

Jan 3rd, 2014
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  1. Planter: Pokémon with the Planter Capability can act as a Portable Grower, holding one plant at a time.
  2. (Torterra)
  4. Premonition: Pokémon with this Capability have a supernatural sense for natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and volcanic eruptions. The magnitude of the impending disaster and its proximity to the Pokémon both affect how often they get this sense before a disaster and how long in advance the warning is. Closer and bigger disasters tend to have a greater effect and may alert the Pokémon to the specific area where a disaster will occur days in advance, while lesser disasters may simply give the Pokémon an odd sense of unease several hours before they hit.
  5. (Absol, Xatu)
  7. X-Ray Vision: Pokémon with the X-Ray Vision Capability can see through walls and solid objects up to a foot in thickness. Objects seen through X-Ray vision are seen as white shapes and outlines without much detailed definition. The effectiveness of X-Ray Vision depends on the object's material. Anything thin from paper to light wood to most residential drywall allows clear X-Ray Vision through it, while lead and tungsten would block X-Ray Vision entirely.
  8. (Luxray)
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