
Teaching a Princess

Apr 27th, 2012
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  1. >Hear high-pitched whining and the sound of something soft scraping against dirt in your backyard
  2. >Check it out
  3. >Your neighbor's fluffy pony is trapped under a loose board
  4. >"hewp! meanie fence munsta got pwincess!"
  5. >That was the name your neighbor gave the pink fluffball with the purple mane
  6. >And he treats her like one
  7. >"wet go of fwuffy or get ouchies!" she orders the piece of wood
  8. >Pokerface.jpg
  9. >Decide to help
  10. >Go over to her
  11. >Lift the loose fence board
  12. >She scrambles into your backyard
  13. >Reach down to pet her
  14. >She slaps your hand away with a marshmallow hoof
  15. >"no hugsies 'til spasgetties!" she says
  16. >She sits up on her back legs and crosses her front legs together
  17. >She glares at you and blows a raspberry
  18. >Not sure how to react
  20. >Just stand there staring at the fluffy
  21. >"gif sketties! hooman dum? can' hear? wan' nummies!"
  22. >You're a reasonable guy
  23. >Go inside, whip up some chow for her
  24. >Microwaved canned chicken noodle soup
  25. >The same kind your mom made for you when you got sick
  26. >Go back outside and set the bowl in front of Princess
  27. >The only thing she says is "'bout time!" and goes "hmph" at you
  28. >She stares at the bowl, and then back at you
  29. >"whewe spoon?"
  30. >Huh?
  31. >She makes an angry, whiny groan
  32. >"stoopid hooman suppose'ta feed pwincess! dummy human!!"
  33. >She runs over and bucks you in the shin
  34. >Jeez...
  35. >Crouch down and bring the bowl to her lips
  36. >She goes "hmph!" again before tasting the soup
  37. >She spits it out on your hand
  38. >She's clenching her little fluffy pony teeth now
  40. >She waddles over to your feet
  41. >"now pwincess give dum hooman sowwy-poopies!"
  42. >She drops a fat turd on your shoe
  43. >The shoes your father, who worked as a door-to-door shoemaker/salesman/repairman for twenty years, hand-made for you
  44. >Now it's ruined
  46. >You're quiet for a second
  47. >"hooman weave now! dis pwincess new pway pwace!" she breaks the silence
  48. >Uh-huh.
  49. >You dump the soup on her with one flick of your wrist
  50. >"owwies! wawa hot! hooman dum! make oopsies! wan' mo' sowwy-poopies!"
  51. >Drop the bowl and backhand her
  52. >She shrieks and flies a few feet
  53. >She lands with a little splash from all the soup in her fur
  54. >Walk over to her
  55. >"owwies..." she's a little quieter on the gruond
  56. >She stands back up
  57. >"no wike dis game!" she puffs out her cheeks at you
  58. >Backhand her into the ground this time
  59. >Pick her back up by her chest fur
  60. >Start hitting her some more
  61. >Backhand, punch, backhand, punch
  62. >A little spray of soup every time you make contact
  63. >"nuu--fwuffy--fw--fwuffy s--sowwy!" she manages to get out between strikes
  64. >This is the problem with some fluffues
  65. >They're never sorry until they're in danger of being punished
  66. >And they'll promise to be good fluffies "fow evah"
  67. >And then they'll forget a day later and do it again
  68. >You're going to make her remember this
  70. >Ask her why she's sorry
  71. >"pwincess--" she flinches and puts her little hooves up against her head to protect herself
  72. >"princess sowwy fo' make bad poopies!" she says quickly
  73. >Ask her how she's going to make up for it
  74. >She stares blankly at you with big, tear-filled eyes
  75. >Ask the little shit again
  76. >"pwincess--pwincess dunno!"
  77. >You have an idea
  78. >Put her down in front of your soiled shoe
  79. >She tries to stand up, but you push her down to the ground
  80. >Tell her to eat it
  81. >"wah? nuu! no smeww pwetty!"
  82. >Pick her back up and start hitting her again
  83. >Now she starts crying
  84. >Put her down again and tell her to eat it again
  85. >She looks back up at you and tries to get back up
  86. >You raise your hand and she cowers back down with her head under her hooves
  87. >She gingerly reaches for it with her tongue and licks it
  88. >The moment she does, she draws it back with a "no taste pwetty! dun wanna!"
  89. >Time for drastic measures
  90. >Flip her on her back
  91. >Backhand her again for good measure
  93. >Put your hands on both sides of her jaw
  94. >Force it open
  95. >Start squeezing
  96. >She starts shrieking in agonizing pain as the bones slowly and audibly crack and collapse
  97. >Now she can't move her jaw
  98. >Tears are streaming out of her eyes
  99. >Pick up the brown turd on your shoe and hold it over the pink turd on the ground
  100. >Drop it into her open mouth
  101. >Her screaming turns into a muffled groan
  102. >The turd's still too big to go down
  103. >Idea!
  104. >Put one hand on her upper jaw and one hand on her lower jaw
  105. >Pull them apart
  106. >Not too far, mind you. Don't want to kill her. That'd be too nice for her
  107. >Blood sprays out of the torn corners of her mouth
  108. >Push the turd into her mouth
  109. >That's probably gonna get infected
  110. >But at least it fits better now
  111. >Close her mouth over it
  112. >Massage and compress the mouth to help the turd fit down her throat
  113. >This is incredibly painful for her because of her broken jaw
  114. >But she swallows, piece by piece
  115. >Let go of her jaw
  116. >Her jaw hangs open now
  118. >Pat her on the head
  119. >Her fluff is quite soft
  120. >Wipe off the rest of the shit on it
  121. >She starts sobbing
  122. >Go back inside to wash your hands and clean your shoe
  123. >The sobbing cradles you off to happy dreams
  124. >Your neighbor comes back from his business trip a week later
  125. >You're the first person he asks about what happened
  126. >She can't say a thing with her immobile, broken jaw
  127. >Not that she could do much good with her feeble fluffy intellect
  128. >So you tell him you found a stray mutt violently french-kissing her, but you chased it off just in time
  129. >He thanks you, calls you a hero, and resolves never to leave Princess alone again
  130. >But his job takes him all over the place and that mortgage won't pay itself...
  131. "Hey, anon, you wouldn't mind babysitting my sweet little Princess next week, would ya? I can pay you."
  132. >Not at all, buddy. Not at all...
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