapes her lips, but it is the sympathetic response of one lost in the show, truly enjoying it.
  234. Zun's boot pounds the floor, spewing ripples of violence as his voice becomes tainted with rage, straining at the seems of his vocal cords. The beat fights its languid nature. It pulls at the reigns, begging to be over but the rough remains control - of this single facet - and finishes with the ponderous gravitas the hymn demands. "O blade is sharpened, in vision since spent;With shrieking whisper; And sheets stained wet; O' fair child, clutch ye to hope."
  236. Languidly, the mists begin to draw, dispersing like a curtain closing. The final scene is red and dark, flashing forward with white-knuckles and a gripped knife, lost in confusion. What you see is disjointed, pieced together in slivers all-at-once, a mosaic memory. A furred mountain collapses to the ground, howling pitiful injustice. The pitter patter of naked feet behind it all. And then, alone in the alleyway with a bleeding brute, hands slick. The mists are gone, fading back into floorboards. You are left with only the room and Zun to see.
  238. Zun shivers into motion, rubbing his cheeks and then his scalp, pulling a pair of goggles from his head and roughly tucking them into his pockets. His eyes open, chin raising. He views his audience with a blank expression.
  240. Dasha's relief seems ill-timed and short-lived, and as the illusion continues tensions works its way back into her form, which holds itself rigid with discomfort. She swallows thickly, and though it may not be visible to any other in the room, her face twists into a mixture of revulsion and intrigue, her wide-eyed gaze trapped upon the show. She recoils a little at the final mosaic of the performance, distress joining the other emotions upon her face.
  241. "Godshit," Lin exclaims, rubbing at the bridge of her nose, blinking like a hummingbird's wings at Zun. She doesn't clap or congratulate him, but perhaps her stunned silence is artistic appreciation enough.
  243. You have emoted: Kerryn sits there stunned for a long moment, slowly her head turns and she looks to
  245. Jami then Dasha before she notices Aithene in the doorway and smiles at her. Her attention quickly returns to Zun as she speaks, "That was... amazing." she says.
  247. When the mists depart the room entirely Dasha's posture relaxes a little, accompanied by a slow, lengthy sigh. When she takes in an equally slow breath she looks to Zun carefully, assessing him, with open, troubled curiosity.
  249. Zun shrugs uncomfortably, freeing himself from the artistic reverie of illusion and hinted reflection. "Iffin it's good, I'll take my gold in the mail," he rumbles evenly, picking up his coat and slinging it over one arm.
  250. Appreciation filters into the darkness of Aithene's eyes as they finally settle on the cause of all the commotion within the Inn, Zun.
  252. You have emoted: Kerryn looks to Dasha, "You have a -very- tough decision ahead of you." she says with a smile.
  254. Zun upnods Lin and spares her a private grin. "Godshit," he echoes softly before turning and striding out the door, hands entrenched deep within his pockets.
  256. Zun leaves to the west.
  258. "Oh, my," Dasha breathes, nodding to you once. Beginning to glance through the inn, she mutters, "I'm terrible with normal decisions, much less ones of this difficulty." About midway through the thought, she notices Aithene. Hastily rising from her chair, she presses her palms togetherb efore her chest and offers a formal, if somewhat out of place, given her attire, bow. "Good morning, ma'am," she offers, quickly reclaiming her seat.
  260. Lin shakes her head spastically, snapping out of the spell, reaching down to lift her sitar's case, preparing to haul it, along with the elephant's load of gear she typically carries. "Though I confess curiosity as to who offered the best gift," she claims, "I was happy to put a smile on your face - take care of Konnorn, he needs a good mate." She bows graciously, then departs, her tail dancing after her.
  262. Aithene's lips curl into a small, warm smile that reveals her teeth as she nods her head towards Dasha, "Morning," she says simply in reply. As she pushes off of the wall she was leaning against, she weaves through the room to stand near you before her eyes slide over everyone, "Good morning to all," she then adds.
  264. You have emoted: Kerryn rises and hugs Aithene tightly, "Hello, mother." she says before kissing Aithene's cheek. "How have you been?" she asks with a smile.
  265. "Not as entertained as you all seem to be," Aithene remarks with a light, musical laugh as she returns your hug before her eyes slide to Dasha, "You married my grandson, I hear," she says smoothly.
  267. You have emoted: Kerryn offers Aithene her chair, "I'll get you some tea, mother." she says.
  269. "Oh," Dasha exclaims quietly, her gaze widening. She hastily rises once again, brushing at the skirts of her dress before collecting her hands before her waist. "I, ahm, wasn't aware, ma'am!" she begins, giving a dip of her head to Aithene. "It's a wonderful pleasure to meet you."
  271. You have emoted: Kerryn slips into the kitchen, the sound of pots and pans banging together is heard before she returns a few minutes later with a cup of tea in hand. Moving back to the table she sets it before Aithene and smiles.
  273. Aithene's dark eyes flick back to you, a somewhat startled expression settling on her features and parting her lips in a soft 'O' shape. She eases herself down onto the seat, still staring at you for a moment longer as she pulls the tea towards her, "Thank you," she says as she finds her voice. Her attention is captured by Dasha's bustling near her side and she looks back at her, "You do not need to be so formal, dear. Relax, before your tension rubs off on me." Her words slip past her lips that are curled in a friendly smile.
  275. "Oh, yes," Dasha says, blinking once. She slips back to her chair, lowering down fluidly, hands brushing at her skirts to keep them from bunching as she settles down. "I'm sorry about that," she states sheepishly, a grin touching her lips. "So many people have been coming and going that I suppose I've gotten a bit tense without realizing it."
  277. "I'm Aithene," Aithene introduces herself to Dasha before lifting her tea from the table and blowing across it. After she takes a small sip, she then adds, "Aithene Cardinalis."
  279. You have emoted: Kerryn moves to sit down next to Aithene, "Sorry if I put you on the spot." she says to Dasha.
  281. "It is truly nice to meet you, ma'am," Dasha says, dipping her head to Aithene once more. She straightens a little upon her seat, belatedly adding, "I'm, well, Dasha." She opens her mouth as if to add something further, but instead looks toward you, flashing a bright smile and saying, "Oh, no ma'am. It was very pleasant, in all!"
  283. Aithene takes another small sip from her tea before rising from her seat. She leans over and places a small kiss on your cheek, "Love you," she murmurs softly before straightening. Her slender hand falls on
  285. Dasha's arm for the briefest moment, soft and warm, "Welcome to the crazy family, lass," she says and another delicate smile curls her lips upward. She steps around the chairs and weaves around the room and, casting a glance over her shoulder to you, "I'll see you again soon."
  287. You have emoted: Kerryn smiles warmly to Aithene, "Love you, Mother." she murmurs.
  289. Dasha lets out a long breath, leaning back in her chair as she regards the departing woman. Eventually she looks over to you, saying, "Thank you very much, ma'am! You've made this past while... Very wonderful."
  291. You have emoted: "I hope so, you deserve it, dear." Kerryn murmurs, "You've still yet to decide though." she says with an amused smile.
  293. "Oh, decide," Dasha says, consternation quickly settling onto her face. "I think..." she begins, pursing her lips and giving a little nod. "It was in a sense very disturbing, but I think that Syssin man's performance was the most impressive, of everything." She swallows, head ducking down in a nod. "Yes, I think so. And I don't really think Lin ma'am was seeking the prize, if I recall."
  295. You have emoted: Kerryn smiles slowly, "Alright then, I'll send him the gold." she says as she reaches for a letter from her satchel. "His was quite dark.. but still very unique."
  297. Dasha yawns broadly, eyebrows arching in surprise as the gesture parts her lips, and she belatedly lifts a hand to cover her mouth. She straightens up from the chair, and with a faint blush upon her cheeks says, "It seems all this has worn me down more than I had thought it would," she says quietly. Flashing a bright smile to you, she says, "I think I'll take my leave, if you do not mind, ma'am!"
  299. You have emoted: "Of course, you've had a big day." Kerryn she says softly, "Rest well, dear." she says with a smile. "Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your special day, I really appreciate it.""Thank you for understanding, ma'am," Dasha says, smiling wider yet. She offers you a formal bow, then, as she straightens, adds, "I absolutely loved having you here for the wedding, ma'am. I do very much love your presence, and the wonderful things you come up with!" She takes in a breath, closing her eyes and beginning to focus intently.
  301. Dasha closes her eyes and begins to focus.
  302. A look of rapture fills Dasha's face as a white nimbus encompasses her body. When the light fades Dasha can no longer be found.
  304. Dasha leaves to the ether.
  306. You tell Zealot Dasha, "I love you too, dear. See you soon."
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