
Final Fantasy 6 XP/GP/AP chart

Jan 31st, 2014
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  1. XP GP AP Place
  2. ------------ ------------ ------- ---------------------------------------------
  3. 56.625 58.875 0 Narshe mines (WOB - room 1)
  4. 45.5 52.125 0.3125 Narshe mines (WOB - room 2/Terra's escape)
  5. 43.5 77.25 0 WOB (Narshe/Figaro - grass)
  6. 86.5 146.375 0 WOB (Narshe/Figaro - forest)
  7. 105.75 218.5 1 WOB (Narshe/Figaro - desert)
  8. 230.625 344 1 Cave of Figaro (WOB - before scenarios - room 1)
  9. 165.1875 262.5 1 Cave of Figaro (WOB - before scenarios - room 2+)
  10. 178.8125 359.75 1.75 WOB (South Figaro - grass)
  11. 332.5625 416.25 0.625 WOB (South Figaro - forest)
  12. 296.9375 337.875 1 Mt. Kolts - front side
  13. 280.25 332.5 1 Mt. Kolts - back side
  14. 221 181.5 1 Mt. Kolts - caves
  15. 261 249 1 Mt. Kolts - save point cave/exit
  16. 211 424.125 1 WOB (Returner's Hideout/Nikeah)
  17. 157.0625 264.6875 1 WOB (Gau's father's house - grass)
  18. 265.8125 463.4375 1 WOB (Gau's father's house - forest)
  19. 242 408.4375 1 WOB (Imperial Camp/Doma - grass)
  20. 265.8125 463.4375 1 WOB (Imperial Camp/Doma - forest)
  21. 105.75 218.5 1 WOB (Imperial Camp/Doma - desert)
  22. 89.25 116.25 2.25 Phantom Forest (first two screens)
  23. 187.875 258.75 1 Phantom Forest (remaining screens)
  24. 118.875 326.125 1 Phantom Train (inside)
  25. 149.8125 458.625 1 Phantom Train (inside - after jump scene)
  26. 107.1875 305.9375 1 Phantom Train (outside)
  27. 428.0625 418.0625 1 Narshe mines (WOB - Edgar's scenario)
  28. 282.1875 323.6875 0.75 South Figaro (Locke's scenario - basement)
  29. 243.125 305 0.625 Cave of Figaro (WOB - during/after Locke Scenario - room 1)
  30. 345.625 739.375 1 WOB (Kohlingen - grass)
  31. 641.6875 1066.8125 1.3125 WOB (Kohlingen - forest)
  32. 187.5 708.875 1.3125 WOB (Kohlingen - desert)
  33. 459 752.125 1.6875 WOB (Jidoor/Zozo - grass)
  34. 641.6875 1066.8125 1.3125 WOB (Jidoor/Zozo - forest)
  35. 510.375 579 1.6875 Zozo
  36. 446.3125 521.5 2 Zozo (indoors)
  37. 763.75 974.0625 1.375 WOB (Albrook/Imperial Base/Maranda - grass)
  38. 854.3125 857.9375 1.6875 WOB (Vector/Tzen - grass)
  39. 1055.625 1358.75 2.625 WOB (southern continent - forest)
  40. 727.5 2225.625 1.9375 WOB (southern continent - deserts)
  41. 681.25 854.1875 2 Imperial Magitek Factory (room 1)
  42. 748.75 672.1875 3 Imperial Magitek Factory (room 2)
  43. 760 570 1 Imperial Magitek Factory (basement)
  44. 553.75 576.25 2 Imperial Magitek Factory (stairs)
  45. 1057.375 665.625 1.6875 Imperial Magitek Factory (tube rooms)
  46. 1103.75 885 2 Vector (escape)
  47. 154.0625 356.25 1.6875 WOB (forest west of Veldt)
  48. 36 63.1875 3.125 WOB (Triangle Island - grass)
  49. 56.25 94.6875 3.75 WOB (Triangle Island - forest)
  50. 1017.3125 868.75 1 Cave to the Sealed Gate (room 1)
  51. 1585 1091 1.375 Cave to the Sealed Gate (room 2)
  52. 1458.75 773.125 1.625 Cave to the Sealed Gate (room 3)
  53. 2300 1063.1875 1.6875 Cave to the Sealed Gate (room 4+)
  54. 690.5625 706.125 1.625 WOB (Thamasa - grass)
  55. 1089.5 965 1.3125 WOB (Thamasa - forest)
  56. 1986.5 813.375 2 Esper Mountain (inside)
  57. 1018.75 1212.5 1.3125 Esper Mountain (outside)
  58. 2486.546875 1511.984375 4.15625 Floating Continent
  59. 0 0 3 Floating Continent (escape)
  60. 4.75 0 1 WOR (Solitary Island - dry land)
  61. 295.625 188.25 1.75 WOR (Solitary Island - desert)
  62. 43.5 77.25 0 WOR (southern continent - east peninsula)
  63. 955.5 1024.5 1 WOR (southern continent - grass)
  64. 1738.875 1878 1.375 WOR (southern continent - forest)
  65. 295.625 188.25 1.75 WOR (southern continent - desert)
  66. 650 1011.375 1 WOR (albrook/kefka's tower/tzen - dry land)
  67. 681.625 697.25 1 WOR (phoenix cave - dry land)
  68. 1143.25 866.5 1 WOR (Serpent Trench (Mobliz to Fanatic's Tower) - dry land)
  69. 1109.1875 1196.8125 1 WOR (Serpent Trench (Fanatic's Tower to Nikeah) - dry land)
  70. 988.25 1508.625 1.6875 WOR (Serpent Trench - grass)
  71. 988.25 1508.625 1.6875 WOR (Serpent Trench - forest)
  72. 780 502 3 WOR (Serpent Trench - desert)
  73. 720 1152 0 WOR (Figaro - dry land)
  74. 0 0 2 WOR (Figaro - grass)
  75. 612 971 1 WOR (Figaro - forest)
  76. 1075.3125 1688.625 1 WOR (Figaro - desert)
  77. 1586.875 2003.875 2 Cave of Figaro (WOR - room 1, 2)
  78. 1358.375 1542.75 1.3125 Cave of Figaro (WOR - room 3)
  79. 1229.75 1755.9375 1 Cave of Figaro (WOR - room 4+)
  80. 1229.75 1755.9375 1 Figaro Castle (basement - room 1)
  81. 1586.875 2003.875 2 Figaro Castle (basement - room 2)
  82. 1364 1111.8125 1.3125 Figaro Castle (tentacles room)
  83. 1095.5 2079 1 WOR (Kohlingen - dry land)
  84. 351.5 675.75 1.625 WOR (Kohlingen - grass)
  85. 1356.1875 1883.0625 1.625 WOR (Kohlingen - forest)
  86. 1075.3125 1688.625 1 WOR (Kohlingen - desert)
  87. 892.5 879.125 1.0625 Daryl's Tomb (room 1)
  88. 1033.375 1465.4375 2.0625 Daryl's Tomb (2-3 rooms deep, Dullahan's room)
  89. 1146.4375 1970 2 Daryl's Tomb (4+ rooms deep)
  90. 4004 3366 1.375 WOR (Doma/Gau's father's house - dry land)
  91. 8354.8125 5656.8125 2.0625 WOR (Doma/Gau's father's house - grass)
  92. 11899.75 0 4.0625 WOR (Gau's father's house - forest)
  93. 6336.375 4158.375 1.75 WOR (Jidoor/Maranda - dry land)
  94. 5111.25 4110 1 WOR (Jidoor/Maranda - grass)
  95. 7334 6875.75 1.375 WOR (Jidoor/Maranda - forest)
  96. 4702.5 10000 6.875 WOR (Maranda - desert)
  97. 4004 3366 1.375 WOR (Narshe - dry land)
  98. 7405.4375 5386.1875 1.4375 WOR (Narshe - grass)
  99. 2989.5 1237.125 2 WOR (Thamasa - dry land)
  100. 2517.5 1510.875 1 WOR (Thamasa - grass/forest)
  101. 2000 2000 3 WOR (Triangle Island)
  102. 4152.9375 2182 4.0625 Ancient Castle (cave to Ancient Castle)
  103. 4386.0625 1955.8125 3.0625 Ancient Castle (outside)
  104. 4375.375 1270 5.1875 Ancient Castle (inside)
  105. 2499.25 1025.5625 2.625 Cave on the Veldt
  106. 0 0 6.25 Fanatic's Tower (2nd screen)
  107. 0 0 5.625 Fanatic's Tower (non-hidden treasure rooms)
  108. 0 0 5 Fanatic's Tower (hidden treasure room)
  109. 0 0 5.625 Fanatic's Tower (3rd screen)
  110. 0 0 7.1875 Fanatic's Tower (4th screen)
  111. 0 0 6.875 Fanatic's Tower (5th screen/roof)
  112. 1994.9375 3281.25 2.75 Mt. Zozo (inside)
  113. 3478.8125 5656.25 1.625 Mt. Zozo (outside)
  114. 3701.0625 5218.75 2.3125 Mt. Zozo (gold hairpin area/path to Cyan)
  115. 1986.8125 936.625 1 Narshe (WOR)
  116. 1898.75 962.5 1 Narshe mines (WOR - lower)
  117. 2018.875 1396.5625 2 Narshe mines (WOR - upper)
  118. 2762.5 1708.3125 1.375 Narshe (Umaro's Cave - front)
  119. 2843.75 1596.875 1.3125 Narshe (Umaro's Cave - back)
  120. 2018.875 1396.5625 2 Narshe snowfield (WOR)
  121. 3267.0625 2121.375 1.375 Owzer's House
  122. 2395.1875 1115.75 1.375 Ebot's Rock (teleport rooms)
  123. 2797.875 1497.5 1.3125 Ebot's Rock (treasure box/entrance)
  124. 6204.5625 2484.4375 3.75 Phoenix Cave (top floor)
  125. 6825.625 2782.5 3.875 Phoenix Cave (basement)
  126. 3853.3125 2629 1.6875 Triangle Island cave (inside Zone Eater)
  127. 3224.5 2182.3125 1.6875 Triangle Island cave (inside Zone Eater - save room/crushing room/last 2 rooms)
  128. 6675 2938.75 3.4375 Kefka's Tower (main room, after Guardian's room, final switch room)
  129. 5567.1875 2637.8125 3.375 Kefka's Tower (rocky area toward Inferno's room)
  130. 7112.5 1163.75 3.375 Kefka's Tower (Inferno's room)
  131. 4600 0 3 Kefka's Tower (leaving Inferno's room/entering Skull Drgn's room)
  132. 6725 4168.75 3.9375 Kefka's Tower (Skull Drgn's Room, after Gold Drgn's room)
  133. 4387.5 37.5 3 Kefka's Tower (weight switches room/after Atma room)
  134. 6900 2985 4 Kefka's Tower (party 2, 2nd room)
  135. 6200 3100 3.375 Kefka's Tower (Atma's Room)
  136. 6225 2221.875 3 Kefka's Tower (party 2, tubes room)
  137. 5875 2025 3.375 Kefka's Tower (entering Gold Drgn's room)
  138. 7657.5 0 4.25 Kefka's Tower (Gold Drgn's room)
  139. 7425 3963.75 5.625 Kefka's Tower (party 1, second room)
  140. 6462.5 3112.5 3.75 Kefka's Tower (party 1, third room)
  141. 7331.25 2395 3 Kefka's Tower (party 1, Magitek tubes room)
  142. 11687.5 3712.5 5.375 Kefka's Tower (party 1, after Magitek tubes room)
  143. 8325 2193.75 4.25 Kefka's Tower (second switches room, Doom's room)
  144. 7525 437.5 3.625 Kefka's Tower (Guardian's room)
  145. 6725 4168.75 3.9375 Kefka's Tower (Goddess's room)
  149. Top 10 WOB XP
  150. 2486.546875 1511.984375 4.15625 Floating Continent
  151. 2300 1063.1875 1.6875 Cave to the Sealed Gate (room 4+)
  152. 1986.5 813.375 2 Esper Mountain (inside)
  153. 1585 1091 1.375 Cave to the Sealed Gate (room 2)
  154. 1458.75 773.125 1.625 Cave to the Sealed Gate (room 3)
  155. 1103.75 885 2 Vector (escape)
  156. 1089.5 965 1.3125 WOB (Thamasa - forest)
  157. 1057.375 665.625 1.6875 Imperial Magitek Factory (tube rooms)
  158. 1055.625 1358.75 2.625 WOB (southern continent - forest)
  159. 1018.75 1212.5 1.3125 Esper Mountain (outside)
  163. Top 10 WOR XP
  164. 11899.75 0 4.0625 WOR (Gau's father's house - forest)
  165. 11687.5 3712.5 5.375 Kefka's Tower (party 1, after Magitek tubes room)
  166. 8354.8125 5656.8125 2.0625 WOR (Doma/Gau's father's house - grass)
  167. 8325 2193.75 4.25 Kefka's Tower (second switches room, Doom's room)
  168. 7657.5 0 4.25 Kefka's Tower (Gold Drgn's room)
  169. 7525 437.5 3.625 Kefka's Tower (Guardian's room)
  170. 7425 3963.75 5.625 Kefka's Tower (party 1, second room)
  171. 7405.4375 5386.1875 1.4375 WOR (Narshe - grass)
  172. 7334 6875.75 1.375 WOR (Jidoor/Maranda - forest)
  173. 7331.25 2395 3 Kefka's Tower (party 1, Magitek tubes room)
  177. Top 10 WOB GP
  178. 727.5 2225.625 1.9375 WOB (southern continent - deserts)
  179. 2486.546875 1511.984375 4.15625 Floating Continent
  180. 1055.625 1358.75 2.625 WOB (southern continent - forest)
  181. 1018.75 1212.5 1.3125 Esper Mountain (outside)
  182. 1585 1091 1.375 Cave to the Sealed Gate (room 2)
  183. 641.6875 1066.8125 1.3125 WOB (Kohlingen - forest)
  184. 641.6875 1066.8125 1.3125 WOB (Jidoor/Zozo - forest)
  185. 2300 1063.1875 1.6875 Cave to the Sealed Gate (room 4+)
  186. 763.75 974.0625 1.375 WOB (Albrook/Imperial Base/Maranda - grass)
  187. 1089.5 965 1.3125 WOB (Thamasa - forest)
  190. Top 10 WOR GP
  191. 4702.5 10000 6.875 WOR (Maranda - desert)
  192. 7334 6875.75 1.375 WOR (Jidoor/Maranda - forest)
  193. 8354.8125 5656.8125 2.0625 WOR (Doma/Gau's father's house - grass)
  194. 3478.8125 5656.25 1.625 Mt. Zozo (outside)
  195. 7405.4375 5386.1875 1.4375 WOR (Narshe - grass)
  196. 3701.0625 5218.75 2.3125 Mt. Zozo (gold hairpin area/path to Cyan)
  197. 6725 4168.75 3.9375 Kefka's Tower (Skull Drgn's Room, after Gold Drgn's room)
  198. 6725 4168.75 3.9375 Kefka's Tower (Goddess's room)
  199. 6336.375 4158.375 1.75 WOR (Jidoor/Maranda - dry land)
  200. 5111.25 4110 1 WOR (Jidoor/Maranda - grass)
  204. Top 12 WOB AP
  205. 2486.546875 1511.984375 4.15625 Floating Continent
  206. 56.25 94.6875 3.75 WOB (Triangle Island - forest)
  207. 36 63.1875 3.125 WOB (Triangle Island - grass)
  208. 748.75 672.1875 3 Imperial Magitek Factory (room 2)
  209. 0 0 3 Floating Continent (escape)
  210. 1055.625 1358.75 2.625 WOB (southern continent - forest)
  211. 89.25 116.25 2.25 Phantom Forest (first two screens)
  212. 446.3125 521.5 2 Zozo (indoors)
  213. 1103.75 885 2 Vector (escape)
  214. 553.75 576.25 2 Imperial Magitek Factory (stairs)
  215. 681.25 854.1875 2 Imperial Magitek Factory (room 1)
  216. 1986.5 813.375 2 Esper Mountain (inside)
  219. Top 10 WOR AP
  220. 0 0 7.1875 Fanatic's Tower (4th screen)
  221. 4702.5 10000 6.875 WOR (Maranda - desert)
  222. 0 0 6.875 Fanatic's Tower (5th screen/roof)
  223. 0 0 6.25 Fanatic's Tower (2nd screen)
  224. 7425 3963.75 5.625 Kefka's Tower (party 1, second room)
  225. 0 0 5.625 Fanatic's Tower (non-hidden treasure rooms)
  226. 0 0 5.625 Fanatic's Tower (3rd screen)
  227. 11687.5 3712.5 5.375 Kefka's Tower (party 1, after Magitek tubes room)
  228. 4375.375 1270 5.1875 Ancient Castle (inside)
  229. 0 0 5 Fanatic's Tower (hidden treasure room)
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